More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

174K 2.7K 2.3K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans


1.4K 25 40
By risingstar99

Some of the New Direction alumni had promised to come out for Thanksgiving. There they stood, just like they had promised.

"All right, do you realize, standing before you are legends?" Finn asked, turning to the group.

Everyone, excluding the newbies clapped and cheered, happy to see their friends again. Lexi on the other hand felt a little infuriated with Quinn and Santana, they never answered any of her texts or calls. Sam sensed her tenseness, and gently pulled her chair closer to him.

"Any single one of those guys could be President of the United States one day." Finn continued.

"Oh god, no." Lexi shook her head. "Although, some of them would actually be possible candidates." She shrugged, as Sam chuckled.

"And lucky for us, they've agreed to help us." Finn smiled, only to be interrupted by Puck.

"Hang with the new chumps, and see if our sheer awesomeness doesn't rub off on you." Puck added.

"It will." Mike assured the group.

"When you hear your name, pair up." Finn instructed. "Puck, you're with your brother. Mike, you're with Ryder. Marley, you're with Santana. Kitty, you're with Quinn. Wade, Mercedes."

"Mercedes was cloned." Brittany gasped in shock.

"Now, your mentors are here to help you with whatever you need: singing, dancing..."

"Birth control." Quinn joked, causing Kitty to laugh.

"You're so funny, and self-deprecating. We're so much alike." Kitty smiled, as Lexi raised her eyebrow.

"Wanky." Santana smirked at the girls.

"You aren't even like Quinn, Kitty." Lexi commented, folding her arms. "She can't live up to the queen status that Quinn had back when she attended McKinley." She added.

"The worst mistake that we can make is to underestimate our competition. The Warblers are ruthless this year." Finn said.

"Don't forget about the Rosedale Mennonites. Any show choir that can raise a barn in five minutes deserves mad respect." Artie pointed out.

"Sam and Lexi, you two ar handling our duet." Finn pointed at the couple, who smiled at each other. "And for the showstopper, we're doing Gangnam Style."

"Okay, hold up, Lumps." Santana raised her hand, as Finn turned to her. "Let me just say what everyone is thinking: You finally got an okay haircut, you're doing that annoying half smirk as much as you used to, but you're still an idiot." She ranted, pausing, before continuing. "No one in this room can tackle a massive dance number except for Britt and Lex. And considering that Lexi has a lead duet with Trouts, I expect the dance solo will obviously be given to Britt, right?"

"Is there any way Mr. Schue, can come back for this?" Joe spoke up, agreeing with Santana.

"Listen to me, we have never lost Sectionals before, and there's no way we're gonna do it under my watch." Finn said, acknowledging everyone in the room. "We can and will succeed! We need an ambitious number with a strong dance element. That's the Warbler's calling card, and we need to blow them out of the water. And Mike said he could easily show one of our guys how to do the dance number."

"Wait, I did?" Mike frowned.

"Crap. I, uh, I kind of forgot to ask you about that." Finn admitted sheepishly. "But one of our guys is gonna have to take the lead with Britt. So, who's it going to be?"
Lexi had to restrain from rolling her eyes when she saw Quinn and Santana headed her way. She shook her head, and walked down the hallway, after closing her locker. They quickly jogged after her, so they were walking at the same pace.

"Hey, Lex." The girls greeted the younger girl. "It's been awhile."

Lexi just scoffed silently, as she held her books tighter against her chest. Santana and Quinn exchanged glances before Santana spoke up.

"The silent treatment, huh?" She asked.

"Lexi?" Quinn asked, as Lexi finally turned to face the girls.

"You basically abandoned me entirely at this school, you realize that, right?" Lexi asked, a sense of pain evident in her voice. "I called, I texted. I merely wanted to ensure that my best friends were safe. I was doing what I personally think was an obligation in every friendship. You couldn't even spend one minute to reply with. "Hey Lexi, we're good, you? God it was infuriating." She finished through gritted teeth.

"We were busy." Santana explained, trying to rack her brain for a good excuse.

"As if that's a plausible excuse." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"No, listen, Lexi. You sound like me mom." Santana said, before continuing. "I don't like it, no me gusta. Listen, I'm sorry, I didn't reply, but I had cheerleading competitions in Louisville, and I was upping my status to top bitch at the university. Plus, I just broke up with Britt a few months ago, so I've been healing."

"As for me, I've been settling in at Yale." Quinn added. "My classes are time consuming, and so is the homework. I'm also spending time finding clubs to join, and making new friends."

"Still wouldn't have cost you to reply." Lexi muttered.

"Listen Lex." Santana sighed.

