Crisis Of Desire

By shiaraxo

2.1M 33.9K 59.3K


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31.1K 541 1.3K
By shiaraxo


Cataleya Valentina Velez:

'So what do you want to do now?' Celine asks as the credits roll. I barely picked up anything, besides a blond woman acting as if she was dead, while the brunette was sleeping with her man. Or something like that. 

'We should've picked Fast and Furious, this movie was boring.' She groans as she reaches for the remote. 

She's right. I would much rather watch Fast and Furious for the tenth time in my life, than this movie. It was so strange. 'I agree, we should have a marathon!' 

Her eyes widen and she almost jumps off of the couch. 'We should!' 

'Finally, a girl who likes racing just as much as I do!' She groans before jumping back on the couch. I smile and nod. 

I've always been in love with racing. Not that I'm good at it, I just like watching, sometimes even driving. It's fun. It's also against the law. 

'I would love to race one more time.' I sigh, thinking back to the time I did. One time. I absolutely loved it. 

'They host races here, you know?' 'Here?' She nods and fills her glass with more champagne. 'Well, not here. But in town.' 

'It's against the law.' I whisper, trying to hold back my excitement. There's no way that Rio is going to me. I can barely believe that he's letting us out on our own. With surveillance of course... 

'So is a lot of shit we do, but that's not stopping us, is it?' Us?  Somehow I feel like she's talking about Neveah and me as well, but we're not one of them. Yet... 

Neveah told me about the tattoo. Celine did too. It's supposed to be some kind of label. A label for the world to see who you work with, or in our case, who you belong to. 

'Can I see your tattoo?' Celine told me about it, but she never showed us. I want to know what it looks like. I want to know what hideous drawing will ruin my skin. 

She looks at me for a second, before lifting up her shirt and turning just a little to the right.

Underneath her bra letters are inked into her skin, the same letters as the tattoo on Rio's left hand. 

  O 𝓒𝓤 E 𝓡𝓩 T 𝓘 𝓞 

'It's smaller than Rio's.' She proudly chimes, before lowering her shirt again. 'It's not very creative.' 

Celine stares at me before laughing at my statement. She's not denying that there could've been a different tattoo for this. 

I don't know what I thought it would be, though, maybe some type of animal or a symbol that represents strength, not a bunch of letters in different fonts.

'Do we have to take it?' I ask, already knowing the answer. I just want it to change. I don't want the stupid tattoo. 'At some point.' 

'But you might as well just get the CO one, depends on Rio's mood.' 

'The CO one?' She nods and grabs her phone, probably searching for a picture to show me. 'Here.' Celine shoves her phone in my hands and points at the picture. 

The letters C and O are inked into someone's skin. It's even uglier than the one Celine has. 

'What's the difference?' She places her phone on the table and looks at me again. 'Don't you know?' 

'No.' I answer honestly. 

No one really said anything about the tattoos, besides the part that we're getting them at some point. I didn't know there were different ones, who apparently have different meanings as well. 

'The CO one is for simple members, people that are, according to Rio, disposable.' According to Rio... I wonder how many people have the CO tattoo. 

Rio is heartless. He would much rather give the world the CO tattoo than take care of any of the men offering their life for him. Sacrificing all they have, for him. Worshiping him like a god. 

'But I don't think you'll get that one.' She mumbles before turning back to the tv. 'Why not?' 

There's no reason for Rio to give us the other one since he thinks so low of us. 'He knows that Leon will resent him till the day he dies if he marks Neveah as a CO. And Leon insisted on getting you the longer one as well.' Of course, he did... 

'He only said that because he knows Neveah will get one if I get it first.' I whisper, trying to cover my words by drinking the last bit of champagne in my glass. 'I didn't think about it like that yet.' 

'How many CO ones are there?' She thinks about it for a second, tapping her finger against her chin in the process. 'About fifty million people in Europe.' What!? 

'Fifty million?' I ask, totally shocked by the numbers. 'That's in Europe alone, we have a few in America as well.' Oh my god... 

'The tattoo is more of a rank and security thing, trust me.' 

'What's so important about the tattoo anyway?' I ask, seriously getting annoyed by the fact that there going to put one on my skin at some point. 

'There are only two ways to describe it to you.' She starts, turning to me so she can explain all of this. 'First, it's a mark. A mark to keep you protected. If people know you're one of us, they'll back off easier. Especially in Europe.'

