Crisis Of Desire

By shiaraxo

2.1M 34.2K 59.5K


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32.9K 408 1.2K
By shiaraxo


Neveah Aurora North:

It's about eleven in the morning when Cataleya rushes through the door again. This morning she woke everyone up around eight so we could start packing for our trip. 

'What is it now, little one?' Tiago smirks as he walks over to the fridge. She rolls her eyes at him and rushes to me, smiling like crazy. 'Why are you so happy today?' 

She's been too busy studying and barely smiled for the past weeks. But now suddenly she's smiling again? Not that I'm going to complain. 

Leya definitely needs to loosen up when it comes to the test next month. She has been learning almost the whole time, with almost no breaks at all. 

'We're going to Spain!' She chimes as she steals one of my cherries. 'I forgot how much you love Spain.' 

'Why do you love Spain so much, little one?' We both turn to Tiago, who's waiting for us to answer. 

'My mother is from Spain.' I listen as the two of them talk about Leya's origin, while I finish my bowl of fruits. Tiago made it for me since he insisted I should eat something before we leave. Idiot.

'Cool, but what about your father?' My eyes shoot to him and he realized he hit a nerve. I slowly look at Leya who's not smiling anymore. 

Yet, she's not on the verge of crying either. 

She's simply staring at him, with no emotion on her face. 

'He left when I was little.' She says monotone. 'How about you tell her about your family.' 

Leya looks at me and smiles, before turning back to Tiago. 'Yes, tell me about your parents. I would love to know about them.' 

She jumps into the seat next to me and waits for Tiago to explain, making him smile at her excitement. 

'Well, it's very funny actually.' He mumbles as he grabs a glass of water from the sink. It really is... 

'Stop being so secretive! I told you about my parents, so tell me about yours.' I nod and keep my eyes on Tiago, who slightly starts blushing. 

'So you know Adriano and I are cousins, right?' I roll my eyes and get up so that I can put my bowl into the dishwasher. 

Tiago's ashamed to tell her the story of how their parents met. It's a very interesting story, almost makes me believe in true love again. 

If only it didn't end the way it did. 

'Well, no shit.' Leya jokes and I laugh a little as I head back to the seat next to her. 'Continue.' 

'Well, our fathers are twins. Identical twins, that's why we look so much alike. I'm the more attractive one though.' Leya starts laughing and looks at me, making me smile a little. Even Tiago himself smiles at us before he takes a big sip from his water. 

'But our mothers, on the other hand, are entirely different.' I look at Leya, wanting to see her reaction to every word coming out of Tiago's mouth. 'She was like you.' 

And there it is. Her brows furrow at his words, but quickly go up when she realizes what he's saying. 'Wait so-' 

'Esmeralda, Adriano's mother, and my mother,' Maria... 'were best friends, like you.' He smiles, leaning on the counter in front of him. He looks at his glass and takes a deep breath. 

I always enjoyed listening to their story. Maria loved to tell it every time I came by six years ago. All before the fear took over. All before everything got fucked. All before she was killed. 

Sometimes I wish she would be here. She would've corrected the boys in their behavior and they would listen to her. They feared her, afraid of the beating they would get if they disobeyed. 

'They went out at the club of our family and they saved our fathers.' And that's what different about it. This time, the Curzio's saved us. 

But that's because of something that happened six years ago. We will never end the way their parents did since Rio is incapable of loving anyone and I don't think I'll be able to tell Tiago anything yet. 

'So our fathers devoted their lives to them, loved them with everything they had, and then we came into the world.' He adds proudly as if he's the mastermind behind all of it. 

Leya takes in every word and smiles, before looking at me. 'Seems a lot like you two.' 

'No.' 'I mean I wouldn't mind staying with her for the rest of my life if that's what you're asking.' I roll my eyes and look at Tiago. 

He really isn't helping with this. 

'Don't you have other family members?' Leya asks curiously. 

'I have an aunt who lives in Columbia, but we haven't heard from her in years.' He informs, making me tilt my head a little. I didn't know that, but that's because I don't really care. 

His family was big enough as it was. They had aunts and uncles coming over every day, from all over the world, while I was with them. I had to meet new people every day. 

'Imagine if they had another cousin, how hot would he be?' I ask jokingly, making Tiago frown a little. 'You're really moody this morning, cara, is everything okay?' 

'I'm not moody, you're just annoying.' He smirks and walks closer to me, locking me between the counter and his body, while Leya looks at us strangely. 'Am I?' 

I gulp and look into his mesmerizing eyes. He's too handsome for his world. 'Yes. You are.' 

'Okay, please! No nasty shit while I'm around!' Leya shouts as she jumps away from us. 'Then I suggest you leave, little one. I'm going to set her straight before we go.' Oh my god... Please do. 

