Santa's Really Sexy

بواسطة JayOmetric

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When New York's most beloved bachelor and model, Nikolass Leonardo Sorrentino finally clutches the girl of hi... المزيد

Making Stella Mine
Christmas Mis-Fortune
Pre-Christmas Pleasure
Hangover Aftermath
Santa Baby
When the Snow Stopped Falling
Nik's Return
Family Matters
Tough Times
Other Than Business
One Last Kiss
Birthday Wishes
Some Santa Business

Hit Me

196 4 0
بواسطة JayOmetric

Thank you guys for being patient with me!  Hope you guys enjoy!

( Benny  Meialo's POV)

"Dammit!  Fuck!  What the hell do you mean he escaped! " I flail my arms around and kick random things across the floor.  After kicking, punching and screaming aimlessly, I stop to catch my breath.  "What's the plan boss?" My older cousin,  Damay,  asked.  "Get out,  suit up. My father will be coming soon. " I chug down a glass of scotch and crush the crystal glass in my fist, ignoring the blood that ran down my wrist.  I'm badass.

Damay left the room just as my father and his crew entered. "You,  uh had another hissy fit I see. " His eyes scanned the parlor,  which had glass scattered across the floor and other broken objects.  He sighs and rubs his temples,  "I give you a simple,  easy task to complete and you can't get it done. " My father scratches his dirty blonde curls,  his grey eyes piercing through mine. 

My father never yells,  which is a bit scary. "I don't care how you do it,  get  Tobias back from those Sorrentino 's , do you understand?" "Yes,  father. " He leaves the room without another word. 

Ever since we caught and killed Zaiver for being a double gangster,  the Sorrentino family has been up our ass swearing revenge . But whether they like it or not Zaiver was in for it. He played us, he betrayed family. And once we found out about his two faced ways, we discarded him like the trash that he was. Revenge in this business is sweet pleasure... and it's taken quite personal.

My older brothers entered the parlor, twins, Anthony and Andreas. It annoys me how they do everything in sync. "See you failed again baby brother. Father is very disappointed, but nonetheless what could he expect from such a worthless son." They snicker as they light each others cigars. They each take turns looking around the room. Andreas...I think shakes his head and kisses his teeth. "Can't control those hissy fits, I see. Anyway, Andreas and I," Nope, he's Anthony.  "We are going to the liquor hall with the Tretolinii's sons up in SoHo, if you still feel like a little bitch, then don't wait up." Then Andreas had to add his two cents. "Besides, it'll be big boy stuff we're talking about, you wouldn't know." I glare at them with my fists clinched as they leave the room.

I'll go, and I'll show them..I'm a badass remember? I do whatever the fuck I want. I kick over a golden lamp stool feeling pretty damn good despite the fact that I had a tantrum only 20 minutes ago.

Ever since I could remember, my older brothers and the Tretolinii's sons, a.k.a my cousins, always saw me as the kid brother, the annoying kid brother. Then Toby comes along. Nothing changes. In their eyes I was a wannabe, like I never quite fit  in with their little entourage that they had already established. I eventually got used to their treatment, the bullying in and out of school, the mockery and low standards set by my notorious, power hungry father, Ellion Meialo.

Our family and the Tretolinii's have been close for decades, and eventally the bond has been legitimately confirmed through marriage. That is my father marrying off his younger sister to the oldest Tretolinii brother thus producing my cousins and joining both families. And that was just about thirty years ago.

Now they work and partner with multiple millionaire southern drug cartels,  Soho business men,  and local street gangs.  We have multiple networks and sources to our finances, all to be at the top, all to work our way to where the Sorrentino family stands. We aren't sure how,  but they are always racking in billions outside of corporate business,  always coming out on top,  always being better than everybody, being better than us .  And my father does not like that at all.  He wants that position,  he wants everything in the palm of his Greek-Italian hands.

I call for Damay and he appears immediately,  "Get some maids in here to clean this shit up. " I pull on my coat and coat my lips with a thin layer of cherry chapstick.  Badasses have to look sharp. I pop my collar and head out to the garage where my baby sat.  My sweet Lamborghini Adventador . Slipping inside,  I start it up and swiftly pull out of my family home driveway. I've got a few things to settle.