Or they would kill you faster... 'Or you could see it as safety stamp.' What? 

'How-' 'People from all over Europe will have to protect you. If something happens to you, everyone involved and the people who have failed to protect you will die.' She states as if it's as simple as picking a drink. 

What. The. Fuck? 'You're talking about it as if it's a good thing.' 

'It kind of is.' She says before getting up and heading to the kitchen. I follow her and can't believe she's saying this. 'Are you insane?' 

The fact that I'm able to walk straighter than earlier today or without whining, certainly is progress. 

'Maybe, why?' I roll my eyes and grab her arm, pulling her around before she can reach for another bottle of champagne. 

'There's only one way I see this tattoo. It's a death mark.' Her brows furrow and I nod. 'If you have any association with the Curzio's, you might as well pray to God that you'll make it out alive.' 

'You're very good at overreacting.' She smirks, before turning back to the champagne. 'It's the truth. You're acting as if the tattoo is a good thing. As if-' 'It earns you respect from people around the world. Especially the one you'll be getting if Leon gets his way.' 

'Oh, so what, you want me to thank him for forcing me to get a tattoo I don't want?' 

She sighs deeply and turns back to me, almost dropping a bunch of bottles as she turns around. 

'It's not a bad thing to get the tattoo, Cataleya. It will protect you.' 

'No. It will kill me.' She rolls her eyes and turns back to the champagnes, grabbing the exact bottle like the one we just emptied not so long ago. 'I don't get how you can talk about it as if it's a sign from God. As if it'll protect you in the darkest times.' 

'Because it will.' She groans as she brushes past me, back into the living room. 'I doubt it will.'

I've seen the effects Curzio brings. I've seen the enemies he has. Just a few of them. 

It's not safe to be around him. If they tattoo us, it'll be literally imprinted into our skin. We would belong to him and the whole world would know. 

'Make of it what you want, but if Rio wants you to get the tattoo, you will get that tattoo.' I sigh, knowing she's right. That doesn't mean I'll be making it easy for him though. 

'What time is it anyway, I have-' We both go silent as we notice Rio standing in the frame of the door. He smirks at us and stares at his watch, before looking back up. 'It's almost five, you have to run.' 

'Shit.' She mutters before indeed running to her room. 'Where are you-' 'She has to run some errands for me, so you're coming with me, Velez.' 

'And why would I do that?' His smirk disappears and he slowly gets closer. The distance is the only thing not forcing me to look at him directly. It's the thing I need to keep up my front. 

I just hope that Neveah was right. That the urge to jump him every time he's around, will decrease and at some point disappear. 

'Stay away from me.' I sneer, making him raise an eyebrow for just a second. He quickly composes himself again and turns to the door. 

'Because I'm telling you too. Let's go.' I wait a few seconds, debating if I should even listen to a thing he has to say. 

But then I'm reminded of his power. He will seriously explode if I don't go with him. And I don't think he'll hurt me. I hope. 

So I follow him out of the house, closing the door behind me. He's already at the end of the little pathway leading to his house and I need to run up to him to catch up. 

'Where are we going?' I ask, curious as to why we're not entering his house. We're simply walking past it, towards the garage. 

'Somewhere.' He huffs before pressing a little button that starts the black Bugatti Chiron. 'Get in.' He gets in himself and doesn't seem in the mood to wait. Should I even- 'Velez, don't test my patience right now.' 

I huff and run to the other side of the car, getting in before he drags me in himself. 'You could just leave me here you know.'  

'And let you're nosy ass go around to ask questions, no way.' He smirks before driving off the grounds. 

I watch as we drive past all the gorgeous plants, planted neatly next to the driveway. He must've paid a fortune to get this done, let alone everything else. 

'Do you like it here so far?' Why is he talking to me? I turn to him and sigh. 'It's fine.' 'Fine?' 

'Yes, fine.' I repeat as I turn my gaze back outside. He sighs and continues to drive in silence. 

It's weird to sit next to him in the car. Especially after what happened last night. Especially after waking up alone in the bed, we shared the night before. This was a bad idea... 

'We're going to an old friend of mine, the same rules apply as usual, and please-' He turns to me and sighs deeply since the traffic light is red, 'Don't disobey this time.' 

Disobey? 'Do I look like a dog to you?' He chuckles before shifting the gears since the light turned green. Fucking asshole... 

