More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

182K 2.8K 2.4K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans


3.6K 72 97
By risingstar99


"Alright, let's, uh, gather around." Mr. Schue said, walking into the choir room. Everyone complied and took their seats. "Sorry I'm late, guys. I was with Principal Figgins. Bad news, guys, Puckerman's in juvie."

"It really was just a matter of time." Tina said aloud.

"What did he do?" Lexi asked confused. She wasn't too surprised, but that didn't prevent her from feeling a little shocked.

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM." Mr. Schue explained, causing Brittany and Santana to snicker under their breath.

"And when is he getting out?" Asked Rachel.


"He might be the dumbest person on this planet, and that's coming from me." Brittany spoke up, unaware of her insensitive words.

"Guys! Let's have some sympathy." Mr. Schue interjected sternly.

"For a guy who puts his needs before the team's?" Finn scoffed in disbelief, receiving a slap on the arm from Lexi. "We need his voice and bad boy presence."

"We can't look at this as a crisis. It's an opportunity." Mr. Schue continued.

"For what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?" Quinn asked, as Lexi murmured her agreement.

"For welcoming our new member... Sam Evans!"

At Mr. Schue's announcement, Lexi sat up a little straighter. She smiled as Sam came running into the room. He saw her smiling, and sent her a smile, which caused her to blush.

"Someone's in love." Santana teased, nudging her, as Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." Lexi retorted quietly, before she turned her attention back to Sam.

"Hey everybody, I'm Sam. Sam, I am." He joked lightly, giving the group a friendly smile, after shaking hands with Mr. Schue. "And I don't like green eggs and ham." He added, causing Lexi to giggle. Sam smiled at her again, knowing how easy it was to get a reaction out of her.

"Oh wow. He has no game." Santana muttered, as Lexi glared at her.

"Okay! This is gonna be great!" Finn smiled, as he stood up, and shook Sam's hand.

"Oh good." Sam replied.

"Sam, you sit right here." Finn gestured to the chair beside Lexi. Finn was quick to send Lexi a knowing wink, which she shook her head at.

"I thought you weren't joining." Lexi whispered to Sam, once he'd sat down beside her.

"Changed my mind." Sam replied with a small smile. The two of them had still been studying together, and hanging out after their moment they had shared a few weeks prior. They hadn't really properly discussed it, but both of them knew that they were seemingly growing closer.

"Alright! Question for the group. What's a duet?" Mr. Schue asked.

"A blanket." Brittany answered innocently.

"A duet is when two voices join to become one." Mr. Schue continued with the lesson, choosing to ignore Brittany's previous answer. "Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers complement each other, push each other to be better. Now, some people may think..." he continued on with the lesson, but Lexi didn't catch much of it, due to her talking with Sam discreetly. Plus, Kurt leaned down to talk to her. "Psst. He's on team gay." He said to Lexi and Mercedes.

"Why would you think that? He's not gay, I'm sure of it." Lexi frowned.

"No straight boy dyes his hair to look Linda Evangelista circa 1993." Kurt responded, as Lexi shrugged, but returned her attention back to her and Sam's discussion about chemistry homework.

"You're crazy, circa 2010." Mercedes scoffed, shaking her head at Kurt who winked, before the two turned their attention back to their teacher.

"That is what duets are all about. So this week I want you to pair up and sing a duet. And since you guys all seemed to love our little Defying Gravity diva-off, I'm making this a competition." Mr. Schue explained, causing Lexi's face to light up.

"What's the winner get?" Mike asked.

"Dinner for two, on Breadstix." Mr. Schue answered, earning claps and cheers from the group.

"Breadstix, yes!" Tina grinned.

"I have to win." Santana said, as Brittany nodded in agreement.

"I love this idea!" Tina smiled excitedly, repeating her sentence again.

Lexi sat in her thoughts. She began to see that everyone had found their partners. She glanced at Sam, and noticed that Kurt also had his eye on the boy. Lexi figured she had a chance, as long as she beat Kurt to it...she was still a fair contender, right? Worse case scenario, she'd perform a solo, or just sit and watch the competition unfold.

Later that day, Lexi was collecting her books from her locker. As she closed the door, she flinched when she saw Karofsky and Azimio walking towards her with slushies. Although she was on the Cheerios, she still got ridiculed and bullied for being a part of Glee club. Lexi was quick to close her eyes, and quickly threw on a pair of sunglasses. She turned away, only to see them walk past her, and down the hallway. She discreetly followed them, as she saw them throw the slushies in Sam's face.

