Crisis Of Desire

By shiaraxo

2.1M 34.1K 59.4K


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27.5K 373 465
By shiaraxo

Celine Elloise Dufort:

I wake up to an unfamiliar body pressed up against me.

Well, not unfamiliar. I've examined and taken care of his body for weeks, but I've never felt him this close.

I immediately notice that I'm not wearing any clothes. Neither is Kai.

I watch as his chest rises as he takes slow, deep breaths. He's still asleep.

What the fuck happened? Without waking him up, I manage to get out of bed and grab a shirt lying on the ground.

My dress from last night is ripped a little at the back as if someone tried to pull it off my body.

Don't tell me... I turn back to Kai and can't come up with what the fuck went down last night, but it's not that hard to guess since we're both naked.

But I don't remember any of it since I drank too much. Great!

Now it's going to be awkward, just as we were about to get to know each other a bit better. Ugh! 

'Fuck-' Kai moves at the sound of my voice, making me wonder if he's waking up already. I stay put and watch as he turns around, still asleep. 

He usually sleeps through everything. So my voice won't wake him up. 

I look at the little timer on the side of my bed, or at least where it's supposed to be. A big bucket with an empty champagne bottle and a little water, which were icecubes from last night, is placed on the spot right where the alarm is supposed to be. 

Shouldn't there be way more water in there? I shake my head, instantly regretting it since it's too much movement at once, and reach for the bucket. 

Perrier Jouët Belle Epoque. I haven't had that in years and I don't even remember how it tasted. But the bottle is empty, meaning I drank at least some of it last night. 

I put the bottle aside and take a deep breath before throwing the water on Kai. He slowly wakes up, not giving a single shit about the fact that he's wet. 'What the fuck-' 'Why the fuck are you naked and why are we in my bed!?' I shout, ignoring the pain that shoots through me as I do. 

'Could you calm down, jeez! You're too loud.' He shoves his head into my pillows, making it wetter than needed. 'Get the fuck out of my bed you idiot!' 

The muscles in his shoulders tense before relaxing again. Don't tell me- He starts snoring. 'Idiot.' 

I throw the bucket on the bed and sigh deeply. What the fuck happened? 

What the fuck does this mean? If I slept with him, where the fuck does that lead to? Oh god! My head feels like it's about to explode. I climb onto the bed and smack Kai's back, trying to wake him up. 

'What do you want Celine?' He groans as he turns around just a little. 'When I get back here, you'll be gone.' 

He rolls his eyes and turns back around, instantly falling back asleep. Asshole. 

I get out of bed again and head to the door. When I'm wasted, the only thing that helps with the hangovers is the stupid drink my mom used to make me for headaches. So that's what I'm going to make. 

When I reach the kitchen, I hear muffled talking. It's Neveah and Leya, but I wonder who they're talking to. 

I open the door and instantly smell the sweet breakfast they're making. 'Look who made it out alive!' Neveah jokes, throwing her arms into the air dramatically. 

'Please don't be so loud.' I whine as I glance around the room. Brandon, Marco, Leya, Neveah, and- A smile forms on my lips and I rush over to the older lady. 'Manuela!' I wrap my arms around her and hear her chuckle softly. 

'Good to see you again, Celine.' She chimes before hugging me back. She's baking pancakes and they look absolutely delicious. 

'I made your drink already.' She smiles as she hands me the hot brew. I told her about it once. 

Manuela remembered. 

'I honestly thought we weren't going to see you until dinner.' Brandon chimes as I take a sip of the disgusting tea. 'Why is that?' 

'You and Kai seemed pretty touchy last night.' Leya smirks, wiggling her brows as she speaks. They all seem fine, no hangover nothing. 'I don't even fucking remember.' I sigh, making them laugh at me. 

'It's not funny!' I walk over to the table and take a seat next to Brandon. 'I don't even remember how we got back here.' 

'For real?' I nod and take another sip, before dropping myself onto the table. 'Girl, you didn't even drink that much.' 'I know!' 

Everyone goes silent, so I look up. They're all staring at me of course, but I don't know what they expect me to do. 'It's bad.' 

