Be a Good Girl [Gojo Satoru x...

By seekerislost

97.8K 3K 3.4K

After escaping from an abusive relationship, [Y/n] looks for a fresh start in Tokyo. Upon meeting the charism... More

New beginning
Mixed signals
Lonely Cries
Fearful Scent
Sweet Date
Endless Smile
Call Me Daddy
A Good Shower
Unspoken Fear
A Place to Hide
Peace of Mind
Let's Talk
Night Stroll
Wet Dreams
No Touching
Take a Seat
Cherished Memories


3.4K 122 201
By seekerislost

You waited for Gojo to come by your house, so the two of you would start jogging but he was late.

'Is he even gonna show up?' You thought as the clock turned 8.

"Sigh, that idiot." You thought leaving your house and locking the door.

When you left your yard, you saw him standing on the side walk in front of his house.

He had the blindfold on and wore a black long sleeve workout shirt that wasn't tight but, hugged him in all the right places, with matching jogging pants and some white running shoes.

"Good morning sleepy head, you're late. Did the thought of jogging with me leave you too excited to sleep last night?" Gojo asked with a smirk as you walked towards him.

" I thought you'd come by my house, so I waited for you." You responded as you studied how good he looked in the gym clothes.

"Oh sorry about that...and I know I'm hot but stop checking me out like that. I feel like you're undressing me with your eyes, you pervert." He said playfully while hugging himself.

You rolled your eyes and jogged passed him.

"Wait for me Miss 'short skirt-chan'!" He called out as he caught up to you.

"By the way, love how good those leggings look on you." He said giving you a small nudge.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and thank you." You smiled.

He was shocked by your reply. He expected a sassy or sarcastic comment but, you were just happy to be out jogging today that you didn't entertain him.

Jogging with Gojo was great!

That would have been true if he didn't have to stop every two minutes because some woman wanted to know why he was wearing a blindfold, or ask for his number, or even find out if he lives around the neighborhood. It was so annoying.

'Are there always these many women out jogging on a Sunday?' You thought as you watched him a short distance from you, flirting with a woman who stopped him to ask for 'directions'.

"Sorry about that..." He said catching up to you.

He could clearly see how annoyed you were at this point.

"...I promise that I won't stop for anyone else." He said.

You didn't respond and just narrowed your brows.

"Not good enough? Hmmmm, I'll buy you breakfast when we're done jogging." He said cheerfully.

"Sigh...ok I can't say no to free breakfast." You said.

Gojo kept his word and didn't stop for any women. After jogging the two of you made your way to the cafe.

"Won't it be awkward if your cafe boyfriend sees you with my handsome self?" He asked pointing at himself dramatically as you guys approached the cafe.

"Tadako is not my boyfriend, he's an acquaintance." You responded.

"Tadako huh? You guys sound close." He said.

"Not really, it's just that he's like me. He moved to Tokyo recently and we've been helping each other out with places & locations. So we get along." You explained.

"Is that so?" He asked as he opened the door of the cafe for you.

"Yes." You replied entering the cafe.

The cafe was a bit full but, there were still some open tables left.

You both stood in the queue.

"Take away or shall we sit?" He asked.

"Take away." You responded without even giving it a thought.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because I don't want to have a run in with one of your many women." You joked.

"It would be interesting if you did though..." He chuckled. "...oh look Tekado is at the counter."

"It's Tadako." You corrected, ignoring his first comment.

It was finally you guys' turn to order.

"You order first sweetheart." Gojo said with a smirk.

'Sweetheart?' You thought.

"Good morning [Y/n], will you be having the usual." Tadako asked with a bright smile.

"Good morning, yes please." You replied returning the smile.

'I don't like this guy.' Gojo thought staring at the both of you.

"And for the sir?" He asked looking at Gojo with a not so bright smile.

"Just bottled water." He said.

Your orders didn't take long and soon you guys left the cafe.


"Why'd you just order water." You asked Gojo while walking.

"Your acquaintance looked like he would spit in my drink." He said taking the bottle out of the bag and inspecting the top.

You couldn't help but laugh at him.

"So even the strongest sorcerer has fears." You teased.

He ignored you and placed the bottle back in the bag, after he was sure that the cap was still sealed.

