Best Is Yet To Come

By ScarlettLeigh13

4.4K 112 10

Sequel to Doubt Stacey returns to America after six months back home in Ireland/UK things are definitely diff... More

Chapter 1 - Guess Who Back
Chapter 2 - The Dating Game
Chapter 3 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4 - They are Endgame
Chapter 5 - Love of a Good Man
Chapter 6 - Am I Wasting My Time?
Chapter 7 - Little Speed Demon
Chapter 8 - Blind
Chapter 9 - High school Teenagers
Chapter 10 - Maybe Just Maybe
Chapter 11 - Halloween
Chapter 12 - Different Circumstance
Chapter 13 - Hometown
Chapter 14 - Fuck You
Chapter 15 - In The Car
Chapter 16 - Surprise Visits and Girl Talk
Chapter 17 - TLC
Chapter 18 - NYE
Chapter 19 - The Party
Chapter 20 - Royal Rumble
Chapter 21 - Match Day
Chapter 22 - Red Light
Chapter 23 - Where is she?
Chapter 24 - Work
Chapter 25 - Panic
Chapter 26 - Scared
Chapter 27- Put on a Show
Chapter 29 - Far From Over
Chapter 30 - Believe and Trust

Chapter 28 - In My Head

116 5 0
By ScarlettLeigh13

After my match I couldn't find Brie and when I called her she was already on her way to the airport. She was heading home to Bryan so they could get themselves tested to see if there was a reason they couldn't have a baby. She obviously took my advice to heart and when I left for my match she went to Stephanie to ask for time off and got it. As for Jon I hadn't seen him since our incident in catering. I was about to pull my phone from my pocket to call him but remembered that RAW wasn't over and he was the last match of the night so he was probably preparing and getting himself siked up before heading out there. Sighing I wheeled my case behind me, making my way to the TV room to watch the rest of RAW with a few other superstars. I was happily minding my own business, my eyes  staring at the screen in front of me but I was not paying attention to what was actually happening on it.

"I'll happily give you kids you know." A voice broke me from my mind and my thoughts. I felt bile rise in my throat as I looked to my left. There he sat a smirk on his face as he stared at me. "You don't even love him and he certainly doesn't love you."

"You don't know shit"

"No?" Ronan chuckles darkly before leaning closer to me, instantly I scooted my chair away from him. "I know that all you've ever wanted is children, the fairy tale life. But let's be honest with your fucked up head is that even possible?"

"Screw you. You have no idea what you are talking about?"

"I know Ambrose didn't wait until your side of the bed was cold before moving Renee in your home. He couldn't wait to get rid of you and do you blame him? You're damaged goods sweetheart, no one would want you. You just keep them warm at night until the right woman comes along. That's is everyone except me though."

"That's not true." I whimpered, I knew I shouldn't let him in my head but I was already in a fragile state tonight and he could tell that. He knew how to get inside my head and make me feel worthless. He had years of practice. Years to perfect and master the skill, it was sickening.

"Course it is. That's why he doesn't want another kid with you, he knows he would be tied down to you and he doesn't want that. The man wants kids, just not with you. I bet he was elated when you were told there was no chance that child was surviving." Ronan laughs throwing what looked like a cashew nut into his mouth.

"He was heartbroken over Ayla and he left Renee for me, he loves me"

"Rightttt" He laughs drawing out the 't' as he threw his head back in laughter. "The only reason he left Renee was because of the pressure of everyone telling him to go back to you. It was easier to shut them up and go back to you for a few months. Give it time, he will claim it's not working out and be back in her arms before you can even say Alya." He laughed pushing the chair out from behind him and getting up with a sinister chuckle. My breathing picked up and my stomach turned when my daughter's name came out of his lips. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder before feeling his breathe in my ear. "Then you'll come running back to me sweetheart. Just like old times. I'm the only one that will accept trash like you and you know it."

I didn't have a response. I had nothing. I felt the tears prick my eyes as I stared directly in front of me; I couldn't help but think everything he said was true. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest and onto the floor. I felt him pat my shoulder before moving away from me. I wanted the world to swallow me up as the pain in my chest began to consume me. The fear of him being right began to eat me from the inside out. 

"What did you say to her?" Saraya's voice entered my ears. I could hear the hatred in her voice as she spoke. I heard Ronan laugh before feeling another set of hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay? What did he say to you?" It still amazed me that despite the fact we weren't on speaking term's she still cared. Something I would generally appreciate but not right now, right now I needed to get out of here. I felt like I was suffocating.

