More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

Oleh risingstar99

174K 2.7K 2.3K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... Lebih Banyak

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans

Big Brother

1.5K 26 34
Oleh risingstar99

A/N: Happy 35th Birthday to the wonderful Dianna Agron. This chapter is dedicated to her - even though there isn't much of her character featured.
3x15 ~ BIG BROTHER ~

Lexi was pushing Quinn's wheelchair after they had run into each other outside of school. She hadn't been managing well after hearing that Quinn was in the accident, and that was on top of all the wedding planning. Lexi also had her mom's wedding at the end of the week, so the stress level was beyond normal.

"I feel so terrible." Lexi repeated, as Quinn slightly turned around in her chair to look up at her best friend.

"Don't be, Lex. It's not your fault." Quinn assured her, as Lexi shook her head.

"I feel one of the reasons you got into the crash in the first place was because I was urgently texting you." Lexi exclaimed, internally cursing. "I feel somewhat responsible, Quinn."

"Enough of that. I won't have any of this 'it was partly my fault'. I wasn't smart either. Like who texts while driving? Me. I made a mistake, and I've learned from it." Quinn replied firmly. "And besides, you have a lot on your plate to worry about this week. What I'm saying is, don't go pitying or blaming yourself."

"Okay..." Lexi let out a shaky breath, trying to collect herself. "If I can't blame myself, at least let me help you out."

"You don't have to help me out the whole day. Having you simply mention you're worried is all I need." Quinn smiled softly, as the two girls approached Finn and Rachel at their lockers.

"It's not that, it's Quinn." They overheard Rachel say. "I can't stop thinking about her."

"She's right behind you." Finn replied, as Rachel turned around.

"Hi Quinn! We've missed you so much." Rachel began her sympathy talk, but Quinn cut her off.

"No, don't." Quinn shook her head. "I could have easily become one of those creepy memorial pages in the yearbook, but by the grace of God, I'm here." She said.

"I'm grateful she's here too." Lexi agreed. "She won't let me blame myself either." She added, before walking off towards the choir room.

"Believe it or not this is one of the happiest days of my life."

"Come on, Artie, I'll race you to the choir room." Quinn smiled, as her and Artie raced off to the choir room together, leaving Finn and Rachel back to their conversation.

{I'm Still Standing - Sung by Quinn Fabray and Artie Abrams}

Everyone clapped once the two had finished their performance. Quinn spoke up after the applause had died down. "Here's a lesson for your board, Mr. Schue." She smiled softly. "Don't text and drive. Ever. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done. Besides sleeping with Puck." She added, as Lexi nodded, still not pleased with what Puck had done two years before.

" There's a lot of rumours floating around, so let's clear the air." Quinn continued. "First of all, all my plumbing still works, which is awesome. But my spine was severely compressed in the accident, which basically means I can't move my feet or legs. So no tears. And that means you Tina." She said, looking at Tina who had begun to cry quietly.

"Oh, and I apologize for the number. My dance moves aren't as smooth as Artie's yet.

"With practice, they will be."

"I promise by the time we go to Nationals, I'll be out of this chair, and dancing on that stage." Quinn promised.

"All right."

"Let's hear it for Quinn." Lexi smiled, as everyone clapped again.

Sam and Lexi stood by his locker, discussing the events that week, and random stuff in general. She sighed, as she gripped onto her textbook.

"Are you feeling okay, baby?" Sam asked, as she shrugged. "I mean, your mom's getting married in two days..."

"Honestly, I've been struggling with accepting the fact that someone is joining my family." Lexi admitted. "It's always been me and my mom against the world, and low, and behold, a new addition."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Sam frowned, as his girlfriend nodded.

"Trust me, it is...but I'm still going to need time to grow accustomed to being a part of a family." Lexi answered. "I mean, he certainly won't be the guy I bring all my problems to. That's what my mom's for. I've always gone to her with my struggles and problems." She chuckled softly, although Sam could see the worry behind her eyes.

"Lex..." Sam said, grabbing her hands, but Lexi continued.

"I guess, we've always had a strong bond, like Rory and Lorelei Gilmore type of relationship...I just don't want my mom to grow apart from me." She explained, as Sam continued to listen, feeling bad that his girlfriend was feeling this way. However, it was understandable.

"Come here." Sam whispered, pulling her into a hug. Lexi let out a shaky breath, and wrapped her arms around him, letting herself hide her face in his chest. "It's okay to feel that way. I can guarantee you that Lucas joining your family won't tear what you have with your mom. Your bond is unbreakable."

"I mean...if brides can have second thoughts... Does that mean, I can have second thoughts, on giving him permission to propose to my mom in the first place?" Lexi asked aloud, as Sam shrugged.

"I don't know...but isn't it kind of late now?"

"Yeah, they're getting married in two days. I'm still so unsure about it." Lexi said, as she looked up at Sam. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my mom, and to finally have a dad...but I'm just a little hesitant."

"I get that, Lex...maybe I don't entirely understand it, but I can sympathise for you." Sam answered, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. "If it makes you feel any better, do you want me to come?"

