Neon Tears

By KattraKnit

18.4K 725 678

The story of the unstable verse and the new destroyer post exudes. Fresh 404 is learning what it takes to do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

470 24 19
By KattraKnit

-BittyTale #4-

After a few more trips through the portal Edge steps in Fresh 404's way. "Kid maybe you should send some of the bitties through now?"

"We will ask, we do not want to separate them if possible even for a few hours." They frown but head for the recovery room.

Sans looks up as the kid knees next to him and cups his hands for Dusty and Moonlight.

"It has been suggested that some of you should go to the castle now with the things we purchased and the rest be moved with Sans and the mobile clinic." Fresh 404 watches them looking worried.

Moonlight climbs on with Dusty still not letting go of his partners. "I would normally be against splitting up but in this case sending the more able bodied ahead to set up makes sense."

"Boss can you, that is Larkspur should stay with the doctor and so should Starlight." Dusty fidgets.

Sans glances from them to the group that hadn't woken up or were ill. "As a doctor I agree that I want to keep a socket on some of them."

"We want to keep you all close but it is not safe while we work." Fresh 404 frowns softly.

Moonlight glares at Dusty then sighs. "Of course we will take care of him. Stop being so hesitant about planning we picked you as second in coming because you are good at weighing options and making plans."

Starlight reaches out and pats Fresh 404's thumb. "Relax kid we get it even if you were just going to school we couldn't come with."

Dusty flushes slightly then looks up at them. "Sorry kid didn't mean to worry you. I will get those of us who are ready organized."

"Don't apologize for exercising the very independence we are asking of you." Fresh 404 gently set them down.

Dusty whistled, gathering everyone together, and explained the situation to them with Moonlight backing him up.

Sans stands with the completed paperwork watching the meeting unused to seeing a bitty clan in action. It was all very organized and democratic. Everyone that wanted a say got one and they organized themselves quickly.

"Dang the council could really learn from you guys. Anyway we are going to get the basket from the clinic don't worry, the top will be open and we will add a ladder." Fresh 404 stands and quickly strides out.

Dusty watches and hugs himself. "So if Moonlight is staying here with the group staying with the doctor and I am going with the forward party. Who sticks with the kid?"

BlueBell stepped forward, "You are his number one bitty at the moment. I should lead the forward party. Settling is my area, you are a warrior you should stay with him."

After a few nods and murmurs of agreement they divided up and were waiting when Fresh 404 came back with the basket.

Sans watched smiling slightly at what he was seeing bitty society unfiltered by outside expectations.

Coming back in Fresh 404 set down the basket from earlier. "The separation should be short after we are done here we will open a portal for Sans to take the mobile clinic through with the rest. Then we have to get back to work." With a flick of their wrist they made a bitty sized climbing web inside and outside the basket with rainbow strings.

"What about picking up the supplies for your job kid?" Sans watches them closely and helps a few bitties into the basket.

Dusty watches the others climb into the basket while listening to Sans and Fresh 404's conversation.

"We were thinking Sans could drop us off and we would open a portal and Sans could drive the mobile clinic through with the bitties." Fresh 404 blush rainbow.

Sans smiles. "That is actually a good plan, kid it gets everyone and everything where they need to be with little to no fuss."

"Pick me up, I am sticking with you kid." Dusty stares up at them arms folded and waiting.

Fresh 404 offers Dusty a hand to climb on. "We do not think that is wise, you are no doubt nimble, but we might have to do some dodging. Could you shortcut in an emergency if you fell? If you survived the fall and didn't get stepped on you could be trapped in a bad place if we got separated."

Dusty just climbed into their hand. "Safety harness. It is not the best but you are right I can't shortcut yet."

Sans chuckled, "looks like you have a stubborn one there. I think I may be jealous. I have never had a bitty that set on keeping me company."

"We are honored but deeply worried about this." Fresh 404 lifted Dusty to his shoulder while his rainbow strings wove themselves into a safety harness around him then a thin but sturdy cable from it to Fresh 404's coat collar.

Once they leave with the basket of bitties Sans looks down at Moonlight. "I can't believe the council is expecting a lost kid to fix all their problems."

"He is not that lost anymore he has us." Moonlight holds Starlight through a coughing fit while Glitch holds them both close.

