Be a Good Girl [Gojo Satoru x...

By seekerislost

97.9K 3K 3.4K

After escaping from an abusive relationship, [Y/n] looks for a fresh start in Tokyo. Upon meeting the charism... More

New beginning
Mixed signals
Lonely Cries
Fearful Scent
Sweet Date
Endless Smile
Call Me Daddy
A Good Shower
Unspoken Fear
A Place to Hide
Peace of Mind
Let's Talk
Night Stroll
Wet Dreams
No Touching
Take a Seat
Cherished Memories


3.5K 117 136
By seekerislost

After your talk with Gojo, you were really excited about Friday.

It was finally the end of the day and you planned on buying a few things for tomorrow's trip.

*knock knock*

"Come in." You said packing the paperwork on your desk.

Ijichi walked in looking tired.

"Miss [L/n], do you mind dropping Gojo off today? The other day he told me that you live in his area and I would drop him but, I have to work late tonight." He asked.

'Did Gojo put him up to this.' You thought.

"Not a problem Mr Ijichi." You said with smile.

"Sigh...thanks." He replied tiredly before leaving your office.

'Poor man's exhausted.' You thought watching him leave.

After you were done packing, you realized that you forgot to give Ijichi the daily report. So you took your handbag with the reports and went to his office.

You knocked and entered, Ijichi sat with a lot of paperwork on his desk.

"Sir, here are the reports for today." You said handing him the papers.

"Right, I almost forgot." He said.

After going through them, he saw that they were all correct.

"They are all fine. Have a great evening and I'll see you tomo-"

"Ijichi..." Gojo sang entering his office "...let's go home."

"Ah Mr Gojo, Miss [L/n] will be the one dropping you home today." Ijichi said.

'So he didn't know.' You thought.

"But why Ijichi?" He whined.

"Sigh...I have to work late today, so please Mr Gojo, just go with Miss [L/n]." He explained.

'Poor guy already has so much work and still has to put up with him.' You thought looking at Gojo.

"Fine, but only because it's Miss 'short skirt-chan', if it was anyone else I wouldn't accept it." He said pouting.

"Thank you Mr Gojo." Ijichi said with a tired smile.

"Well shall we get going?" Gojo asked you.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and yes." You responded.

"See you tomorrow Mr Ijichi." You said.

"Ok Miss [L/n]." He replied before getting back to work.


"You should stop giving Mr Ijichi such a hard time. The poor man is exhausted." You told Gojo as you walked to your car.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've never given him a hard time." He replied.

"He always sighs and looks 5 times more tired than usual when you're around." You said giving him somewhat of a disapproval look.

"I choose not to comment on that." He responded as you two reached the car.

You placed your bag on the passenger seat and remembered something.

"Do you mind if we stop by a mall, I need to buy somethings?" You asked looking at Gojo through the rearview mirror.

"I don't mind." He responded with a smile.


The car ride was quiet. Gojo hadn't said a single word since you left the school.

"Well you're awfully quiet." You told him.

"Yep, the last time I was in this car, I spoke too much and got into trouble. So I'll just keep my mouth shut." He replied with a half smile.

"Are you serious?" You chuckled.

"Very." He replied.

"Oh ok."

There was silence once more and no one said a word until you pulled up at the mall.

"So are you coming in with me or?" You asked as you reached for your handbag.

"Women take way too long in stores, I'll just wait here." He said.

"Ok then." You said opening your door and leaving the car.

"Wait!" Gojo called out before you closed the door.

"What exactly are you going to buy?" He asked curiously.

"Just a few things for tomorrow's trip like sandals, a swimsuit, a bathrobe, maybe a new towel." You replied while caressing your chin.

"You had me at swimsuit. I'm coming with you." He said before coming out of the car.

"Really?" You asked rolling your eyes.

"Of course! You should try some for me, then I'll pick my favorite one." He said as the two of you began to walk.

"In your dreams." You said in a sassy tone.

"Ugh, you're no fun." He whined.


You bought more stuff then you had planned to, because it had been a while since you went shopping and also because Gojo was carrying all the bags.

"You said that you'd only buy like 4 things so what are all of this stuff? I only came along to see you in a swimsuit, but you haven't even bought it." He complained.

"You're not seeing me in anything and don't worry the store we're going to next is the swimsuit store." You told him.

"No fair, you're making me carry all these bags and you're not gonna try on a swimsuit for me?" He whined.