"You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea." Lexi smiled softly. "Of course you can come." She added, as Sam smiled, leaning down to kiss her. She chuckled, as he pulled her closer to him.

Blaine had to groan when he saw his friends diving into each other by the lockers. It wasn't because he was grossed out - well, a little bit, but his brother had come to McKinley to teach a masterclass. The result so far? least that's what he thought. He tried to shake it off, but he couldn't.

He slammed his locker, causing Sam and Lexi to look over at him.

"Blaine." Lexi said surprised, as she pulled away from Sam, but allowed him to keep his hands on her waist. "What's up?" She asked, as Blaine sighed.

"I guess I'll come out and say that I'm feeling overshadowed by Cooper." Blaine admitted, as Lexi and Sam sent him empathetic looks. "It's just difficult to have an older brother who has had all the attention, and can do everything "better." I'd always get compared to him. I can't not care."

"Although I can't relate to the sibling thing, I've been in that same position with friends, and's not a good feeling..." Lexi sighed, before pausing to collect herself, and proceeding to speak.

"But let me tell you that, Blaine Anderson, you are just as talented as your brother. I'll let you in on a little secret." Lexi said, as Blaine looked down at her. "You're even more talented than him. I've done acting classes, and a fair majority of the stuff he's teaching us, isn't even remotely correct." She chuckled, as Blaine smiled.

"Thank you, Lex." Blaine said, pulling her into a hug. She immediately hugged him back, as he rocked them back and forth.

"I want in on the hug." Sam pouted, as Lexi and Blaine opened their arms, allowing Sam to join the group hug. They ignored the looks they got, as the three of them stood there in a hug.
"She's right, man." Sam agreed, as they pulled away.

"Thanks guys." Blaine nodded.

"And I believe the most reasonable way to solve this problem, would be to talk it out with him." Lexi suggested, as Blaine frowned a little unsure.

"You sure?" Blaine asked.

"Trust me, I'm sure. It's how I've resolved every issue I've had." Lexi smiled softly. "You only get one brother, don't let this get in the way. Instead, try to fix your relationship. And besides, relationships wouldn't be realistic if there weren't some down spirals here and there."

"You're right." Blaine said, as Lexi chuckled.

"I always am....most of the time." Lexi said, as Sam sent her a look. She rolled her eyes, and whacked him playfully.

"Guys...everyone's waiting for us at the bus. We should get going. We don't want to miss our ride to Six Flags." Sam smiled, grabbing Lexi's hand in his, while she grabbed Blaine's.  The three of them went running out to the bus together.

Lexi smiled at herself in the mirror as she finished getting ready before the wedding. She turned to see her mom, and swore she felt herself fall over.

"" Lexi stuttered speechless. "You're beautiful."

"Thank you sweetie." Sara smiled, pulling Lexi into a hug. "Thank you so much for helping out, and planning the wedding the past few months. I'm so grateful, and I know Lucas is too."

"I was more than happy to help." Lexi nodded. "Well..." She looked at her phone. "It's about ten minutes until you have to be at the doors, waiting to walk down the aisle. Sam and Blaine have agreed to walk you down the aisle, bless their hearts. As for me, I'll be waiting at the end of the aisle, along with Lucas, while I sing to you as you walk down."

"Wait!" Sara called as her daughter turned around. "I wanted to say a few words to you."

"Mhm." Lexi smiled softly, as she walked back to her mom, smoothing out her royal blue dress. "You may continue, mom."

"Firstly, thank you. Thank you for all of this. Thank you for allowing Lucas to join our family. I know it's only been you and I against the world for the past almost seventeen years. We've been there for each other through the lows and the highs, and we've overcome it all. And I know that this is change, and you aren't always fond of change. I get it.. It's another big change, but it's a good change, and trust me, we're going to be one happy family, no matter the time it may take." Sara smiled, as she looked at Lexi. "And god, you make me so proud, and happy to be your mom, Lexi Torres. You are looking more and more like me everyday. I am making a promise to you right now that I will always love you, no matter what may happen in the years to come. You are loved, by many, especially me, and you can come to me whenever you find yourself struggling. I'm always going to be here, always have, always will." She finished as Lexi began to cry quietly.

"That was so beautiful, mom." Lexi sniffled, pulling her mom into another hug. "I love you too, so much. I'm so proud of you and where you're headed. You're my biggest inspiration and role model. I'm so lucky to call you my mom."

"Lex." Sara smiled through her tears. "God, we're both messes right now."

"It's a good thing I made you wear waterproof mascara. I have to give Kurt some credit. He knows how hard we cry." Lexi chuckled, as the two pulled away.

"Kudos to him for sure." Sara agreed, as she turned to face herself in the mirror.

"Alright, I'll be at the end of the aisle." Lexi smiled, as she opened the door. "You look amazing, just so you know." She added, winking at her mom, before closing the door.
Lexi let out a deep breath, as she walked towards the entrance doors where Sam and Blaine stood waiting. She had asked Blaine to come along last minute, and thankfully, he had agreed. The three of them were gradually forming a strong bond. She smiled anxiously, as she approached them.

