~Love Oakley {Sapnap}

By SarahStars27

11.2K 550 115

"I'll love you forever Nick." The girl spoke softly running her thumb across his cheek softly. He smiled and... More

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Bonus Chapter


464 27 1
By SarahStars27

Oakleys POV

"Wake up darling." I heard a soft voice call. I quickly peeled my eyes open to see Haven standing over me with a soft smile. I reached up and rubbed my eyes softly, rubbing away the sleepiness.

    "What happened?" I asked looking up at her. She pursed her lips before sighing.

   "I'm not quite sure. I've only heard of it once." She said rummaging through some of the boxes near by.

   "It hurt so bad." I mumbled rubbing my chest. She looked over at me and nodded before going back to the boxes. Then she moved to the bookshelves. I just watched her silently.

   She then pulled out what seemed to be a very old and dusty book. She gave the cover a quick blow, making all of the dust to leave the cover.

   She quickly pulled up a chair next to me and opened the book. She turned page after page at a quick pace. Then she stopped.

   Her eyes danced across the page quickly before they stopped completely. She was looking at one part specifically.

   "What is that book Haven?" I asked softly. Her eyes snapped to me before she quickly shut the book and put it back on the shelf.

   "It doesn't matter." She mumbled before helping me sit up. Almost instantly pain shot through my head. My hands quickly shot up and cradled my head.

   "Here drink this." Haven said putting a glass to my lips. I instantly drank the contents inside. It was cold going down my throat.

"I need to see Nick." I mumbled out once the pain in my head died down. Haven gave me an odd look but didn't stop me from sitting up.

Teleporting to Nick's house made me impossibly tired. As I landed in the room I collapsed on the floor. I was tired.

"Oakley?" Nick asked worriedly. He quickly rushed to my side and rolled me onto my back. I blinked slowly up at him with a smile.

"Hey Nick." I mumbled out. Slowly my energy came back and I sat up. Nick watched me with a worried expression.

   "Where the hell have you been! Why do you look so sick?" He rambled looking over me. I smiled innocently before chuckling.  

   "I was sent back into this void space. I could hear you but I couldn't get out. Then it felt as if every single inch of me was on fire. It hurt so bad Nick." I rambled out. Nick quickly grabbed onto me and pulled me into his arms.

   "I-it felt like I was dying all over again." I stuttered out. His arms wrapped tighter around me and he rested his head on top of mine.

   "I was so worried Oakley." He mumbled into my hair. I wrapped my arms tighter around the boy and closed my eyes.

"I'm here now Nick. I'm okay." I mumbled as he hugged me tighter.

Third person POV

Nick didn't know why he felt so worried over the girls disappearance. His worry was affecting his mood towards everything and everyone.

Nick had never worried about something more than when Oakley had disappeared for the past few weeks. All of his friends could pick up on the difference in his moods. Although he often just avoided his friends. The worry was eating him alive.

Zara often stayed away from Nick as he was worrying himself like this. He often snapped at her but would apologize not long after. She would always accept his apology.

She knew he was going through something, she was just curious what.

Nick couldn't pinpoint his exact state of worry and why it had been there. It's not like she was alive. Although, maybe that was the problem.

Nick wanted Oakley to be alive. He wanted to show her off to his friends and tell them all about their friendship. He wanted her to be able to see Tommy and Tommy see her again.

Or maybe he was worried because he knew he would miss her if something happened to her. The ghost had become sort of a soft spot to him.

She reached a level of his trust that no one, not even Zara had reached.

Something about the ghost was very trust worthy.

Maybe Nick had missed the little butterfly feelings that he felt when he saw her appear in his room. Or the way she would laugh at the simplest joke. Or maybe the way she move so gracefully but yet would trip over thin air seconds later.

Nick's mine instantly shot to something that was unbelievable.

No. It can't be. He thought to himself as he looked down at Oakley who lay wrapped in his arms tightly. The girl to him was beyond beautiful.

   She had long and soft chocolate brown hair, with matching brown eyes. Although he pictures her skin tone to be darker, her pale and cold skin fit her character perfectly. Although that may be just because that's all he has known her as.

Shit. He thought to himself.

Nick had grown to have feelings for a ghost who he had stumbled upon randomly. He was falling for the girl who wasn't even supposed to be seen or heard.

He was falling in love with Oakley, and he didn't know what the fuck to do.

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