"So Miss 'short skirt-chan', what are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked moving closer to you.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and aren't you tired of calling me that?" You asked, ignoring his question.

"Aren't you tired of always correcting me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Sigh...forget it." You said.

"I think that it's a cute nickname for you." He said.

"It's not cute, it sounds like I work at a red light district." You pointed out.

*A red light district is an area that has a high concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses.*

"No it doesn't, you just have a dirty mind." He said sticking out his tongue.

"No I don't, you're the one wh-"

*Ring, ring*

Gojo stopped and took out his phone to looked at the caller ID.

"Hold on Miss 'short skirt-chan', I have to take this." He said before answering.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n]." You corrected.

You tried to continue walking but he held your hand, signaling you to wait for him.

"Oh hello there, I'm sorry I forgot..." You heard him say in a flirtatious tone.

'Probably one of his lady friends.' You thought as you stood waiting for him.

You began to look around the neighborhood.

'Wow I never noticed how empty and quiet it is.' You thought.

"There are so many places that someone can hide and watch someone else from a distance." You said to yourself.

Gojo tapped you on the shoulder and it startled you.

"Woah, I didn't mean to scare you, are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I was just...lost in thought." You said with a smile.

"You sure?" He asked.

" why did you stop me from walking." You asked before clearing your throat.

"Because you broke the rule." He said with a serious look.

"Rule...?" You asked narrowing your brows and began to walk.

"Yes, the one that states that you shouldn't leave your friend behind while you're walking together." He explained following behind.

"Who made up that rule?" You asked suspiciously.

"I have no idea, but it's a golden rule." He said holding a fist up for emphasis.

"Oh okay then, please forgive me for breaking the 'golden rule' sensei." You said in a cheeky tone.

"Sensei? Miss 'short skirt-chan' If you want to know all the rules then come over to my place and I'll thoroughly teach you how we can become really, really close friends. After all I am a great teacher." He said with a smirk.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and that sounds amazing maybe I should come by right now, I mean I do love to learn." You replied with a smile.

"Really!?" He asked excited.

"Yes really, then afterwards we can go skinny dipping at Tokyo bay." You replied sarcastically while rolling your eyes.

"Don't get my hopes up like that Miss 'short skirt-chan'...and to think I missed a date to jog with a big fat meanie like you." Gojo pouted.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and what date?" You asked confused.

"I had a date with this woman, but I totally forgot." He said with a smile while scratching the back of his head.

"Is she the one that called?" You asked.

"Yep, she was at the restaurant when she called." He replied.

"Wasn't she angry at you?" You asked giving him an odd look.

"Nope women don't get angry at me. We actually rescheduled for later." He said with a smirk.

"Wow women don't get angry at you even if you forget about going on date with them? Your life sounds great." You said sounding somewhat impressed.

"Mm-hm." He nodded in agreement.

Gojo walked you to your door before taking out his water and handing you the bag. He insisted on coming in but you told him to go get ready for his date.

"Meanie!" He said as he walked away, pretending to be hurt.

"Enjoy your date." You said waving him good bye.

The rest of your day was uneventful.


*Months later.*

Months had passed since you and Gojo became friends. By now you were used to his annoying and sometimes flirtatious behavior.

He didn't irritate you as much as he used to, matter of fact he didn't irritate you at all these days.

Today you were working overtime and when you were done the school was empty, even Ijichi had already gone home.

You made your way to the parking lot and was surprised to find Gojo eating donuts and waiting for you by your car.

"Want a donut?" He asked giving you the box.

"No thank you...what are you still doing here?" You asked observing the empty parking lot.

"Well more for me and I'm obviously waiting for you." He said before reaching for another donut.

"Wasn't Mr Ijichi supposed to drop you home?" You asked.

"I told him that you would drop me I had some extra work to take care of." He replied.

He was lying, there was no extra work. He just wanted to go home with you.

"Okay then let's-"

"Hmmm, Gojo it's strange seeing you here this late." You heard Nanami say.

"Well if it isn't Nanami." Gojo smiled.

"[Y/n] you're here as well." He said.

'Since when does Nanami call Miss 'short skirt-chan' by her first name?' Gojo wondered as he looked at how happy you suddenly became.