"I'll buy you ice cream or something on our way out." You said.

"Do you really think that you can bribe me with ice cream, like I'm some kind of a child?" He asked pretending to be offended.

"Fine then, no ice cream for you." You said firmly as you both entered the store.

"Why are you such a meanie?." He pouted.

You ignored him and started looking through the collections.

'None of this fit my style.' You thought as you browsed through the racks.

You were so concentrated at looking through the swimsuits that you completely forgot about Gojo.

"Wait a minute where is he?" You asked yourself looking for him.

"Miss 'short skirt-chan'..." You heard him call from behind you.

"...I think this one would look great on you." He said proudly while holding up a swimsuit.

It was a very skimpy string swimsuit, that barely even covered the private areas.

"It's Miss [L/n[F/n] and you must be out of your mind if you think that I'd wear something like that." You said rolling your eyes.

"Oh come on, I'd love to see how nice your ass-"

"Put that back before I throw you with something." You warned.

"Sheesh fine, no need to get violent." He mocked.

"I swear you're like a child." You told him.

"Thanks." He grinned.

You eventually found a swimsuit that fit your style and bought it.

On your way out of the mall, Gojo nagged about not getting ice cream, because the ice cream shop had already closed. So you bought him a strawberry crepe instead.

"The one you bought is fine, but I still think that the swimsuit I picked for you was way better." He told you, when you got back in the car.

"Since you loved it so much, why don't you buy it for yourself? The store is still open." You mocked as you started driving.

"I didn't know that seeing me in a hot swimsuit was one of your fantasies. You're such a naughty girl Miss 'short skirt-chan'." He said with a smile before taking a bite of his crepe.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and just shut up and finish your crepe." You said before rolling your eyes.

"How bold of her, she's not even going to deny it." He said with a naughty look on his face.

You ignored him and glared at him through the rearview mirror.

"Woah scary." He chuckled before quietly finishing his crepe.

You stopped in front of his house.

"I'll come pick you up at around 12:30pm tomorrow. So make sure you're all packed and ready to go by then." Gojo told you before getting off the car.

"Alright...Goodnight Gojo." You said with a smile.

"Goodnight Miss 'short skirt-chan' and try not to think about me too much or you won't get enough sleep tonight." He said with a smile.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n]." You corrected before driving off and ignoring his statement.

Gojo waited for you to drive into your yard, before he went inside his house.

In all honesty the both of you were equally excited for tomorrow.


Things went fast at work and it didn't take too long before it was 11. You said your good byes to Ijichi and made your way home.

Gojo on the other hand, didn't even bother to show up for work.

When you got home, you took another shower, applied lotion and changed into a white and pink off shoulder floral maxi dress that had a side slit. For shoes you wore a nude strappy lace up wedges and a matching handbag. Your hair was down.

You had already packed the night before, so you were just making sure that everything was in order.

At 12:15 there was a knock at the door and it was Gojo.

He wore a black polo shirt with blue jeans and black shoes with his signature sunglasses.

'Of course he looks good. I mean he could wear literal trash bags and still look hot.' You thought as you tried not to ogle at him.

"Hello Miss 'short skirt-chan'. You look like summer." He pointed out.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and is that one of your many girls?" You asked narrowing your brows.

"What?! No, I meant the season." He explained.

"Calm down, I know what you mean." You chuckled.

" are you ready to go?" He asked while scanning you.

"Yep, but you're a bit early." You said giving him a side-eye.

"Well better early than never." He replied with a smile.

"This is coming from a man who's always late and it's actually better late than never." You corrected.

"Yeah, yeah...where's your luggage?" He asked looking past you.

"Come's in the bedroom." You responded as you started walking to your room with Gojo following behind you.

'So this is her bedroom.' He thought as he looked around.

"Wow not even a bra or panties laying around, how awful." He said pretending to be disappointed.

"Stop making things weird." You said pointing at the bag.

Your bag wasn't that big, because you tried not to over pack.

Gojo picked up the bag and made his way to the car. You made sure that all the doors were locked and then joined him.

He had hired a driver to drive you two to the train station.

"So, I've made somewhat of a schedule planner for us." You said while taking a notebook out of your handbag.

"Well aren't you organized." Gojo responded while looking out the car window.

"Yep! The resort that you chose, has quite a number of places that we can go sightseeing." You told him excitedly.