'I wish I could let you do your thing, but we have to give Celine her present before we go.' Leya chimes as she pulls me away from him. I sigh deeply, a little sad that Tiago couldn't finish what he started, but at the same time happy that she pulled me away. 

Today isn't about me. It's not about any of us, but Celine. She's turning twenty-five today! 

'See you at the car!' I shout as we rush to Celine's house. It's freezing cold outside. But thank god we're both wearing sweaters. 

'We already put everything up and Brandon is already working on the food, so we should have enough time. Right?' I look at my phone, it's almost eleven-thirty, so we should be fine. 'Yeah, I hope.' 

We have thirty minutes for her to unpack everything and head to the garage. 

Leya stops in front of the door and turns to me, making me wonder what's going on. 'What's wrong?' 

'Please remember that today is Celine's day.' She mumbles before grabbing the handle of the door. 'I know.' 

'So don't get all out with drinking and shit.' I roll my eyes and huff softly. I honestly thought she forgot about that rule already. 'No drinking more than the birthday girl.' I sigh and she nods, happy that I didn't forget it yet. 

'Now let's go!' She opens the door, allowing my view to be filled with colors. They hung up ribbons and balloons everywhere, all in different shades of blue. 'When did you do all of this?' 

'While you were still sleeping, bitch.' Brandon shouts from all the way in the kitchen. I laugh and walk towards him, gasping at the gigantic cake they're finishing. It looks absolutely huge and I know we won't be able to finish it all today. At least not now. 

'You made this?' 'No we ordered the cake, we only decorated it.' Leya chimes as she walks towards the presents we bought last minute yesterday. 

It's all simple stuff, tiny things we could get before we decided to think of something big. I came up with the idea to go out, party like animals since we haven't done shit in a while, and they all agreed. Everyone except Celine of course. She didn't want to celebrate at all. 

But after her little talk with Kai, she changed her mind. She wanted to celebrate her birthday, just nothing extraordinary. 

And then Brandon came up with the idea of going to Madrid with Rio. He knows a club we could go there and he promised we would have a good time. A better time than if we would've stayed here. 

So somehow Leya convinced Rio to take us with him. I didn't have the time to ask her how she did it and to be honest, I don't think I want to know. 

'Where is she?' I ask since I expected her to storm down already. It's not like Brandon is keeping it down. He's literally blasting Bodak Yellow by Cardi B on his phone as if we aren't trying to keep this a surprise. 

'In her office, working.' We all turn to the new voice who decided to join our conversation, and I sigh. It's Kai. Of course. 

'Should we go get her?' Leya asks since Brandon doesn't seem done with the cake yet. He's putting some more whipped cream on the sides. 'You two go, keep her up there for another five minutes.' 

I reach for the champagne bottle and grab three glasses, before turning to Leya. 'I just hope she'll put work aside today.' 

We make our way up the stairs and head to her office. Leya knocks on the door, since my hands are full, and enters the room first. 

'Happy birthday Celine!' We shout at the same time, making her smile like crazy. She locked herself in her office with closed curtains, making it seem more mysterious than ever, even though it's pretty sunny outside. 

'Oh god, here we go.' She sighs before moving a bunch of papers to the side. 'Enough work for today, from now on it's only drinking!' I place the glasses on her desk and hand her the champagne. 

'Thank you, but I really don't think-' 'Open the bottle so we can have a little toast!' Leya interferes before Celine starts to talk herself out of this. Celine shakes her head as she opens the bottle. 

She pours all of us a glass and we all take a seat. 'To Celine, may she live longer than all of us!' I sing as I put my glass up in the air. 'To Celine! A good friend everyone should have!' 

'Even after everything?' She asks a little ashamed. Leya and I look at each other and turn back to her smiling, 'Even after everything.' 

We cling our glasses together and wait for Celine to take the first sip, which she does. We specifically asked the servants to get her favorite champagne, since it's her birthday and all. 

'Thank you, but this wasn't necessary. We'll be going to Madrid and that would've been enough.' She smiles, getting a little emotional. 'That's not how birthdays work you know, you're supposed to smile and say thank you to everything you get.' 

Leya and Celine laugh at me, making me smile proudly. I just want Celine to enjoy today. She needs to stop worrying about work or being a burden to us. Not today. Today is about her. 

She's always so tense, so serious about everything. That's why I bought her that present. I just hope she'll use it. 

'I really appreciate it. Thank you.' She takes another sip and smiles at us. 'Bitch, all we did was give you some champagne, calm down.' I joke, taking a big sip since she already finished half of her glass. 

'I'm very happy that Rio took you in.' She smiles before taking another sip from his champagne. 'Took us in? He forced us to join this shit.' Leya jokes, not really though. 

He did do that. But it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. He barely let us do anything ever since we joined, making me wonder why he made us join in the first place. 