"I was working late today and what about you?" You asked cheerfully.

"I had to give the higher ups a report." He told you.

"Are you going home now?" You asked him.

"Yes." Nanami responded.

'Why the hell are they acting like I'm not here?' Gojo thought as he watched how you smiled at Nanami.

"I can give you a ride...if you don't have one!" You said trying not to sound weird.

"No it's fine, Gojo and I live in completely opposite directions. I wouldn't want you to reach home late because of me. I'll just take the train." He said.

"Gojo and I are neighbors, so it won't be an issue." You said.

"Yes that's right! I've been to [Y/n]'s house." Gojo said trying to be part of the conversation.

"Right, so I don't mind." You told him.

"Okay then." Nanami said.

You all got in the car.


"I won't share my donuts with you." Gojo told Nanami as you started driving.

"It's ok, I don't want your donuts." Nanami responded.

You chuckled at Nanami's response and you saw him smile at you through the rearview mirror.

'Are they flirting in front of me?' Gojo thought looking at you and then Nanami.

"How are things going as an Auxiliary Manager?" Nanami asked.

"It's great thanks to you my barrier (veil) technique has improved." You responded cheerfully.

"Nanami can't use the barrier technique though." Gojo pointed out.

"That's true." Nanami replied.

"Anyways, did you check out the dry cleaning place I recommended?" You asked Nanami.

"Yes I did and thank you for the recommendation. After the place I used to go to closed, I thought that I wouldn't be able to find another great dry cleaning place." Nanami said with a smile.

'So they're not going to tell me how Nanami helped her with the barrier technique...and dry cleaners, what are they talking about?!! Nanami is never at the school so how are they so familiar with each other?' Gojo thought feeling irritated as he looked out the car window.

"You're welcome, but I'd be lying if I said that I found that place myself, Tadako was the one who told me about it." You said.

"Your friend from the cafe right? He's really helpful." Nanami said with a smile.

"Yes he is." You giggled

'What the fuck?! He even knows about Tekado.' Gojo thought pretending to be unbothered by all this and gave out a loud sigh.

"Gojo is everything ok? You're usually not this quiet." Nanami asked giving him a concerned look.

"Actually he's never quiet so this is very worrisome." You added.

"I'm fine, you two just continue with your little talk." He replied bluntly still looking out the window.


You and Nanami spoke throughout the car ride, while Gojo sat quietly finishing his donuts.

You finally arrived at Nanami's place.

"Thank you for the ride [Y/n]." He said as he got off the car.

"No, thank you for letting me ride you." You said before realizing how wrong that sounded.

Nanami looked at you a little shocked, even Gojo who hadn't turn his head from the window the whole time, looked at you.

"I mean letting me give you a ride...that's, that's what I meant!" You said feeling embarrassed.

"Uhm ok then, you two have a goodnight and a safe trip home." Nanami responded before entering his apartment building.

"So, how did it feel ridding Nanami?" Gojo mocked.

"Shut up...." You said still recovering from the embarrassment.

Gojo burst into laughter.

You ignored him and started driving.

"Since when have you and Nanami been so friendly with each other?" He asked curiously after he was done laughing.

"What do you mean?" You asked looking at him though the rearview mirror.

"The way you spoke to him, it sounded like you guys talk a lot." He said.

"Oh we do. Nanami may look very strict but he is actually a really nice person." You said with a smile.

"How do you guys 'talk' if he's never at the school?" Gojo asked sounding serious.

"Through the phone obviously." You replied.

"Why does he have your number but I don't?" He asked.

"Because I gave it to him. And I haven't given you my number because you would probably bombard my phone with penis drawings." You mocked.

"Penis drawings are hilarious and anyone who doesn't think that has no sense of humor." He said pouting.

"Sure." You replied sarcastically.

There was silence in the car for a while.

"[Y/n] do you have feelings for Nanami?" Gojo asked before removing his blindfold.

'Where is this coming from and why did he take off his blindfold.' You thought feeling a bit confused.

"I admire Nanami a lot, he..." You paused and composed yourself, making sure not to sound too emotional.

"...he saved my life." You finally managed to say, your eyes fixated on the road.

Gojo saw mixed emotions in your eyes. You looked both happy and sad at the same time.