"Boom!" Karofsky laughed.

"Welcome to Glee club, lady lips!" Azimio added, as the two bullies walked off in fits of laughter. Poor Sam stood frozen in place with a shocked expression.

Lexi thanked herself internally that she had her cheer bag with her. She quickly approached Sam, and gently alerted him it was her, before she grabbed his hand and led him to the girls washroom. Lexi then reached into her bag and pulled out her towel while Sam washed the heavy ice from his face under the tap. Once he finished, he turned to Lexi who sent him a sympathetic smile, and walked towards him with her towel. She began to help him clean off the excess ice pieces.

"The blueberry flavor is the worst, especially if it gets down your pants." Lexi sighed, breaking the silence. "I looked like a creature out of Avatar down there when I got slushied."

"I saw Avatar, like six times." Sam smiled softly, as she giggled.

"Oh really, you did?" Lexi asked. "I saw it ten times." She smiled up at him. "My mom and I watched it for many of our movie nights-you'll have to join one day."

"I'd love to." Sam nodded.

"Yeah." Lexi smirked softly, before returning to the previous discussion. "Anyways, you get used to it." She gestured to the slushy on the towel.

"You're co-captain of the Cheerios, aren't you?" Sam asked, as Lexi nodded, letting out another sigh. "Why do you even bother? I mean, you don't need Glee Club."

"I like to sing." Lexi smiled shyly. "Maybe not always in front of everyone-because Berry hogs the spotlight...but the fact is, no one in that cheerleading squad are really my friends. They're constantly teasing me about having a younger mom, and struggles..." She rambled, running a hand through her hair. She stopped herself before she could ramble anymore. "Not like they are in Glee Club. And when you finally realize that your teammates on your football team aren't your true friends, I can guarantee you, that you'll be forever grateful to have a family in Glee. We're like a second family...we're messy, but we're there for each other." Lexi finished her explanation, only to see Sam staring at her.

"Lor Menari." Sam said, as she blushed. "It means you have pretty eyes. It Navi. The avatar language."

"Lor menari." Lexi replied, as Sam chuckled.

He watched as she purposefully left her towel on the sink.

Sam smiled then, and frowned when she walked towards the door without the towel. "You forgot your towel, Lex." He said, as she shrugged.

"Keep it. You'll need it a lot more than me this week, Evans." Lexi sent him a smile, before she left the washroom to go to practice. At that, he smirked, shaking his head amused.

Lexi clapped and cheered as Santana and Mercedes performed their flawless rendition of River Deep, Mountain High. Mr. Schue stood up, as everyone clapped, and joined the two girls in the middle.

"Ladies, nice work!" The teacher praised the two girls who smirked proudly. "What an incredible song!"

"And just so you know, I've already bought custom bibs for me and Mercedes here." Santana announced. "You know why? 'Cause we's be going..."

"To Beadstix!" Her and Mercedes chorused simultaneously, high-fiving as Lexi chuckled.

"You hear that guys?" Mr. Schue asked with a laugh. "You have your work cut out for you."

Lexi sat in the library waiting for Sam to join her. She frowned when the clock struck three. They usually studied together from three to four. She figured he was just a little late.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Sam said, as he sat down across from her.

"Don't apologize, it's okay." Lexi reassured him, as he opened his chemistry textbook.

"Oh good." Sam smiled softly, as he began to work on his homework, asking for assistance from Lexi every few minutes. Since he was dyslexic, it took him a little longer to work on his homework, and she was the only one willing to help him, so it worked.

After a few minutes of working together, Lexi spoke up, breaking the silence. " you have a duet partner yet?"

"Quinn asked me to be her partner." Sam answered, causing Lexi to nod, trying to cover up her disappointment.

"I thought you and Kurt were originally going to do a duet together." Lexi frowned slightly confused.

"I know...but he approached me yesterday, telling me he pulled out. I met Quinn later on, and she asked me if I had a partner, and I said no...she then asked me if I wanted to do a duet with her, to which I agreed. We had a rehearsal, before I came here actually...and she looked so beautiful under those planets in the science classroom....and she was looking at me with her captivating green eyes, and I mistook that as a sign to...." Sam paused, as he ran a hand through his hair, rather embarrassed.

"What did you do?" Lexi asked, feeling her heart break start to break.

"I tried to kiss her." Sam admitted, as Lexi suddenly felt an urge of jealousy, despite her heart breaking. "And it was a huge mistake. She ran off, when I tried to apologize, refusing to listen to me. She said something like this year was about her only, and that she didn't want to sing with me anymore...but I couldn't help my urge to kiss her, she was giving me the signal with her eyes, I swear!" He explained, as Lexi shook her head in utter disbelief.

