Golden Time

By Emmy_Rose_alternate

151K 6.9K 1.1K

Yoona has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent's hybri... More

1. Dangerous Line of Work
2. You Can Rest Easy
3. Calm Before the Storm
4. Have Courage, Be Kind
5. Making a home
6. A Doctor's Visit
7. The Question
8. Protect and Protected
9. The Power of the Queen
10. Deciding Fate
11. Warmth of the Sun
12. Different Worlds Collide
13. Enemy Territory
14. What You Need
15. And Play She Does
16. Eleventh Hour
17. Time in Dying
18. Safe and Sound
19. A Chance to Recover
20. Happy Holidays
Author Note
21. What's In A Name
22. Patience Waning
23. The Undoing
24. Going Home
25. Coming Home
26. Never Make Her Wait
27. Family Dinner
29. The Future Looks...
30. Already in Paradise (m)
31. Finally Home (m)
32. Pre-Rut (m)
33. What Could Have Been
34. Always Find Her
35. The Final Act
36. Finally Found
37. Happily Ever After

28. Family Matters

2.5K 145 38
By Emmy_Rose_alternate

"Take them, please." She pushed the baby into Yoona's arms, touching her older children's backs, pushing them slightly towards Yoona. "You have to take them and keep them safe. He's going to kill me."

"Stay. Stay here and I can help you." Yoona held the baby in one of her arms, moving her other arm to touch the hybrid in front of her. "I can help."

"I need to keep them safe, please. I know you can help them."

"Wait," Yoona stopped her before she could run. "What's your name? What's their names?"

"Maia?" A deep voice called from behind Yoona, causing the hybrid to stop in her tracks, turning around to see the man who called for her. "Maia... what..."


"Your alive?" Jin's quick footsteps could be heard, running towards the Maia, wrapping his arms around her. "Your alive."

"Jin, what's going on?" Yoona asked him as Jin held Maia, the mouse hybrid wrapping her thin arms so tightly around the larger man, Yoona turning to Reyna who now joined her, both of them looking towards the children who just stood, watching their mother cry. "Jin, please you have to talk to us."

"Maia. Really Maia..." Jin merely whispered to himself, pulling back enough to place his hands on the woman's cheeks, staring at her. "My Maia. Alive."

Maia, now smiling, although in tears, couldn't help but to touch Jin, as if she didn't really believe he was there; "He said you left. That you abandoned me. Us."

"I would never." Jin mumbled before frowning a little. "Us?"

"Oh..." Maia moved back a little now, reaching out to the oldest of her children, a beautiful boy with the smallest white ears hidden amongst dark hair, almost so dark the strands seemed black in the night. The most distinctive part about the young boy were a pair of shoulders that only Jin could own, that only Jin could possibly give to a child. "Come here, sweetheart. I want you too meet someone." Yoona watched as Jin seemed to be completely shut down, his whole body had gone stiff, his eyes passing between Maia and the boy who had wrapped his small arms around her. 

"Mama?" He squeaked, staring wide eyed up towards his mother, Yoona placed his age at no more than 6 years old.

"Jin, this is Young-Jae." Maia ran a calming hand through her sons hair, waiting for him to calm a little more, looking towards Jin who still stood ram rod straight. Her eyes soon passed towards Yoona who still held tightly onto the baby, before looking over her shoulder towards Jungkook, trying not to flinch at how familiar he was. When she did look back towards Jin, he seemed to have been taking a calming breath before kneeling in front of the boy, giving him a smile. "Jae, this is Kim Seokjin. Take care of him."

"Mama no." Young-Jae gripped his mother's elbow, the two smaller children now gripping onto Yoona's legs, on closer inspection she could tell they were twins. "Wait... I want to go with you."

"You have to stay with this man, I have to go back." Maia leaned down, kissing her son's head one last time, completely avoiding Jin and staring straight at Yoona who held onto her other three children. "Your the savior right?" Both Maia and Yoona looked down towards the baby in Yoona's arms, who seemed to wake up, a small cry leaving his lips, before Maia looked back at Yoona, heartbroken. "Save them, please."

With that, Maia got out of her sons grip, turning and running back down the long driveway, Jin turning back to look at Yoona; "Go after her."

