Shadowless (Rainbow Six Fanfi...

By Exaltz

22.5K 307 350

*Formerly Man Without a Shadow.* Troy Whisper, a man of few words with a quirky personality, joins Rainbow S... More

Character Bio
Scene Transition (Part 1)
New Friends, Old Ways (Part 2)
Inspiration (Nope, Not a Chapter)
Training(Part 3)(Gadget Reveals: Wraith and Spark!)
Closer Than Friends (Part 4)
The Unscheduled Mission (Part 5)
Standing Back Up (Part 6)
Date Night (Part 7)
An Old Friend (Part 8)
Dynamo (Part 9)
Vacation (Part 10)
I'm BACK! (Not a Chapter)
For a Vacation This is Tense... (Part 2) (Chapter 11)
Making New Friends (Chapter 12)
Another Day, Another Mission (Chapter 13)
True Colors (Chapter 14)
Important Decision (Not a Chapter) (Please don't skip)
Liberation is the Hope of a Slave (Chapter 15)
Nice Predicament (Chapter 16)
New Objective: Survive (Chapter 17)
Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Ex Closer (Chapter 18)
Street Wars (Chapter 19)
Dreams (Chapter 20) (Beginning of Arc 2)
Operation: Blinding Phoenix (Part 21)
ANNOUNCEMENT! (Not a Chapter)
An Old Friend (Yet Another) (Part 23)
Bombshell (Part 24)
Awkward Tension (Part 25)

Operation: Yeah, We're Dead (Part 22)

196 7 2
By Exaltz

A/N: Hello! I apologize for the long wait, but yeah, here it is. Let me get back into the groove of things, uhhhh, okay, yep, hmmmm...Alright, let's get it! (Not my art, btw.)

-Start of Story-

-Location: Unknown-

-Time: Unknown-

-Troy's POV-

Jager: Oh Scheibe...

We were now looking down a hallway, the first half filled with C4, the second half filled with terrorists behind shields. 

Wraith: Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

The terrorists snapped in our direction, letting a bullet barrage fly in our direction. One bullet nailed Sledge in the shoulder, another one hitting my leg. We both dove for cover, checking our wounds. Sledge tossed a grenade to Mozzie, who pulled the pin and tossed it at one shield, sending one terrorist sky-high.

Mozzie: Oh, heck yeah!

The terrorist all peeked and the entire hallway lit up.

Mozzie: Oh, heck no!

He ran back into cover, diving onto his stomach.

Wraith: Does somebody have anything explosive!? If so, please send it down the hall, for the love of-!

I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I saw a very unusual drone fly past us, down the hall, hopping on the shield, exploding. The entire team turned to see a man with a peaked cap and red-tinted shades. I'd tap into my comms, reaching a member of the defending team.

Bandit: Hallo, Herr Whisper. What do you need, friend?

Wraith: Bandit! Do you have any info on this guy with the peaked cap?

I'd take out the encrypted Rainbow phone each Operator is given and snap a picture, sending it to Bandit's (I'm pretty sure you can do that, correct me if I'm wrong.) 

Bandit: Got it...Are those clout goggles?

Wraith: Clout wha- No, those aren't clout goggles, Dominic!

Bandit: They remind me of clout goggles.

Wraith: You're terrible.

Bandit chuckles over the comms.

Bandit: I believe that's the new operator, Flores, his gadget is an explosive drone.

Wraith: Huh, alright thanks for the info, anything noteworthy over there?

Bandit: Nah, just a bombing Dummkopf running up to us, got shot since he got too close. Besides that, we've gotten little to no interferen-... Oh no, listen, I'll send you a SITREP after this, looks like we're about to get a big visit. Bandit, over and out.

The comm shut off, the start of gunshots was the last thing I heard. I turn to the rest of the operators posted up at the door, not peeking. The terrorists were behind their shields, waiting on us to make the first move.

Wraith: Bandit's team has received some resistance.

Zero: That's not good news...Why can't everything just be simple? 