"No! No! Shut up!" Lexi exclaimed, raising her voice. "You are no longer granted permission to call me Lex. Those privileges are for my friends who actually made an effort to stay in contact with me." She snapped, before turning around again, and storming down the hallway to lead the science club that day.

"Well, fantastic job." Quinn commented, looking at Santana. Sarcasm was evident in her voice.

"It was all you, Fabray." Santana retorted.

"Along with being beautiful, the four of us are National Showchoir Championship goddesses." Brittany explained, as she, Santana, Lexi and Quinn stood in front of the other girls in New Directions, the next day.

"We are winners." Santana was quick to agree. "Which is why Finn has asked us to come and shower you with the inspiration that is the Unholy Squad."

"Santana, Brittany, Lexi, and I knew each other so well that I could tell by the slightest quiver in Santana's upper lip which way we were gonna move or the smallest smirk from Lexi whether our hips are gonna shake or shimmy." Quinn continued.

"You girls have to be tight up there, okay? The judges love the feminine quality, and the Warblers just don't have it." Santana said, as Quinn nodded in agreement.

"It's about being individuals." She added. "You know, we're all different. But it's also about synchronicity."

"Can you give us an example?" Marley asked shyly, as the four girls exchanged some knowing glances and smirks. Lexi nodded at Quinn and Santana, despite their little fallout the day before.

"It's been a few months, but I'm sure the four of us could put something on the fly." Quinn answered, as the four girls moved into their formations. Quinn, and Lexi stood in the centre, while Santana and Brittany stood on either side. They exchanged small smiles when they heard the girls cheering for them, and then it was decided. They knew which number they were going to perform for the group.

Quinn (Santana, Brittany, Lexi)
I've been crying (oh, oh)
'Cause I'm lonely (for you)
Smiles have all turned (to tears)
But tears won't wash away the fears

Lexi (Santana, Brittany, Quinn)
That you're never gonna return (yeah)
To ease the fire that within me burns (yeah)
It keeps me crying baby for you
Keeps me sighin' baby for you

Quinn (Santana, Brittany, Lexi)
So won't hurry?
Come on boy, see about me
(Come see about me)
See about you baby
I've given up my friends just for you
My friends are gone
And you have too
No peace shall I find
Until you come back
And be mine

Lexi (Santana, Brittany, Quinn)
No matter what you do or say
I'm gonna love you anyway
Keep me crying baby for you
I'm gonna keep sighin' baby for you
So come on hurry
Come on and see about me
(Come see about me)

Quinn (Santana, Brittany, Lexi)
See about you baby
(Come see about me)
You know I'm so lonely
(Come see about me)
I love you only
(Come see about me)

See about me

See about you baby

You know I'm so lonely

I love you only
Come see about me

"Hey, are you...Are you feeling okay" Santana asked, noticing Marley looked unwell. "You look like you're gonna hurl.

"Um, I think I'm just really tired from all the rehearsing." Marley made an excuse, before running out of the choir room.

"Something's going on...and we're going to fix it." Santana said to Lexi, as they both looked in Kitty's direction.

Sam sighed nervously, as he knocked on Lexi's front door. She wasn't home, but he wanted to ask Sara something. Something that might not happen for a while, but it was better done sooner than later.

"Oh hi, Sam." Sara smiled, as she opened the door. He smiled, not failing to notice that she looked more tired every time he'd see her.

"Hi, Sara." He smiled softly, allowing her to pull him in for a hug. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." Sara nodded. "Just feeling increasingly more tired as the days pass."

"I mean, you look good." Sam complimented, as she smiled.

"I don't but thank you." She nodded, before peering out the door again. "Is Lexi coming? Do you know where she is?"

"She's at the school...leading the science club." Sam answered. "It commences at three thirty, and goes till four fifteen."

"Ah, good to know." Sara smiled, before guiding him towards the living room. "Well, come in." She offered, as he nodded, and followed her, sitting down on the couch across from her. "What's up?"

"Well..." Sam began, as he clasped his hands together, racking his brain for how to formulate the question. "I know this may come as a surprise, but I thought it was better to do it now than wait a few more months." He explained, as she nodded encouraging him to continue. "I was wondering if you'd be okay if I asked Lexi to marry me one day? I'm not planning on doing it right away, but I know that you've been guaranteed a couple of months left to live, and I wanted to ask your permission. The reason is because I want you to know that your daughter is loved by many, especially me, and that when you do pass - which I hope isn't soon - you'll be rest assured, she'll be getting the happy ending she deserves." He rambled nervously.

"Sam, wow." Sara stammered, lost for words. She felt so touched that he'd come to ask for one last favor. He was a wonderful boy, and she knew that he genuinely loved and cared for Lexi. She knew for certain that Lexi would be left in safe hands. "I don't know what to say." She added, as she felt herself tearing up.