He pulls up in the middle of a crowded street and parks the car to the right. We're in the middle of a street filled with clothing shops, restaurants, and car stores. 

'Are you going to keep staring or are you going to follow me?' I roll my eyes and jump out of the car, turning to him. 'I'm not a dog.' 'I never said you were.' 

He crosses the street, not giving a fuck about the cars that might run him over in the process. Rio wants me to stay close to him, but there's no way that I'm going to cross the street as he did. I rush to the crosswalk and wait for the stupid light to turn green, which it does after a few seconds. 

I keep my eyes on Rio, who is almost out of sight already. Can he not wait for a second?! 

As soon as I reach the other side of the street I start running. I could be running the other way, but that would leave me stuck in this unfamiliar place with people I don't know or trust. 

That and fifty million people in Europe work for the Curzio's. He would find me in no time. 

'Already breaking the rules, Velez?' I groan and try to catch my breath as he heads to a car store. 

Auto Gianni is written in yellow letters right outside the building. 'Velez!' 

I look over at Rio who's entering the building already, while I'm on the other side of the parking lot. 

'Buonasera Georginio!' Rio shouts as he walks further into the store. The employees let him through, without saying a word, and stare at me. 'Buonasera signora.' Are they-  I smile at them and walk after Rio, trying to stay close since I don't want to anger him by breaking any of his rules again. 

The place is filled with people, almost making it impossible to stay close to him. 

'Come stai amico mio?' An older-looking man chimes, reaching for Rio's hand. I am shocked when I see him kiss Rio's hand and pressing it against his forehead. That's something people do with the pope.

'Buono, my friend. Very well.' Rio smiles, wrapping his arm around the man. 'chi è lei?' The older-looking man points at me and smiles sheepishly. He seems about Manuela's age and I wonder if he's related to her in any way. 

They have the same eyes. Dark and warm. 

'This is Cataleya. One of the girls we're taking care of.' Taking care of? 'More like forcing to stay.' I wish I didn't say a thing at all, but I thought they wouldn't hear since there are so many people around.

Somehow they heard. The older-looking man turns to Rio in shock and Rio, Rio's pissed. Shit. 

'My name is Georginio dear, but you can call me George.' The older man smiles as he steps closer to me. I shake his hand and smile at him. He's definitely related to Manuela. 

'Is Dom here yet?' Rio asks through gritted teeth. I gulp and keep my eyes on the sweet grandpa standing next to me. That way I don't have to look at the furious Rio. 'Yes, he's in the back.' 

'Good.' Rio walks away, leaving me with George. 'You should go after him, or he'll get even angrier.' I nod, knowing that he's right. But I don't want to move. 

I don't get why Rio's angry in the first place. I didn't break any of his rules, I simply corrected him a little. He's going to fucking kill me... 

I run after him and walk through the door he disappeared through. 'Rio could you stop-' I clash into a hard surface and stumble back a little. 'I'm sorry I-' 

'Velez, meet Dominic Brown. Celine's cousin and a friend of mine.' The man I just bumped into turns around slowly. He's towering over me with his broad shoulders and dark frame. 'Hello, Cataleya.' 

He shakes my hand, leaving me a little flustered at his gaze. It's like he's undressing me without actually doing it. 

But that might just be the tension I've been feeling since last night. It's truly addicting. After the first- 

'It's a pleasure to finally meet you.' Dominic smiles at me and turns back to Rio. 'Likewise.' I lie as if I know who he is. 

I have no fucking idea who this handsome stranger is and he's kind of freaking me out. 

We're standing in an office, much like all the other Curzio offices I've been in so far, this one is almost the exact same. 

'Tell me about Brooke, what do you know?' Rio asks, not bothering the fact that Dom is staring at me hungrily. 'She's on a holiday in Madrid right now, just got there yesterday. I sent someone to follow her every move and I got access to her phone.' 

Wait? 'Acces to her phone?' They both turn to me, one of them smiling and the other fuming. Guess who is who. 

'Yes, I'm able to track her every move, every text she sends, every call she makes. All of it.' Oh god... 'Does our-' 'Send me those files and keep a close watch on her. Don't want her disappearing again.' Rio groans as he goes through a few pieces of paper. 

'Yes, boss.' Dominic nods, smiles at me, and leaves through the door I just came in. 