'I mean... If Kai was something to remember you would have remembered, right?' We all look at Brandon with wide eyes and burst out in laughter. 

'I'm just going to ignore that.' Manuela chuckles and takes a seat across from me as she puts down a plate filled with freshly made pancakes. 'I'm sorry I couldn't get here in time for your birthday, I heard about your arrival last night.' 

'It's fine, they planned out the whole day anyway. So it's no problem.' She smiles and shoves the plate my way, allowing me to get the first. I grab one and hand the plate back to her. 'Thank you.' 

'How was Antonio's birthday?' 

'It was great, he gave me some presents to give to all of you.' She answers proudly. 'It was good to see my grandchildren again.' I bet it does... 

I have to talk to Rio and Leon about what happened last night. 

If they did what I think they did, they have new information about Skull. And if Rio got the information out of Monica, then it's perfect. Then we're even closer than I thought. 

'Has anyone talked to the cousins?' Everyone looks at me and shakes their heads. 'Tiago was gone when I woke up, he did leave a note saying he'll be back later though.' 

I nod and take another big sip out of my mug, almost puking at its bitter taste. It's worse than alcohol. 

'Did you enjoy your birthday?' Leya asks as she cuts her pancake into pieces. 

I take a deep breath. The club was fun, the presents were fun. Last night was fun. But I don't remember a lot of it. I remember going to the club. I remember seeing Rio and Leon talking to Santos. I remember taking a few shots. But everything after that becomes a blur. 

But I nod. Because it was fun. At least the parts I remember were. 'As a one-time thing, sure.' 

'Let's make it an annual thing.' Neveah smiles, before biting down on her pancake. 'What?' 'Your birthday isn't a one-time thing, Celine.' 

I shrug and take a bit of my pancake as well, enjoying the sweet taste in contrast to the bitter tea I'm supposed to be drinking. It sure helps. 

'I got wasted and don't remember if I slept with the enemy or not.' 

'He's not the enemy anymore since Rio's using him.' Marco mumbles softly, making everyone look at him. 'What did you say?' 

'Didn't you know?' Brandon asks while grabbing another pancake. He pours half of the syrup bottle on top of it and licks his lips in excitement. 'Rio wants to make Kai one of us.' 

'What?!' Neveah, Leya, and I shout in unison. There's no way he's actually thinking about making Kai one of us.  

'Leon would never-' 'Let's just say that Rio doesn't care about that this time. Plus, Leon will have to live with it since they'll be moving.' Marco adds, making this more complicated than it already is.

'Who's moving?' Leya asks confused. 

The brothers sigh before taking a bite out of their pancakes at the same time. 'Leonardo wants to settle with Neveah.' 

Neveah's eyes widen and she almost chokes on her water. 'What!?' 

'He wants to live with you for the rest of his life.' Brandon chimes romantically. I roll my eyes and take another sip from my disgusting tea. 'There's no way I'm leaving Leya. If I'm going so is she.' 

'You won't be going. They can't live without each other.' Manuela smiles. She knows. 

I mean, she practically watched them grow up together. She took care of them when Maria couldn't. She's been there the entire time. She knows exactly how they work. Better than anyone else in the room. 

'Rio would die within days if he would go out without Leon, and the other way around.' 

'Why?' Leya asks curiously. I turn to Manuela, waiting for her to explain this one. 'Because they promised to stick together until the day they die.' 

'Of course, they did.' I sigh before finishing my disgusting tea.

Typical Leonardo and Rafael to make a promise of never leaving each other's side. 

'They were barely three years old and running outside, into the fields in Barletta.' The home they grew up in... 'They were devils, let me tell you.' She chimes, thinking back about those good old times. 

'How so?' Neveah asks, wanting Manuela to tell us a bit more about them. 

I've known them for a long time, almost six years now, but they never talk about their childhood. Not like Manuela does. 

'They would get into a lot of trouble, ignore their fathers demands and run around even though they had to focus on their futures. They were stubborn, just like their fathers.' 

