More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

174K 2.7K 2.3K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans


2.7K 52 41
By risingstar99

A/N: one of my favourites!

Another week of school at William McKinley was upon the students. Meanwhile, Santana and Lexi, walked down the hallway, their arms linked, as they giggled and chatted about their love life, Cheerios, and Glee. However, they stopped when they heard Rachel's voice in the choir room. They decided to check it out.

"What's going on? Lexi asked, as her and Santana entered the room.

"Yeah, why didn't you tell us that we're having a girl's meeting?" Santana added, just as confused, and a little offended.

"This is a meeting for Glee girls with boyfriends." Rachel clarified, as she gestured to Quinn, Tina and Brittany who also sat in the room. All of them had boyfriends, and that caused Lexi to feel hurt, and upset.

"Okay, I'm dating Puckerman." Santana crossed her arms.

"You're getting naked with Puckerman." Quinn corrected.

"And besides, aren't you and Lexi an item?" Brittany asked bluntly. She may be innocent, but she could be blunt and shady.

"Sort of, sort of not." Santana lied, as she linked her pinky with Lexi's.

"Besides, Puck can't mess with Karofsky, he's on probation." Tina continued on with the meeting. "If he gets in a fight with him, he'll be sent back to juvie."

"Let me guess this straight." Lexi laughed, hurt evident in her tone. She walked to the middle of the room. "You girls are trying to come up with solutions that incorporate your boyfriends rescuing you? Why? Answer me that simple question. Why? When you could easily come up with your own solutions...What feminists you are." She glared at Rachel. "You see those Disney princesses? They always need their prince to come rescue them. Don't be princesses, be warriors, and put your intelligence to good use."

With that, Lexi, and Santana walked toward their door, but not before they turned to face Rachel who pointed for them to leave.

Lexi shook her head, and launched herself at Rachel, but Santana shook her head, and wrapped her arms around Lexi's waist, preventing her from harming the 'so-called diva.'

"You're so on my list, dwarf!" Santana spat at Rachel.

"Come on Lex...Berry, and her bullcrap isn't worth our precious time anyways." Santana said, as her and Lexi marched out of the room, and off to the courtyard to hangout.

Lexi sat in the courtyard at lunch later that day. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder, causing her to jump.

"Geez." She squealed, as Sam chuckled.

"Sorry, Lex...did I scare you?" He asked.

"You think?" Lexi asked, as Sam sent her a small smile. She shook her head, but quickly regained her serious posture. "What's up?"

"I told Quinn I loved her." Sam answered, as Lexi raised an eyebrow. However, internally, she felt her heart breaking.

"And..." Lexi nodded, encouraging Sam to continue.

"I asked her to accept this promise ring." He said, showing her the promise ring. She gasped at the sight of the simple, but gorgeous ring.

"It's beautiful, Sam." She managed to get out, despite the tears welling in her eyes. "Let me guess, you got down on one knee, and that freaked her out."

"Precisely." Sam sighed.

"Oh buddy." Lexi shook her head. "You've only known her for a few it's normal that she would freak out at the sight of the promise ring."

"She didn't say I love you back." Sam protested, unaware that Lexi was triggered whenever he'd mention Quinn or the three words.

"I'm sure she'll come along eventually. I encourage you to let her process all of it. It's a lot to process, Sam." Lexi said, attempting to keep her voice steady. She was ready to break down, but she wanted to remain strong for Sam.

"Thanks Lex..." Sam smiled softly. He noticed tears clouding her eyes. "Hey, you okay?" He asked gently, grabbing her hand in his.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Lexi lied. "I'm just s-so happy about the prospect of you guys getting married one day." She explained, her voice cracking.


"Seriously. I guarantee you, Sam." Lexi said, as she stood up, wiping her tears. "Quinn will come around, and she'll say those special and meaningful three words, and eight letters." She sent him a sad smile. "Give it time." She added, before she left.

"Lex..." Sam called after her, only she was out of earshot to even hear him. He sighed, and slung his backpack over his shoulder. He frowned as he tried to figure what was bothering Lexi. At the same time, he pushed down the comforting feeling he got when he was around her. Sam didn't want to officially admit it, but even he was falling for her.