Leaving me alone with the man that annoys me the most in the world. The man I had sex with and left me alone in bed. The man that acts as if nothing happened between us when it obviously did. 

'What is wrong with you?' He asks, looking pretty angry again.

Rio should be an actor. He's amazing at acting differently around everyone. Just two seconds ago he was smiling at George, making it seem like he's the happiest man on earth, and now he's angry again.

'What is wrong with me?' I ask sarcastically, unable to keep in my laughter.

He nods and leans against his desk.

'Well, maybe it's the fact that we had sex last night and you're acting like nothing ever happened!'

Within seconds he's standing in front of me, gripping the back of my head tightly so that I have to look up. So that I have to look into his gorgeous eyes.

'Keep your voice down, miss Velez.' He groans, making his lips brush against mine just a little. Oh god...

Is it bad that I want to kiss him? Is it bad that I want him to fuck me like he did last night?

'So now you're embarrassed?' I ask, looking back with the same anger as him. He rolls his eyes at me and steps back, letting go of me completely.

'Who says I'm embarrassed?' He asks a little intrigued by my assumptions. 'I do.'

'You left me alone after... What we did and haven't spoken a word to me, besides some rude comments and "You're coming with me".' I mock him and step forwards, grasping all his attention again.

'Are you catching feelings, Valentina?' Oh god... There he is again. The man I lost my virginity to. The man that gave me pleasure in the best way possible. What does this have to do with feelings? 

'No. I just-' His lips crash against mine, silencing me in the best way possible.

I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my toes, forcing him to wrap his arms around my waist as he turns to the desk.

He lowers me onto the desk and groans softly.

'You can't be catching feelings, Valentina, it's not safe and will never be reciprocated.' I catch my breath from the kiss and stare into his eyes. 'I won't catch feelings.'

He smirks at me, before lowering his face back to mine. 'Are you sure about that?'

I nod and stare at his lips for a second. I want to feel them against mine again.

'Because it seems like you're desperate.' He whispers, so soft that I'm almost unable to hear it because of my pounding heart.

'I'm not desperate for love.' I state, folding my arms in front of my chest. He nods and stares at my lips for a second, driving me absolutely insane.

'Oh, so you're desperate for my dick?' I roll my eyes and want to hit him, but he stops my hand mid-air and tuts, before staring into my eyes again.

'You weren't that interesting Curzio. I barely felt anything.' His eyes widen for a second and a deep chuckle erupts from his throat.

'Is that so?' I nod and feel powerful now that he steps away from me. 'Yes.'

'Well, it didn't seem that way when you were begging me to fuck you last night.' He says, turning back to me again. Shit.

My cheeks feel like they're about to explode and I want to run out of this place. But it's no use.

'So tell me, Valentina. What is it you want from me?'

I take a deep breath and lower my gaze. If I tell him what I want, he'll keep using it against me. So how about I show him?

I jump off the desk and walk over to him, pushing him against the wall behind him. He lets me do whatever I have planned and watches my every move.

My hand travels to his belt and he chuckles again. 'Ah. I see.' He swiftly lifts me up again and I wrap my legs around his waist once more. 'So you are desperate for my dick.'

I roll my eyes and press my lips against his, enjoying the heat that rushes through my body when I do.

He places me on the desk again and lowers his hand to my waist, trying to open the buttons without breaking the kiss.

His hands hungrily pull down my pants and pull at my underwear. Within seconds his hand slipped under the fabric and he groans.

'You're so fucking wet.' He mumbles against my lips, pulling my head back with his other hand. 'You were thinking about this weren't you?'

As much as I hate to admit it, I was. This is all I've been thinking about since I got the clear from Neveah, maybe even since our first kiss. I want him to fill me up again.

'Answer me.' 'Yes.' I breathe into the air, trying to look away from his piercing eyes.

He smirks and kisses me again as my breathing gets heavier and heavier.

Slowly, he lowers himself to my neck, placing kisses all over the place. His fingers start pumping in and out of me to a fast rhythm, making me moan out of pleasure. Fucking hell...

His thumb starts circling my clit and I'm unable to keep it in anymore. I grasp onto his body and pull him closer, forcing him to go deeper and deeper inside of me.

'You won't catch feelings right?' He asks again, making me groan out of annoyance. There is no way I could catch feelings for a monster like him, but he seems to not understand that.

'No. I haven't and I never will.' I mutter against his neck since I'm unable to say it normally.