(Tobias's POV)

They've "wined and dined" me for almost three days, I'm sure one of my older brothers is on his way to help me get out of this mess. Vargus Sorrentino  steps in chuckling,  twirling a Cuban cigar in his hand and a box of pizza rolls in the other.  This guy.  I scoff under my breath.  So far they've kept me in a grand suite at one their family hotels, feeding me expensive,  small portioned organic meals, tending to my every need,  hell they even hired a guy to take my classes for me while they have me captive!

"Pretty boy,  so uh... my dumb ass brother escaped... apparently.  So I guess you're free to go. " Vargus pops a roll into his mouth. His men made no attempt to free me from my chained chair. I raise my eyebrow.  Vargus catches this.  "You questioning me boy? " I rarely speak,  so I shake my head no. "Good,  now like I was saying before.  You can go free... if you cooperate with me.  Here's  how it'll work. I'll ask the questions,  you answer,  okay?  Great. " He then produces a napkin from his blazer pocket and wipes pizza sauce from his chin.

This isn't going anywhere,  I'm practically mute. I don't answer to them or anybody,  except my mother.  Before Vargus could begin his pointless interrogation, I heard Benedict yelling from down the hall of the suite. It seems that wherever he goes he causes a big commotion. "Where the fuck is my brother! Release my brother immediately! You got your grandpa back,  now keep your part of the deal! " I sigh, a bit annoyed by Benedict's lack of respect and composure ."Somebody shut him the fuck up! " Vargus yelled puffing smoke from his nostrils. One of his men drags Benedict into the suite master bedroom,  where I sat.  Benedict's face brightens up as he spots me in the chair.

Vargus chuckles obviously calm again,  "Are you done baby Benny? I see you tired yourself out at the front door with one of your classic uh... so as your father calls them 'hissy fits'." Vargus laughs simmering his anger,  and his men join in.  Benedict face quickly flashes with embarrassment and anger as his face turns red.

They eventually quiet down.  "We want answers and you're gonna give them  to us. I'm done bullshiting and I want to avenge my cousins death! I'm mother fucking blood thirsty goddammit,  and I'll wait no longer!" Vargus growls banging his fist across the coffee table,  cracking it down the middle.  So this is the famous side of  Vargus that corporate world ever so fears.  Pretty tough.  Benedict seemed to shrink in his new chained chair.  Vargus means business... he's serious. "Time is money and right now I could be earning millions of it, if I weren't babysitting you two. You'll give truthful, direct answers when asked or Vermin will play operation. Fair warning. " A bald heavy set man appears with a sly grin on his face as he unrolls a velcro belt of torture tools.  I sigh under my breath.  What a bullshit waste of time.

"Must you always find solutions in violence,  brother? " a voice emerges from the doorway. Why look who it is, Nikolass Sorrentino.  Nik passes by Benedict and scoffs,  Benedict replying by shooting a confused glance.  "Look,  I escaped.  Now keep your part of the deal. And why did you call me over,  I have an agenda to abide by. " Nik effortlessly looks flawless as he runs his finger through his long locks.  Benedict choked.  "No,  we took an old man.  Not Nik Sorrentino? " Nik had a expression on his face that was kind of hard to read. "I think that you are very mistaken Benny. " Nik says. Vargus eyes his younger brother with pure hatred. "Leave we will discuss the matter later. Right now I am in the middle of settling business. " Vargus spat through gritted teeth.

"Okay,  sure. " Nik shrugs.  "But you'll hear from me. " Before Benedict could respond in any way,  Vargus gets a call.  He returns.  "Change of plans,  release them both. Business has been... altered. " Vargus explains releasing a frustrated sigh.  His men unlocked my brother's chains,  then mine.  Benedict still eyed Nikolass suspiciously. "Got a good enough look,  sweetheart. " Nik grinned before blowing a kiss Benedict's way.  Nik tossed his head back and laughed. "Take 'em away,  Ricky. But you boys better not get too comfortable at home. You'll be seeing a lot of my face around,  until we meet again Mute and Benny Boy. " Vargus waved us off  dismissively,  jumping into a corporate business call. The man addressed as Ricky blindfolded my brother and I and we were thrown into some type of moving vehicle.

