More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

173K 2.7K 2.3K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans


1.3K 20 19
By risingstar99

4x3 ~ MAKEOVER ~
Lexi stood at her locker, reorganizing her textbooks, when Brittany skipped up to her, and tapped her on the shoulder, causing Lexi to turn around.

"Oh, hey Britt." She smiled, looking up at her friend. "What's up?"

"Okay, so as you know, I'm running for senior class president again." Brittany began, as Lexi nodded. "I was wondering if you'd be my VP, because being the vice presidential pick of McKinley High's first two-term president would look really on your college resume" She said, as Lexi raised her eyebrow, knowing it wouldn't integrate into her desired career field. She shook it off. "Plus, it would up your status." Brittany finished with a small smile.

"Britt, I'm so sorry, but I agreed to be Blaine's VP already." Lexi said, sending her friend a sympathetic look. She was genuinely sorry, but Blaine had asked her the week before.

"I just thought you'd be a substantial choice because you have a 4.0 GPA, you're captain of the Cheerios, you're a part of the brainiacs, head of the science club, you've won National Championships, and you're the most popular girl at school, all in a span of three years...that's more productivity than dinosaurs trying to kick their ecstasy addiction..." Brittany shrugged.

"Britt..." Lexi tried to interject, only to have the girl continue.

"I would've totally asked Santana, but she graduated, so my options were limited."

"I really am sorry, Britt." Lexi sighed. "I do know who would be another top choice for your VP though."

"Lord Tubbington?" Brittany frowned.

"No, not him, although he makes a superior co-host.." Lexi chuckled. "I was talking about Artie. He also has an impressive 4.0 GPA, and I'm sure he'd be glad to help you out."

"Okay..." Brittany nodded, linking arms with Lexi, as they walked down the hallway. Finding Artie at his locker, they approached him.

"Artie, can I talk to you for a second?" She asked, as Artie turned to look at her.  "Okay, so I'm running for senior class president again, and I want you to be my VP, because Lexi isn't able to. As I was saying, being vice presidential pick of McKinley High's first two-term president would look really good on your college resume." Brittany repeated the same words she'd said to Lexi a few minutes earlier.

"I have a 4.0 GPA, and I scored a 210 on my practice SAT, and I was the only handi-capable member of a national championship glee club. I'm not really worried about getting into college." Artie responded, as the girls walked behind him.

"I know how people like you are afraid of the spotlight sometimes, but did you know that Franklin Roosevelt was part robot, too, and he's on Mount Rushmore?" Brittany asked, as both Artie and Lexi frowned.

"No, he isn't." Artie shook his head. "And I'm just going to say it again,  I'm not part robot." He corrected the blonde.

"I realize that I didn't do much as president last year, and if you help me win again this year, I promise to do exactly the same thing, which means I'll be president, and you can make all the boring decisions." She continued with the proposal.

"So I could be Cheney to your Bush." Artie commented.

"I'd rather be landing strip." Brittany replied.

"I mean, it's no secret that a woman loves a man in power, and don't take this personally, but before I graduate, I would like to have a relationship that lasts longer than a couple weeks." Artie continued, as Lexi scoffed.

"The fact that you have the audacity to say that women love men in power... That statement..." Lexi paused, before shaking her head. "It isn't cool."

"I thought you were cool with it." Artie muttered.

"Oh no, I'm not...but me in general?  I'm cool. I'm the coolest." Lexi retorted, as she left her friends in the hallway to go find Sam.

"Why would I take that personally?" Brittany asked, referring to his earlier comment, once Lexi had left.

"You and I dated." Artie said, as Brittany frowned.

"We did?" She asked.

"Look, you've got yourself a deal." Artie decided.

"Okay, as you all know, as national champions we get to host the annual Show Choir Rules Committee meeting." Mr. Schue said during their first glee club meeting that week.

"Please tell me you're gonna ask what 1/3 vintage meant last year?" Sugar asked.

"Or like, why some teams get to sing six songs and other ones only do one?" Sam added, as Lexi nodded.

"Speaking of competitions, shouldn't we start like, preparing for ours?" Jake asked, causing everyone to nod in agreement.

"I have some ideas which I am working on very hard." Mr. Schue answered, as everyone turned to him, with expectant expressions. "Um..." He coughed awkwardly. "I don't really want to give anything away right now..."

"He has no concrete ideas." Lexi shook her head, as Sam agreed.

"He doesn't."

Before anyone could say or do anything, Brittany raised her hand. "Yes, go ahead." Mr. Schue said, as Brittany walked to the middle of the room.