"I'll be back. I..." But Jin took off, running down the driveway after Maia, as fast as his legs would carry him, catching up easily to the mouse hybrid, catching her arm to stop them both from running. "Talk to me, Maia. What's happening?"

"He'll be back soon, and when he gets back and knows I took them to Yoona..." Maia breathed deeply, tears freely falling as she reached out to touch Jin's face, softly running her fingertips down his cheeks, Jin closing his eyes to feel her warmth against him. "To bring your son... to you... he'll kill me."

Jin moved closer to Maia, allowing his forehead to lean down and touch her own, both of them breathing the other in; "I let you go once. I'm not about to let that happen again."

"If I can protect you... protect them-"

"Let me worry about that." Jin's hands moved to cup Maia's cheeks, his thumb wiping away at her tears, even with the circumstances, both of them finding someway to still smile. "Let me worry about you. Let me get to know my son... my son, Young-Jae."

"Just like we talked about." Maia mumbled, nodding a little against his forehead.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." Maia was already shaking her head as Jin said those words. "I would have been there, for you, for him, and everyday after I will be there. So please, let me help you."

"The other's," Maia whispered, even though Jin knew who she was talking about. "They're his."

"And I'll love them as if they were mine." Jin confidently confessed, his heart warming bigger and bigger with love for a family he now had. "And Jungkook, he'll love them as an Uncle should, and Yoona will love them. My family, has always been your family and they will love you and care for you like a family should."

Maia surged forward with confidence, wrapping her arms around Jin's neck and kissing him, her lips easily, naturally molding together. It was everything she knew, and if there was one thing Maia knew, it was that above all else, Kim Seokjin was her mate.

"Come here, sweetheart." Yoona opened her arms as wide as she could with a baby in them, Young-Jae taking one look at her and running into her warmth. "It's okay, your mum will be back soon."

"But the man... he's..." Young-Jae cried as his two sisters leaned into Yoona as well, finding warmth within each other and the woman before them. 

"He's a good man." Yoona allowed the three children to cry into her, having sat down in the middle of the driveway with 4 mouse hybrid children wrapped around her, crying for their mother who had run off. 

"Yoona, your knee." Jungkook came up behind her, crouching down towards her and the children who all seemed to hold onto Yoona tighter. 

"It's completely alright." She waved off, tapping her hand to a rhythm in her head, calming the baby in her arms enough. "We'll sit here until your all ready. Then we can go inside where it's nice and warm."


"Sit with us." Yoona turned to look at the bunny next to her, smiling up at him slightly. "They'll feel more at ease with more prey hybrids around."

Jungkook merely smiled at his mate, making himself comfortable behind her, holding her enough in his arms they could all smell him around her. Jungkook knew what it was like to be a small prey hybrid and be so overwhelmed by too many predator hybrids around, and Yoona was right, she was always right. For a few minutes, Yoona humming softly, talking a little, running her hands through each child's hair once or twice, they all started to calm down, Jungkook waving everyone else away enough for her to keep them calm.

"Bunny." One of the little girls, closest to Jungkook giggled a little as she looked up at Jungkook's large ears, the three children watching as they twitched.

"That's right, he is a bunny." Yoona twitched her nose with a large smile, feeling the small children completely relax into her, feeling the baby in her arms starting to fall back to sleep once again. 

Young-Jae moved closer towards Yoona's face, taking a few sniffs of her before looking confused between her and Jungkook, seeming to search for her bunny ears; "Your not a bunny?"

"No she's not. But she is my mate." Jungkook spoke softly, as if it was a secret shared between him and the children, realization passing over the hybrids face. "And the man that followed your mum, that's her mate."

"Mama always, she always talked about, about her mate." The second girl, on the opposite side to Jungkook spoke now, if Yoona wasn't mistaken, there was a small lisp when she talked. "She said he was, brothers dad." She pointed to Young-Jae, who looked up at Yoona, wide eyed and looking exactly like her brother who was now walking back, with Maia wrapped in his arms.

"Well if that's the case, that makes me your aunt." Yoona smiled as they all seemed to relax a little more at those words. "Which makes you family, and you guys have a big family."