The following day, Lexi overheard that the boys- minus Finn - had confronted Karofsky in the locker room. It didn't go as planned, and resulted in the boys getting injured. So now, the girls sat tending to the boys' cuts and bruises.

"Dude was a wild animal!" Mike exclaimed aggravated, while Quinn slapped the ice pack against her binder. She then placed it gently on Sam's black eye.

"Manimal." Artie muttered under his breath.

"I am so turned on by you right now." Brittany said to Artie.

"How bad does it look?" Sam asked Quinn who sent him a small smile.

"It's pretty hot actually." She responded, as he smirked.

At that little exchange, Lexi looked down at her notebook to avoid the smiles Sam and Quinn continued to exchange. Kurt saw her struggling, and knew she was in pain. He gently pulled her into a side hug, hoping to offer her some consolation. She looked up at him, and sent him a grateful smile. He already knew she had feelings for Sam-heck! He knew she was in love with Sam, but he loved someone else. Kurt could definitely relate to her, but they were both in the same position, so they knew they had someone to confide in during these difficult times. Kurt had asked Lexi to help him plan the wedding, which she had happily agreed to, so they'd been working on that the past few weeks.

"You have no idea how hard it was for me not to jump into the beatdown." Puck argued, still riled up from earlier.

"Where were you, Finn?" Santana asked, turning to the taller boy.

"I was still on the field, okay?" He asked, growing defensive. Clearly, he didn't want to be put on the spot. "I totally would have given him a beatdown if I had been there, though."

"The thing is, it shouldn't have gone down without you, Finn." Lexi pointed out.

"You should have been leading the charge." Mercedes agreed.

"Lay off Finn, everyone. It isn't his problem." Kurt spoke up. "It's none of your problems actually. But thank you for what you did, especially Sam." He added, as Sam nodded.

"Serious, an epitome of a leader." Mike praised.

"What's going on? What happened to Sam's eye?" Mr. Schue asked, upon entering the choir room.

"He stood up to Karofsky." Quinn answered.

"All the guys did." Tina nodded. "Well, not Finn." She said, as she glared at Finn who slumped in his seat.

"Is everyone okay? Do we need to go talk to Principal Slyvester?"

"No." Sam answered quickly. "I got in a few good licks, too, so we can just call it even. And maybe this will send a warning to Karofsky, telling him to back off Kurt."

"You okay, Kurt?" Mr. Schue asked gently, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. Kurt shook his head, looking rather emotionless.

"Alright, guys. Let's take our places. We got a wedding to prepare for."

{Marry You-Sung by the New Directions}

After performing Marry You, Lexi stood at the front of the chapel, along with the rest of the Glee Club. Beside her, Santana linked her pinky with Lexi's, while Brittany rested her head against Lexi's shoulder, falling asleep.

Lexi sighed, smiling as she watched Carole and Burt staring lovingly at each other during their vow exchange. All she could see in their eyes was love and genuine adoration. It radiated through the entire room. "God, I want that one day." She thought, hoping she'd be fortunate enough to experience it.

"Please be seated." The priest instructed, as the guests sat back down. "We usually start with a prayer. But a certain young wedding planner, who shall remain nameless, was afraid that some in attendance might fall asleep. So instead, I'm going to let Burt and Carole tell you in their own words why they've invited you here today."

Lexi heard Brittany snoring softly against her shoulder. She chuckled, and turned her attention back to the couple.

"I'm not really known for having a way with words." Burt began. " know when you're a kid, adults will tell you a lot of things. But one thing they neglect to mention is how...sad life can be. I lost somebody I loved very much. But Kurt... he lost his mom. And that killed me. Well, we got by, but looking back? I-I want to apologize to you, Kurt. What we were living just...wasn't living. You know that saying, that when God closes a door, he opens a window? Well sometimes out of nowhere, he'll do you one better, and he'll kick a whole wall down. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pointed me towards this woman right here. And he said, 'There she is. Go get her' You're everything, Carole. Words can't describe you. You're everything. And I will love you till the day I die."

Lexi smiled through her tears. She attempted to discreetly wipe them as they began to fall. Thank god she was wearing waterproof mascara-kudos to Santana. However, that didn't matter because she saw Sam and Quinn smiling at each other, which made her heart ache even more. Santana sensed Lexi was crying, and gently squeezed her hand, as the two girls refocused their attention to Carole who was speaking.