-Balance Castle-

When Fresh 404 brought a basket through Milly didn't think much of it busy getting things organized. So she was quite surprised when he held out the basket to her. "Milly can you help them get to our room safely?"

"Them? What?" She glances down at the basket he is holding out to see about two dozen bitties looking up at her most of them with bandages or casts on their tiny bones.

Edge sets down another load of bags. "Kid hurry up we are almost done moving everything through."

Milly gently takes the basket. "Of course I will my lord. Is there anything else that can be done to help?"

"Thank you Milly. We knew you would be the one to trust with this. There will be a mobile clinic combing through down by the barns shortly if you could make sure someone knows to expect it. The driver is a doctor who specializes in bitty medicine and care. The rest of the bitties will be with him. He will be staying until they are all healthy enough not to need an on site doctor. Also we let Agnis know we will be having guests but we don't know if the message got past on. We are really sorry things are so chaotic right now." Fresh 404 gives Milly an apologetic look.

"Don't worry about a thing. We are trained for this. Your parents would be so proud of you." Milly glances up from the basket with a smile.

Edge watches as Fresh 404 blushes rainbow backing away while he thanks her and rushes through the portal. Aww the joys of being fourteen he chuckled following him.

-BittyTale #4-

As soon as the last of the shopping was through the portal and everyone was clear it closed leaving them standing in a shop that looked like it had been ransacked the only thing almost untouched were the bitty houses and furniture.

Edge looked around, "now what kid?" He had to admit he had not expected his first time out with the kid would consist of hanging out with bitties and a shopping spree. It was actually the most relaxing time he had had in years.

"Pick up the supplies we ordered, send Sans to the castle with the mobile clinic and bitties, and move on to HorrorTale # 15." They tick off the next set of chores absentmindedly while looking at the empty shelves then snap their fingers. "Oh yes we almost forgot we have a package for Mama Cry from mom that we need to give her while we are here."

Cry rushed around the counter barely stopping before she would have crashed into him. "A package from Error? How? Fox above please tell me it is his special bitty blankets. They are part of every bitty rescuer emergency kit. People have been noticing there hasn't been new shipments in months!"

Edge blinks at the idea of Error making bitty rescue blankets. Watching the kid opens his inventory and pulls out a dimensional item box like are scattered throughout the underground. There is a sealed envelope taped to it addressed to Mama Cry BittyTale #4.

"We do not know we did not think it right to open something clearly addressed to someone else." Fresh 404 carefully sets it down making sure there are no bitties under it first.

Mama Cry gives Fresh 404 a quick hug making him freeze and hiss softly. "Such a respectful young man Error would be proud of you."

Edge was confused by the kid's reaction. He remembered what he said about being touched but the bitties had been all over him and he didn't react.

Fresh 404 lightly pats her back and pulls away. "Thank you please don't do that."

Dusty having settled into the area between the collar fluff and the hood peaked out of his comfortable spot to see what made them tense up.

"Kid do you need a breather or something?" Edge frowns slightly as Cry quickly backs up.

"Oh dear are you like your mom? I am sorry I should have asked." Cry looks up at them worried.

"It is okay Ms. Cry we are okay. We simply need to be the one to initiate contact. We are lucky with the bitties they have let me do so or accepted an invitation to do so." They smile gently at Cry. They glance at Edge, "don't worry Edge we will take a break when needed."

"Okay do we need to tell the others not to touch without asking first." Dusty climbed out of the fluff enough to be seen.

"We can talk about it later. I am sure they are used to asking first because of Glitch." Fresh 404 glanced at Dusty or tried to but he is a little to close and in their blind spot.

Edge just shrugs and wanders off to find doctor Sans. So the Error bitties don't like touch any better than Error did? Wonder why Glitch doesn't seem to mind that Moonlight won't let him go?

Sans looked up from gently tucking bitties into special carriers. "Oh Edge is Fresh 404 back?"

"Ya kid is taking care of something with Cry. He should be done soon." He walks over to look at the carriers. "Need any help?"

"Yes and no most can buckle themselves in or help each other buckle in. But Starlight can't buckle in with his wings." Sans points out the little bucket seats with three point harnesses molded into the carriers. "These are designed to safely transport bitties. They clip down and make it just as safe as it is for us wearing seatbelts. Unfortunately there are not many winged bitties and I don't have a transport for Starlight."

