The rise of a Pokémon master

By KingSnooze09

3.3K 10 23

Ash Ketchum a ten year old boy ready for his Pokémon journey.Along his side is a electric rodent with that wa... More

I choose you
I choose you part 2
A Fresh Start
Journey Through Viridian Forest part 1
Move sets.
Viridian Forest Part 2
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter city
Show down in Pewter City part two
Move sets part 2
The Journey of a coordinator
Clefairy and the moon stone
The Water flowers of cerulean City
You win some, you lose some
The school of hard knocks
Bulbasaur and the hidden village
Charmander the first flame of aura
Here comes the Squirtle squad
Mystery at the light house
Electric shock show down
A shocking new move!(Yes I know it's a bad pun, deal with it)
A battling shipwreck
Move sets part 3
A vacation and relaxation
A Cruel Vacation
A frightful evolution
Not exactly love at first sight
A sweet smelling Showdown
A sweet smelling showdown part 2
A sweet smelling showdown part 3
A sweet smelling showdown part 4
The trials of a coordinator
The trials of a coordinator part 2
A breediful evolution(I know, bad pun deal with it.)
Breediful battles
Breediful battles part 2
Team Rocket take over.
The takeover
The bad, the good, and both
Move Sets part 4
The Calvary has arrived!
It's finally over
Setting off
Mankey goes bananas
A mind breaking showdown
A troubling tournament
A rockin evolution!(I know it's cheesy)
The end of a rockin rematch!
The end of a way to long tournament
Leaving the big city
The familiar smell of lavender
breakin out!
A battle of parenting
Learning about the past
Training all day and training all night.
Move sets part 5
Child hunting
Hypno's nap time
Another day, another city
The not so gringey city
The not so Gringey city part 2
Dose dang Digletts!
Digging up a new team member
Move sets part 6
A contagiously good battle
A blazing battle

Don't get between a momma Ursarang and her cub

109 0 0
By KingSnooze09

"Ash Satoshi Ketchum why in Arceus's name are you here?!"Lt.Surge yells dragging Ash out."Hey, hey, hey, this time I didn't do this on purpose this was against my will."Ash says being dragged away."And that's supposed to make me feel better how?!I was worried about you kid!"The army veteran yells."We have no time, we just got out but Team Rocket's trying to catch us!And I'm really tired!"Ash says quickly."Kid, you've done enough and you better get to the Pokémon center.Your mom's worried about you."Lt. Surge says."Ashton Satoshi Ketchum thank Arceus you're ok!"Ash's mom says hugging her only child."And thank you all for keeping him safe!"Delia says thanking Ash's friends while still still hugging Ash who has a face that says help."Mom it's good to see you to, but Team Rocket's here and we gotta get out of here and and-"Ash starts to say but Ash's mom interrupts him."Honey, we'll deal with this.Now you and your friends get some rest."Delia says kissing her son on the forehead."Ok mom."Ash says walking towards the Pokémon center with his friends."Sorry about that guys."Ash mumbles."Oh don't worry about it.You're lucky to have a mom like that."Jessie mumbles the last part and James nods."What do you mean?"Ash ask."Both me and Jessie have.... bad memories with our mothers."James says."Sorry to push, but what?We got the just of it before but just asking."Brock ask."Well, the last time I saw her was when I was five.All I remember was her having to leave for a mission.After a while I.. I was thrown out our apartment and and-"Jessie starts to say but starts to cry and into James' shoulder who pats her back but."Sorry I brought it up Jessie."Brock says."It''s fine.It's just Ash no all of you to know, is to appreciate your mother's.Even if they may embarrass you, just remember to appreciate what they do for you."Jessie brushing off the crying.(This is also a message from me telling you to appreciate your mother and other women who were important in your life when you were a kid.)"Well, time we're at the Pokémon center."Misty says breaking the silence as the group walk in the Pokémon hospital.

Btw this is Delia and Surge's teams.


Ivy the Venusaur:Gender Male, ability chlorophyll.Moves:Toxic, Sleep Powder, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, Power Whip, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Sweet Scent, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Frenzy Plant, Synthesis, Earthquake, Rockslide, Sunny Day, Grass Pledge, Energy Ball, Giga Impact, Swords Dance, and Sleep Talk.