'Maria was also very stubborn.' Marco adds smiling. 'She was, but Luciano and Lorenzo were worse. Trust me.' Manuela smiles. 

'How long have you been working for the Curzio's?' Neveah asks as she grabs another pancake. I barely finished mine and I'm stuffed, while everyone is already on their third or second. 

'I watched their fathers grow into the men they became, and now I'm with these two devils.' She chuckles before finally sipping from her mug. 

'But one day they ran out into the field because they didn't want to listen to their homeschool teacher.' Typical... 'So they ran as fast as they could, into the gigantic vineyards, hiding from everyone.' 

I look around, noticing that everyone's hooked on the story, before turning back to Manuela. 'Somehow they managed to slip through the gates, without being noticed.' 

'They did?' 'At three years old?' Manuela nods and can't stop smiling. 'They were really smart for their age.' She adds proudly. 

'I was just getting back from shopping and ran into them on my way home. They didn't see me, but I decided to follow them into the woods.' Manuela looks peaceful, enjoying every second of her story as if it's happening all over again, 'They climbed into one of the trees, not too high since they were taught not to.' 

I chuckle at that little piece of information. The Curzio's don't follow rules, but they did follow that one. 

'So they started talking, promising each other to never leave each other's sides until the day they die. Because without Leon, Rio would've never gone out as much as he did. And without Rio, Leon would've gotten caught within no time.' She takes another sip, allowing the others to take a quick bite, before turning back to her. 

'They complete each other in the most perfect way.' 

'Buongiorno.' We all turn to Roman, who interrupted our conversation. 'Continue.' Neveah chimes as she turns back to Manuela. 

The older lady chuckles and smiles at Roman, before turning back to us. 'After that day, they've been inseparable. They hate being far apart from each other for longer than two days, even though they'll never admit it.' 

'Are you talking about Raf and Leon?' Roman asks as he jumps into the seat next to Marco. 'Yes, I'm telling them about il giuramento.' 

'Ah, the oath. Of course.' Roman smiles before grabbing the last pancake from the plate. 

'Didn't they get into a lot of trouble?' I ask curiously. She keeps talking about how bad they were, but so far I haven't heard a single thing about the little Curzio's being punished. 'Oh, they did.' 

'Maria loved shouting at them.' Roman chimes in before heading to the sink to grab some water. 'But Esmeralda always babied them.' 'She really did. I remember this one time when we were supposed to train. They ran off and didn't return until dinner. Maria, Luciano, and Lorenzo were furious, but Esmeralda kept them safe from their anger.' 

I tend to forget that Marco practically lived with them his entire life. He grew up with them. 

'How is that you grew up with them, but you didn't?' Leya asks at the Barsetti brothers. A question that I wanted to ask since the day I met them. I just didn't see the point and it was never the right time, until now. 

'Our parents didn't want Brandon involved with this shit, but-' 'Me being me, I still joined. I mean I wasn't going to let them kill people in those rags they called clothes. They were killing people all over the world, the least they could do is do it in style.' Brandon chimes proudly, making me smile. 

I remember when I first met them. We just clicked. At least Brandon and I did. 

Marco and I on the other hand instantly despised each other. I don't know why. Maybe because I didn't like the way he was kissing Rio's ass all the time. He still does it. Like some kind of dog, trying to please his owner. 

'And Roman, what about you?' Roman smiles at Neveah and quickly swallows his bite so that he can answer. 'I basically grew up with them as well.' 

'It was always us four.' Marco sighs, thinking back to the old times. 'It really was.' Roman smiles. 

I know what they looked like when they were kids, Manuela showed me the pictures in secret since the Curzio's are very secretive about their childhood. Well actually, they're not. They just don't want to talk about it as often as I hoped. 

'When Esmeralda and Luciano passed away, they were only twelve years old. Leaving them with Maria and Lorenzo. They were good parents, but way harder than the delicate way Esmeralda treated them.' 

'So that's why they became ruthless like they are today.' Roman jokes before leaning back in his chair. 'They're not heartless.' I huff, smiling a little. 

They can be though. I've seen them become the most ruthless people on earth, feared by almost everyone they meet. But they can be the biggest softies as well. 