'It hasn't been that bad, right?' She takes another sip, allowing me to take one as well. 

It's a stupid rule, but it's necessary. If I get wasted, all the attention will go to me today, and that's not what's supposed to happen. Today is supposed to be about Celine. So I have to calm down with the drinking. 

But if she gets wasted, I'll be good to go. She just has to be the first. Which probably won't take long since she's a lightweight. 

They both look at me, waiting for me to answer as if I'm the only one it happened to. 'Don't look at me, I have nothing to complain about it sex-wise, but it would be better if it happened naturally instead of this-' How do you even call this? 'Forced shit.'

'Well, I'm fine now. I don't like Rio, but everyone else seems fine.' 

'Yet you let him fuck you every night?' I joke, poking her arm with my index finger. She rolls her eyes and smiles at me. 'Like you and Tiago don't get it on every possible second.' 'That's not true!' 

'You two almost started dry-humping each other while I was right next to you!' 

Celine, who was taking another sip, almost spits out her drink as her eyes widen. 'What?!' 

'I can't help that he's a horny beast!' I exclaim as I wait for Celine to take another drink. 'You are horny too!' 

'Okay, so?' They both start laughing and it makes me feel a bit weird. 

It's as if my relationship with Tiago is only built on sex, and now that I think about it. Maybe it is? He told me, time and time again, that loves me. But I haven't been able to tell him that I loved him back. I still can't. 

And the fear of him getting tired of it is coming closer. I can feel it. 

'Okay, so are you ready to head downstairs?' Celine gulps down on the rest of her champagne, allowing me to do the same. 'Is it time yet?' 'Almost, we have another surprise for you.' 

She sighs and closes her eyes for a second. 'You two are-' 'Take it and thanks!' I remind her, making her smile at me. 'Fine. Let's go.' 

She gets up and heads to the door. We follow her down the stairs and enter the kitchen, which is now a total disaster. There is cake everywhere as the Barsetti brothers are throwing it all over the place. 

'You fucking asshole!' Marco peaks up a little and throws a piece of cake at the wall, trying to hit his little brother. 'You ruined the surprise!' 

'It's all Kai's fault!' Kai, who's smothered in cake and whipped cream, simply smiles as he walks closer to us. Mostly Celine. 

He holds out his hand, which has the perfect piece of cake on it and winks at her. 'Happy birthday, ma belle.' Wait, what? 

Since when did he stop calling her ma chérie? And doesn't ma belle mean my beauty or something? 

'I'm going to fucking kill you!' Brandon lunges at Marco, while Celine simply stares at the piece of cake in Kai's hand. 

'What the hell happened?' I ask, moving to the brothers who are rolling on the ground like animals. I can't look at Kai too long, or I'll kill him. 

'Neveah?' Marco smiles at me, before punching his brother in the face. 'You fucking asshole! I told you to not touch-' 'Can you two stop killing each other and tell me what happened!?' 

Marco jumps off his brother and wipes his face with the back of his hand, trying to get the whipped cream off. 

'Someone is trying to blame me for something I didn't do.' He sighs before smiling at Leya. 'I told you to leave it on the counter!' 

'Well, you were taking too damn long and-' 'Good- oh. What the fuck happened here?' I turn to the door and instantly start smiling. Tiago is standing there with a big bouquet of white roses. 

'Marco dropped the cake.' 'No, I didn't! You pushed me, so it slipped out of my hands!' They look at each other, ready to fight again. 'Too bad. We have about five minutes until we have to go, so I suggest you two get changed.' 

Five minutes? Marco and Brandon run out of the room, while Celine and Kai are talking about the cake or something. I watch as Tiago clenches his fists and smiles a little. He's not pleased to see him. 

'Celine.' They both turn to him and smile. 'Happy birthday.' He chimes through gritted teeth, making me smile even more. He's trying so hard not to explode right now. 

'Are those for me?' He nods and hands her the flowers, before wrapping his arms around her. She almost suffocates in his arms and gasps for air as soon as he lets go of her. 

'We should go.' Leya mumbles as she wraps her arm around me and pulls me out of the house. Tiago and Celine walk after us, while Kai goes to change real quick. 

I feel bad for leaving the house like that, but I guess the servants will clean it anyways. 

We all leave in a bunch of cars and head to the private airport near the house. Once we get into the plane, I take a seat next to Leya and rest my head on her shoulder. I slept in today, yet I'm tired. 

I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep, only to wake up after a few minutes. More like five freaking hours since we already landed when I wake up. 

'You must've been tired.' Leya smiles as she helps me off the couch. We head down the stair and get into Celine's car, which Brandon will be driving since it's her birthday and we won't allow her to drive herself. 

'So I have already picked out all of your outfits, except for you Roman, so when we get to the house we're going to get ready and party like it's our last day on earth!' Brandon chimes as he follows the other car towards the house. 