"God...I'm such an idiot." Lexi laughed under her breath. She was clearly hurt, and humiliated.

Sam stared at her confused. "Lex..." Sam said, raising his eyebrow.

"I thought...." Lexi paused, laughing painfully, as she racked her brain for words. "I thought you liked me." Lexi confessed, as she stood up, and speedily began packing her textbooks into her rucksack. "But, I guess I was wrong...I just thought that after our moment a few weeks ago, and how close we were getting, that eventually we'd be something more serious...but look at me! Lexi Torres, the idiot!" She exclaimed, as she felt tears welling in her eyes.

"Lex...I'm sorry."

"'s okay." Lexi shook her head. "I know what you see in Quinn. Every blind guy and idiot would know that she's just beautiful! And yes, she endured adversities last year, I'm sure she informed you, and this year she was going to focus on herself, and her school activities, and classes. Clearly, she lied, she's open to another relationship."

"Uh, Lex..." Sam frowned, as he stood up. "I don't really understand."

"God...all I'm saying is try to apologize to her, Sam! Maybe next time don't rush into things, and take it slow. And who knows, maybe if you end up singing that duet, you guys will become something...because clearly you didn't consider asking me." Lexi smiled sadly, as she rushed out of the library ignoring Sam calling after her.

She pushed the washroom door open, hoping to be alone, but Santana stood by the sink fixing her makeup.

"Hey, Lex." Santana greeted, immediately frowning when she saw Lexie on the verge of tears. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just great." Lexi lied, as she crossed her arms, leaning against the door.

"You aren't okay." Santana shook her head.
"Sam agreed to partner with Quinn for the duet, and I was going to ask him...but guess what, he didn't even ask me." Lexi rambled. "We kissed a few weeks ago, and we've gradually been getting closer...and I thought it would eventually lead to something more...but it isn't...I feel like such an idiot." She choked out as her voice cracked.

"Oh Lex." Santana cooed, as she listened to Lexi whimper, and slide down the door, crying into her hands. The poor girl was breaking down, and Santana had never really witnessed her in that state, but she was determined to help.

"I'm so stupid, Santana..." Lexi managed to get out through her tears.

"Hey, you aren't stupid." Santana assured her, as she sat down beside her. "Come here." She whispered, pulling Lexi into a hug, and letting her cry, as she rocked them back and forth.

"He just sees me as a friend." Lexi shrugged, after she'd collected herself. "I wanted to be something more...and clearly he was slightly oblivious that I wasn't an option for a duet or relationship. I don't even know what to do with my feelings...but I'm such an idiot."

"Stop that Lex. You aren't an idiot. You can't control who you love or like. Just because he's with Fabray, and they'll possibly become an item, doesn't mean your chance with him is thrown out the window. I can guarantee you that you still have a chance. Just maybe not right now." Santana said quietly, as she stroked her hand through Lexi's hair. "But you know what? I want you to clean up, and refix your makeup. Tie your hair up, and I'm going to treat you to Taco Bell. Sounds good?"

"Yeah..." Lexi nodded, as Santana pulled her onto her feet. "Thank you." She whispered, pulling Santana into a hug.

"What am I here for?" Santana asked.

"Wait, I thought you and Brittany would duet together." Lexi commented a few moments later. "Brittany looked upset earlier."

"Yeah, well sometimes things don't really work." Santana shrugged, as she helped Lexi clean up.
"So why did you want me to come over?" Lexi asked Brittany.

"Well...I didn't have a duet partner, and I know you were free." Brittany said, as she let Lexi into her bedroom.


"You know, since America is supposed to be a free country, but due to the unicorns raiding it, and constant glitter bombs, it isn't. It's so confusing, and I didn't think to ask you because I thought you weren't free either." Brittany explained as Lexi frowned.

"Oh Britt." Lexi chuckled. "America is supposed to be a free country...but we have problems. As for me, I'm free. So I'll be your partner."

"Oh great." Brittany nodded. "And I'd like to also bring you on Fondue for Two later this week."

"Okay..." Lexi cleared her throat, before pulling out her binder. "Moving on, here are some songs I've compiled that would display our vocal ranges perfectly." Lexi said, pulling out sheet music, and handing it to Brittany who frowned.

"I don't get it." Brittany shook her head.