'They can be the biggest sweethearts, they just tend to not show it.' Manuela sighs, a little sad. 'They used to draw, especially Rafael. And he would draw about the world he wanted to create, one where people didn't hate him for who he is.' A Curzio. 

That's another thing. They grew up in this mess. They had to watch people they care about, die at a young age. It scarred them, that's for sure. 

'But they're great now.' 'Bearable.' Leya smirks as she starts grabbing a few plates and taking them to the sink. Neveah follows her and jumps onto the counter while Leya washes all the dishes. 

'Needs some help with that?' Manuela instantly tries to get up to help, but I pull her back. 'You're not going to be working twenty-four-seven again.' 

'I would love to help, but I have to go pick up my date!' Brandon chimes as he jumps up from his chair. 'You have a date?' 

He nods proudly and waves at the girls before walking to the door. 'Maybe you'll get to meet him after we had sex, of course!' 

'I do not need to know that!' Marco shouts as his brother runs out of the room. We all start laughing. All except Marco of course. He looks like he's about to throw up. 

'So what are the plans for today, ladies?' Roman asks. Rio made him their personal guard. If they want to leave, he has to know, see if he has time, and accompany them to whatever they want to do. 

'I think I'm going to stay in today-' 'Yes you are, Valentina.' We all turn to the door and stare at the two devils we were just talking about. 

'When did you get back?' Neveah asks while Leon heads over to her and smiles. 'We saw Brandon leaving, he seemed pretty excited.' 

'He has a dick appointment.' I chime before jumping up from my chair. 'We have to talk-' 'Yes. We do indeed need to talk about some things.' 

'Leon you know what to do, right?' Leonardo nods and sighs deeply, kissing Neveah on her cheek before rushing towards the fridge. 'Cara, tomorrow will be our day. I promise.' 

'It's fine. Do what you have to.' She smiles at him, before turning back to Rio who's standing pretty close to Leya now that I look at them. 'Can I help you, Rio?' She smiles, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

'You're being a brat again.' 'Okay, I can tolerate the stories, but I cannot witness it myself. So enjoy whatever this is, I'm going to study. Or at least try.' Neveah chimes as she jumps off the counter again. 

She heads to the door and turns around, looking at me. 'Text me when Brandon gets back. It's payback time.' Payback time? 

'Neveah you're not going to cockblock him!' Leya shouts, laughing a little. 'If she does that, he's going to kill her.' 

'Better.' Rio sighs as he walks over to Manuela, hugging her for just a second. That's something he tends to do, not out of affection, but out of respect. 

He absolutely hates it. But he respects her enough to greet her every day. Even though he treats her like a slave sometimes. 

'I think you should also go and study Valentina. We don't want you to fail, do we?' He smirks, making her roll her eyes at him. 

'She's been studying all the time, yesterday was her first day off in weeks. Let her breathe.' I try, but he's simply saying it to annoy her. And it's working. 

'I think I can decide what I do for my own, don't you?' 

They stare at each other for a second, leaving all of us a little shocked. Something is definitely going on between them and I wonder what it is. 

I mean, it's obvious they're fucking every now and then, but there's something else. Rio talks to her more than usual, it's the strangest shit ever. But I'm hooked. 

'You're testing me again, Valentina.' Oh god... 

I agree with Neveah on this one. I don't need to see them do shit right in the middle of the fucking kitchen. 

So I walk over to Rio and look up at him, smiling like an innocent kid. 'We need to talk.' 

He sighs deeply, knowing that I'm right. He said that he would tell me all about their chat with Monica last night, so he has to. He has to tell me what she said. He needs to tell me what we gained out of all of this. 

'Fine. I'll see you later Valentina.' He smirks as he walks past Cataleya and turns to me. 'What are you waiting for, Cel? I don't have all day.' 

He turns around again and starts walking, making me sigh annoyed that he's talking to me like I'm some puppet. 

'Listen up Rio, I'm not in the mood for your mood swings today!' 

I run after him, entering his office where he takes a seat in the big leather chair behind his desk. 