Ratty the Raticate:Gender Male, ability Guts.Moves:Crunch, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Iron Tail, Toxic, Blizzard, Swift, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Protect, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Giga Impact, Sleep Talk, and Aerial Ace.

Elizabeth the Nidoqueen:Gender Female, ability Poison Point.Moves:Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Earth Power, Super Power, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect, Shadow Claw, Iron Tail, Protect, Sandstorm, Brick Break, Rock Blast, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Surf, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Fire Blast, Sludge Wave, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse, Stone Age, and Focus Blast.

Peter the Clefable:Gender Male, ability Magic Guard.Moves:Life Dew, Metronome, Meteor Mash, Cosmic Power, Moonblast, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Solar Beam, Thunderwave, Light Screen, Reflect, Rest, Protect, Sunny Day, Brick Break, Mystical Fire, Body Slam, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt Thunder, Psychic, Fire Blast, Sleep Talk, Shadow Ball, Hyper Voice, Grass Knot, Play Rough, and Dazzling Gleam.

Daffy the Farfetch'd:Gender Male, ability Defiant.Moves:Aerial Ace, Knock Off, Slash, Swords Dance, Air Slash, Leaf Blade, Brave Bird, Solar Blade, Thief, Steel Wing, U-turn, Revenge, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Throat Chop, Heat Wave, and Close Combat.

Ginger the Espeon:Gender Female, ability Syncronyze.Moves:Swift, Extreme Speed, Morning Sun, Psychic, Hyper Beam, Protect, Psyshock, Rest, Sleep Talk, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic Fang, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis and Grass Knot.

Crystal the Ampharos:Gender Female, ability Static.Moves:Electro Ball, Confuse Ray, Power Gem, Discharge, Cotton Guard, Signal Beam, Light Screen, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Thunderpunch, Electroweb, Fire Punch, Iron Tail, Outrage, Magnet Rise, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rain Dance, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Volt Switch, Thunderwave, Earthquake, and Wild Charge.

Titanium Aggron:Gender Male, ability Rock Head.Move:Rockslide, Iron Head, Metal Sound, Double Edge, Iron Tail, Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Giga Impact, Solar Beam, Protect, Sandstorm, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, Stomping Tantrum, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Surf, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock and Body Press.

Mercury the Bronzong:Gender none doesn't feel like they need one, ability Heat Proof.Moves:Weather Ball, Sunny Day, Confuse Ray, Gyro Ball, Hypnosis, Extrasensory, Heavy Slam, Iron Defense, Metal Sound, Rain Dance, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Light Screen, Reflect, Rock Slide, Protect, Sandstorm, Trick Room, Earthquake, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Body Press, Body Press, and Stealth Rock.

Lily the Stoutland:Gender Female, ability Scrappy.Moves:Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Play Rough, Crunch, Helping Hand, Reversal, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Thunderwave, Dig, Rest, Protect, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Surf, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Uproar, Iron Head, Wild Charge, and Psychic Fangs.

Hurricane  the Swellow:Gender Male, ability Guts.Moves:Aerial Ace, Extreme Speed, Agility, Air Slash, Endeavor, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Giga Impact, Steel Wing, U-Turn, Double Team, Heat Wave, Boom Burst, and Feathers Dance.

Shallow the Lapras:Gender Female, ability Hydration.Moves:Life Dew, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Brine, Body Slam, Brine, Body Slam, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Perish Song, Sheer Cold, Ancient Power, Hyper Beam, Rest, Protect, Whirl Pool, Smart Strike, Round, Body Slam, Surf, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Waterfall, Outrage, Sleep Talk, Mega Horn, Hyper Voice, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Liquidation, Body Press, and Drill Run.

Thermal the Pyroar:Gender Female, ability Moxie.Moves:Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Crunch, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Heat Wave, Bounce, Iron Tail, Sunny Day, Hyper Beam, Protect, Solar Beam, Fire Blast, Flame Charge, Dig, Sleep Talk, Wild Charge, Dark Pulse, and Flare Blitz.