"Why not just let Moonlight hold him? I know it is not ideal but he should be safe for a short trip." Edge gently nudged Sans shoulder. "It will be okay."

Moonlight walks out after buckling Larkspur in. "He is right, I will take care of Starlight."

Standing in the doorway Fresh 404 watched Edge assessing how he handled the situation when not pressured to be tough and harsh. They had to admit he was impressing them more than expected. "Edge and Moonlight are right for this once it will be alright we will have time to find another way later."

Sans nods, taking a deep breath. "Right deal with the now plan for the future. Thanks sometimes it is hard letting go of stuff I can't change."

"Hey it is okay to want to keep them safe. At least you're not like my bro, he lets his quest to keep everything under control turn him into an ash hole.... kid stop censoring me." Edge glares.

"No can do, it is actually low level automatic magic that is part of Fresh's coding. It is a waste of time and energy to suppress." Fresh 404 shrugs not bothered by the glare.

Dusty chuckles watching. "They should not have the stop censoring you. You should be doing it yourself, they are after all children."

Edge grumbles but let's it go as it was better than the swear jar they had when Frisk was around.

Sans chuckles and closes one of the carriers. "Moonlight if you will get strapped in we will be ready to move to the mobile clinic."

Fresh 404 walks over to look at the carriers while Moonlight straps in and gathers Starlight tightly in his tentacles. "Everyone ready?"

Sans closes and latches the door. "All ready to go to the mobile clinic." Carefully lifting one of the carriers.

Edge picked up the second carrier copying the way Sans holds it. "So where is the mobile clinic?"

"We imagine Papyrus knows as he brought it?" Fresh 404 leads the way to where Papyrus was helping Cry unpack the package they brought her.

Sans sets his carrier on the counter and hugs Papyrus. "Thanks for bringing the mobile clinic and my away bag, bro your the best."

Papyrus hugs him back, "Your welcome take care of yourself and check in. Don't worry about the sanctuary."

Edge watches feeling a spike of jealousy. Why couldn't his brother be like that. Heck when was the last time he had gotten a hug?

Fresh 404 drops an arm across Edge's shoulders. "You okay broritochip?" They glance from Edge to the skelebros.

"Ya just wishing on broken dreams." Edge looks away noting the piles of bitties blankets and clothes as Cry pulls more and more out of the dimensional box.

"We would offer to kill him for you but we don't think you want that or that the contract allows for killing council members." They give Edge a side hug and let him go.

"Kid do you have any idea how confusing you are? You act like the kindest person I have ever met, most of the time then there are flashes of pure killer every so often." Edge shakes his head. "And I know you hate me."

"Yes but it doesn't change the fact the council is ours now. We take care of what is ours. We remind ourselves of that every time we want to punch one of you." Fresh 404 smiles at Edge, and carefully picks up the carrier Sans set down.

Sans lets Papyrus go and looks over at them. "Fox you are so your father's son." He chuckles shaking his head.

"Great, just great I am staying with someone that wants to hit me. It will be just like home." Edge grumbles looking away with his shoulders hunched a little.

"Actually it won't because we have impulse control, and communication skills." Fresh 404 turns away from Edge to Papyrus. "Don't worry about your Sans we will make sure he gets a multiverse phone and can call you. He will be well taken care of while he is helping get things set up for our bitties and helping them heal."

Papyrus nodded slowly. "Thank you child of Nightmare for telling me. I won't worry so much knowing my brother is in your care."

Sans moves over to Edge. "Sorry about the delay. You know Papyruses, they just have to check all the details."

"Ehh no matter, your bro seems really nice. More focused on making sure you are in a good place." Edge glances at Papyrus as the kid and him part with a handshake.

Fresh 404 turns to them with a smile. "We should be going, we are already going to have to reschedule an AU for tomorrow."

"Sure thing kid right this way." Sans waves to Papyrus as he leads the way out to the parking lot and the converted bus that is the mobile clinic. "Good thing the clinic has a couple of jump seats."

With directions they secure the carriers before setting down and clicking the seatbelts.

"Okay what store am I dropping you off at." Sans straps into the driver's seat and looks over his shoulder at them.