"And your learning the benefits of a family, aren't you?" Jin stood behind Young-Jae, holding Maia to him tightly, never wanting to let her go again.

"They have their moments." Yoona smiled widely before turning to the woman at his side. "I'm sorry I never properly introduce myself when we first meet, but it seems like now, we have a lot more to really get to know about one another."

"It would seem we do." Maia warmly nodded, watching the woman before her hold her children as if they were her own, protecting them simply because she'd asked. Maia could see, that above all else, Yoona Park was the savior they had all said she was, even more so now as she stared at her, cuddled into her mate as much as her children. "Sorry about-"

"There's nothing to apologize for. Though I'm sure the little ones are ready for bed." Yoona shrugged, keeping her arms wrapped around the baby to block him from the cool wind. "The spare rooms are already set up, I haven't been able to climb stairs lately so they are always ready. Your welcome to have them."

"Oh, you don't have to." Maia tried to protest.

"I'm sure Jin explained to you how this family works." Yoona gestured behind her, towards the other hybrids and human mixes around them, all giving them smiles and nods, the boys staring at their oldest Hyung, wide eyed as he seemed to just stare at the hybrid in his arms. "We don't have to do anything for anyone, and yet we will constantly open our arms and our doors for anyone in need. You don't even have to ask, there's always room for you."

"Thank you."

Yoona turned to Jungkook now, who was one of the many boys staring at Jin who stared at Maia; "Jungkook?"

"He has a mate?" Jungkook instead said, tilting his head as if a different view would explain it. "I mean... he has a mate. Did you know that?"

Jungkook now looked at Yoona who couldn't help but to laugh loudly once, before slapping a hand over her mouth, making sure not to wake the baby in her arms; "Did you think I was the only one to fall in love with a hybrid?"

"But Jin-Hyung-" Jungkook cut himself off as he look back towards Jin, before his eyes turned to stare at Yoona in shock.

"Come on, help me up so we can get everyone inside." 

Jungkook's mouth opened and closed a few time like a fish, realizing that Yoona didn't hear what she said, and yet it was so natural she just spoke. In a complete daze, Jungkook was too his feet and helping Yoona to stand with 3 children latched onto her, anyone could see they felt safe with the human woman. Maia seemed to trust her just as much, leaning into Jin and for the first time in almost 6 years, felt like she was able to breath without losing her children. 

And sooner, rather than later, Yoona and Jungkook had Jin and Maia set up in their guest bedroom, their children already tucked away in bed and asleep. Jin hadn't, couldn't leave Maia's side, although knowing she was tired, as they both slipped away and into bed, Jin holding her as they sleep. Yoona finally got to walk Jungkook's family back home before getting back to Reyna and her boy, who seemed to be helping Jungkook clean the house.

"Oh, you guys don't have t-"

"Don't even try that. You've done enough," Reyna waved her away as she placed a container of food onto the counter. "Why don't you go up to bed? I'm sure Jungkook knows how to lock the doors after we leave."

"I can't just leave you guys like that." Yoona tried to protest, though she was stopped in her tracks, Taehyung standing in front of her, the tigers tail moving behind him.

"I'll carry you up the stairs myself. Don't overwork yourself again, I can see you slightly limping and trying not to make it obvious." He pointed down towards her knee before looking back up towards her, how she avoided his eyes. "You have to rest properly so you don't hurt yourself again, and so Jungkook doesn't lose his mind on us again."

"Hey." Jungkook called from the kitchen, as if he didn't shut himself away for months because he was without his mate.

"You know where your room is, time for bed." Jimin moved to stand next to Taehyung, both of them crossing their arms over their chest a the same time.

Yoona looked between them both, before leaning over a little to look towards Reyna; "Did they plan this together?"

"I don't even know?" Reyna simply stared at her boys, just as confused as Yoona.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Bed time for me." Yoona raised her hands in surrender, smiling towards the two men. "But if you need to, and it's too late, remember there are beds here if you need to, I'm sure Yoongi and Hoseok have room as well."

"No we don't." Yoongi turned away from the couch, walking towards the kitchen.