'You want to know what happened with Monica, don't you?' I sigh and take a seat in one of the smaller chairs on my side of the desk, and nod. 'Did you get the info we need?' 

'Not really.' He sighs, grabbing a glass from underneath his desk. The glass bottle on top of his desk apparently calls his name or something. He pours himself a glass and looks up at me, asking me if I want one as well, but I shake my head. 

The last thing I need right now is getting wasted again. The headache just stopped, so let's not make it worse. 

'What do you mean, not really?' He chugs the liquor down and refills his glass. 'I offered her five hundred thousand euros if she told us what she knew about Skull.' 

'And?' 'She declined, it wasn't enough. So I raised the amount to a million. You know, go big or go home shit.' I nod and wait for him to continue. 

'She said she was going to think about it, but-' He stops talking and chugs his drink down again. 'But?' 'She wanted to talk to Leonardo.' 

That much I remember. They were talking, hugging each other. That's when Neveah told me to keep drinking so she could drink too. 

'And they did, right?' He nods and pours himself another drink. He's stressed again. I can tell. 'They just started talking, but his focus was somewhere else. And I wasn't the only one who noticed.' 

His focus was somewhere else? 'What happened?' 'Leon got up and simply walked away, ignoring Santos in every way possible, just to be with North.' He rants annoyed with what happened. 

I remember Leon joining us, but I thought that was hours after he started talking to Monica. 

'She got angry, didn't she?' He pours himself another drink and shakes his head. 'Unlike North, she has some self-control.' 

'So what did she say?' 'She said that she wanted to have a private conversation with Leonardo and a million euros by the end of the month.' I nod and take a deep breath, trying to see if there's something we can do about it. 

'Leon doesn't want to talk to her, does he?' Rio sighs deeply, before chugging his drink away again. 'He doesn't have a choice.' 

Rio knows that Leonardo will talk to Monica at some point. He has to. There's no way out of this. But Rio also knows that Leon isn't the problem here. The problem is Neveah. More her reaction on all of this. 

'If it wasn't for North, we would've had the answers by now.' He huffs annoyed again. 

His hatred towards Neveah only seems to grow. He has hated her ever since we took them in, maybe even before that. 

But he won't do anything with it. Because of Leon. 

I told her, and I'll keep telling her. The only reason she's alive is because of Leon's love for her. If she fucks that up, if he dies or something happens to him because of her, Rio won't hesitate to kill her. 

Even if Brandon or I tried to keep him from hurting her, he would simply brush past us like we're nothing. 

'Santos also asked why we had Davis with us.' Oh yeah... He was there as well. Sitting right next to them as they talked business. 'Why did you take him with you again?' 

'To show every spy that we have him, just in case Steel thinks we let him go.' He smirks proudly. 'Show off.' 

I watch as he pours himself another glass, and sigh deeply. No matter how many times I told him to stop drinking, or at least drink less, he keeps drinking excessively. 

'I heard you wanted to make Kai one of us?' He looks up at me and shrugs. 'I don't see why not, he could give us some intel on Steel's side of things?' 'Or he could work for him on the inside?' 

He nods and sips from his glass, this time slowly, before placing it on the desk again. 'He could, but I think he would've done that by now. Don't you?' 

'He needed to make us trust him first.' I state, trying to prove a point here. It surprises me that Rio is this careless about something this big. He never lets people join this easily. Kai will be the first Steel to ever join us. 

'And I feel like he did since you two went to your room last night.' Shit. 

Somehow I thought he wouldn't have noticed. But this is his house. Of course, he would've found out at some point. 'Did you enjoy it?' 

'I am not going to talk to you about my sex life, Rafael.' He chuckles softly and pours himself another drink, emptying the bottle. 'Besides I don't even remember what happened.' 

His eyes widen for a second, before he bursts into laughter, making my cheeks go red out of shame. 'It's not funny!' 

'You don't even remember if you slept with him, that's amazing!' 

I wished I just kept my mouth shut. 

While Rio continues to laugh at me, I continue to glare at him. 