"Local Temmie's club, it was easier to buy in bulk." Fresh 404 took out his phone and passed it forward with the address pulled up.

After putting the address into the GPS Sans passes the phone back and starts the engine smoothly pulling out of the parking lot. "Okay that is like a fifteen minute drive unless traffic is bad I recommend a nap back there."

Edge watched the whole thing not knowing how to feel. He already liked the kid, liked how he treated the bitties, liked how he handled himself, liked how he treated this, Sans. He just couldn't forget that the kid hated him and everyone else on the council that they were enemies he was forced to work with. He couldn't stop anticipating a knife in the back.

Fresh 404 settles in more than happy to take a short rest. "Sure thing Sans thanks for the ride." They pull a packet of vegetable sticks out of their pocket and offer Dusty one.

"Thanks." Dusty takes a slice of bell pepper. "Hey aren't these what your cook gave you as a snack?"

Fresh 404 takes a couple of carrot sticks and some celery before passing the packet to Edge. "Ya grown with magic infused water. Lady Life says any plant grown as human food can be monster food in two growing seasons you just have to infuse the soil and water with magic. Plant the seeds let them grow and produce seeds and the new seeds will have enough magic that if you keep using magic infused water they will be monster food."

Edge took a celery stick and passed the packet back. "I didn't know that. Then again Snowdin isn't exactly conducive to gardening."

Fresh 404 offers the packet to Sans and he just shakes his head. So he splits the rest of it with Dusty and Edge just quietly sharing the snack.

Dusty snuggles down licking his hands clean, pleased with his choices today. The kid made sure those in his care ate first like a good leader. He was the only conscious bitty who hadn't gotten something to eat earlier because he had stuck with the kid. Now that they had time Fresh 404 offered the food he had for himself to him first and gave him as much as he wanted.

The rest of the ride was quiet as they all settled to a short rest or their own thoughts the kid seemed to be spaced out. Edge just watched, he had always thought his bro was awesome even if he was jealous of the relationship other Sanses had with their brothers. But the kid and how he took care of those around him, he wanted to think he was just weak or inexperienced. Edge knew better and it hurt starting to see his bro wasn't that awesome it hurt.

When they pulled into the parking lot Fresh 404 looked it over. "Sans park away from everyone else once we get out we will open the portal for you to pull through. The only parking at the castle is by the barn. Someone should meet you there."

"You sure it will fit. It isn't exactly little." Sans parks and turns to look at them as they unbuckle.

Edge snorts looking at Sans. "You get much action with that line Sans?"

Fresh 404 just watches them with a puzzled look. "I do not think Doctor Sans is one for starting fights."

Dusty laughs softly, watching Edge and Sans blush and look away. "It was supposed to be a slightly dirty joke kid."

Fresh 404 just looks from Sans to Edge... "Okay can you let us out so we can open the portal? You will have time to flirt later."

Sans hits the button to release the door covering his blushing face with his other hand. "Fox dang it you are so Nightmare's kid."

Edge sputters blushing red and tries to deny flirting but everyone ignores him.

Getting out Fresh 404 goes around to the front and studies the mobile clinic so they can make the right sized portal.

Dusty chuckles a bit more as a still flustered Edge follows them out. "Settle, down a little flirting between unmated adults is not that big a deal."

Edge growls at him, "shut up you little shirt I was not flirting. I don't do weak shirt like flirting."

"Cool it Edge he is just teasing you." Fresh 404 flashed a bright blue smile. "Besides flirting isn't a show of weakness. It is a show of strength, it takes strength and confidence to allow emotional vulnerability." Focusing on opening a large portal in front of the mobile clinic just big enough to give a couple of, feet of clearance.

Edge grumbles but waves Sans to pull through watching the mobile clinic slowly creep forward and disappear through the portal until it closes behind the clinic.

Dusty frowns feeling Fresh 404 relax now that the portal is closed. "That was a huge portal, do you need a rest?"

"Yes but not from making portals we could do that all day and more, but we have repaired two AU and deleted one already today. We do not have the stamina mother had after millennia of practice and experience." Fresh 404 starts walking towards the store.

Edge hurries to keep up with them frowning. "Why are you fixing AU instead of deleting them?"