Again. A waste of my time and there's.

(Nik's POV)

"You really know how to handle them,  huh? " I joke sarcastically.  "Don't mock me." Vargus warned.  "You want nothing to do with the plan, remember? Father has just made a drastic change. Instead we're aiming higher,  going after what Ellion Meialo cherishes most,  more than a son. " Vargus sneered.  I shrug,  not really caring. 

"The good for nothing son of a bitch just jay -walked himself into the wrong industry." Vargus laughs blowing halos toward the vent.

I can't lie. My suspicion caught the best of me. "What does he cherish more than a son?" Vargus lets the ashes fall onto the white carpet.  "His business connections...his financial source. Besides,  Father has been planning to shut down their little growing empire for almost a year now. This will all be over very soon." Vargus chuckles diabolically before slipping another roll into his mouth. Only for his to spit out the doughy tomato sauce mush onto the carpet. "AH! HAWT! IT BURTH MYTH TONGTH!" He cried out holding an ice cube to his tongue.

What a dumbass.

I wait for him to calm down. "By the way good news for you and Stella. You're my best man and Stella is a maid of honor for my wedding,  your welcome. " I give my "you're-shitting-me" look. "Don't even, I know you're hiding your excitement on the inside. " I glance at my Rolex and realize that I'm running short on time for my date with Stella. "Look, just tell me why you really called me here? " I growled clearly  annoyed by  my older brother's bipolar antics.

"Oh, just to remind you that you're a complete dumbass and to offer you a small part in the oper-" I cut him off there.  "Forget it." "Okay, Professor  Peace, but this is just as a stand in while the real men get their hands dirty." I ignore his insult. "I've already -" This time I'm cut off, but not by Vargus

Take this final opportunity that your family is offering to you, Nikolass the Ministers of Magic will allow it. Thus reason being only for you to rightfully earn your acclaimed status as Saint. You must contribute to your family your mortal family. 

I pause after hearing Commander Elf's words. Must I really?  It goes against everything I've said before,  I still have serious doubts about this risky consideration and/ or decision.

This is not about your beliefs, it's about doing what you can to protect and support those around you. Help your mortal family and I will personally see to it that you will not affected by mortal punishment which would be the possibility of you becoming a convicted felon if such operation is how mortal humans say "shutdown " 

I finally respond to his link,  So if I get my hands dirty doing some illegal Mafia shit, you'll use your magic to cover my ass?

I see your New York dialect has returned and yes something along those terms does apply but you must remember to try your best to conceal your magic and try your best to control when you shift.

Okay. Fine. But only because I'm Santa Clause now and I must see to it that I protect my family and all of that other technical shit.

"I'll do whatever you have in mind." I ball my fists neatly at my side,  preparing for the insult Vargus is ready to fling my way.

He held a calm expression and then his eyebrows shot up in shock. "Looks like you've shed out of your bitchy cocoon and grew a pair of balls my brother, and depending on how bloody you wanna get your hands,  you may have a little hair growing down there, too." He joked setting his cigar aside.

I make a disgusted face. Sure his jokes are pretty mean and makes him look like an even bigger asshole,  but then again his jokes can be flat out disgusting.

" I'll call Father and tell him the good news. Who knows maybe, he'll let you choose who you get to kill." Vargus chuckles as he produces a small, silver disposable flip phone from his inside suit jacket.

I leave the hotel with twenty minutes to get across the city. Walsh flags me down out front. "I'll see you there Walsh." By his expression,  his is clearly confused. I twirl my fingers.  "Magic my good friend,  magic indeed."

                  Later that evening (Night)....

"Where is he?  He changed his mind? " I could  hear  my father scream from somewhere throughout  his estate.  I walk up to the closest intercom and press the speaker button. " Father,  I am here." My voice echoed throughout the halls. I make my way to the elevator and enter the third floor into my Father's private study, which sat quiet and empty. I pulled back a book on one of the shelves and pressed a small, red button, immediately allowing me access to my Father's secret cigar and wine parlor a.k.a his place of business.