"Excuse me, I'm not sure if what You were saying was actually important 'cause I wasn't listening but I'd like to make an announcement." She said, as everyone turned their attention to her. "First, I'd like to know if anyone can prove that Blaine was actually born in this country. Second, I'm wrapping up the election by selecting Artie as my running mate." She smiled, before continuing. "I think by bridging the human-slash-robot divide, we'll ensure that both students and vending machines will be voting for us."

"Still not a robot." Artie spoke up.

"Brittany, that's not fair." Blaine said, frowning. "This isn't a popularity contest, it's about who's got the best ideas. It's about believing you can make a change, right?"

"And that's why we're also running, right Blaine?" Lexi turned to the boy, raising her eyebrow expectantly.

"Right. Yeah." Blaine sighed, folding his arms. "Exactly, Lex." He muttered.

Blaine followed Lexi out of Glee, pouting like a toddler - if she was being honest. "I still don't believe this!" He exclaimed frustrated. He was absolutely furious after hearing that Brittany was running for second time in a row.

"Look, Blaine, I know you're upset about Britt, but I can assure you, we're going to be fine." Lexi sighed, as she turned around to look up at him. "I agree to help you, and we're both probably going to be valedictorians, so we have more of a chance. We make an amazing team already, if you ask me." She added, receiving a small smile from him.

"She's just running for popularity though." Blaine pointed out, returning to Brittany running for president.

"Sure, she is, but even you mentioned earlier, it's not about popularity." Lexi stated, as Blaine sighed, nodding. "We can both agree that it's about the creative and insightfully innovative ideas that a human has. And trust me, Brittany isn't as intellectual in that area, she's originally intelligent, and that's okay." She added.

"Blaine Warbler?" Brittany called, as Blaine and Lexi turned to see the girl approaching them, Sam by her side.

"I'd like to introduce you to Sam Evans." She said, as Sam extended a hand towards Blaine, which caused him and Lexi to frown.

"Hum, we've actually met several times." Blaine pointed out.

"He's your candidate for vice president." Brittany said, as Lexi raised her eyebrow.

"Britt, I'm his VP." Lexi reminded her.

"Look, I know you have Lexi, but she's not complete without Sam." Brittany said to Blaine.

"Hm, no." Blaine shook his head. "I'm picking my own running mate." He explained, still clearly unconvinced.

"I'm the perfect candidate, though." Sam spoke up. "I'm quarterback, my girlfriend is the captain of the Cheerios, so that will boost your popularity rate. My family's on food stamps, so that will get you the sympathy vote. I'm not gay, so tha'll help with the not-gay vote, and you know, I don't want to brag, but....My impressions are hilarious 100% of the time." He smiled, using an impression, that Blaine frowned at.

"It's George Bush...come on Blaine." Lexi rolled her eyes, as Sam smiled down at her.

"So, what do you say Blaine Warbler?" Brittany asked.

"Okay, sure." Blaine decided, as Sam jumped in the air excitedly, while Brittany stood there smiling.

"Awesome." She nodded. "First order, Artie, and I challenge you, and Sam, and Lexi to a debate."

"You're on." Blaine said, already gamed for the competition.

"What's a debate?" Sam asked, Lexi, while they walked away from the group.

"I'll go over the terms with you after school." She said, as he smirked slightly, to which she giggled.

Lexi was helping Sam, while they prepared for the debate. He wasn't as knowledgeable in the area, so she was making sure he knew his facts.

"Why do you think the three of us, meaning, Blaine, you and I would make a good presidential team?" She asked, reading her flashcard. She then looked up at her boyfriend, who stood watching her, while she leaned against her desk.

"Uh..." Sam thought aloud, as he racked his brain for answers. "Because the three of us equals the hottest trio in this school..." He finally answered.

"Well..." Lexi began, as Sam sighed.

"Am I stupid, Lex?" He asked, a hint of insecurity in his tone. Lexi shook her head, in disbelief that her boyfriend would think such an untrue thought.

"Oh, no, baby you aren't." She assured him, as she walked up to him. "You are smart in an original way, and just because Brittany has Artie, doesn't mean he's the smartest in the room. You don't need to be the smartest person in every room. Not everyone has the same intelligence level, we're all intellectual in our way, and that's what makes us unique." She added, as he smiled softly.

"Then what about my answer to that question. I answered wrong, right?" He asked, still wanting to ensure he was prepared for the debate.

"You didn't...but we need to be aware of how we formulate our answers, so the students are inclined to vote for us." Lexi explained, as he nodded. "Blaine really wants to win, so it's important we do our absolute best to ensure he has a chance...I can't imagine what will happen if we lose..." She trailed off.

"Blaine would definitely hunt us down." Sam agreed, as Lexi chuckled, looking down at her feet.