Sam smiled, and allowed her to pull him into a hug, while she cried quietly. Out of sadness or happiness, he wasn't too sure. He assumed because she was hugging him, that he was in the clear. As they pulled away, she smiled, wiping her tears.

"I thought that Lexi wouldn't find love to be honest. I was always told that she was going to end up like me, pregnant at 19, and a little lost on my path in the world. However, she's proved the doubters wrong. She's an amazing girl, and the fact that she found you, it makes me overly happy. She told me awhile ago that you were the first guy she ever loved, and I personally believe that's very special. You are one of the rare ones, and I know you two are soulmates. You're always there for her, no matter the circumstance, or the risk. You have the kindest, and most loving personality. I know she's going to be left in safe hands." Sara smiled again. "So what I'm trying to say is that you can ask Lexi to marry you one day."

"Wait, really? You're serious?" Sam asked, a smile growing on his face.

"I am. You have my permission." Sara laughed. "She's all yours."

"Thank you so much." Sam whispered, pulling her in for yet another hug. "I'm going to ensure she's in safe hands, and I promise I'll take care of her."

"I have no doubt you will." Sara smiled. "You've been doing it for the past two years. I'm pretty sure you're capable of doing it for many more."

"Thank you again." Sam said, as he stood up.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? Lexi will be home soon." Sara suggested.

"I'd love to."

"Look what I found in Marley's bag." Santana said, as she approached Lexi who sat at the piano in the choir room.

"Oh, it could only be Kitty's doing." Lexi muttered, slamming her elbows on the keys. "She's the only suspect out of the group. The other's our fine, because I might've done some interrogation sessions earlier." She said sheepishly.

"Torres, I'm impressed." Santana chuckled, smiling when she got a laugh from Lexi.

"I mean, who else in New Directions would force Marley to take the laxatives?" Lexi shrugged.

The two girls turned to see Quinn walking in the room. They watched as she stood by the piano.

"Where did Kitty go?" Lexi demanded.

"Kitty just left." Quinn answered.

"That bitch is pure evil." Santana mumbled.

"I think she's sweet." Quinn disagreed with her friend's statement.

"Really?" Lexi asked, raising her eyebrow, as she stood by the piano, across from the blonde. "Well then why did we discover that she's been giving Marley laxatives?"

"I found them in her bag earlier, and I'm 100% sure, McCurly Fries has been forcing her to take the laxatives." Santana added, holding up the laxative box.

"See, this is what my psych professor calls projecting." Quinn responded. "You're projecting Kitty onto me. Lexi, Santana, look, I really love you boht, but I've graduated. It's about time I get over this."

"Get over what?" Santana asked.

"You two being jealous of me." Quinn accused.

"And why the hell would we be jealous of you?" Lexi scoffed. "Your accusations are rich, Fabray." She spat.

"Look, I think it's great that you're thriving in your senior year, and you're thriving in Louisville, but, really, I'm just in another level of my life, girls. It's college, you know? Yale?" Quinn continued.

"Believe me, I more than comprehend." Lexi crossed her arms.

"Look, Homecoming weekend, I went to Jodie Foster's clambake, and a professor...Well, he's 35, smokes a pipe. Well, he's divorcing his wife who hasn't touched him for three years. I'm dating him." Quinn said with a slight smirk.

"Wow, everyone." Lexi called sarcastically. "Twitter update! Quinn is all excited about another guy defining her life."

"And what are you excited about? Valedictorian?" Quinn asked, leaning over the piano. "Being captain of the cheerios? Sam still loving you? The prospect of getting into any prestigious college to train for the medical field? You project yourself as a confident bitch, but in reality, I mean you are just a really scared little girl with a low self-esteem who's too frightened to accomplish anything by herself."

"Did Professor Patches teach you that one in between quickies on his office couch?" Lexi asked, raising her eyebrow at the blonde. "Does he get so turned on by teen moms who barely visit their kid and hide themselves from the past? Because you may think that I'm clueless, and frightened, call it what you want, but I'm not dumb. The only reason you are not answering my calls and texts is because you don't want your new guy to know about your trashy Lima life, so you're hiding your true self away again." She ranted accusingly.

Quinn rolled her eyes, slapping Lexi on the face, only to have Lexi reciprocate the action, with more force and pressure.

"Not Lexi!" Santana yelled, slapping Quinn, only for the blonde to slap her in return.

"Stop the violence." Brittany commented softly, as her and Sam watched the three girls slapping each other, and bickering back and forth.