"That's fine, Britt. I'll explain." Lexi smiled understandingly. "Let me explain. If I'm breaking this down, every person has a vocal range...for us girls, the ranges are: alto, mezzo soprano, or soprano, while the boy's vocal range options are: bass, baritone, and tenor. Basically, alto and bass are the lowest range, mezzo-soprano, and baritone are middle range, and tenor and soprano are the highest range. You're an alto, and I'm a soprano."

"Does that mean you have higher status than me?" Brittany asked, trying to piece the information together.

"No, it means you have a lower vocal range ability, while I have a little more ability to sing high." Lexi explained.

" you're high?" Brittany asked, as Lexi giggled, shaking her head.

"Close Britt, so close." Lexi commented, as Brittany shrugged. "Why don't we get started on practicing? I need help singing to someone."

"Is this about Sam? Because he's with Quinn, right?" Brittany asked, as Lexi nodded.

"Right." Lexi sighed, her heart breaking at the prospect of Quinn and Sam being an item.

"So you want to sing to him?" Brittany asked. "Because I'll help you."

"Thanks Britt. You really are a genius, and a good friend." Lexi smiled sadly, as Brittany pulled her into a comforting hug, sensing that her friend was upset. And for that, Lexi was eternally grateful.
"So let's get into our lesson, guys, because today we have two performances." Mr. Schue said, as everyone watched him talk. "First, let's give it up for Mike and Tina."

Everyone clapped and cheered as Mike and Tina walked to the front, and turned so that their backs faced the group. They waited a few seconds, and Lexi swore she could overhear their conversation. She got that Mike was nervous, and Tina was encouraging him to perform.

"I don't think I can do this." Mike whispered.

"It's the perfect song for this very situation." Tina whispered back, trying to reassure her boyfriend.

"Whenever you're ready, guys." Mr. Schue spoke up, trying to speed the class up.

"Yeah, hurry up." Santana agreed. "I needs to get myself to Breadstix."

"Don't count on it." Brittany retorted. "I'm mad at you, but you're still so hot." She said as Santana frowned.

"Trust me, you're gonna be great." Tina smiled, as her and Mike began their performance. The group laughed, and clapped for their very funny performance of Sing.

"Now that is a duet!" Mr. Schue said, clapping. "Thank you, Tina, for introducing us to the amazing voice of Mike Chang!" He smiled before continuing. "Now, Lexi, and Brittany have prepared a duet." He said, looking at Lexi and Brittany who nodded. "You may have the floor, girls."

Lexi smiled, but it slightly faded when she saw Quinn and Sam exchanging looks. She shook it off, and gently pulled Brittany with her to the middle of the room. Somehow, she'd managed to get Brittany to understand the song, and she had altered her vocal range to match Brittany's.

"So, before you get any idea that this song is directed to isn't...inteneded to be well..." She stumbled with her words, as Sam frowned, while Santana coughed knowingly. Lexi sighed, but continued. "Let's just say, we can all agree that we need some Taylor Swift in here, so here's our number." Lexi rambled, as her and Brittany waited for the band to start playing. Soon enough, the notes to Taylor Swift's You Belong with Me began to play.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

Brittany, Lexi
If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?
And you've got a smile
That can light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me
You belong with me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh

When you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see that I'm the one
Who understands you?
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me
You belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me

Brittany pulled Lexi into a hug after they finished their song. The two girl smiled as everyone smiled, clapping and cheering. Mr. Schue praised the duo, before carrying on with the lesson.

As Lexi sat down, she noticed Sam sending her a small smile. She sent him a small smile in return, as he swore he felt a feeling in his stomach, when he looked at her...however, he pushed it away. Sam was quite surprised by her voice, and he admitted that she was quite the vocalist and performer. He knew the song was mostly directed at him, but he didn't comment on it. He made a mental note to go congratulate her later. The two hadn't really talked after he had told her about performing with Quinn, but she was still willing to study with him. So, part of him assumed they'd remain friends.
"This isn't happening." Mercedes whispered to Lexi who nodded, as they stared at Rachel and Finn performing a very inappropriate rendition of With You I'm Born Again. What made it worse was that they dressed as religious people.

No one clapped when the song came to an end...well, Mike attempted to, but Tina slapped her hand down on his to prevent him from clapping.

"Okay, do I even need to say it?" Mercedes asked, shocked.

"That was really rude." Sam nodded.

"Definitely rude and offensive." Lexi agreed.

"I seriously wanted to punch both of you." Quinn added to the chain of comments.