After a few moments of silence, she felt him grab her hands in his gently, as he rubbed a finger over her promise ring. Sam looked back up, as she stared up at him, only seeing love radiating in his eyes.

She smiled, as he leaned down, capturing her lips in his. She reciprocated, as she draped her arms around his neck, while he pulled her closer to him. They stood diving into each other, until Lexi pulled away, leaning her forehead against his, while he held her in his arms.

"Sam, we need to get back to preparing for the debate." She reminded him quietly, as he ignored her. He leaned into press some kisses down her neck, going as far as to slip her shirt off her shoulder, kissing her collarbone, knowing all too well, that that was her weak spot.

"Too much talking, not enough something, something." He muttered against her skin, as she hummed in response, trying to resist the temptation to throw away the study time she'd plan.

"My mom's home, Sam." Lexi whispered, as Sam groaned, only proceeding to pick her up, causing her to squeal, as he placed her on the bed, sending her some pretty tempting puppy eyes.

"Well then..." She smirked, as he smirked back, before she used her arms to pull him towards her, as he captured her lips in his again. After a few moments, they paused while Sam took his shirt off, before he ran his hands up and down her body.

"Well damn it."  Lexi thought. There was no going back now.

She snapped out of her trance, allowing him to help her lift her shirt off. Lexi was quick to press her lips to his again, as Sam laid her down, towering over her. Both of them let things escalate, until only the sheets separated their eager bodies and they were equally  satisfied.

They certainly weren't going to make any progress - and Lexi was oddly okay with it, despite her perfectionist persona when it came to projects or other work.
"Attention, miniscule segment of the student body." Coach Sylvester announced, as she stood on stage in the auditorium. "Principal Figgins is out this week, with what he describes as religious fever. And I am forced to moderate these proceedings."

Lexi stood in front of the mirror backstage, as she looked at her reflection. She was dressed in a blazer pantsuit, and was quite proud of her outfit. She heard someone come in behind her, and smiled when she saw Sam approaching.

"Hey you." She greeted.

"Right back at you." Sam smirked, walking up to her, and looking her up and down. She was stunning, and he couldn't deny that he was desperately trying to calm himself down. "The blazer you're wearing makes you look quite hot." He complimented.

"Oh really?" She smirked back, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, while he placed his on her waist. "You look handsome. This whole politician look is very fitting." She returned the compliment, as they both blushed, and continued teasing each other for a few moments.

"You know..." Lexi said, as she helped him finish tying up his tie. "We might need to go have a little something, something after this, because seriously, you're very, very hot."

"I'd be down for that." Sam agreed, excited that he was going to possibly get a second something-something that week. So, leaning down to kiss her, she reciprocated the action, but before they could, they were interrupted by Brittany who wanted to speak to Lexi before they went on.

At that, Sam sighed, as Lexi sent him a sympathetic smile. After she had wandered off with Brittany, he saw Blaine sitting by the vanity putting on his bow-tie. He decided to wander over.

"Hey dude, hum, now that you made me over, can I give you some advice?" He asked, as Blaine nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

"Lose the bow tie."


"Yeah, trust me, it makes you look uptight and little like a young Orville Redenbacher." Sam replied. "Just...take it off."

"Okay." Blaine answered, unsurely, before he followed Sam's advice, and looked at himself in the mirror, rather surprised with the result. "You know what? Actually, it''re actually right. Thank you." He said, as Sam gave him a pat on the back, before he walked off to find Lexi.

"There are two utterly disheartening wrinkles to this year's absolutely pointless contest. First, the horrifying fact that this year's slate of candidates consists entirely of Glee Club members. And secondly, the inexplicable introduction of the vice presidential field for no discernable reason whatsoever." Coach Sylvester said.

"Separation of powers!" Lexi overheard Stoner Brett call from the audience. At his comment, she rolled her eyes, before smiling at Sam who approached her.

"Hey." She said. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Sam replied, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips. She smiled into the kiss, before she pulled away, wrapping her arms around one of his arms, as they made their way onstage.

"So, let's meet these second-tiered losers." Coach Sylvester continued with the debate, ignoring the interjection. "You know as Hobo McStripper, Mila Kunis wannabe, and wheels." She said.

The Glee members in the audience clapped as Blaine, Sam, Lexi, Brittany, and Artie took their spots behind their respected stands.

"Mila Kunis wannabe, my first question is for you." Coach Sylvester said, as she glanced at Lexi who nodded. "Who, in God's name, gives a hot, wet, steamy dump about student government?"

"Contrary to the beliefs that student council is uselessly implausible, I believe it isn't." Lexi began, as she acknowledged every person in the audience. "I believe that it's something every student should care about, instead of opposing it. The last thing our school needs is more hate against a club."

"That's your answer?"