"Oh, hey... I'm lucky. Most women, when they get married, they get one man. I get two. One of you saved me from my wardrobe, the other one just saved me. Kurt, you are an amazing person. I'm not only getting a son, I'm getting a friend. Finn... I know you were resistant at first, but I am so proud of you. I've watched you grow into a man. But I think I'm most proud that you've become a brother to Kurt. We are four people. Becoming a family."

Lexi managed to smile again, even though her eyesight was a tad bit blurry from crying. It was beautiful. She was happy to see the four of them grasp each other's hands.

"Okay." The priest continued. "Burt, do you take Carole..."

"You bet I do!" Burt interjected, causing everyone to laugh. He slipped the ring on Carole's finger.

"And do you, Carole, take this man..."

"Oh, yes, I do!" She also interrupted, as she placed the ring on her now official husband's finger. "Yes, I do."

At that, everyone cheered as they were officially pronounced husband and wife. They awed as the newlywed couple shared a kiss, before walking up the aisle.

Later that evening, after Mr. Schue had performed, he called Finn to the stage. Finn walked up, and grabbed the microphone.

"Oh. Thanks." Finn began, rather awkwardly as he racked his brain for words. "Hi. Uh, thank you. Best man. Right. Uh... Well, I want to propose a toast to my mom... Who is awesome. I mean, somehow even without one in the house, you taught me to be a man. In Glee Club, uh, whenever two of us got together, we got a nickname. Rachel and I are Finchel. Rachel and Puck were Puckleberry. And today, a new union was formed. Furt. You and me, man. We're brothers' from another mother. And quite frankly, no one has shown me as much as you about what it means to be a man. And over the past few weeks, uh, some stuff's gone down. And I haven't manned up like I should've. From now on? No matter what it costs me, I got your back. Okay? Even if it means getting a slushy in the face every now and then. You planned this entire wedding together by yourself, Kurt. So as a thank you, I had the Glee Club put together a little number in your honor." Finn finished, as the group got into their places, while Finn walked up to Kurt. He pulled him into his arms, and they began to dance. It was truly beautiful to see Finn taking account of his actions, and becoming more acceptive of his now step-brother.

{Just the Way You Are-Sung by Finn Hudson with the New Direction

During some of the upbeat songs that followed after Finn's song, Lexi danced with Kurt, Santana, Brittany, Puck, Mike, Mercedes, and even Finn at one point. However, once the slow songs began, she felt left out, and her mood decreased by fifty percent. She sat down at a table, and watched as the happy couples danced around. She chose to attempt to push the envy she felt away. She was actually about to leave when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to be greeted by Sam.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, using an impression, causing her to smile softly.

"Yes. Yes, you may." Lexi answered, as she glanced at Quinn who gave her the go ahead.

Sam led Lexi onto the dance floor, and wrapped his right arm around her back, pulling her closer as his left hand held her right hand, while her left hand rested on his shoulder. Even with heels on, she had to lean up on her toes to dance with him.

"About yesterday..." Sam began cautiously. Lexi sighed knowing what he was referring to.

"I'm sorry about that...I was getting emotional." She chuckled, as she felt tears welling in her eyes. "Oh crap, I'm crying again." She exclaimed, as Sam gently wiped her tears that were falling.

"It's okay...are you sure you're fine?" Sam asked, as she nodded, even though that was a lie.

"I'm going to be fine...I'm just struggling with some stuff." Lexi answered.

"Okay..." Sam nodded. "I do want you to know that I'm here for you, Lex. Always will be." He added, as he pulled her into a hug, before they resumed their dancing position.

"Thank you." Lexi whispered, as he rested his chin on top of her head, while he held her close to him. She let out a shaky breath, and looked up at him. "Uh...Sam." She said.

"Mhm." He hummed in response, looking down at her.

"I...I lo--." She stuttered, as she caught herself.

"What were you going to say, Lex?" Sam frowned confused, at her rambling.

"I was going to say that I love the music." She lied, even though she wanted to tell him she loved him. She genuinely felt that way, and she couldn't control who she loved, right?