'You planned this all out, didn't you?' Celine asks all of us, making us smile and nod in unison. 'You only turn this age once, let's celebrate it!' 

'Fuck yeah!' The whole ride home we sing a bunch of songs playing on the radio and talk about our plans for tonight. 

As soon as we reach the mansion, we head to our rooms so we can shower as Brandon told us to. The boys, Marco, Tiago, Rio, and Kai, haven't arrived yet. We lost them somewhere on the way, but Brandon knew the way. I bet something came up on their way here. 

I text Tiago before hopping in the shower:

𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞?

I throw my phone on the gigantic bed and walk towards the bathroom. After a quick shower, I wrap my hair in a towel and another towel around my body, before heading back to my room. 

Somehow, Brandon got into the room and placed my outfit on the bed. It's a dark green silky dress, that looks tight as hell. Brandon... What are you doing to me... 

He knows how much I hate tight clothes. But so far, every time he styled me, I felt like an absolute queen. So this time won't feel any different right? 

I drop the towel and quickly slip into the dress, feeling the fabric wrap around my skin. My phone lights up and I look at the screen. It's Tiago:

𝚆𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛.

He responded to my last text. Which was thirty minutes ago. 

𝙸'𝚖 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚠!

I walk towards the bathroom so I can look at myself in the mirror. The dress is absolutely gorgeous, despite it being a little tight around my waist, I love it. 

'Neveah?' I smile to myself as I head back to the bedroom. 'Yes?' 

Tiago's eyes widen as he takes in every inch of my body, and he bites on his lower lip for a second. 'What is it, Tiago?' 

'They uhm-' He clears his throat and steps closer, 'They told me to get you once you were done, so.' 

'Then I guess I should go.' I walk over to him and kiss him on the lips, before heading to the door. He pulls me back and wraps his arms around me. 

'What are you so afraid of?' He whispers, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face.

'What?' 'Why won't you say you love me back?' He asks a little nervous.

I can tell that that question has been on the tip of his tongue for a while now.

'Please don't.' I beg but he shakes his head and grabs my hand, making me look at his fingers around mine. 'Do I remind you of him?'

I take a deep breath and look into his eyes, he has never been so eager to know what's going on in my mind before. And I hate it.

'I do, don't I?' All I can do is nod.

Tiago is nothing like Drew, but in some ways, he reminds me of him. He'll never hurt me the way Drew would, yet my brain continues to fear that he will. It's tearing me apart.

'I'm sorry I-' I pull him closer and press my lips against his, silencing him since words won't help.

'Tell me what I can do to stop you from feeling that fear Neveah.' He breathes against my lips, making me hold onto him even more.

'There's nothing you can do, I don't want you to do anything.'

'What's his name.' I groan, that's exactly what I didn't want him to ask right now.

His possessiveness is coming out, now more than ever and I hate it.

'You're dominant, just like him.' He stares at me for a second, taking in the words coming out of my mouth. 'And there's nothing wrong with that, I want that. It's just-'

Now he's the one silencing me. His lips feel so soft, yet hard at the same time. The exact amount of tenderness I need right now.

'You're shaking.' I stare at my hands and realize that he's right. 'I'll try-'

'No. Don't change.'

'Tell me his name.' He sounds a little angry, but his anger is not directed at me. He's angry at Drew for hurting me the way he did.

'Don't do that!' I sneer, stepping back just a little.

'Just tell me his name, please?' I shake my head and turn away from him.

'I just want to protect you, you know I'm overprotective!'

'No!' I shout, turning back to him. 'Neveah-' 'That's not overprotective, that's being possessive!'

He takes a deep breath and keeps his eyes on me. I can tell he wants to run up to me and wrap his arms around me, but he won't move. Tiago knows that if he takes one step, I'll run out of this room as fast as I can.

'You want to know what's going on in my mind all the time, you want to control me, you want to keep me here, just like he did!' I shout, closing my eyes for a second.

'I can't-' I feel his lips crash against mine and hum into him, letting the heat rush through my body, before pushing him away just enough for our lips to not touch.

'Don't make me say it, please. Because I can't-' He nods and presses his forehead against mine before taking a deep breath.

'Shh. It's okay. You don't have to say it. It's fine.' He murmurs, wrapping his arms around my waist.

'I'm sorry Tiago, I really am.'

His lips curl up a little as his hands grab onto my face. 'Don't be.' 

We stand like this, close to each other for a few minutes. I wish we could stay like this all night, but we can't. 

'Neveah! Are you almost done?!' I sigh deeply and step back a little, forcing him to let me go. 'You should head down.' 

'Aren't you coming?' I ask a little desperate. They said they would be coming too, but by the looks of it, they won't. 'We'll be a bit later, but I'll be there.' 