Hoseok stopped him walking away with a laugh; "We do have room and Hyung would love it if you stayed. I'm sure he'll knock this time."

The laugh that spread through the room wasn't too loud, except for the pillow that was thrown at Hoseok by Yoongi. Jungkook too, like Yoongi, was bright red and stuttering out random noises that weren't any type of formed words, both of them still embarrassed. Yoona couldn't stop the laugh that even she let out, knowing the events from the morning wasn't about to disappear anytime soon from the group of men. 

"It was one time."

"He didn't even see anything."

Yoongi and Jungkook mumbled, barely looking at each other for a second before the awkwardness completely surrounded the two; "Time to stop that, and time for bed. I'll see everyone in the morning."

A small chorus of 'Goodnight' followed Yoona as she walked up the stairs, her hands tightly holding onto the wall and handrails as she climbed them. It was easy for her to get out of her clothes and into her pyjamas, simply slipping into bed and allowing the warmth to completely surround her. She was almost asleep when she heard Jungkook enter the room, being as quiet as he could be, going through a quick routine before sliding in next to Yoona in bed. Yoona was quick to wrap her arms around him, attracted to the easy warmth Jungkook provided as he wrapped himself around her.

"Jungkook." Yoona whispered into the dark room, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest. "Jin said something to me earlier, before everything happened. I just wanted to know what he meant."

"What is it?" Jungkook mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to her hair.

"Why hasn't your heat passed yet?" Yoona didn't bother to beat around the bush, feeling Jungkook completely still, as if he could avoid the problem. "I know you've climatize to this environment, and I know how mates work. But you seem to haven't had a heat yet?"

"I was going to tell you..." Jungkook's arms wrapped tightly around Yoona's waist, holding her in place, not wanting to say this to her face. "After everything that happened, I decided to take suppressants. I didn't want my heat messing with your recovery."

Yoona leaned up on her elbow, staring at Jungkook, almost horrified; "Jungkook..."

"It was my choice to take them. You needing to recover is so much more important than a heat we can avoid." Jungkook spoke up towards Yoona, pushing hair out of her eyes. 

"Jungkook, those things are dangerous."

"And yet taking them to make sure I'm in the right frame of mind to take care of you? I'd chose that any day." He merely shrugged, willing her to see what he did, his will to take care of her, to provide anything she needed. "I've passed through 6 heats since I've been here, but the suppressants allow me to function normally."

"Can I ask..." Yoona stared down at the man before her, shaking her head softly. "Can I offer some advice?"

"Of course."

"Please stop." Yoona simply spoke, her hand flattening across his bare chest, her eyes moving to see his arm covered in tattoos, moving a leg over his waist. "It's not good to take them for too long, and you passing a heat naturally will be better for you. Because if I'm better now, then we can look after you again. And you need to finish your recovery."

"I'm completely healed, Yoona." Jungkook smiled softly, running his thumb across her lips. "I'm recovered, and healed and always ready for the next part of my life. Which I already know is you. The suppressants are just because of everything that's happened."

"And that's over now. So let your body relax. Let your body go through what it does naturally." Yoona was almost pleading, not ever wanting Jungkook to hurt just because of her. "Because of the suppressants I know your first heat off of them is going to be harsh."

"I know it will." Jungkook nodded, thinking what it could mean to stop taking them, his first heat, here, with Yoona. Was this her way of telling him...? "Are you... I mean... Are..." Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. "Are you saying... you want to be my true mate?"

Yoona nodded; "I want to be with you."

"I love you." Jungkook instead opted to say, surging forward to place a kiss on her lips, continuing to whisper; "I love you. I love you. God, I love you."

Yoona couldn't help the giggle that left her as she whisper back to him; "I love you, too."


Hey guys, how are you?

So here it is... the final chapter BEFORE the official one year anniversary of Golden Time!! Can you believe it? A while year has passed since this story started?!

It started as nothing more than me wanting to read a hybrid BTS story that wasn't all just smut! It actually took my friends weeks to convince me it was a good enough story to post it for you all to read!! I wasn't very confident with it and now see all of your love and support I'm slowly realizing that... maybe it was worth it!

So I really hope you all continue to love and support Golden Time... Thank you!


Emmy Rose xxx

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