Black and White Hero (My Hero...

By Gale4Lifes

253K 5.2K 2.6K

(Y/N) (L/N). Someone that like to help peoples but don't like to be helped. He have friend but never hang out... More

Entrance Exam
Hero Training
Class Rep
Sports Festival
I can't
(Y/N)'s Information
School Trip
Test of Courage
Another Attack
Special Moves
License II
Fallen Angel
Unexpected Guest
Special Day
The End of Labyrinth
I'll never die... Until I've been forgotten
True Identity
Hero Too
Phone Call
The Strongest Jujutsu Student
Problem Solved
New Work
All The Cards Are in Place
Special Chapter (Q&A Chapter)
The Battle Between Son & Father
Flawless Victory

Mid Term Test

3.8K 86 16
By Gale4Lifes

The Same Day
In front of my house

Me: Yeah, this is bad idea. I'll come back tomorrow.

I'm about to walk away but Endeavor stop me.

Endeavor: Go meet your mom now.

Me: I can't. My mom is a hero and I am an A-rank villain. How am I supposed to face her?

Endeavor: Just go and accept your faith.

Right after he say that, he push me from behind. I stop in front of my house door.

Me:*sigh* If only I managed to defeat that psycho girl that time.

I knock the door and wait for someone to open.

After a few seconds waiting, finally the door open. Mom is standing in front of the door. Before I can say anything, she hug me tightly while crying.

Mom: Thank you... for coming back to me.

I hug her back while holding back my tears.

Me: I'm sorry I can't come back to you sooner, mom.

I start to cry on her shoulder.

A few weeks later
Class 1-A

All except me: He is on the top of the class again?!

Aizawa: Yeah, he is.

Me: To be honest, the exam is far more easy than I thought.

Aizawa: Well, like always, (Y/N) is on the top so you guys no need to be suprised. Go take your hero costume and get ready for the test exercise.

He then walk out from the class as we take our costume. After I take my costume, I walk to the changing room with the other boys.

Kirishima: I thought you only good in fighting!

Me: You absolutely wrong.

Kaminari: What is your method of study?

Deku: I don't think you guys will understand how he study.

Iida: Huh? Why?

I give them a piece of paper before continue walking to the changing room.

Deku POV

Mineta: He'll give away his secret just like that?

Me: I think you need to see what he wrote first.

All of them start to read what (Y/N) wrote in the letter.

"English: Play video games.
Math: Read the book called "The Reason Why We Live".
Japan: Watch anime.
Geography: Too easy. No need to study.
Science: No need to study too. Just think logically.
Music: Just hear some music."

(A/N): There is still more but I'm lazy to list all of it.


Little Timeskip
Exam Place

All: Why did you have new costume?! It's not fair! And why the hell your left eye is red?! We thought you can't use that eye?!!

(A/N): Your appearance in your hero costume.

Me: This left eye? Oh, I somehow managed to use it when I'm
using my Reaper quirk power. With this red eye, I have clear vision someone's life energy and I can use my left eye as long as this ability active. But for some reason, I only can use the power on my left eye. But I can't use the power for so long since it will drain my own life energy.

Rozu: For how long you can stay  that red eye?

Me: If I count it correctly... I can use it for 1 hour straight before it start to affect me.

(A/N): I'll explain more about Reaper quirk later.

Aizawa: Enough talking. You're here to take exam, not having conversation.

We look at Aizawa only to see there is lot of teachers standing there too.


yoko: Why there so many teachers...?

Aizawa: I've no doubt you all learned what information you could of the test before hand. So I think you already hold a vague notion of what you are to do....

Kaminari: Sure! It just like the entrance exam!

I can feel something is not right. There is no way we only need to fight with bunch of idiot robots for mid term exam.

Me: What are you guys planning?

Aizawa: You have figured it out, huh? Well...

Suddenly Principal Nezu come out from Aizawa's scarf.

Nezu: I'm impressed if you already figured it out, (Y/N)!

Me: So what I'm thinking is right...

Todoroki: What are you guys talking about?

Nezu:*get down from Aizawa* From now on, we'll focus our test more on person on person battle activities and emphasizing a teaching environment closer to that of real battle! Which, boys and girls, is all to say... That henceforth we will have you form pairs to engage in combat with one of these here educators!

Uraraka: With our senseis...?!

Me: I don't think we'll make lottery again this time. You guys already decide the pair and who will fight you guys, don't you?