"Yeah, it's a classic." Sam agreed, as it came to an end. They said their goodbyes, as he wandered back to Quinn, while she sat back down, internally cursing herself for stuttering on her love confession. Maybe it was wrong, but it seemed invalid to keep her feelings hidden, but at the same time it was unreasonable to tell him her feelings while he was in a relationship. Lexi groaned as she argued internally with herself.
During the final Glee meeting of the week, the wedding was still the top conversation topic amongst the group. However, the chatter died down as Kurt walked inside.

"Come on guys. The wedding was great, but we have got to get ready for Sectionals next week." Mr. Schue announced.

"Can i make an announcement first?" Kurt asked, rather quietly.


"First, I wanted to thank everyone for what you did at my dad's wedding, especially Finn. It's nice to know that I have great friends here, as well as a true brother." Kurt paused before he continued. "Which is why it's so hard for me to leave."

At the news Kurt had given, the group grew silent. No one spoke, until Quinn broke the silence.

"What do you mean, leave?" She asked, rather shocked.

"What? Please tell me this is a joke." Lexi muttered, as she bit her lip that was beginning to quiver. She was upset about Sam and Quinn, as much as it was, but this? She didn't need this.

"Kurt, you can't leave." Tina added.

"What the hell dude?" Finn explained, slightly annoyed. "How about you talk with me about this first?"

"I'm sorry, Finn, but there's nothing to talk about. Karofsky's coming back tomorrow, so that means I' won't be." Kurt explained on the verge of tears.

"We can protect you." Sam protested.

"Seriously, we can, like, form a perimeter around you like the Secret Service." Puck agreed.

"The only thing that can really protect me is what they have at Dalton, a zero tolerance, no-bullying policy." Kurt said, as he struggled not to cry. "It's enforced."

"Um, does this mean that you're going to be competing against us at Sectionals?" Rachel spoke up, rather unbothered by the news, and clearly focusing her mindset on Sectionals.

"Read the freaking room, dwarf." Lexi snapped at Rachel, who slumped down in her chair.

"Stop being so egotistical, and insensitive all the time."  Lexi added, before folding her arms.

"Kurt..." Mercedes called, as she attempted to walk towards her best friend.

"Sorry." Kurt said in tears, as he left the room. "I have to go."

Lexi sat in her bedroom that night, songwriting and strumming her guitars, and occasionally playing her piano.

She was doing anything she could to keep her mind of Sam, but none of the things she was doing, were working.

"Hey, Lex..." She heard a knock at her door.

"Come in..." Lexi answered, as Finn walked in holding a bag of popcorn.

"You seemed down today, so I thought we could watch a movie and have a friendship hangout night." Finn smiled softly, when Lexi chuckled.

"I'd love that." Lexi nodded, as she pulled him into a hug, before they got settled on her bed, and she pulled out her laptop.

"Do you want to talk  about what's bothering you?" Finn asked gently, as Lexi sighed, placing her laptop on her bed.

"Sam gave Quinn a promise ring..." Lexi began, as she felt tears welling in her eyes. "And he told her he loved her."

"Oh Lex, I'm so sorry." Finn said quietly.

"And she accepted the ring, and basically told him she loved him's so simple, the three words, and the eight letters."

"Going a little Gossip Girl, are we?" Finn tried to crack a joke. "Sorry." He sighed, as he looked at Lexi.

Lexi sniffled, and sat down on the bed beside him. She let him pull her closer to him, in hopes of consolation.

"I really, really, hate feelings sometimes." Lexi admitted, as tears streamed down her face.

"Lex, it isn't your fault. You've said it yourself, you can't choose who you like, or love in that matter." Finn replied.

"My mom actually said that, but so close." Lexi chuckled through her tears.

"Close enough." Finn smirked down at her. "But hey, you said you love Sam. You can't control your feelings for him, and that's okay...I know he's in a relationship at the moment, but you don't know, maybe it won't work out. We can't be the judges or predictors, but we can manifest."

"Since when did you manifest?" Lexi asked.

"I learned it from you, Lex." Finn pointed out.

"Touché." Lexi mumbled, as Finn laughed softly.

"Everything's going to be okay, Lex. You'll see, I promise."

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