'Since you two are getting close, I need you to do something for me.' Oh no... The way he said that, does not sound good at all. He has something in mind and it's going to make my life a miserable hell. 

'I want you to keep a close watch on Davis, make him trust you, and see if we can trust him or not.' 

'Why me?' I ask a little confused. Sure, we apparently had sex, but besides that, we have nothing else to talk about. And I don't even remember anything we did. 'You two had sex last night, why do you think?' 

'You want me to use him?' Rio snaps his fingers and points at me. 'So you are smart after all.' 

'But that-' 'You said we couldn't trust him, see if you're right. See if we can trust him or not.' He states, getting up from his chair to grab another bottle of whiskey or something. 

It feels bad to use Kai like that, but if he really isn't as bad as Rio thinks, there's nothing wrong with this right? No. 

'I can't.' He turns around slowly and looks at me for a second, before turning back around. 'Why? Afraid you'll hurt him.' Or the other way around? 

I don't think I'll fall for him, but I don't want to risk it. 'It's not fair.' 

'It's either that, or I'll kill him.' Hunter still has not searched for Kai yet. He doesn't seem to care about Kai's wellbeing at all. Making him disposable for Rio. 

'So what, you want me to make him fall in love with me and make sure he stays with us?' He shrugs and heads back to his chair. 'I wouldn't say love, but sure. Make him fall for you, but only make him fall for you. Okay?' 

I roll my eyes and get up from my chair. 'If that was all, inform me when you have news about the Skull situation.' 

I head to the door and sigh deeply before he jumps up and calls me back: 'Celine.' 

I slowly step back, closer to him since he seems to wait for me to return to my seat. 

'Just promise me one thing Cel.' I turn to him, waiting for him to continue, but he takes his time and smirks at me.

'What is it, Rio?' I ask, a little annoyed that he wants me to get information out of Kai. 'Don't get attached.' What?

'Because in the end.' He takes a few big steps and stops right in front of me, grabbing my face tightly. 'One of you will hurt the other, and I don't think it's going to be you who hurts him.'

'You're wrong.' I step back, just enough to get out of his reach. 'I won't do anything at all.'

I walk towards the door and open it, revealing Leon on the other side. 'If you say so.'

'Elle, are you okay?' I brush past him and rush back to my room, unable to talk to either of them at this point.

Out of all the things they ask of me, this is the one thing I'm worried about. What if I do catch feelings?

I storm into my room and stare at the bed, wishing that it was empty like always, but it isn't. Kai is sitting on the edge of the bed and smiles at me, pestering me even more. 

'Didn't I tell you to get the fuck out?' 'Wow, what's wrong with you Celine? Didn't like what happened last night?' He smirks, walking closer to me. I step back and walk around him, towards the bed. 

'I don't even remember what we did, now get out.' I sneer, waiting for him to leave. But he doesn't. 

'You don't?' I look up and stare into his brown eyes. 'I don't.' 

'Well, we used that.' He points at the bucket with the empty champagne bottle and smirks. 'And you really enjoyed it.' What? 

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to not explode at him, even though he certainly deserves it. 'Get. Out.' 

'No. Tell me the truth.' He moves closer again, taking a seat next to me on the bed, 'Do you really not remember anything?' 

For some reason, this time when I stare into his dark eyes, I start to remember little things. A little something. 

We got home from the club and I pulled him with me, to my room. He didn't even think about it and followed me in here. 

Leonardo bought me the champagne bottle, there was a little card. God knows where it is now, but his name was on it. 

We drank it and laughed all night long about the stupidest shit ever. And then, when the bottle was empty, I took an ice cube into my mouth. And I remember him looking at it. 

'Don't look at me like that.' I said, laughing a little. 'Like what?' He asked, smirking because he knew exactly what he was doing. 

'Like you want to have sex with me.'  I remember his mouth fell open, just a little, but he didn't even deny it. 'So what if I do?' 

My heart started racing, and it's racing again now that I think of what happened last night. 

I didn't know what to say back then. And if he would say it right now, I would still be flabbergasted. 

'Would you mind if I did?' He leaned in, pressing me onto the bed with his heavy chest pressing against mine. He didn't care about my boundaries and I didn't want him to. 