'You better not.' He pulls back, leaving me a mess on the desk, and steps back just a little. 'What are you-'

He rolls his eyes at me and unbuckles his belt. His pants fall to the ground slowly and he pulls down his underwear, revealing his hardness.

I guess I wasn't the only one who was thinking about this...

My lips curl up into a smile as I see him stroking himself slowly. Fucking hell...

I move to the edge of the desk and wait for him to come to me, which he doesn't. He simply looks at me and smirks.

'Play with yourself, Valentina.' What? I look up at him with a raised eyebrow, making him groan out of annoyance. 'Don't tell me you've never done that before.'

My cheeks heat up. Until last night I haven't done anything, besides kissing, before. I've never touched myself.

'Touch yourself, Valentina.' He groans, moving his hand up and down his shaft a little faster. 'Or I won't.'

I slowly trace my hand towards my folds, trying to make myself feel something, but I don't know where to begin.

'Find your clit.' I roll my eyes and press my finger against it, almost folding forward by the sensation it produces. Holy shit.

Rio smirks and walks over to me, keeping his eyes on the hand between my legs. 'Good girl.'

As much as I want to roll my eyes at him, I can't. The pleasure my own fingers bring me is amazing. It's not as good as Rio's fingers, but it's better than nothing.

'God, look at you.' He's standing behind and looks down on me. If I look up, his dick is practically all up in my face, so I keep my eyes on my hand as I pick up the pace.

'You're enjoying this too much Valentina..' He whispers into my neck, pulling my hand up so that I have to stop touching myself.

I huff out of frustration since I was almost reaching my limit and he won't allow me to continue.

'You'll come when I tell you to.' He murmurs into my ear, before pressing his lips on my neck. 'Or what?' I breathe, wanting to turn us around.

'It'll be the last time you ever do.' Oh god...

'Understood?' I nod and try to hide my frustration, hoping that it will make him continue.

'Good, now turn around.' He groans as he glides his hand over his dick again.

I do as he commands and turn to him, letting my legs hang off the desk.

He aligns himself at my entrance and pushes the tip in, teasing me until I break. I try lowering myself onto him, but he forces me back up.

'Stay still.' He commands as he firmly grabs my face so that I have to look at him. Our eyes glued to each other, neither of us saying a word, but saying everything we need to know.

He wants this just as much as I do, but he'll never admit it.

I gasp as he pushes himself deeper inside of me, filling me in the most perfect way ever.

I'm still a little sore from last night, but I simply ignore the pain. It's not as bad as yesterday, but he's still big, making this hurt nonetheless.

Definitely two hands!

I gasp at him and arch my back just a little to help with the pain, which does the opposite. It makes him go even deeper, making it hurt more.

'Rio-' He presses his hand onto my mouth and takes a deep breath before taking himself out of me. Just a second.

He slams himself inside of me again, fighting against my body as it tries to block him from entering me in any way, but it won't win. If my mind wasn't going ballistic about this, I might've hit him or yelled at him for doing this. But I want this.

'Don't' He pounds into me, hard. I moan at the top of my lungs, trying to keep my tears in.

'Ever.' Another pound as he presses his hand on my mouth, silencing my moans.

'Catch.' Another hard pound and my legs start shaking.

'Fucking.' This is... Oh god... I bite on my bottom lip, trying to silence myself since his hand isn't helping at all. 'Feelings.'

His hands grip on my waist, pulling me closer to his waist so that he goes as deep as he can get. 'Holy- Fuck!'

I'm unable to keep it in anymore and feel the heat rush through my body.

'Rio I-' 'Not yet.' He groans, pounding into me like the beast he is. Fucking hell...

'I can't-' 'You will.' His lips crash onto mine, kissing me in the best way possible.

The pain is unbearable, but the pleasure makes it admissible. It makes everything else go away.

'Oh fuck-' He groans against my lips as he keeps pounding himself inside of me.

'Come for me, Velez.' His words send shivers down my spine and made me explode into a million pieces right in front of him.

I wrap my arms around his neck and try to catch my breath as he keeps pounding himself into me.

His dick twitches before releasing himself inside of me.

Immediately he moves out of me and stares at the mess he created. I feel his fluids trying to escape and hope that it's not dripping out of me.

But the way he's looking at me, says otherwise. 'Never try that shit again, Velez.' He smirks, before pulling his pants up.