I still can't believe his under the counter Mafia work has still been going on for these years,  especially since my Mother made him promise to stay out of it. But she should've known better,  I mean look at who her brothers are.  I enter strutting low key to  make my arrival less dramatic than needed.  "Ah,  my baby boy! " My Father laughs. My cousins (all males of course) seemed to have suddenly tensed up due to my presence. I guess my positively, good looking, naturally sexy aura is intimidating them.  No time to be a conceited prick Santa. Just get the job done without  any problems. I link back to Commander Elf in reply.  Look,  I'm still a bit pissed that I'm helping with this "job" in the first place.  I can maybe joke around a bit to ease the irritation that I know my unprofessional cousins will cause me.  What are you saying?  I'm saying that they are real gangsters and they kinda turn their noses up to my brother and I because they think that Vargus and I think that we are better than them. Well.. Vargus maybe, but I think that they're just jealous if you ask me.

"Well,  are  you just gonna stand there and stare off into space or are you gonna get closer so that we can further discuss the plan of action?" My Father softened his hearty,  heavyily-accented, laugh.  "Yes. " For reasons unknown, I caught a strange glare from Vargus. Then again due to his bipolar nature he could flash me his business deal smile next. "Okay,  you didn't miss out on much, but I do have to introduce you to someone. " My Father says.  My eyes scan through the crowd of over a dozen cousins  and I did not find a single unfamiliar face. Although I can say that I could feel the uncomfortable tension quickly growing within the room.

They're acting weird,  as if they're hiding something perhaps.  Vargus shoots me another strange glare,  but he's not that good with warnings either.  My Father pulls a small,  nerdy looking man from behind him and plants both of his huge hands firmly onto the small man's shoulders.  The little guy jumped before adjusting his  bug eyed bifocals and tucking a leather computer bag tightly underneath his arm. "This is Wyatt, New York's finest computer hacking,  technology genius accountant. He will be the heart of the operation, which of course as the two of us discussed earlier, he will be compensated 25% of the income. " My Father beamed proudly as if Wyatt were his own son.  I tried to hide my somewhat jealous snort,  but failed miserably.  This earned a quick glance from my brother and a few of my cousins.

Wyatt stood trembling (and for a guy like him, he is rather small) as if he didn't want to be here. I'm quite sure my father black mailed this poor guy into doing the job. Wyatt dressed in standard office Tech uniform or as others know it as "geek wear". Wyatt wore khaki pants,  slightly busted, black tennis shoes and a white, crisp, short sleeve shirt with a front pocket which displayed all of his writing utensils  arranged in order following the rainbow sequence. He's quite the young man as he has a fresh, clear face,  a head full of really curly, brown hair and the "Class of 2013" high school patch sewn carefully onto to his computer bag.  Probably by his mother whom he most likely still lives with. Though I can't shake why he feels so nervous,  why he shakes like the temperature is below freezing, and my father doesn't seem to care at all.

"You there,  Wyatt,  why are you nervous?" I ask him.  He held his head down, and stood in silence momentarily before replying,  " The rush. " Wyatt whispers.  He slowly lifts his head and I gasp as it is covered in white powder residue all from his nostrils to the corners of his mouth. His green eyes are now red and bloodshot, one eye bulged out swollen and twitching. I couldn't mask my disgusted and horrified expression.

"In other words,  our special 'street pharmacist ' provided nerd boy with some magical baking powder. " Vargus says aloud sarcastically pointing to a local drug dealer smoking in a dimly little corner. A few of my cousins laughed. My Father could read my horrified face as easy as an open book.

"He knew a bit too much of our inner plans so we needed a supplement that could ease his mind of a bit of his memory.  It was either this or death and obviously we need him for our operation.  So relax the kid'll be fine. " I opened my mouth to revolt my anger,  but Commander Elf stopped me.

Relax yourself. Calm down and remember what must be done. No screws okay?

My Father raised his eyebrow at me anticipating my extra back lash. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, allowing my anger to sizzle. Letting my shoulders slump limply,  I listened to their plan, but it only seemed like the more my Father explained,  the more the plan didn't make any sense.  Every five seconds I couldn't help myself by interrupting and explaining why that certain detail wouldn't carry out.

I could tell everyone was very annoyed with me,  even Wyatt, who was higher than Santa's sleigh. "Then and only then shall Wyatt hack into their-" My Father explains.