"I have to agree. It's a great duet, but what you guys did with it was...really inappropriate. Your costume choice was a little insensitive. Frankly...I'm disappointed." Mr. Schue said.

"What?!" Rachel asked, feigning being offended and outraged. Lexi noted that the girl truly needed to work on her acting skills-they weren't believable.

"Are you serious?" Finn asked, his acting even worse.

"Shocked." Rachel said, finishing the sentence for him.

"Secondhand embarrassment." Lexi muttered, as Sam, Mercedes, and Quinn nodded.

"We're... We're shocked. I... I really hope that this doesn't cost us the competition."

"Yeah, uh..."

"Okay." Lexi interjected. "You two are becoming way too much for us to handle. Please just sit down before Quinn or I punch both of you."

Rachel quietly agreed, and pulled finn forward as they took their seats again.

"Well, getting back on track, who's next?" Mr. Schue asked, trying to continue with the lesson. "Alright." He smiled when Sam and Quinn stood up.

"Okay, I just want to say I'm really excited, and that I couldn't have asked for a better partner." Sam smiled, as Quinn sent him a small smile, while he strapped on the guitar.

Lexi felt her heart break at the sight of the two. She tried to ignore the tears that threatened to fall. She bit her lip and crossed her arms as Sam and Quinn performed Lucky together. Their eyes never lost contact. Lexi was jealous, and she felt ashamed for feeling so envious of the two, but if she was being honest, that should be her up there with Sam...he didn't even think of asking her for a duet, so she couldn't blame him. But, she did. She wasn't the only one who should feel like an idiot-but in this moment, she did. And Quinn of course had to have everything given to her. She got the team captain, and the great guys...and sure both her and Lexi were the highest in their grades, but that still didn't stop Quinn from getting everything. It was excruciatingly aggravating. Lexi decided to not do anything about it, after all, Quinn had had a rough year, and she didn't want to sabotage the performance. She deserved happiness...but so did Lexi.

"So freakin' charming." Santana scoffed quietly, as Lexi only nodded, clapping along with the rest of the group once the song was over.

Santana could see how Lexi watched with sad eyes as Quinn and Sam exchanged the shy smiles, and loving glances. It clicked that Lexi didn't just like Sam, she was in love with him, and Fabray came along and stole the guy Lexi was crushing on.

"Just perfect." Lexi whispered sadly, as she leaned her head against Kurt's shoulder. He sensed she was forlorn, and pulled her closer to him.
The next day after the duets were finished for the week-Artie had decided not to perform, -it was time for the votes to commence. Lexi smiled as she wrote her and Brittany's name down on a piece of paper, before placing it in the hat.

The group waited for Mr. Schue to count the votes, and after about five minutes, he turned around to announce the winners.

"Well, even though it looks like just about everyone voted for themselves - even those who didn't compete - we do have a winner." Mr. Schue said, holding up the coupons for Breadstix. "And the winner two votes...Sam and Quinn!"

Lexi was going to clap, but saw Santana about to launch herself at Sam and Quinn.

"What?! What?!" Santana exclaimed. "Screw that, I want my 'stix!" She yelled, as Lexi, and Mercedes struggled to hold her back.

"Ooh, let it go. Let go, let it go." Mercedes said calmly, as Santana tried to get out of her and Lexi's grasp.

"Santana, relax." Lexi said, as Santana pouted, and slumped in her chair, crossing her arms like a three year old in a timeout.

"Unbelievable!" Santana commented, with a roll of her eyes.

"It was mine!" Rachel argued, as Lexi sent her a glare. "No, I don't know how this happened! Unbelievable!"

It was at that moment, Lexi knew Finn and Rachel had purposely done something to throw the competition. It all made sense that Sam and Quinn won the competition. Somehow the pieces fit together.

Sara found Lexi laying on the couch with a bucket of ice cream. She frowned at her daughter's upset and forlorn expression. Lexi hadn't noticed her mom standing in the archway of the living room. She was too focused on watching a new episode of Grey's Anatomy while she texted back and forth with Kurt.

"Why the bucket of ice cream, Lex?" Sara asked, making herself known.

"It's been a difficult week." Lexi answered, as she shoved a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"In what way?" Sara asked gently, as she sat down on the end of the couch.

"I just need to wallow, okay?" Lexi asked, her voice cracking.

"Oh sweetie." Sara sighed, as Lexi began to cry into her hands. Sara took the bucket of ice cream, and placed it on the table. She then shifted closer to Lexi, pulling her into her arms, and letting her cry.

"It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay."

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