"We agreed to prioritize stabilizing the multiverse. The originals are the anchor points stabilizing them strengthens the whole and allows for strategic removal of damaged copies to make space without further damaging the multiverse." Fresh 404 glanced at Edge when he stopped walking and stared.

"Kid is what the council is asking of you even possible? If it will take that long before you can keep up do we have the time needed?" Edge watched them feeling sick had they sacrificed this kid for nothing.

"Normally the answer would be no but a good third of the excess AUs fell before we woke up while unstable the fall has slowed. Establishing balance and a healthy edd and flow of destruction and creation is possible now it will just take time. We can not do it in a day or even a year." Fresh 404 slowed his steps and shortened his stride so that Edge could keep up easier.

"A third...? How many AU fell? I didn't think that many had fallen yet!" Edge stopped in his tracks looking alarmed.

"Edge there are quadrillions of AU even if three fourths of them fell most wouldn't notice unless they lost friends there are just that many." Fresh 404 gently took Edge by the wrist and kept walking.

"Okay what is on the agenda if you are tapped out for fixing or deleting for the rest of the day?" Dusty climbed up on top of Fresh 404's coat collar fluff so he could see where they were going.

"We are going to collect the supplies for HorrorTale then collect the Sans and Papyrus we are moving to HorrorTale #0 tomorrow. Then we are going to see about DustTale #3 if the Powder is still suitable we will collect him and Rose as well. Then go home for the night. We can fix those AU tomorrow and we will have everyone we need on hand." Fresh 404 sighs sounding tired. "We really thought we could handle all of this today. We need to learn better planning."

Edge sighs, stuffing his panic down and lets the kid take him wherever while he tries not to have an anxiety attack.

"Wow there kid ease up you need to start with reasonable goals trying to take on five AU and the staging for at least one of them. In one day is a bit much." Dusty slides down between the collar fluff and the hood of Fresh 404's coat giving up on the view.

"Well we didn't expect it to take so much energy." Fresh 404 huffed but slowed down a little. "We only planned for three today but life happened."

There wasn't much either of them could say to that Edge and Dusty both know what it is like to have life happen, and all their plans go out the window. Just then the doors of Temmie's club slid open and they walked into the bulk goods store.

Fresh 404 looks around unsure what to do next. "Do either of you know where and how we pick up an order?"

"Check for instructions on your phone." Edge shrugs, "we don't get to the surface very often or stay topside long enough for a monster bulk goods to open."

Taking out their phone they check it and find they have a notice that their order is ready. After reading through it the instructions Fresh 404 leads them back out to the loading zone and clicks the link to enter a parking space number. "Okay they should bring it to us."

"Are you opening another portal." Edge looks around as they stand in the parking place.

"No, we have unlimited inventory space." Fresh 404 shrugs, "we can put it all in there for now."

An employee comes out with the first cart load and looks confused seeing them standing there. Several others with more carts were following them.

Fresh 404 smiles at them and waves them over. Opening their inventory ready to start loading.

Jane was confused when the customers didn't have a vehicle to load but when the tall one waved them over and started lifting things out of the baskets and making them disappear she knew it had to be some kind of magic. Once magic is in play predictability goes out the window so she just took back the empty cart to exchange for the next load grateful she didn't have to somehow pack ten carts worth of stuff into a car.

Edge watched as things went surprisingly smoothly, a little confused by some of the items like nebulizers and plastic bins but it was mostly food dried or canned. "Well what next kid?"

"HorrorTale #15 to collect a Sans and Papyrus. You know what let's stop and get takeout so we don't get attacked." French 404 glances around and spots a fried chicken place across the parking lot. "Not what we would pick but that will do."

Edge nods, "not getting attacked is good with me. I don't really have any experience with HorrorTale. I just talked to Dust, and Killer, they would come through looking for chocolate. I am not sure why there are some many other AU with chocolate."

"Fell chocolate has a unique chemical composition that makes it easier to absorb the healing magic in it even for those who have difficulty with it like Horror or mom." Fresh 404 started walking while they talked.

"Huh, I didn't know that. Wonder what other differences there are between AU that go unnoticed." Edge frowned thinking hard.

Ten minutes later they walked out with four buckets of chicken and another of slaw. Fresh 404 opened a portal and stepped through not far from Sans's first sentry station carefully to avoid traps.

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