"Actually,  that cannot be done either.  They bank with Gold Capital,  which allows exclusive access only through their computers through their national based institution. They have them padlocked with codes and mathematical sequences that are not even academically considered.  You have to get access through their second seperate Swiss account that only Ellion and his son Tobias knows about.  Tobias has the codes and all financial information stored with him personally, we need to obtain this information first  then hack into the correct account. Attempting to hack into their first primary account could set off  suspicion and further more an investigation which could ultimately lead to operation shutdown.  We need to play our cards right and hack into the Swiss. 

Ellion does not have this account so heavily bombarded because this is his play money account,  an account that he barely acknowledges because lately business has been improving and all primary financial records are set within his Gold Capital account. Plus he has four grand charted off shore accounts which he established within the past ten years in surrounding European countries. Thus being said Swiss is the way to go. " I explained.

Their annoyed expressions seemed to  have faded and instead they looked quite impressed. "How do you know all of this? " Ricky asks me.  "Well Reginald,  when one is kidnapped  they tend to learn quite a bit from their surroundings. " I grinned as I adjusted my neck tie.  Oh yeah and I read Benny's  mind since he's planning on buying himself a new car yet again. For a...dumb.. no simple minded guy,  he sure does think rather logically and has an very organized brain pattern. Too bad he doesn't apply that to everyday life. My Father was left speechless and so was my brother. In fact so speechless,  that they gave me homework. I am to research more of the Meialo's financial status and report back to them immediately. Then he closed up the meeting,  leaving me to happily venture home where my beautiful girlfriend awaited.

Walsh pulled up to the front gates of the estate and opened the door for me and immediately I felt a crippling pain surge through my body,  like some type of shock wave.  Walsh gets in and adjusts his rearview mirror though he pauses and gasps as he stares back at me.  Shit, it happened again I curse through my link. "I changed again didn't I,  Walsh? " Speechless, he nodded his head.  "It was the cracking of the bones that sent me into such shock and speechless manner and for that I apologize,  young master. " Walsh explained moments later. I tried to laugh at his unnecessary apology, but I felt that if I dry heaved any longer, then I might cough up dust.

Almost a half an hour later,  we arrived at my home.  Stella  seemed to have all of the lights on almost everywhere upstairs. She only does this if she is frightened.  Odd...  "Walsh has something occurred while I was gone. Anything pertaining Stella? " Walsh apologized again for not informing me about the matter sooner and then he explained as he pulled closer into my drive way.  "She thought she had company with her during her bath, but I assure you young master that nothing seemed out of the ordinary when Oliver checked. Plus secerity was on duty... fully alert might I add. "

Walsh stopped and parked.  I had jumped out of the car any faster, I would've have to duck and roll as the vehicle was only just slowing to a stop.  In pain,  I raced inside clutching my lower back. Eventually I reached my bedroom and found Stella cradling herself on my bed.  She wore her night gown and her wet hair mopped across her face, her head in her lap.  I entered silently and sit at the end of the bed. My weight and the sudden shift of the bed caused her to lift her head up. "Baby,  it's okay now.  I am here to protect you. " I force my wrinkled skin into a baggy smile. A single tear drop escaped from her eye and I wiped it away with my finger.  I held my arms open and  she nearly sprang into them .

I have Oliver inform a personal,  legal investigator friend of mine to look after Stella and keep a sharp eye out in case Anthony and Andreas Meialo try to sneak onto my private property again.

"You're  shaking,  are you cold? " I ask with a smile.  "Yes,  but only a little." I use my magic and create the warm jacket. "That's much better,  thank you...Santy. " she giggles. She sits up and she stares into my eyes before placing her hand on my soft,  wrinkled cheek.  I kiss her before she has any second thoughts. "See that wasn't so bad. " I whisper against her lips. She smiles and gets cozy underneath the blankets. I lean across my bed side post and turn off the lamp.

"Good night Stella, " I whisper in her ear, wrapping my arm around her waist.  "Good night Nik...I love you. " "Love you too. " I croak . She giggles and pinches my cheek, and a few moments later the night silence is no more as Stella snores like a bear in hibernation. My Stella Bear... that has a nice ring to it.

                                       Operation Preparation (Afternoon) ....