Emerald the Lycanroc(Named after her green eyes):Gender Female, ability Sandrush.Moves:Double Team, Rock Slide, Rock Climb, Stone Edge, Crunch, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Giga Impact, Rest, Sandstorm, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Stomping Tantrum, Swords Dance, Agility, Sleep Talk, Iron Tail, Hyper Voice, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Earth Power, Zen Headbutt, Drill Run, Psychic Fangs, and Play Rough.

Canon ball the Dragapult:Gender Female, ability Cursed Body.Moves:Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush, Fly, Giga Impact, Solar Beam, Thunder Wave, Steel Wing, Dive, U-turn, Acrobatics, Phantom Force, Breaking Swipe, Flamethrower, Surf, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Tri Attack, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Psychic Fangs, and Scald.


Raichu:Gender Male, ability Lightning Rod.Moves:Nuzzle, Extreme Speed, Electro Ball, Agility, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Thunder, Thunderpunch, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Giga Impact, Thunder Wave, Dig, Rain Dance, Volt Switch, Brick Break, Brutal Swing, Body Slam, Iron Tail, Grass Knot, Surf, Reversal, Focus Blast, Play Rough, and Volt Tackle.

Zebstrika:Gender Female, ability Motor Drive.(Was at Lt.Surge's family's home in Unova)Moves:Thunder Wave, Flame Charge, Stomp, Discharge, Agility, Volt Tackle (Yes I know Zebstrika can't learn Volt Tackle but in my fanfic certain Pokémon can learn another Pokémon's signature move if the one teaching it is skilled enough and is close enough so something like a Pidgey wouldn't be able to learn Blast Burn but a Blastoise trained by a Greninja could learn Water Shurieken.), Signal Beam, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rain Dance, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Giga Impact, Volt Switch, Iron Head, and Double Kick.

Manetric:Gender Male, ability Static.Moves:Thunder Wave, Extreme Speed, Thunder Fang, Discharge, Fire Fang, Volt Tackle, Thunder, Electric Terrain, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Rest, Protect, Rain Dance, Ice Fang, Volt Switch, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Sleep Talk, Iron Tail, Crunch, Uproar, Overheat, Psychic Fangs, and Electro Ball.

Electrode:Gender none like mercury doesn't feel like they need one.Moves:Rollout, Screech, Charge Beam, Electro Ball, Light Screen, Magnet Rise, Mirror Coat, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Explosion, Mirror Coat, Hyper beam, Protect, Rain Dance, Thunder, Giga Impact, Iron Head, and what Lt.Surge calls volt roll.(Pretty much Rollout covered in electricity.)

Magnezone:Gender doesn't need one, ability Analytic.Moves:Light Screen, Flash Cannon, Screech, Tri Attack, Discharge, Lock-on, Magnet Rise, Gyro Ball, Zap Cannon, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Rain Dance, Volt Switch, Electro Web, Electric Terrain, Thunder, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Body Press, and Wild Charge.

Electivire, gender female, ability Vital Spirit.Moves:Low Kick, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Thunderpunch, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Giga Impact, Electric Terrain, Dual Chop, Fire Punch, Electro Web, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Signal Beam, Stomping Tantrum, Rain Dance, Giga Impact, Protect, Rain Dance, Earthquake, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Volt Switch, Rock Slide, and Wild Charge.

Luxray:Gender Female, ability Intimidate.Moves:Volt Switch, Thunder Fang, Thunder Wave, Crunch, Discharge, Swagger, Wild Charge, Giga Impact, Rest, Rain Dance, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Sleep Talk, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle, Play Rough, and Psychic Fang.

Pachirisu Gender Male ability, Volt Absorb.(Was also visiting family)Moves:Nuzzle, Thunder Wave, Super Fang, Discharge, Hyper Fang, Electro Web, Iron Tail, Seed Bomb, Rain Dance, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Grass Knot, and Dig.

(I know that was long but Delia and Matis weren't doing nothing all these years.)

"No one messes with our kid and gets away with it."Delia growls and Surge grins smugly."Been a while since I've seen this fury."Surge says.

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