You guys were going to Kai Ito, a hot spring ryokan in Izu.

"Really? I didn't know that." He replied with a smile.

"Then why did you choose it?" You asked confused.

"Because they have rooms with outdoor baths." He said with a bright smile.

"Oh...that's fancy." You replied.

"I know right." He said.

"Well anyways, I've written down a few things we should do over this weekend..." You said while opening your notebook.

"...Today we should go to Tokaikan museum it's only a 10 minute drive from the resort. Then tomorrow we can go hiking at Mt. Omuro it's 20 minutes away, and if we're not too tired from the hike, we'll go view Kawazu Cherry Blossom it's an hour away. On Sunday we'll go to Jogasaki Coast that's 35 minutes away and on Monday before we leave Izu, we'll pass by Nirayama Reverberatory Furnaces (A landmark)." You said excitedly.

"Ok I won't remember all that, so I'll just follow your lead." He said with a smile.

"Great!" You said returning the smile.

"By the way can you write down that I should remember to buy Shoko a really nice bottle of whisky?" He asked.

"Oookay." You said before writing it down.

After you we done, Gojo asked if he could see the notebook.

"Oh no! Miss 'short skirt-chan' you forgot to write something very important." He said in a panic.

"What? What did I forget?!" You asked concerned.

"You forgot to write down the part where you fall in love with me." He responded with a flirtatious smile.

"Give me that!" You said bashfully grabbing your notebook.

He laughed.


You two boarded the train and sat next to each other. The resort was under 2 hours away.

"Did you really have to pick first class tickets on the bullet train, for a destination that isn't even 3 hours away?" You asked giving Gojo an odd look.

"Only the best for you, my darling." He smirked.

You ignored him and leaned back trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.

"You wanna take a nap?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied.

Come on..." He said while tapping the side of his chest.

" can fall asleep here." He added.

You gave him a doubtful look.

"Don't worry, I'm not the type of guy who'd touch a woman while she's sleeping." He said reassuringly.

You hesitated at first, but then leaned into him.

He placed his hand over your shoulders and your head rested on his chest.

The armrest on the seat felt uncomfortable at first, but then you positioned yourself so that it wouldn't.

He felt warm and safe.

You took a deep breath and inhaled his scent.

'God he smells amazing.' You thought as you began to doze off.

It only took you a few minutes to fall asleep.

'That was fast.' Gojo thought taking out his phone.

He took a selfie of the cute moment before giving you a peck on the head.

'Her hair smells like apple's.' He thought before he started playing a game on his phone.

You woke up an hour and something minutes later.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Gojo said as you sat up on your chair and gave a little stretch.

" far are we?" You asked still a bit drowsy.

"About 15 minutes from our stop." He replied.

"Oh that's good." You said before yawning.

"Yep and what's also good is that you didn't drool on me." He joked.

"If I could've slept for a few more minutes, then I definitely would have." You said before giggling.

"Well then thank goodness you woke up when you did." He said with a smile.

When you guys arrived at your stop, you were surprised that a driver was already waiting at the station to drive you guys to the resort.

Gojo had definitely planned this out.


Upon reaching the resort, Gojo nagged at the fact that you didn't want to share a room with him.

"How are you suppose to fall in love with me, if we don't share a room?" He whined.

You ignored him and proceeded with the check in process.

"You two are such a cute couple." The receptionist said.

"We are not a couple." You told her.

"Oh." She responded while clearly giving Gojo a flirtatious look.

He smiled back at her.

"Here are your key cards. The floor and door numbers are written on them." She said with a smile.

"Thank you." You said taking the cards.

"Let's go." You told Gojo who was carrying both his bag and yours.

"Would you like the bellhop to help you?" The receptionist asked him with a smile.

"No it's fine, they're not heavy." He responded with a smirk.

"Ok, but if you need anything and I mean anything at all, feel free to call the front desk." She said while giving him 'the eye'.

"I'll keep that in mind." He responded with a flirtatious smile.

You pretended as if you didn't see anything.


"Wow, its such a lovely room." You said while touring through it.

"Yes and the bed is huge, but yet you don't want to share it with me." He pouted.

"Drop my bag and go to your own room." You said rolling your eyes.

"Meanie." He replied before placing down your bag and leaving.

Your rooms were right next to each other.

You unpacked a few things and then laid on the bed.

'It's so big and comfortable.' You thought.