Walsh dropped me off in front of my father's estate around 8 AM,  and it seems like every time I change back into myself I am stronger and more fit,  my body is more toned.  I'm not complaining nor is Stella,  but I sometimes worry of about counter effects.

My Father has us in training like some sort of boot camp. He fed us ,  equipped us with bulletproof suits,  yes business suits,  and gave us a few weapons of our choice. Personally I chose a few throwing knives and simple handguns.  Not that I expect to kill anyone,  it's just that my Father says that I should be prepared.

Vargus went all scar face and choose a heavy duty machine gun knowing that he'd off himself if he allowed blood splatter to ruin his tailored suit which price is probably equivalent to half the mortgage of his most expensive European home. I keep my laughter to myself though I find it funny that he thinks he's badass.

Around noon,  my Father calls us into his private study and from there we enter his personal parlor. "Now let me go over just what is gonna go down tonight,  just so that everyone is clear as to what position they hold in this operation. "

Desmond will use an unknown and untraceable phone calling out the Meialo's and Tretolinii's about their financial fraud and money estortion and laundering to the Federal Financial Government . Thus the government capital bank will freeze and or take away all of the money from all American accounts. Ricky will do the same for the other overseas accounts leaving the Swiss account untouched.  The rest of you will follow Nik onto Meialo property tonight. Tonight the Meialo's and Tretolinii's are going to one of their sons' weddings up in Jersey. Fortunately they will be gone the whole weekend,  giving us the opportunity to ransack their property all while wiping out their precious Swiss account. Wyatt will make the transfers and under no circumstances will we deposit the money into any of our family accounts.  Suspicion will arise following legal confrontation. There, Nik will obtain the extraneous banking materials and information that we could use to our better advantage.  The rest of you must stay alert,  keep your eyes peeled and protect each other.  For your hard work  your compensation is guaranteed. For now everybody get some rest, we leave at 10 o'clock tonight. I will have lunch made. " He waves us away dismissively as my brother and cousins file out of the parlor and downstairs.

"Father, actually,  Stella and I already made plans for lunch." I say.

"Well cancel them,  you in particular, are staying under my supervision. " "Dad,  I am a grown man you can't tell me what to do anymore. "

"That doesn't mean that I'm not you're father anymore. "

"Dad this isn't fair,  I promised her that I'd go. "

"You're whining is getting on my nerves,  Nikolass. Go to your room. "

"But Da-" He holds up his hand to silence me.

"No buts,  go to your room. If Stella comes,  then I will tell her why you can't accompany her to lunch. "

" No Father,  you mustn't. " I almost yell. He raises one eyebrow at me. I immediately dial back my tone. Calmly, I say,  "She is never to know of my wrong doings.  I fear that I might lose her,  she means far too much to me." He chuckles.  "Very well then,  I will border her the truth. " I still can't believe I really have to go to my room.  But who am I kidding?  Even as a child,  Vargus and I lived a lavish and comfortable lifestyle. So my old bedroom was professionally decorated.  There's not a single sign  in this room that there's ever been a child occupying this space.

Just as I was about to doze off to sleep, a soft knock startled me awake.  "Come in. " I yawned rubbing my eyes.  As my vision cleared I warmly greeted my girlfriend. "I'm sorry baby,  did I wake you? " She smiled sitting at the foot of my bed.  She carefully set a large bag on the desk and said,  "I decided to make you lunch myself and bring it to you. " I catch her off guard and pull her into my lap.  She gasps and wraps her arm around my neck.  I study her current outfit . A rather fitting white dress just above the knee,  her hair straightened and a bit of light makeup and of course she's wearing my ring and necklace. "I like your outfit. " I bit my lip.  "Thank you,  Sargent . " She pokes at my S.W.A.T team vest, playing along.  For a bit we just smile at each and stare into each others eyes. Her shy smile is the cutest , but that is only one of the many things that I treasure about this girl. I finally catch my breath and find my words. "Now are you gonna feed me or sit here in my lap looking sexy? " I whisper in her ear.