Wraith: Because, sir, simple is boring, and they don't choose us to do simple.

A small smile creeps on Zero's face. 

Zero: Maybe this is true for you now, but when your experience matches up with mine, that won't be the case.

Wraith: We'll see.

He chuckles, readying his rifle and going serious again.

Zero: I think it's about time we light a fire up under them. Fuze!

Fuze perks up, standing to his full height as he was amidst the group. Zero did a few hand signals, Fuze merely nodded.

Fuze: Jackal, Gridlock, with me.

Jackal: Will do.

Gridlock: You're the boss.

The heavy Russian, followed by the light-footed Portuguese and the bruiser of an Australian. They all set up by the wall, rappeling to the second-floor windows and busting through. Everybody's comms buzzed to life.

Fuze: Do not engage and conserve your energy, comrades. We will lighten the load by removing their defense.

Wraith: Wait, is he going to-

Zero: Yes.

Wraith: Oh, this will be fun to watch.

After a few empty seconds, we finally heard the Russian once more in our comms.

Fuze: Cluster charges are in place.

Zero: Change the forecast for the masks in there, Shuhrat.

Fuze: Understood, Matryoshka 1-4 live, activate.

The operators set up on the narrow doorway, suddenly 4 different "Fwoomps" were heard in 4 different spots of the hallway roof. Explosions covered the entire area, terrorists lost some of their bodies, shields collapsed and broke down, and screams echoed across the hall.

Zero: Good job, Shuhrat. Where are you three?

Fuze: We seem to be in a sort of office area, the room is clear. The rest of the floor, however, is not clear. Jackal and Gridlock sent their drones out and scouted the floor out undetected after they assisted me in clearing the room and watching my back.

Zero: I see, I'll send Zofia, Ash, Capitao, Thatcher, Hibana, and Maverick up there to assist you, Iana, Wraith, Ying, Jager, Sledge, Thermite, Nomad, and I of us will sweep this floor. Kali and Glaz will provide cover using the building windows, covered by Twitch, Flores, Mozzie, Buck, Dokkaebi, Finka, and Lion. The rest will clear the bottom floor, and we'll all meet up for the third. Am I understood?

Our comms buzzed to life as each operator gave their understanding, making Zero nod in approval and some satisfaction.

Zero: Alright, let's get to moving! 

The 2nd-floor operators repelled to give back-up to Fuze, Gridlock, and Jackal. I look up and see them all bust through the windows, some like Zofia with very serious faces. Others that repelled in like Hibana with some-what of a grin.

Zero: Sledge!

Sledge: Taking point!

Sledge moved forward first, walking towards a door, motioning for Thermite to get on the other side. Ying placed her candela on the door, letting them go off as she nodded to Sledge. Sledge whipped out his hammer, pulled it back, and slammed the door. Thermite rushed in with Texan Efficiency and put down any blinded hostile he saw. 

Thermite: That's a clear right there!

Sledge nodded and double-checked the room, looking in each nook and cranny that a man or woman could use to cloak themself from view.

Sledge: Good work, next room!

Ying rushed towards the door as if she read his mind, slamming her candela on the door as Sledge and Thermite hustled next to her.

Jager looked over at me and Nomad, I nodded.

Jager: This is going to sound ridiculous, but pull your sniper out.

Wraith: I already can't tell if I'll like this or not.

Jager pointed towards the door, his eyes or face could not be seen but he had the aura of a grinning man. 

Wraith: Ooh, I see.

I took aim and fired, watching Jager run through the now destroyed barricade like a madman. Nomad ran in behind, letting Jager take point. The unmistakable 416-C Carbine went off and a body dropped. 

Jager: Only one hostile, clear.

Nomad double-checked the room, nodding in confirmation.

Zero: Everyone did their rooms?

Everybody in the group nodded.

Zero: Good work, everyone. Twitch! I need a SIT-REP.

Twitch: It's all clear out here, we don't see anything that can put us or the operation in jeopar-... Hold that thought...Oh God, get everyone in the building!

Zero turned towards the door and saw everyone running.