You took a deep breath and it smelled like Gojo. His scent was still on you.

"I wonder what he's doing." You said getting up from the bed.

You left your room and made your way to his.

"You miss me already?" He said with a smirk after opening the door.

"I just want to see how your room looks like." You said pushing him to the side and letting yourself in.

His room was just like yours, so there was nothing to see.

" you're done unpacking?" You asked disappointed at the fact that your rooms were identical.

"Yep." He replied before sitting on the couch.

You came and sat next to him. You both sat in silence staring at a painting on the wall for a while.

"Right!" You said getting up.

"Call the driver and let's go to the museum." You said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." He replied.


Your trip to the museum was great, but Gojo was annoying the whole time that you were there.

He kept on complaining about how bored he was and how seeing you in a swimsuit would be more fun and how sharing a bed with you would be even more fun. You eventually gave up and just went back to the resort.

"I'm never going anywhere with you again." You said irritated as you guys entered the resort.

"Don't be like that Miss 'short skirt-chan', the museum was really boring." He whined.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and whatever. I need to go soak in the bath to relieve all this stress you caused me." You said.

"Can I join you?" He asked playfully.

"No men allowed in the women's bath." You told him.

"Dammit! I should've chosen a place that offers mixed bathing." He said pretending to be upset.

You ignored him and went to get ready for your bath.

Gojo stayed in the lobby and spoke to the receptionist from earlier.


The hot bath felt amazing. You felt every muscle in your body relax, it was exactly what you needed after a long day with Gojo.

You walked back to your room after you were done.

"How was your bath?" Gojo asked when he met you on the way.

"It was heavenly..." You said with a smile, "...are you going to take yours now?" You asked looking at his towel.

"Yeah, I'll be all by myself, since someone didn't want me to join her earlier." He replied.

"Do you bath with your glasses?" You asked curiously while staring at him.

"You'll have to join me one day if you really want to find out." He replied with a smirk.

"Enjoy your bath Gojo." You said before starting to walk.

When you got to your room you changed into a black silk nightgown.

About an hour later, Gojo came knocking at your door.

"Let's go grab dinner at the dinning hall." He said while he examined what you were wearing.

"Give me a sec, let me change into something more decent." You said before closing the door and changing into a shirt and leggings, you didn't bother to put on a bra.

You then went with him to the dining hall. The room was a bit cold.

Dinner was delicious, but something was wrong with Gojo. He was a bit fidgety and didn't say a single word.

"Are you ok?" You asked him as you walked back to your rooms.

"Huh? Yeah...yeah I'm fine." He said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" You asked concerned.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He said as you approached the rooms.

"Well goodnight [Y/n]." He said before entering his room with haste and shutting the door.

"Goodnight...?" You responded standing in the hallway by yourself.

"That was weird." You said entering your room.


Gojo laid shirtless on his bed. He was unable to fall asleep. He couldn't get your image out of his head.

First when you were in a bathrobe, the thought of you being completely naked underneath that robe made his dick throb.

Then the nightgown, he saw your nipples through the thin material.

And during dinner, he couldn't stop himself from staring at how hard your nipples had gotten due to how cold the hall was.

"Shit." He whispered.

"Not this again." He said looking at the bulge in his pants.

'I need to take care of it or it's gonna be hard for me to be around her this weekend.' He said as he reached for his phone.

He got up, put on a shirt and left his room.

'He's still awake?' You wondered as you heard Gojo's door open and then close.

Since he basically ruined your trip to the museum. You took this opportunity before going to bed to read the brochures you received there.

"Well that's enough for today." You said putting the brochure away and switching off the lights

Moments later you heard Gojo again, he was talking to someone, it was a woman's voice.

His door open and closed again.

'I wonder who that woman was.' You thought as you faced the ceiling.

Things went quiet for awhile, but then you started hearing moans.

They sounded very faint and really far away since the walls were thick.

'So, he really does sleep with them.' You thought feeling disappointed.

"Of course he sleeps with them! Did you think he play's tag with them or something?" You asked yourself turning to your side.

"Sigh...why do I feel this way?" You asked feeling upset.

You felt a knot in your stomach.

It was at that moment that you realized that you had feelings for Gojo. It might have not been love, but you definitely harbored feelings towards him.

You felt really sad, because as you laid in a big bed all by yourself. The man you had feelings for was fucking another woman on the other side of the wall.

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