Aizawa: You're right again, (Y/N).

He smirk.

Aizawa: And for the first match, you are with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu as a team... Against me.

I deactivate my red eye and change the position of my eyepatch to cover my left eye.

Me: Challenge accepted, Aizawa-sensei.

Little Timeskip

Todoroki: Yaoyorozu! It doesn't matter what, just keep creating small objects!

Me: If you ever become unable to, then assume Aizawa-sensei is close by. This test clinched by whichever side manages to find other first.

Todoroki: The second we can eye and confirm his position, Me and (Y/N) go draw him out and you bolt to escape gate. Until then, don't get too far from me or (Y/N).

Rozu: U-Understood.

Suddenly I stop running. Todoroki and Rozu who is confuse stop running too.

Todoroki: What are you doing? We need to be-

I look at Rozu.

Me: What are you trying to hide from us?

Rozu: W-What do you mean?

Me: You stuttered when we explain our plan earlier. I know you want to say something but you're too afraid to say it.

Todoroki go closer to Rozu and put his hand on Rozu's shoulder.

Todoroki: If you have any better plan, please tell us.

Rozu: But-

Me: Rozu, remember what I said to you when we finished Aizawa-sensei's physical test? This is the right time for you to shine. Don't be afraid to show what you are capable of.

Rozu keep silent for a few moments before start talking.

Rozu: Fine... My plan is...

Very Little Timeskip
Aizawa POV

Me: It's been 10 minutes since the exam start, but I don't see any of them.

I said while looking around at the replica city.

Me: Could (Y/N) use his dark quirk to somehow hide them?

I get down from the place I'm standing and land on a roof. I start to run on high place searching for my opponents.

Me*thought*: (Y/N) have a new quirk. From the information that I have, he can turn anything he touch into ash or scythe according on his will using this new quirk. He can control the ash in his surrounding too. That quirk also can show him life energy of someone. His red eye ability give him clear vision of someone's life energy and it can only be use for an hour and only can activated on his left eye which already blind. But when using the red eye ability, he can use his left eye like normal for 1 hour. To be honest, I would say that the red eye ability is not so useful. He can only see the clear vision of someone-"

I then realized something. But before I can do anything, lot of ash block my view.

Me:*cough* Shit! I fell on his trap!

Suddenly something land near my feet.

Me: Oh fuck!

That thing explode making a bright light and blind me temporary.

Me*thought*: The use (Y/N)'s power of controlling ash to make smokescreen and use Yaoyorozu's power to make flashbang!

I take a few moments to recover. After I fully recover, I look around searching for any of them.

Me: Where are they?

Suddenly something passed my head with light speed.

Me: What the-

I turn around only to see (Y/N) is on the mid air while holding something.

(Y/N): Hi there, Aizawa-sensei.

He throw the thing he is holding at me. It's gas grenade! Gas start to cover both of mine and (Y/N)'s view. I then hear (Y/N)'s voice.

(Y/N): Now!

Suddenly something like my own weapon surround me.

Me:*cough* What the hell?!

Suddenly all the gas turn into big fire and the weapon that look same as mine start to wrap me tightly.

Me: Looks like I lost the match.

I said as all the got extinguished by ice and after all the fire gone, I see three person is walking at me.

Me:*smirk* I understimate your red eye ability, (Y/N). When you said you'll get clear vision of someone's life energy, I thought you can see what will happen to them before it happen, but I didn't thought you can use it to locate someone's location.

(Y/N): Well, everyone make mistake.

When Yaoyorozu is close enough to me, she cuff my hand.

Aizawa: I'm little bit confused why the gas didn't affect you earlier, but I think I already knew the answer now.

I said while looking at (Y/N)'s mask.

Todoroki: That's right. (Y/N)'s mask have filtration system. That's why he didn't get affected by the gas.

Yaoyorozu: And his clothes is 100% fire proof. That is the reason he didn't got burn by the fire earlier.

Me:*smirk* Very smart plan.

(Y/N): Well, all of that is Rozu's plan. My plan is only to escape through the escape gate.

Suddenly he start to cough some blood.

Yaoyorozu: (Y/N)!

(Y/N):*cough* It's all right.

He deactivate his red eye and change the direction of his eyepatch to cover his right eye.

Me:*smile* Well, you guys passed the exam. Congratulation.

To be continue...

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