"I saved your life too but-"

"Nanami saved my life in a different way. If it wasn't for him than I wouldn't be here today." You said feeling your throat tighten a bit.

'What does she mean by that and why does she look so sad.' Gojo thought as he tied his blindfold back on.

"The way you were with Nanami, I've never seen you like that before so...happy." He said sounding upset.

You didn't know what to say so you stayed quiet.

"Why aren't you like that with me?" Gojo asked a few minutes later.

"Can you stop with your little jealousy act, it's getting on my nerves." You said before clicking your tongue.

"It's not an act." He replied with a serious look on his face.

"Someone like you doesn't have the right to be jealous." You said rolling your eyes.

"Someone like me...? And what's that suppose to mean?" He asked folding his arms.

"Someone who changes partners the same way they change clothes. I've seen you with multiple women, but I've never once acted jealous or anything. So what gives you the right to be jealous about how I am with Nanami?" You asked.

"Oh, so you plan on sleeping with Nanami?" He asked sounding a bit angry.

"'s like you hear what you want to hear and not what I'm actually saying." You frowned.

"Okay then why don't you get jealous when you see me with other women?" He asked.

"Because what you do with those women isn't my business." You said rolling your eyes.

"[Y/n], I didn't ask you whether it's your business or not. I asked why you don't you get jealous." He pointed out.

"Maybe because I harbor no feelings towards you!" You said angrily.

"But you harbor feelings for Nanami?" He asked feeling a bit disappointed.

"Leave Nanami out of this." You defended.

Gojo stayed quiet for a moment.

"Sigh...and here I thought that our friendship was going well." He finally said throwing his hands up.

"Well then...maybe we should stop being friends, since our friendship is not going so well for you." You said annoyed.

You didn't mean it, you were just angry at how unreasonable Gojo was being.

"You would like that wouldn't you? Since you love loneliness so much."

Only after he was done talking, did he realize how hurtful those words must've been for you.

"[Y/n] that's not what I-"

"That's enough...please just stop talking." You said sadly.

He heard your voice crack.

'Shit! Why did I say that.' He thought as he clearly saw tears in your eyes.

The car stopped.

He was so into the quarrel that he didn't realize earlier that you were already in your neighborhood.

"[Y/n] I'm really sorry I didn't-"

"There's no need to apologize, please just get out...we're done." You said, your trembling voice.

Those words hurt like a stab wound for Gojo. He knew that there was nothing he could say at that moment that would make you listen to him.

He got off the car and closed the door.


You drove off before he could finish.


He laid awake trying to figure out how things got bad so quickly. He played the whole scenario over and over in his head.

'Why do I care so much about her? I haven't even slept with her?' He thought.

'I don't even care about the women I sleep with this much. I should just forget about her and sleep.' He thought turning to his side and closing his eyes.

He wasn't able to do that. The thought of forgetting about you made his stomach turn.

He couldn't take it anymore and reached for his phone, searched for a number and dialed it.

The phone rang a couple of times before someone on the other side finally picked up.

"Gojo, why the hell are you calling me this late?" Nanami asked with a husk voice.

"Nanami! I have to ask you something really important about Miss 'short skirt-chan'." He said trying not to sound desperate.

"Who?" Nanami asked confused.

"[Y/n]." He replied clearing his throat.

"What about her?" Nanami asked obviously irritated.

"Did you by any chance save [Y/n]'s life?" He asked.

"Are you serious right now?? Aren't you the one who saved her and wouldn't shut up about it?" Nanami responded.

"Ok then have you perhaps met her before she started working at the school?" He asked curiously.

"Sigh...hmmm no, I don't think so." Nanami replied.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked sounding a little disappointed.

"Bye Gojo." Nanami said very annoyed before hanging up.

'This doesn't make any sense. Nanami doesn't have any reason to lie and [Y/n] wasn't lying either. I even took off my blindfold to make sure that she was telling the truth.' He thought placing his phone on the nightstand.

"Then how and when did Nanami save your life [Y/n]?" He asked as he stared at the ceiling.

Gojo tossed and turned for what felt like hours, until he finally began to fall asleep.

As he dozed off, he knew that he had to somehow make amends with you but wasn't sure how.

This was after all the first time that he has ever cared about a woman so much.

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