Shielding You From Sorrow♡

By TheaVidalRabadon

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Love is like a battle. It's either you win or you lose. Love is like a game, it's hard and unfair but it's up... More

Lili's words
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Special Chapter
Special Chapter
Special Chapter
Thank You

Chapter 25

889 20 6
By TheaVidalRabadon


Lili's POV

"Pranpriya wake up". I was awaken by a sudden tap at my right cheek.

"Wake up Lisa". I heard a familiar voice trying to wake me up.

"Lisa you have visitors". Aiiiigoo it was just early in the morning and now they're waking me up.

"Mom who the hell got some visitors in this early morning?". I asked still closing my eyes.

What I hate the most is being awakened when I am in a deep slumber.

Damn it.

"Get up and fix yourself. They are waiting for you". She still insisted.

"Tell them to leave mom. I am not expecting any visitors". I said, being annoyed now.

"That's not the right thing to do. Face them yourself or I will make it for you? You choose. We didn't raise you like that". She said with full of authority.

I can't argue with Mom when she uses her authority. Not just as a mother but as the house rule.

"Give me ten minutes mom". I said and got up from bed and take a bath.

I didn't wait for her answer cause I am not in the damn mood.

After I finished fixing myself I went downstairs to see a familiar figure.

Is this true?

"Yah jisoo-yah? Is it true? Wahhhh you didn't tell me you're going here? What brought you here unnie?". I asked her.

I was so surprised seeing her here.

What was gotten into her to fly here.

I was happy but what's with her face?

She looks so down and tired.

"U-unnie what's wrong? You looked so down". I asked but recieved no response.

"Lisa we need to talk". Chae came out from nowhere.


They are here.

My heart is pounding rapidly.

It may come out any minutes from now.

"Chaeyoungie. I miss you. What brings you here guys?". I asked but it seems like I was just the one who's happy that they are here.

Even mom and dad.

They looks so down and devastated.

What happened to this people?

I give chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie a hugged but they didn't hugged me back.

It feels like something's not right.

"What's with the face? Y'all making me nervous and confused at the same time". I am now starting to wonder:what is going on?

"Kim Jisoo. Roseanne Park. I'm sorry but you need to leave now. My daughter doesn't have any business with the reason why you came here. I'm sorry". My dad said in the middle of nowhere?

He said those words without the two still not telling why they are here?

"Dad they still not telling why they are here yet you're now telling them to leave? Dad have you forgotten they are my co-members. They are the person who's with me in the half year of my life". I said with furrowed eyebrows now.

What's happening? What the hell it's making me confused.

"MARCO. Leave them and let them talk". Mom uses her authority with Dad.

"No! Let them talk? For what? For my daughter to be in pain at the end again? For my daughter to suffer at the same reason? I will never allow that. My daughter will never get involved with that damn problem". Dad talked. Not just as a dad but the higher member of the family.

I'm starting to lose my mind.

I don't understand what they're talking about.

"W-what the heck? Clear things out in front of me. Don't make me clueless. It's pain in the ass, really". I said looking at them one by one.

Chaeng bit her lower lip.

Jisoo unnie just bowed.

My parents can't see me directly in the eyes.

"What is it Rosè?". This time I clenched my fist to calm my body.

"JUST FVCKING TELL ME WHAT THE PROBLEM IS". I shouted letting my emotions eat me again.

I don't wanna do this. Especially to them but I can't control my emotions anymore since I am damn clueless.

"We'll leave. We're sorry for the inconvenience Mr and Mrs. Manoban". Jisoo unnie talked and held rosè's hand to leave the house.

"NO ONE WILL LEAVE THIS HOUSE. TELL ME THE PROBLEM SO THAT WE CAN FIX IT". I emphasize every words for them to understand.

They both stop from walking and faced me.

I was surprised seeing chaeyoung in tears.

I was right. Something is not right again.

Chaeyoungie was about to talked when Dad cut her out.

"Don't you dare". He growled. As his eyes directly pinned to chaeng.

"Let them talk dad". I command.

"Don't put yourself at risk again Lisa. Can't you see you're still not fully healed. I want to do the right thing, right now. I don't want somebody to ruin my daughter's day". He still argued.

I don't get his point.

"Let them talk then, dad. You want to do the right thing then let them talk for me to understand and solve it". I softly whispered.

I'm losing all my patience.

"Marco let them talk. We'll leave them first". Mom tried to get dad but she can't.

"Let them talk in front of me". He said looking intently at the two.

"Go on and talk". I said and looked at them as well.

"L-lisa-yah. Something happened at Seoul. We didn't see it coming. We didn't know that it will happen but——".

"Just get straight to the point". I impatiently said. And cut rosè's words.

"Kai impregnated Jennie. Jennie is pregnant". That phrase made me become deaf for a while.

"She's what?". I asked still not fully convinced.

It's just a word but why does it hurts me so bad.

Why does words can ripped my heart out.

That's why. That's why I didn't see her.

Kai impregnated Jennie. Jennie is pregnant.

Kai impregnated Jennie. Jennie is pregnant.

Kai impregnated Jennie. Jennie is pregnant.

Kai impregnated Jennie. Jennie is pregnant.

Kai impregnated Jennie. Jennie is pregnant.

Those phrase continuously echoes in my mind.

It's driving me crazy.

My knees trembled caused me to be on bended knees.

My tears fall.

No words can explain how am I feeling right now.

Now I understand my dad. I understand him why he doesn't want me to hear what their reasons.

I don't get it? Why me? Why do I need to suffer this much.

"Tell me it's a prank. It's just a prank right?". I crawled to Jisoo unnie's place and begged her to tell me she was just joking.

"You used to play pranks on me. Tell me it's a prank unnie". I begged.