'Oh. Okay.' I turn back to the bathroom, quickly put on a bit of lipgloss and mascara, before heading back to the room. 'How do I look?' 

'Honest answer?' I nod and wait for him to say something, but he's too busy staring, so I grab the little purse from my suitcase. 'I want to fuck you so bad right now.' 

'If only you came just a few minutes earlier, maybe you would've had the opportunity.' I smirk as I step closer to him. He wraps his arm around my waist, pressing his hand against my bare back since the back of this dress is open. 'When we get back tonight, I'm going to-' 

I silence him by pressing my lips on his. If he tells me what he has in mind, it's going to drive me insane the entire time, and today isn't about me. It's not about us. It's about Celine. 

'Better make it quick.' I smile against his lips before rushing through the door. I hear him groan behind me and can't stop smiling. 

I walk into the hall and see Brandon, Celine, Roman and Leya. They're all wearing the hottest shit ever.

Brandon is wearing a black shirt with something written on it. He's too far away from me to actually read what it says, but it looks cool. He's wearing black cargo pants with chains dangling from the side.

Roman is wearing his usual dark attire, a black shirt with black cargo pants.

Celine is wearing a short dark blue dress that wraps around her body perfectly. It's all sparkly and has thin straps, making sure that her boobs stay covered.

And Leya is wearing a red dress with a black belt around her waist. She looks absolutely stunning in it.

They all do.

'Took you long enough!' Leya shouts as I make my way down the stairs. 'I'm here now, so let's go.'

I pull them through the door, towards the car we'll be taking. It's a white jeep with a red ribbon.

'What's this?' Celine steps a bit closer and turns to us, but we had nothing to do with this one.

'Happy birthday Cel.' We all turn to the voice behind us and come eye to eye with Rio.

He smiles at Celine and throws the keys her way. 'Drive safe, we'll see you guys later.'

And he's gone again. Well...

We turn back to Celine who's still staring at the keys as if she's dreaming.

'Get in, I want to get a drink!' Brandon exclaims as he pushes her towards the car. He swiftly removes the ribbon and throws it on the backseat, before looking at Leya and me.

'Did he really buy her this car?' I ask a little shocked. We joked about getting her a car yesterday and he actually bought her a car.

'Apparently, he did.' Leya smiles as she pulls me towards the brand new car.

We hop in and look at the Interieur. It's all creme-colored leather and it smells brand new. Because it is.

'Oh my god! I can't believe he got me this car!' Celine exclaims as she touches everything with her hands.

'I told him you wanted the black Alfa Romeo 4C, but he didn't listen.' Brandon grunts like a spoiled teen. We all laugh and wait for Celine to start the car.

She races off of the grounds and into the city. The sun is about to set and it makes the sky color the most gorgeous colors ever. All shades of red, orange, and purple.

'Promise me you'll get wasted tonight?' Brandon asks, looking over his shoulder at me. 'Why?' 'Because you're the best bitch to get drunk with.'

I smile and look at Leya, who's simply staring at me. When you did something wrong and your parents noticed, they started glaring at you. That way.

'If Celine gets wasted first.'

'I don't think that's a good idea, I'm driving back.' Celine instantly says.

Brandon and I sigh deeply and wait for Leya to say something since she's great at convincing Celine.

'No way, I'm driving back. You're getting wasted tonight.' We all stare at her in awe- she hates it when we get drunk, but she'll allow it this time.

Since it's Celine's birthday and all.

'I don't-' 'You heard the boss!' I joke before shoving Celine a little. She rolls her eyes at my excitement but ends up smiling.

She wants to get wasted as well. Just one night. Won't hurt right?

We get to the club and all jump out of the car, ready to fucking party.

There's a huge line, but Brandon got us covered. He walks to the door and slightly lifts up his shirt, exposing his Curzio tattoo. The bouncer's eyes widen and he instantly steps aside, allowing us to walk inside.

All the people in line groan out of annoyance. They've probably been waiting for a while, and we just cut in front of them.

'Let me guess-' 'We own this place.' Roman smirks as he pulls us with him.

The place is packed, there are people everywhere, and the music is blasting like crazy.

We walk into the room and stare at everything. This place is huge. Lights flash around the room, making me look at everything differently. It's absolutely amazing.

There are different floors in this place, but all of them end with the dancefloor down below. You can see it from every floor since the railings are made out of glass.

On the ground floor are the dancefloor and a bar, with a stage where the DJ is and some girls are dancing.

On the first floor, the floor we're on, are a few couches and another bar, not as big as the one on the ground floor. But big enough.

On the second and third floor are more couches, but they're almost empty. As if it's reserved for someone. As if it's a private area.

On the third floor are also a few closed rooms. Not that it'll give you more privacy since the walls are made out of glass.

And hanging from the ceiling, with chains, are a few cages. Cages big enough for people to dance in. Which they're doing right now.