"Hey boys." She smiled, as Blaine pulled her into a hug, sensing her nerves, while Sam stared at her, his mouth open in admiration.

"You look beautiful, Lex." Sam complimented, as Lexi chuckled, before pulling away from Blaine, to pull Sam into a hug.

"Thank you baby." She whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek, before she pulled away. "Well, I have to get in there and sing, now...but my mom should be here in five minutes." She smiled. "Thank you again for being here."

"Of course." Blaine said, sending her an encouraging nod.

"Anything for you." Sam smiled, leaning down to kiss her, she reciprocated, and blushed slightly, before she walked towards the doors.

Lexi took a few deep breaths, before she entered and walked down the aisle towards the front where Lucas stood looking rather anxious.

Once she reached the front, she gladly took the microphone from Sara's best friend Chelsey, and nodded at the band - who'd she'd borrowed from Glee club. They began to play the music to Norah Jones Come Away with Me.

Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us, with their lies
And I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day

Lexi smiled, as she sang into the microphone. However, when she turned, she could see Lucas in deep thought. She frowned. Plus, her mom was still about to come down the aisle. She tried to look nonchalant, instead of apprehensive, but a bad feeling was stirring in her stomach. "Lucas." She mouthed, as he raised an eyebrow at her. "What's going on?" She whispered concernedly.

In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop

Lucas shook his head, and tapped Lexi on the arm, as she paused to look at him. "What's up, Lucas?" Lexi asked worriedly, as he sighed, coming to his final decision.

"I can't do this anymore, Lexi." Lucas answered. "I've been having many second thoughts...please tell your mom I'm sorry...and to you, I'm very sorry." He apologized.

"You can't just leave. My mom has been anticipating this day since she was little!" Lexi protested quietly, as Lucas sent her a sympathetic smile. "You don't understand."

"I'm really sorry." He said, before he walked down the stairs and headed out the door by the steps.

Lexi attempted not to fall over at that moment. She was panicking, and trying to finish the song. Although, her almost father, just walked out. How could she focus? How was she going to tell her mom?

She didn't have much time to decide, because as she shakily sang the final verses, the doors to the building opened. She saw her mom, all smiles, as Sam and Blaine accompanied her on either side.

Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me

Once she finished, she held her hand up to calm the applause down. "Uh, I have an unfortunate announcement." Lexi said into her microphone, as she took centre stage.
"Lucas Garcia has left the building." She announced, as she swore she saw her mom's smile vanish. "I'm so sorry to everyone, especially my mom. I regret to inform you all that the wedding is off."

Lexi sighed, as she brought a tray up to her mom's bedroom. Her mom had immediately walked upstairs and collapsed in bed crying. She was heartbroken, and Lexi couldn't even begin to imagine the pain and humiliation her mom was feeling. Sure, she was upset as well, but not as much as her mom. Her mom had been waiting for years to get married. Lucas seemed so promising, and there he goes...the wedding comes, and Lucas is gone.

"Hi mom." Lexi said quietly, as she gently sat beside Sara who was crying in her bed.

"I knew I blew it...I had this sick feeling in my stomach." Sara sniffled, as she wiped her tears.

"Hey, you didn't blow it. It wasn't your fault." Lexi shook her head, trying to reassure her mom, as she passed her some more tissues.

"He left me at the fucking alter, Lexi!" Sara exclaimed frustrated. "The guy has the audacity to make a heartfelt promise during his proposal. Then low and behold, he leaves me at the altar."

"People shouldn't make promises they can't keep, you're right." Lexi nodded. Comforting her mom was like consoling her friends if she was being honest. Nothing else mattered right now, except her mom's health and making sure she was feeling valid and cared for.

"I can't believe I ever trusted him. I blew it." Sara repeated, crying into her pillow.

"Hey, hey, hey." Lexi whispered, pulling her mom into her side. "Stop saying you blew it. I won't let you blame yourself, or throw yourself in a self-pitying hole. I won't."

"I'm never going to find anyone, or have another chance, Lex. We only have one soulmate..." Sara said shakily.

"No one ever has just one single chance at love, or one soulmate. That  doesn't exist, because if it did, it would be a crazy whack system." Lexi chuckled softly.  "And Lucas, he missed out on an amazing life, and an amazing woman. Just because you were left at the altar, that suddenly doesn't define your life."


"And I know that right now, all you wanted was to be happy, and headed off on your honeymoon...I'm not saying you'll ever get married. What I'm saying is that the things we want may not happen now, but when the timing is right, and I guarantee you that you're still going to find someone. We as humans don't want to just live and survive, we want to be able to love." Lexi smiled sadly.

"I was still stupid."

"No, stop that." Lexi said firmly. "It was Lucas. It was all him. Not you. For now, you have me. I'll be here for you whenever you need. I'm always going to be here. I love you, mom."

"Come here." Sara smiled softly, despite her tear stained cheeks, swollen eyes, and her low mood. She pulled Lexi into a hug. "Thank you."

"Anything for you mom." Lexi said, hugging her mom in return. She knew that she was sad about the prospect of family not happening at the moment, but what was more important right now was that her mom was validated.

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