"Yes, that is." Lexi shook her head, watching as her Coach turned to Sam.

"Our next question is from Twitter. @HungrySouthMouth asks Sam Evans: rumour has it you were a stripper. Aren't you ashamed?"

Lexi frowned, as she looked up at her boyfriend who stood beside her. She didn't have any time to do anything because he quickly spoke into the microphone without missing a beat.

"No, I'm not." Sam answered honestly, before walking in front of the stand. "In fact..." He muttered, as he pulled off his blazer, and unbuttoned his shirt. He began to show off his White Chocolate moves, as Lexi bit her lip to prevent her from laughing. She felt sort of turned on, she'd admit that. She shook her head, when she saw Blaine panicking.

"Oh my..." Lexi muttered.

"Mila Kunis wannabe, get your boyfriend offstage!" Sue demanded, as Lexi shook her head, before she bent down, and picked Sam's shirt off the floor. She then pushed Sam offstage.

"Come on, dude, you've done a little too much." She whispered, as they got backstage. She helped Sam put his shirt back on. Once he finished buttoning his shirt, he turned to look down at her.

"Why?" Lexi asked, rolling her eyes.

"You liked it." Sam whispered teasingly.

"I'm not impressed with the fact that you just stripped in front of the girls in the audience. Not to mention that Sue looked horrified."

"I sensed you were turned on...and so I might've been preparing something." He smirked

"Is that so?" Lexi asked, smirking back at him. "I'm trusting it's going to be good." She smiled, trying to hide her blush, as her and Sam walked back to the stage.

"Students at this school have every right to be angry." Blaine began, as the two got to stage. "Last year's student council led by my opponent, was the most ineffectual in a generation. Brittany S. Pierce, in her last term, accomplished absolutely nothing, except plan a dinosaur-themed prom, and ban the use of hair gel. Ladies and gentlemen, telling anyone what they can or cannot put into their hair is disgusting. It's the first step towards tyranny, my friends. Next thing you know, they'll start burning books. And then they'll probably start burning people., too."

"That's a lie." Brittany muttered.

"This tyranny all ends today, McKinley." Blaine continued. " I want to offer you a change. And I am that change. Let's make history, Titans And vote Anderson-Torres-Evans. Thank you."

A few people clapped, before Coach Sylvester turned to Brittany.

"Sweet, simple Brittany. What say you?"

Brittany took a deep breath, before she smiled, and began her speech, seeming rather proud of herself.

"Hum...I love you." She said, as everyone frowned. "I love you so much, McKinley High School. Simple as that. In fact... I think that everyone should love this school as much as I do. If you elect me as president, I promise to outlaw summer vacation, so we'll have school all year round. That means we'll spend everyday of summer indoors with all our friends in McKinley High School's award-winning air conditioning. Also, I promise to end McKinley High School's policy of having weekends. If you make me your president, Saturday, and Sunday will be illegal, so that Monday will come right after Friday, which is the funnest day anyways. Vote Brittany, and Artie. Thank you so much."

When she finished, no one clapped. Lexi knew very well what that meant. Brittany had just lost the election.

That night, Sugar threw a party to celebrate Blaine winning student president. Lexi smiled, as she sat leaning against Sam's shoulder while they shared cake, sitting across from Blaine.

"Well, how does the victory of winning feel, Blaine?" She asked.

"You know, it didn't hit me until right now. I came to McKinley for Kurt. That's it. And now he's gone, and even with Glee Club, it just...I feel really, really...Alone." Blaine admitted.

"I'm sorry you feel that way." Lexi sighed. "Believe me, I miss a fair amount of the grads from last's valid to miss people."

"You are kind of killing my party buzz, bro." Sam spoke up.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I did all of this for him. And now he's not here. And so it just kind of feels like none of this matters." Blaine replied.

"Of course it matters." Sam protested. "You're McKinley's first gay guy president."

"Nobody cares about that." Blaine shook his head.

"Blaine, Sam and I do." Lexi assured him.

"Look, before you, Kurt was the first gay kid I met. Don't get me wrong, he's great, but I just don't really get his Bavo jokes, or the fashion thing, or Boradway. You, and me, it's different you know? I've never had a gaybro before. We'd be like Wolverine and Cyclops, you know? Show people how we're cool with each other. aNd you know, if you ask me, that's what matters." Sam said, as Lexi smiled at him proudly.

"Thanks, man. You're right. But, just so we're clear..."

"I'm Wolverine." Sam interjected. "I said it first." He smiled, as Blaine shook his head.

"Fine then, Wolverine." Blaine relented, before both him and Sam turned to look at Lexi. "A toast then? To the best Senior year of McKinley High's history." He said, holding up his glass, as Sam and Lexi followed.


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