Vigilante Of Society

By LazyMax_e

28.8K 1.1K 299

At the young age of four, his world crumbled upon him when he was deemed as quirkless. His parents that loved... More

Situations 0_0"
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¬¦^}^¦¬ <Pt. 2>
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542 19 7
By LazyMax_e

A/n: So... I-... How can I say this? Well, um. I looked through inko and Fukuzawa's age info stuff and to see there that both of them are of the same age.

I'm making Inko (along with Hisashi) to be 2 years younger than him so in this story, inko & hisashi would be 38 currently.

Now that's all settled, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

No one's Pov

"It's either me or him 'dies'. Izuku still doesn't knows about this so why the heck are you having a stressed out face?" Levi asks the elder man infront of him who sighed in tiredness and sip on his tea again.

"Izuku isn't going to be spending his time mourning over a fake death, Levi. He's already faced bloody problems by his secret identity already." Fukuzawa replies back to him who just continued to give him his usual look.

"Don't get me started right now. You've got yourself a weird ass teacher staff and he's going to be a student here soon. Who knows what's gonna happen next when he finds out it's fake, then?" He countered back at the silver haired man who sighed.

"I assure you, he wouldn't. He's just simply gonna ignore it."

"How can you say that?"

"He'll know it's fake. You were a former assassin, after all. He wouldn't deduct that you died in such way or another. Your point?"

"And he's a vigilante."

"A vigilante that is friends with the Hero killer: Stain." Fukuzawa finished his sentence as he looked at the other uncle who just sighed in frustration.

"Just know I'll be in hiding for a while." Levi says back to Fukuzawa who closed his eyes as he smiled lightly.

"Alright, then."


Shinso Hitoshi never really knew how to interact with any kind of person in his life besides his own family and friend. You read that right, friend. No plural form of it.

And this friend of his is also the childhood friend of his.. Explosive classmate. Was Izuku, his friend, supposed to
be feared just by being able to have the blonde having a disciplined behavior and attitude?

He really didn't know about this event but when he tried to call him last time, the green haired boy had his line cut off and having it declined just after greeting him.

Now, let's see. This teen has tried his best to try and avoid any call conversations with Izuku around his.. dads because they really couldn't wait to meet him.

And on this very day, he really had to meet the greenette by the sidewalk who was with his school principal, Nezu. He was confused at first until Nezu introduced Izuku to the nice orphanage owner who let them inside after Izuku was called as the chimera's intern.

'Midoriya's interning under Nezu? Cool for him, then.'

And that way, he walked back to his house to study and practice for their exams.

A Day before training camp

Doi Neighborhood Mall
(made up name for a mall)

"Inasa-kun... Don't even think about me buying you and Ishioka-kun blueberry cheesecake for dessert later.. We still have to wake up early for the tomorrow.."

Izuku tells the other male with his eyebrows scrunched up and just continued on looking through the supermarket aisles with a small piece of paper on his hand.

"Of course not, Midoriya-kun! So once again, why are we here? Aren't the teach—" Before Inasa could finish his question, Izuku cutted him off with his answer while looking through each aisles to find a good old chilly sauce.

"Kunikida-sensei's voice wasn't too loud and clear for you to hear, huh? He clearly said that we'll be cooking our own meals by ourselves with the other Hero Schools." Izuku said as he half glared at the other male who both just smiled and nodded nervously.

"Though, are we the only 1st year hero course in Shiketsu who'll be participating the training camp?" Inasa ask the green haired boy who looked back up from the check list of food that they needed to atleast have.

"Class 1-(any) still has to do the practical term exam on that day since many of them couldn't really get some help on having their quirks improve yet." The latter answered back and quickly signalling Inasa to follow him as they move the shopping cart to another aisle.

"Really, then? Well, won't the training camp also have reserved foods for us to cook?" Inasa then asks again while Izuku picked out some mangos (?) and put it in the shopping cart.

"The food there would probably be good for about thirty plus people and our class has like, 22 students in. Three schools in one training camp site sure is a lot. We're gonna be needing more than that. Besides, surely the class would like food that's made by the class chefs?" Izuku joked which made the latter laugh in return.