A group of girls is dancing in one of them. You can look underneath their skirts, but they're too high up to really see shit.

All the cages, five in total, are filled with people. Different groups, some only have couples that are grinding against each other, and it looks intense.

It looks weird, but fun as hell.

I feel the bass of the music run through my veins and instantly smile. It has been a while since we went out, so I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can.

'Let's dance!' Brandon pulls Celine with him, and Leya and I simply follow. It would be bad if we got separated already.

A remix of I Like It by Cardi B is playing on full blast, people are grinding against each other like crazy, and I simply stay close to Leya and move my hips to the beat. She smiles and does the same, wrapping her arms around me to stay close.

Celine is also moving her ass, in ways I didn't think she could. She seems to be enjoying herself already.

"Diamond district in the chain, chain,"

'I said I like it like that!' We all shout in unison, just like everyone around us.

We dance for about ten minutes and go get a drink since Celine wants to get one.

The music fades a little as we get to the bar, which is crowded as expected. I look at the third floor, which is almost empty, and point at it.

'There's a bar right there, we could go there?' Celine nods, but Brandon pulls her back. 'They're going to talk there.'

They? 'Oh, they're here already.' Celine huffs as she points to a group of people on the second floor.

I follow her finger and try to see who she's talking about. I notice Marco first. He's wearing a black button-up and has his hair in a bun again.

If he's here then... 'We could go there, right?'

Without awaiting their answer, Celine and I head to the stairs. We run up them and head to the bar. I look around, searching for the others.

Marco is nowhere to be found again, even though he was just standing here not so long ago.

'Where did they go?' Leya asks before jumping onto one of the barstools. I jump onto the one next to her and look around, trying to find the boys.

But I can't find them. It's either too dark or too crowded.

'They're up there.' Brandon points at the other side of the floor we're on.

And there they are. I see Marco again and watch as he keeps looking our way, probably keeping his eyes on Leya.

'Who is that woman Rio's talking to?' Leya asks. I didn't even notice him until now. He's talking to an older woman, maybe in her mid-thirties. She's absolutely stunning in her tight black dress and with her red-painted lips. Wow...

'That's Santos.' Brandon sighs, before ordering a round of shots. 'Monica Santos.' Celine states, before looking at me.

Oh... That's the reason Rio needed to go to Madrid. To talk to her. But if she's there and the others are there as well. It means-

'Shit-' Leya's eyes widen and I stare at the boys. There he is, wrapping his arms around her.

My heart aches and I almost fall off my chair as I step closer to the edge, trying to see if what I'm seeing is actually happening. And it is.

He's hugging her, touching her body with his hands, pressing his chest against hers, breathing her scent.

'Neveah-' 'Celine, I want you to drink at least five shots.' I smirk, turning back to her.

'Why?' She asks as she shoves one of the shots Brandon ordered my way. 'So I can at least drink four.'

She rolls her eyes and waits for all of us to grab a shot. Even Leya takes one. Just one, since she's driving us home tonight.

'To Celine! May she live a long and happy life!' We cling our glasses together and all take the shot.

I immediately look at Celine, waiting for her to take another one, but she needs the time to recover from the last one. Fucking hell...

While she's trying to calm down, I turn back around to look at the boys. Only Rio and Kai are still there. Why did they take Kai?

Marco and Tiago are nowhere to be seen. Or so I thought. When I turn back around I see them. They're heading our way and I slightly panic.

I want to smack him across the face, but tonight is not about us. It's about Celine. I can't ruin her night by killing Tiago.

'Ciao cara, are you enjoying yourself?' He tries to kiss me, but I move away from him and stare at Celine. 'Take another shot. Please.'

She nods and orders another round of shots. Tiago steps closer to me again and wraps his arms around me. 'What's wrong?'

'Let go of me.' I mumble, moving to the other side of Celine.

'Is it because of what I said earlier?' Idiot... I hate him. He can be so ignorant sometimes.

I simply blink at him, before turning back to Celine.

'Drink.' And she does. She takes two shots in a row, allowing me to take one as well.

It's not enough, but it's something. 'Let's go dance.' I chime as I grab Leya's arm and almost pull her from her chair. 

But Tiago being himself, pulls me back and looks me in the eyes. 'What's wrong?'

'Leave me the fuck alone.' I sneer, pulling my hand out of his reach.

He sighs deeply and grabs my arm firmly as he pulls me with him.

The others simply stare at us, they don't do shit. Not even Leya, since Marco is taking up all her attention again.

'Let go of me!' I can barely hear myself over the loud music as he drags me up the stairs. I drop on the floor, not allowing him to drag me any further.

He turns to me and sighs deeply. 'Get up.'

'Let me go!'

'Get up.' He repeats, stepping down a few steps.