Within seconds he's back to normal. As if none of it ever fucking happened.

'Refresh yourself, you look like a desperate mess.'

I sit up, trying to ignore the pain coming from my waist and vagina.

He ripped me open, that's for sure. But as long as I'm not bleeding again, I should be fine. Right?

'Hurry up!' He yells before leaving the room, leaving me alone like the mess I am. I let him do it again... Fuck... 

I get up and feel the familiar pain again. Goddamn... I sigh, dress myself, and try to walk straight, but it hurts too much. I move my legs around, trying to get used to the pain before I head back to the store. 

Rio is already heading to the door, leaving me alone in the store. 'Goodbye.' I smile at George who smiles back at me. I can't understand a thing he says, because I have to run after Rio. 

My legs are hurting like crazy and I can't wait to be back in the car. The only problem is that I'll have to sit there with him.

'Took you long enough.' 'Shut up.' I huff as I try to sit down without making it obvious that I'm in pain. 

Rio smirks proudly and starts driving, back to the house I hope. 

'What's with you and all the rules?' I ask, trying to have a conversation with him since he won't turn on the radio. 'What do you mean?' 

'Those rules make me feel like I'm a dog to you.' He rolls his eyes and shifts the gear as he races onto the highway. 'Aren't we going home?' 

'You're always asking so many questions, Velez.' He groans, quickly staring at me for a second. 'And you're never answering them.' 

He sighs but doesn't respond to me at all, annoying me all the more. He's acting like nothing happened again. Like he didn't just fuck me in that office. Like he didn't just pleasure me on top of a desk. 

'Why can't you respect me just a little bit?' I don't get where this is coming from, I just want to know. 'Respect is earned, Velez.' 

'Oh, so what? I haven't earned it yet?' He shakes his head and smirks. 'Indeed, you have not.' 'What did I do?' 

'How about the fact that you've tried to kill me. Oh, or how about the fact that you tried to run away multiple times, or maybe the fact that you scolded me more than once?'  It's like he has a list full of things I did wrong. 'That's because-' 

'I don't care why you did what you did. You'll have to earn my respect Velez.' He states firmly, before turning to me again, His eyes burn through me like fire, sending a wave of heat down my spine. 'Besides, it's not like you respect me, right?' 

I don't know if I respect Rio. He's an absolute asshole and I have no reason to respect him, but I fear him. I fear him sometimes. Especially when he's angry. 

'That's what I thought.' I didn't even notice that we were already at the gates and turn my gaze outside since I don't want to look at him again. 

He parks the car, this time waiting for me to get out first. I jump out of the car and run inside the house, not giving a single fuck about the fact that I might break any door as I shut them as hard as I can. As if it'll help with keeping him on the other side. 

I run to my room, locking the door behind me and falling down to my knees. Whatever that was, it's wrong. It's wrong because I shouldn't like having sex with him. 

He doesn't even respect me, how the fuck can I let him ruin me like that? 

I sit on the ground for a while, probably hours, but I need it. I need to take it all in. I need to progress all of it. It's wrong. I know it is. And I hate myself for liking it. I hate myself for wanting him to touch me again. 

Celine and Neveah knock on my door around diner time, but I decline their offer. I can't face Rio right now. I need time to think. 

'Take advantage of the moment...' That's what Neveah said. She gave me the clear. She told me to just go for it. So should I? 

It feels wrong to want this with him, to even think about this with him. He's wrong. He's disrespectful towards me and that will never change. But in bed, he's different. A little. He's gentler, nicer than he'll ever be outside of bed. I think... 

'Velez.' A knock on the door alerts me immediately. I take a deep breath but stay put. Not moving or saying anything at all. 'Are you asleep?' 

If I don't answer, he'll leave on his own. 

There's no way that I'm letting him touch me again tonight. I'm not a toy he can use whenever he wants. There's no way. 

'Dannazione.' Rio mumbles before walking away from the door again. 

He sounded stressed, making me wonder if something went wrong since we got home. 

Should I ask him about my proposal? If I want to ask him, I have to come up with a plan. A plan that he can't oppose. So how am I going to do that... He doesn't even fucking respect me. 


A/N: Next chapter might take a while! Hope you enjoyed this one! Also, I'm blocked from TikTok for a few days, so I hope I can post there again soon!

Keep liking the chapters and comment on what you liked the most, it really helps me grow!

Have a nice day and until next time!

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