Wait, what? I didn't want him to? 

 I remember pressing my hand on his chest, to at least try to keep him at a distance. 'You wouldn't.' 

A smirk appeared on his lips, one I've never seen before. He wanted it. He wanted it just as bad as I did. 

'I would.' He whispered, moving closer to my lips. 'What are you waiting for?' I asked, despite my heart racing like crazy. 

It was the alcohol. It was the alcohol, that's for sure, and the fact that I haven't had sex in a week or two. That and the way that he looked at me the entire night. I noticed that too. 

He kissed me softly, allowing me to get used to him touching me for some reason. As if he knew that I didn't want him to devour me instantly. I pulled him closer and felt the heat of his body rush through both of us. 

'I don't know.'  His lips brushed against mine as the words came out of his mouth. 'Permission?' 

I remember a smile forming on my lips, it was the first time a man ever asked for permission like that. 

The alcohol took over and I pulled him closer, making sure our lips touched instead of brushing against each other. 

Everything after that is blurry. I remember the sensation, the explosive feeling I felt when he touched me. He was so gentle. As if he knew what happened to me years ago, but I never told him. 

I remember where all the ice cubes went now. He used them. He trailed them down my body, let them melt, making me quiver at the thought of it. 

Last night was the most eventful night in years, I never experienced something like that before and I don't know how to respond to it. 

'We had fun last night.' He smirks, noticing that I finally remember what happened. 'Get out.' 

Despite the fact that we had fun last night, I don't think this is fair to either of us. Rio wants me to make him fall for me so that we can use him to get to Hunter. I don't think he deserves that. 

But Rio will kill him otherwise and, as much as I wish I couldn't care, I don't want him to die. He doesn't deserve to die over something so stupid. 

So the only option is to make him fall for me or at least like me. Make him trust me... He said.. 

In the end, it's either him or me. One of us will get hurt. And I don't want it to be me. 'Don't be like that, ma belle.' He whines as he gets up from the bed and starts pacing around the room. 

'We had fun last night, you can't tell me we didn't.' I sigh deeply and close my eyes for a second. How do I do this safely? 'I barely remember anything.' 'But the shit you do remember is good right?' 

My lips curl up into a smile. He knows exactly what he's doing. 'Maybe.' 'Yes or no?' 

'You're very pushy for a guy that is living with his enemies.' I joke as I step closer to him. 'I don't see you as the enemy.' 

I don't know if he's talking about me alone or us. As a group. But either way, he should. 

'Not anymore at least. Not after last night.' He smirks, stepping closer to me. I freeze and look up, into his dark eyes that hold the entire truth right now. 

I don't think Rio needs me to do shit for him. Kai already likes me apparently. I don't get how it happened, but it did. So maybe this won't be as hard as I thought? 

'Tell me you enjoyed it just as much as I did, please?' He whispers desperately. He needs to hear the words out of my mouth. As if it's some kind of prize to him. 

'So you enjoyed it?' I smirk, pushing him a little. He rolls his eyes and simply pulls me closer, locking me between him and the bed. 

So it's either we fall, with him on top of me, or I have to push him away again. 

But we don't move. Not at all. We simply stay put, staring into each other. Both trying to read each other's souls. 

If this is how it's going to be from now on, I need to show him how it's going to go. I can't have him taking the lead with this, cause then I'll be the one falling. And I can't fall for him. 

I step on my toes and move closer to his neck, taking a deep breath before gently pressing my lips against his skin. 

'I did.' His body tenses underneath my touch and he lets out a deep sigh as if he's finally able to do so. As if he's been holding his breath the entire time, waiting for my answer. 

'Good.' He whispers back, stepping away from me. 'Good.' He repeats as he turns to the door, smiling like a little kid. 

'I'll see you later, ma belle!' He chimes as he rushes out of the room, probably fangirling about what just happened in his room. 


A/N: See I didn't know if you guys wanted some... Smutty-Celine scenes, so I kept it a bit "reserved" ifyouknowwhatImean... But anyways, how will this one turn out?

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