"Forget it." Lexi snapped, before smoothing out her clothing, and storming out of the choir room, Sam right at her heel.

"What happened, Lex?" He asked, as she turned to face him.

"Quinn Fabray snapped, and crossed a line." Lexi exclaimed, frustrated. "Plus, I have a gorgeous slap mark." She added sarcastically, allowing Sam to cup her face with his hand, so he could see it. He sighed, and pulled her into a hug.
The day of Sectionals was upon the group, and they were all reunited in the choir room, preparing to perform. Out of the corner of her eye, Lexi could see Marley looking rather nervous.

"Hey, you okay?" Lexi asked, approaching the girl.

"Oh yeah, just, you know, a little nervous." Marley lied.

"Okay..." Lexi frowned slightly. Before she could ask any more questions, Finn spoke up.

"Show circle!" He called.

"What's a show circle?" Marley asked, confused.

"Come on!" Lexi smiled, bringing the girl into the circle. She smiled, as Marley stood beside her, while Sam stood on her other side, intertwining their hands together. She could feel his thumb rubbing against her promise ring.

"It's a tradition before every competition. It's something Mr. Schue made up." Finn explained. "And today, I want to add to it. Joe, how about you lead us in prayer?"

"Whoa, dude, Old Testament. There's Hebrews here." Puck interrupted.

"Yeah, okay. This is one of my favorite Bible verses from Isaiah." Joe nodded. "Considering that the Warblers are so good, and that it's the first competition for a lot of you, I think it's appropriate."

"So do not fear because I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand."

"And our righteous dance moves." Artie added. "Amen." At that, everyone clapped and cheered.

"All right!" Finn smiled. "Man, I-I remember our first Sectionals like it was yesterday. We came together as a team, because we had to. Because, no one outside our circle knew how much we'd been through, and how much it meant to us to win it. This is our house. Look into the faces of these graduates. They've been to the mountaintop. This is just the first stem in your climb to meet them there. On three."

"One, two, three! A...mazing!"
The New Directions, along with the rest of the audience watched as the Warblers performed their numbers onsage.

"How the hell did they learn to dance like that?" Lexi asked, shocked.

"They weren't that good when they competed last year." Sam agreed.

At that, Lexi sighed, rolling her eyes, causing Sam to chuckle, and pull her closer to him.
Sam and Lexi stood behind their respected entrances, awaiting their music cue. He turned to see Lexi, and felt himself slip into a trance. He was taken back to two years before, and had to admit, she kept growing more beautiful as the time passed.

Lexi saw him staring, and sent a smile his way, before she walked over to him. "This really brings you back to Sectionals two years ago, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, it definitely does." Sam smiled softly, as he grabbed her hands in his, and squeezed them gently, before looking back into her eyes. "You're even more gorgeous than last time." He complimented.

"And I'm even more flustered this time." Lexi exclaimed, as Sam laughed, while she blushed. "You know, I remember being nervous last time, and you told me I was beautiful, and that I was going to be okay." She reminisced about the memory from two years earlier.

"And now, I'm going to tell you that I love you. I love you so much, Lexi Torres." Sam smiled, sincerity radiating in his eyes.

"I love you too, so much, Sam Evans." Lexi whispered, as he leaned down, capturing her lips in his. She smiled into the kiss, before they pulled away, leaning their foreheads against each other.

"Okay, let's do this." Sam smiled, before they split to their separate entrances again. Lexi smiled, as she saw Sam walk through the entrance, when the music began.

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now

Sam turned to see Lexi enter, as she began to sing her verses. He sent her a small smile, causing here to blush, as they continued to sing, their eyes never losing contact.

There goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean

Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

There goes my hands shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

And if I could turn back the clock

Once they reached the stage, they walked up the steps, and began to walk towards each other. Lexi smiled, when Sam twirled her into his arms, before she spun out, and grabbed onto his hands, letting her forehead lean against his, while they sang their chorus of the song.

I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe
And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken

Sam (Lexi)
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason (I don't wanna fight no more)
I don't wanna hide no more
I don't wanna cry no more
Come back I need you to hold me (You are the reason)
Be a little closer now
Just a little closer now
Come a little closer
I need you to hold me tonight
I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

When the song finished, the audience clapped and cheered, as the lights dimmed. Sam pulled Lexi into a hug, as she reciprocated, pulling away to look up at him.

"You were amazing. I'm proud of you." Lexi whispered.

"I'm proud of you too." Sam smiled, as they went to take their places for Tina's number.

She perfected her Korean in time to perform Gangnam Style for the final number. All was going great, and they got the audience cheering, and danced despite the gold confetti falling. However, before the song reached the climax, Marley collapsed on the steps.

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