"D-dad she was just kidding, right?". I asked Dad even though I am now feeling hopeless.

I composed myself and went to Dad even though my eyes are now blurry.

I wiped my tears to see my direction clearly but these damn tears can't stop flowing.

"I- I am not joking Lisa. I am telling the truth. I'm sorry if it happened". Jisoo went to me and hugged me.

"I didn't message you these past two weeks, right? That's the time we knew about it Lisa. We can't do anything. Kai is not around. While Jennie? She's not eating anything. All she wants is to be with Kai. We don't know what to do anymore so we went here. We hope to have your help without thinking that you're still suffering because of her".  Rosè explained that made me burst out from crying.

"Where's that man? Where is he? Does he knew about it? Does he run away to his responsibilities?". I can't stand anymore, I just sat on the cold floor and let them pity me again.

"We don't know if Kai knows about it. We can't talk to Jennie and we can't contact Kai". Jisoo spoke refuse to look at me.

"Get up Lisa. You let your guard down again". Dad accompanied me to stand up as he pulled me to an embrace.

"Where is she then? Is she okay?". I asked willing to lose myself again just to save her.

"She's at Seoul". Chaeng simply said.

"With her parents?". I desperately asked.

"No! She's at the dorm".  She wiped her tears as she answered my question.

"Alone?". I asked in disbelief.

How could they leave a person who's suffering from something alone? What is something might happen to her?

"I'll fly to Korea. D-dad booked me a flight to Korea. P-please". I begged as I wiped my tears to make myself better.

I need some strength to face her.

"I already did Lisa. Go on and save her for the last time. And promise me that this will be the last time you will help her". Mom said but I can't promise her. I can't make a promise.

"Rosè why didn't you tell me? You promised me chaeng". I rant. I asked her a favor but that damn simple favor she can't do.

"Do you think if I did tell you about it, you won't fly to Korea desperately. Look Lisa, I'm sorry for not telling you but please don't make desperate decisions". Her voice broke.

"I won't make desperate decisions again this time. All I just wanted is for her happiness. Let me do something for her for the last time. And I'll assure y'all, I will leave her alone. Just let me do what I want for now and if I clarify things between me and her, between her and Kai. I will leave them alone". I said and went upstairs to get my passport and cellphone.

This time I didn't let my tears to fall.

Dad brought me to the airport.

The flight just took an hour.

I booked a cab but during the ride to go to the dorm I can't control my heart.

It's beating rapidly.

And in every beat there's pain on it.

As I went out the cab, I went directly to her room without knocking.

And there I saw her.

I saw the girl I always wanted to have.

I saw the girl who stole my heart.

The girl who made me like this.

"L-lisa-yah". She's surprised to see me.

Her eyes are swollen probably she's been crying in an hour.

She looks so thinner than before.

What had happened to you Jennie Kim?

"Lisa-yah I-i need him". She began to cry as she begged in front of me. She's just not begging, she's in her bended knees.

I am already here but you're still looking for someone else.

I am always here for you but you needed him the most.

I roamed my eyes on her room. Seeing her in this kind of situation breaks my heart.

I roamed my eyes until a familiar pink envelope caught my eyes. It's in the trash can.

There's something in my throat that stopping me to talk as I saw that familiar envelope.

No! I don't want to jump in conclusions.

I bend my knees to help her stand.

"I'll bring him to you. Fix yourself". I said and accompanied her to sit in her bed.

"Come with me to Thailand Jennie. Come with me and I'll promise to find him for you. And stop crying. It's not good for your baby if you'll continue suffering". I said and her face lit up.

"Thank you lisa-yah. Thank you". She uttered and went to her bathroom probably to take a bath.

What happened to you? What happened to the Jennie Kim I knew?

The Jennie Kim who will hugged me? Where's her now?

I'm hurting but there's no more tears falling.

I am crying inside.

And it was the hardest thing ever, crying without any tears.

I went to the trash can. And there my conclusions are right. It was my farewell letter for her two years ago. She didn't read it, cause the seal is not ripped yet.

To my world:

                     I know that when you are reading this I am no longer in Seoul. I don't know what to do anymore Jen, my heart....... Was full of pain and longing. Pain to all of the unnecessary things I received and longing, longing to your presence like we're just five feet apart away from each other but it feels like you're one million kilometers away from me. This letter is not intended to make you guilty nini. I just wanna say goodbye for now. Please do take care of yourself when I'm away, don't get sick, do not let that Kai hurt you, physically or emotionally. Don't let history repeat itself Nini. Do not waste your time crying because of those haters. Be strong and master up the courage to fight in life. And if you feel weak let chaesoo be your strength. A girl like me doesn't supposed to love a girl like you. You're high as sky, you are a girl that's not easy to find. YOU ARE WORTH IT NINI. GOODBYE. SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS.

This doesn't make sense anyway.

It's now two years too late.

How funny this life is.

Jennie and I fly to Thailand.

I'm tired but who cares anyway.

She doesn't care at all.

Chaesoo comforts Jennie as long as we arrived at my house.

While they are busy comforting her. I contacted Kai's entertainment and tell me that Kai is in Paris having some business to do.

"I-it w-was m-my l-lisa's b-birthday". I heard mom struggling to say those words.

I am at my room when I heard them talking about it.

"W-what? We forgot. We're sorry Mom". I heard chaeyoung.

"How cruel are we not to know it's her birthday. She gone through a lot this day. It's her birthday yet she's hurting". My mom is now crying.

While they are busy talking about it. I secretly booked a flight to go to Paris.

I'll go there later.

It's my birthday.

I'm surprised for everything. What a nice present for your birthday lalisa.


March 27. Even I, didn't know that it's my day.

How could I know if I was busy thinking about her.


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