'No.' He pulls at my arm, forcing me to come up just a little, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me up. 'You asshole!'

Tiago grins and carries me up the stairs, almost dropping me as he tries to open the door to one of the glass rooms. 

Once we get in, the music is almost nonexistent even though it was pretty loud outside. 

I try running back out, but he's quicker and pushes me to the other side of the room. 

'What's wrong with you?' He asks desperately. I hate that he doesn't know what he did wrong.

What he keeps doing wrong every fucking time.

'Maybe you should go and ask Monica?' His eyes widen since he probably didn't think I saw them talking earlier.

'You saw that?'

'You fucking hugged her right in front of me, what did you think was going to happen?'

'Look it's not-' I reach for the door and open it, just enough to hear the loud music again. He slams it shut, pressing me against the hard surface.

'Where do you think you're going?' His voice is deep and dark, sending unwanted shivers down my spine.

'Move out of the way Tiago.' I turn around and look up at him, not wanting to back down this time.

'Why?' I actually don't have to explain myself to him, since he's not saying shit about the fact that he was talking to one of his exes. But I do.

'Because I want to have fun and not let you ruin my mood, now move!'

He takes a deep breath, fighting the urge to keep himself composed.

'Get out of my way Tiago.'

'You don't want me to move.' He breathes.

I hate that he can read me like this. He knows my body too well, he knows me too well. And I absolutely hate him for it.

'You're horny, aren't you?' I ask, slowly sliding my hands up and down his chest. It's driving him insane.

'Maybe I am.' He whispers, pressing me against the door a bit more by moving closer.

Our chests are almost pressed against each other, driving me absolutely insane.

I pull him down a bit, so I can reach his ear, and smile against his neck. 'Maybe you should go fuck Monica then.'

With all the strength I have, I push Tiago away from me, making him almost fall on his ass.

I look into his eyes and fold my arms across my chest, waiting for him to look back at me.

And I almost gasp for air when he finally does.

He's angry. Raging even.

'Watch your tone with me cara.'

'Or what? You're not going to do shit since we're in public.'

'You think?' Fuck...

He would. I know he would. He would fuck me in front of the whole world if it meant he got what he wants.

And to be honest, I would let him.

'I wouldn't mind fucking you right in front of all these people, Neveah.'

Of course, you wouldn't... You perverted asshole.

'And you wouldn't either would you?'

No... I wouldn't... I will never say it out loud, but I wouldn't. As long as I'm with him, nothing else matters anymore.

He steps back to me, gently pressing me against the door again. This time I let it happen since I want to know where this might go.

'You wouldn't mind if we gave them a show.' His lips brush against my ear, driving me absolutely insane. 'You wouldn't mind if I showed all of them what I can do to you...'

'Would you Neveah?' His lips brush against my ear, making me inhale sharply.

'You wouldn't dare.' I breathe, trying to sound as steady as possible.

This is driving me insane and he knows it. He knows the effect he has on me and enjoys it more than anything in the world.

'I would fuck you in front of Monica if that's what you want. You simply have to ask.'

Please... I want that bitch to see who he belongs to. I want him to show the world that we belong together. I want him.

'Fuck me Tiago.' 

Something in him switches as if he's finally allowing the darkness to consume him, and he kisses me roughly.

I wrap my arms around his neck and jump up, allowing him to lift me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. He moves to the couch in the room and drops me there.

'Take off that dress, before I rip it off of you.'

I instantly do as he says and watch his reaction to my naked body. He loves it.

'Perfect.' He whispers as he unbuttons his shirt. He pulls down his pants and underwear in one swift move and walks back to me.

It takes him less than two seconds to rid me of my underwear and lift me up again.

'What are you-' He kisses me deeply, forcing his dick to enter me as he lowers me onto his waist while walking towards the glass wall on the other side of the room.

'I told you everyone was going to watch, so they are.' He whispers against my ear.

The glass touches my skin, making me hiss at the sudden coldness, but I can't believe we're doing this.

If someone, anyone, from down there looked up right now, they would see this.

They would see us. Naked and filled with desire.

He pumps himself in and out of me mercilessly, pressing his hands onto the glass to keep us steady.

I moan out, unable to keep anything in since he's taking me so roughly. I dig my nails into his skin and look at him directly.

He takes in every second of this and stares at everything I have to offer. I melt against him, almost coming when he lowers his lips to my chest. 'Tiago- Fuck!'

He rams himself inside of me with all his strength, not giving a single shit about the people underneath us.

Neither of us cares. We're too busy with each other, the pleasure and lust, to worry about anyone else.

This pace is hurting like crazy, but I don't care. I want us to come. I want us to explode against each other.

He sucks on my nipple, making me arch into him a little before I explode against his chest. He chuckles deeply and lowers me to my feet, staying close enough so that I don't fall to the ground.