"Now, let's head to those vegetables to buy some potatoes. I'm planning on having Yaki Udon and Curry Doria as dinner for the next few days."

"Now I'm craving for food!"

The Next Day
Training Camp Day
6:33 am

A group that contained of five teens were making their way to their school as they got out of the house of their green haired friend for a sleepover to celebrate congratulations for each of them passing the end-term exams.

"Aren't the two of you supposed to be tired? I mean, we did wake up at 5 am in the morning..." Izuku worriedly says to his two friends named Ishioka and Inasa who just smiled widely at him in return.

"Tired? After that amazing breakfast you made for us, we can never feel tired any time now! Besides, we're going camping today!" Inasa shouts out enthusiastically making the rest of the group giggle.

"I agree with Inasa-kun. I also think that Midoriya-kun's cooking skills are talented after serving us breakfast." Igarashi then joins in as he glanced at the green haired boy who laughed from the compliment and the others agreeing with Igarashi as they nodded their heads.

"Well, it really was worth it to wake up at such an early time. It's either Yui's burnt eggs as food or Midoriya's sweet potato dumplings." Ishioka says in a joking manner as he glanced to his female cousin who had a mad aura around her.

"Like you could talk! You don't even know how to turn on the kitchen stove! Nor even knows how to cook rice!" Yui snapped back as both cousins began to argue again which made Igarashi and Izuku sweat-drop at the sight while Inasa was just being Inasa.

"Ah, seriously. You two really need to stop fighting! It's only morning and you're starting an argument already." Izuku scolds his two friends as he slapped them both from the back of their heads.

"Now, let's get going! Kunikida-sensei and the others must be all there in the classroom already."

Time Skip (in the bus)

As time goes by, they already have arrived which turns out to be a mountain cliff along with UA's bus in front of them too as both classes got out on the same time.

While his other classmates were confused on what's happening, Izuku sighed to himself mentally as he and his other classmates looked back to their homeroom teacher to see him just giving them a nod as a signal which made them aware now on what's going on.

"Isn't this a rest stop?"
"Wait, where's Class B?" The other class muttered in question until a voice, no, two voices shouted out.

"With sparkling eyes, we rock on! Cute, cat, stinger! The Wild & Wild Pussycats!"

"Hey there, Eraser, Doppo Poet!" Mandalay greets the two pro hero teachers who just nodded in return.

"The place you lot will be staying is at the base of that mountain!" Mandalay says as she pointed out where which made both classes shout: "So far away!!"

"So wait, why did we stop halfway through here?"

"Don't tell me.."

"Let's hurry back at the bus!"

Mandalay starts, "It's 9:30AM right now, If you kick in to high gear, it'll be 12." She grins as she looked at the first years' tensed up faces while also some were not.

"Kittens that won't make it before 12:30 won't be eating~!" Mandalay says as most of the side of UA's first year class almost run back to the bus in a hurry while the Shiketsu just looked as calm but nervous on the inside.

'Ah, I guess my quirk can work out in the forest... I did improve it during my internship.'

'Ahh! Everyone's feeling nervous! How am I supposed to create such explosion when they're like this?!"

'Wind won't be enough to get past through! It's a forest! The trees may even crash down on us!'

'*shudders internally* I guess only telepathy and sight would be my main point today..'

Then, the ground began to seemed to shake underground which made them nervous and scared. The students began to fall down from the earthquake down to the forest.

"Feel free to use your personalities in our domain as you see fit! You have three hours to get to the facility with your own feet through this Forest of Magic Beasts!"

'Ah, so this is where our training camp then starts already, huh?'


'Well, we already expected such plans as this.'

"Doppo Poet, Eraser! Let's get going! Pixie-Bob's got this!" Mandalay shouts out as she brought the attention of the two teachers who just nodded.

'I wish you all good luck, Class 1-A and C.'


Why hello there! I didn't really have any good idea for Kunikida's hero name but since he looks up to Fukuzawa, why not use his ability name and his name?

Now, I'm really thankful for all for your support throughout this book!


1668 山ㄖ尺ᗪ丂

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