"Nothing" I smiled weakly at her, forcing a smile on my face as I turned my head to look at her. Her brown eyes stared deeply into my blue eyes, I knew she didn't believe me and I didn't blame her. We both knew what Ronan was like; he wouldn't just leave without saying anything. He always had something to say and this time was no different. 

"Please don't shut me out. I know we aren't on great terms but you're still my sister and I care for you. We both know what that asshole is like and I want to help."

"I can handle him Saraya don't worry about me alright. Now I have to go."

"Where? Jon's match isn't over yet Stacey and I know he is your ride."

"Aren't you supposed to be fucking up your career with some drugs or Del Rio maybe?" I spat at her, I instantly regretted the words I said. To be honest it felt like acid leaving my mouth but I didn't want to talk about it. I wanted to be left the hell alone and the only way that was going to happen was to hurt her.

"You don't mean that, your hurting so..."

"No I'm not. I am completely fucking fine so stop trying to put your shit on me. I'm not interested and I certainly don't care." I tell her standing to my feet and pushing past her, knocking her shoulder in the process causing her to loose balance and stumble backwards. I walked over, grabbed my case and made my way through the hallways of the building.

"Hey Stace what's..." AJ tried to speak to me as I past him in the hallway but I completely ignored him, making my way towards the nearest exit. The cold air hit my skin almost instantly but I didn't care at that moment I just needed to get away. I looked around noticing a cab in the distance so I began to walk towards it, ignoring the fans standing behind a barrier something I normally wouldn't do but I wasn't in the right headspace right now to put on a fake smile and act like my life was perfect. 

"Hey, everything alright?" Chris Jericho asked noticing my demeanour. He must have been over talking to the fans when he noticed me and ran to catch up with me. I had reached the cab who accepted my fare so I placed my case in the trunk of the cab, giving Chris a fake smile as I closed the trunk. 

"Everything is  just peachy." I tell him throwing the cab door open and closing it immediately behind me. I noticed Chris jump back obviously afraid to be hit by the car door. I told the cab driver to take me to the nearest car rental place and to step on it. I noticed the deep look of concern on Chris's face as the cab pulled away leaving him standing in the dust. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my phone, quickly turning it off as I wanted to be alone. Completely alone. The feeling of being suffocating not leaving my system, everything was tight. My breathing felt restricted and I wasn't sure how to stop it. 

Saraya's POV

I waited by the curtain for Jon to finish his match against Wyatt, I didn't know what Jon to expect after all Stacey and I haven't spoken in a few weeks and it was obvious he knew what I said about Alya so my fear was he wouldn't listen to me but I needed him to. I didn't trust Ronan and I knew his ability to get into Stacey's head something I believe he has done again tonight. I smiled at Bray as he made his way through the curtain, I brought my thumb to my mouth nibbling on the nail out of nerves before hearing footsteps behind the curtain, I straightened myself up just in time to see Jon walk through an annoyed look already on his face despite winning the match.

"Sara, what are you doing here?"

"I know you probably hate me..."

"Okay, Stop I don't hate you, whatever is going on with you and Stacey I hope you can sort soon, as you guys aren't the same without each other. Whatever was said, was said out of protection I understand that so don't worry, there is no hard feelings here." He smiled softly at me, placing a hand on my shoulder and patting it before taking a step forward to walk away.

"I think Ronan said something to her tonight and got inside her head." I called after him causing him to stop in his tracks and look over his shoulder at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion before turning back around and walking towards me with a purpose. I noticed his whole demeanour change, he was now agitated and pissed by the mere mention of Ronan's name.  

"What do you mean?" He asked just a crew member came up telling him he had to do a post match interview with Renee for the live audience in the ring. "Not right now, can't you see I'm busy?" He barked towards the crew member, who backed off briefly holding his hands up before looking at me for some kind of support. 

"I saw him talking to her in the TV room earlier this evening, the next thing I know she left with her case."

"What did he say?"

"I don't know, neither of them would tell me but she looked upset."

"Ambrose you're really needed in the ring." The crew member said a little louder. Jon looked over at him annoyed before turning his attention back to me. I watched as his tongue darted out of his mouth to dampen his lips, it was clear his mind was going 100mph trying to figure out what he was going to do.

"Go to the locker room and grab my phone and call her, she'll answer if she thinks it's me and if you see that asshole tell him to stay the fuck away from my girl before I rearrange his face." He spoke through the grit of his teeth, he glanced at the crew member glaring at him and pulling a clean 'DA' shirt from his hands and walking towards the curtain. "I'll meet you after this." He tells me, I simply nod watching him disappear to the ring before making my way to the male locker room to call Stacey. 

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