Just as I'm catching my breath, he drops to his knees, forcing me to open my legs for him. 'Tiago-' 'Take it.'

He hungrily forces his fingers inside of me, making me moan out again. My hands travel to the back of his head, tugging at his hair as he starts to suck on my clit for dear life.

I almost fold forward, but he keeps me pressed against the glass.

Within seconds, I'm coming again, making him suck one last time as my legs start to give in. He keeps me up by allowing me to wrap my legs around him and stands up, pressing me against the glass again.

'Come here.' He presses his lips against mine again, before putting me on the ground and turning me around.

My legs feel like stone and I'm unable to stand, but he presses me against the glass, hard enough to keep me standing.

'Stay right there.' His chest is pressed against my back as he rubs his shaft on my ass. 'Tiago I can't-' 'I know you can cara, don't lie to me.' He murmurs into my ear, before pulling my head back a little.

He presses his lips against the exposed skin on my neck and sucks on it, making me swallow my thoughts.

Tiago's rough. But he has never been this rough with me before. And I love it.

'Fuck-' He groans as he forces himself inside of me again. I try to grasp onto something, but there's nothing but glass for me to reach.

My chest is pressed against the glass, sending a shiver of cold down my spine, as he thrust in and out of me with all his force.

I press my head against the glass and look down at everyone.

No one seems to care or even notice. They're too busy living their own lives. Enjoying the night while they can. Just like we're doing right now.

Tiago presses his chest against my back as he keeps fucking me at a ruthless pace. His strokes are hard, deep, and long. Filling the room with the best sounds ever; us moaning and our skin slapping against each other.

'Fuck you're perfect.' He moans into my ear before pressing his lips against it. 'Keep... Going.' I moan, leaning against his chest a bit more.

He's driving me insane. This is what I wanted, this is what he wanted. He's been keeping himself in for the past weeks. And now we're finally doing it. Fuck..

'Shit-' He lowers his lips to my shoulder, biting down on my skin to keep in his moans, making me moan even louder.

I don't want him to keep it down. I want the whole world to know. 'Moan.'

He smirks against my skin and presses my body against the glass again, allowing him to move more. To move harder.

'Fuck Neveah.' Yes... I love it when he moans. It almost makes me come when he does. Just the sound of his voice, moaning my name. Fuck...

I look down again, at the floor below us, and look straight into someone's eyes.

Her eyes. Monica Santos's eyes.

Even in the dark, I would've seen the anger in her eyes. She's trying to not explode in front of all these people, but she looks like she could kill me within two seconds.

Yet it doesn't bother me. It makes me feel powerful.

I'm the one fucking him, while she's down there. I'm the one he wants. Not her.

Tiago leans in a bit more, pressing me to the glass wall entirely. But I keep my eyes on Monica, wanting to annoy her a bit more.

I want her to know who he belongs to. Not to her or anyone else. But to me.

And she gets the point. The fact that the glass of wine she's holding hasn't shattered yet is a miracle.

I feel myself getting close and can't help but smirk at the sight of her jealousy. He pumps in and out of me viciously, not allowing me to think about anything else but this.

'Tiago!-' 'Fuck-' He thrusts inside of me one last time and empties himself right where he wants, making me come all over him.

He pulls himself out, allowing some of his cum to drip out of me. I turn around and try to not fall on the ground since my legs are shaking like crazy.

'So we're good?' I shove him away and stumble over to the couch where we left our clothes. 'Do I need to set you straight again?' 

Our eyes are glued together and I almost melt into the couch. He would fuck me again if I let him. I just have to say the words. But I'm too exhausted to go for another round. 

'No.' He nods and walks over to me, kissing me softly. This is aftercare for him. He wraps his arms around me and lets me lean on his chest. I can hear his heart beating like crazy as he slides his fingers up and down my back. 

'We should probably head back to the others.' I sigh as I prop myself up just a little. Tonight was supposed to be about Celine, but here I am, having sex with Tiago again. 

'We probably should.' He smirks as he helps me up. 

We get dressed and walk back to the others, who are dancing on the ground floor.

Rio is also close, but he's not dancing. He's simply standing there like a statue, while everyone else is enjoying themselves.

Brandon and Roman are dancing all over the place, Celine is dancing with Kai, grinding her ass all over him, and Cataleya is dancing with Marco, not like Celine and Kai, but still, moving to the beat of the sensual song just close enough for their arms to touch.

'We should go, Monica said she'll think about it.' Rio shouts just loud enough to get over the music. Think about it?

'Okay. Let's go.' 


A/N: Now that Monica and Neveah finally "met", what do you think will happen? Let me know in the comments! 

Also, thank you for all the love and support of this story! I really love your comments, they really make my day! Keep voting and commenting, please!!!!

I hope you have a nice day and I'll see you next time!

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