Zero: What's going on out there?

A few terrorists rolled up to the edge of the hill.

Wraith: Huh.

Now 4 stolen tanks rolled up along with more terrorists lined up at the hill.

Wraith: Huh.


Everybody raised their guns in their respective cover-spots and fired. I even heard Capitao's M249 and Zofia's LMG-E go off on the floor above, shredding whatever terrorist that wasn't paying attention. My eyes went back to the first tank as it raised its cannon towards the top floor. I tapped into my comms with urgency.


Footsteps were heard above me and a loud thump. The cannon fired, blowing the front part of 2nd floor side off, opening up the room they were posted in. 

Zero: Team A, move up a floor! Go, go, go!

Everyone on our floor ran up the stairs, the heavy gear was not making it much easier. Zero snatched me by my shoulder. 

Zero: Wraith, get up to the third floor, most of the hostiles were the floors we cleared. You'll find a couple of stragglers up there, kill them.

Wraith: Understood.

I ran up the stairs, Vector out. The building shook as the first tank fired again, the middle of the hallway floor fell in front of me. Sledge was caught under the debris but reached his hand out as he was on the ground and pulled out. I frowned grimly and turned toward the door on my right,  the only door I can access for now. I kicked it down and ran in, hearing multiple AUGs and Commandos going off as I did. I peeked out and shredded two of them, ducking back and tossing a flash behind their cover. I reloaded quickly and heard the flashbang go off, I ran forward, advancing and gunning a terrorist down on my side, whipping out one Silenced Five-SeveN and firing one shot in the artery and head of the terrorist sharing the other side of my cover. Once the flashbang wore off, the last two terrorists rushed me with knives, I raised my gun but they were already up in my face, their knives flashing in the room's dim light.

One grazed my shoulder with a swing, making my body retort by jumping back. The other ran forward and thrusted the knife at my chest, allowing me to grab his arm, twist it, and jerk it above his head, pulling the FN close to myself with the other hand and fire three quick shots in his stomach. He fell onto his back, bleeding out, leaving only his ally in the room. I holstered my pistol, picked up the dead terrorists' knife, and tossed it at him. The terrorist, however, saw this coming and side-stepped, giving no time to react. He rushed me and slammed his fist into my gut, making me keel over, still on my feet but holding my stomach. He kicked me to the ground and ran towards me, but I retorted by unsheathing my Kukri and slashing his leg as he leaped atop me with the knife above my chest. He grunted and fell over, rolling onto his feet, his weight was on his good leg. I stood up urgently and held the Kukri, at the ready. He had a cocky grin on his face that certainly slighted me, but now was not the time to lose control. He lunged forward like a snake, going for a horizontal slice. I ducked and ran my shoulder into his chest and pushed him into the wall, knocking his breath out. He gasped for air, but that was a cry for help I was not going to answer this time. I rushed him, stabbing his gut, and placing my hand on his face. And with the dreaded motion, snapped his neck.

His body dropped with an unmistakable thump of a dead man, giving me a feeling of relief. I sheathed my Kukri and took a deep, shaky breath, wiping some of the blood off my visor.

???: You could've just shot 'em, Troy.

I stopped and shook my head, turning. A man in the dark, his black sleeves were rolled up and there was a watch on his right wrist, his black combat pants were loose and a comfortable fit and his black combat boots were surprisingly spot-less. He wore a black, mouth-less balaclava with a very similar helmet to Jager, but the visor was up and there was a microphone sticking out, assumably off. There was a glint in his eyes that could tell anybody he had a smug grin right about now, even if he was tied to a chair. I noticed this glint and gave him a smug grin of my own.

Wraith: If it ain't the man himself...So, how'd you get caught this time, Sean?

-Story End.-

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, boys, and girls. I had bad writer's block, and I've also had a lot of stuff going on in my life these days. But, new character! Shout out to my homie, now he's in the book, because he's my boy, and he's my bro. But I'm back at it! And hopefully, the next one will take less time than this one did.

Continue to smile,

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