"I like option two better. " Stella jokes reaching for the bag.  I bare my hands as claws giving her a fair warning.  Tickle tackle.  "I made you your absolute favorite,  spinach and artichoke dip with Parmesan garlic bread, strawberry lemonade,  and chicken Alfredo with steamed broccoli. " I watch her elegance as she sets up my favorite meal for me.  I reach for the fork,  but she quickly swats my hand away. "You need to relax,  I'll feed you. " I do as told and let her feed me.  Occasionally she'd  pause and dab my mouth with a white linen napkin.  "Thanks babe,  but it's not like I'm  sick. " She tilts my head and allows me to take a sip from my glass. After my meal,  she stayed and cuddled with me.  ''What? No dessert ? " I joke. She laughs and shakes her head no.  I jump up immediately tickling her sides. We both laugh as she tries to escape, but falls off the high, king sized bed instead. "Hey baby,  are you okay? " Before she could respond, Vargus busts in examining the room like it's some crime scene.

"What's going on in here? " He glares at me and comes around the side of the bed and sees Stella. He helps her up to her feet,  "Hello Vargus." She smiles adjusting her dress properly. "Is my lame little brother bullying you, because if so,  I could give him a good beat down just like the good ol'days. " They both laughed. I stood up and wrapped my arm around Stella's waist.  "I don't think that would be necessary.  Besides what brings you to my room uninvited? " He shrugs.  "Curious as to what noise may be coming from my brother's room is all. Father wouldn't let Rosalie come over,  so might I add that I am a bit jealous. But Stella," He turns to her. "How did you get inside? " Stella smiles. "Your cousins snuck me in through the back. " He scoffed and muttered underneath his breath before leaving my room.

Stella gathers her things and gives me a kiss. "Wait,  you're leaving me?" I tighten my grip around her waist.  "Unfortunately,  I have to go. I have an internship preparation seminar to attend,  and hopefully I'll be chosen to participate in this years internship program. " I smile , "Well good luck. " I give her a quick kiss. "Love you and we'll continue where we left off when I come home! " I call out to her.  She smiles and blows me a kiss before leaving. Stuffed and now completely sleepy,  I doze off on my bed,  but Vargus busts in yet again startling me instantly. "Okay,  about the meeting last night. " Vargus whispers and closes the door. He struts up to my bed. "Before you arrived, they were speaking of a slight problem that you might run into the night of the operation... which is tonight. The-" I hold up my hand to cut him off.  "Wait,  who is they? " I whisper.  "Desmond and Ricky, now listen carefully. Tonight Andreas and Anthony and a few unknown others will be showing up unexpectedly at the Meialo mansion. Desmond and Ricky have some deals to arrange and things to set in place with the eldest Meialo sons, and all I know is that it has something to do with you. Father doesn't know, but I'd be cautious about those two and make sure that you don't run into the Meialos. The others that are set to enter the mansion with you are now stationed in a vehicle hundreds of yards away,  but audio surveillance will be provided. Reason being is because too many guys on the job draws a bit more complications, slows down the process,  and raises risks. " Vargus pauses and places his right hand on his collarbone as if he were choking- something dramatic he always does when he's about to compliment  someone or show true concern for someone. " A-as your older brother,  I'm lo-ooking out for you b-b-because I want you to be s-safe and I'm glad you're h-h-helping in this operation." He studded as if he can't believe what he has just said.  I get out of bed and face him, clutching my hand to my chest.  "Aw,  you do care.  Bring it in. " "No,  I'd rather you not hug me. Stay back. " Vargus warns me as he backs up. I corner him in a bear hug and laugh at his theatrical attempt to escape and brush my, as he calls it,  "lame little brother cooties", off of his tailored suit. I only joke with him for shock value,  his reactions are simply priceless. "You can stop with the dramatic act,  this isn't Broadway. " I snort. He adjusts himself and leaves after throwing  an annoyed glare over his shoulder. He can be such a bore.

                                             Actual Operation (Night)...

I scan the perimeter to make sure no one is around. I also double check for surveillance,  and to my luck the coast is clear.  I teleport on the Meialo's thick,  neatly trimmed,  dew sprinkled front lawn and check my surrounding once again.  Everything seems good. "Copy comma over. Where are you? Sexy businessman out. " Vargus practically yells my earpiece. So much for audio surveillance. "That's not your code name Father gave you and that's not even how you address the receiver from the other end. " I whisper.  Vargus is planted a few blocks away in a standard decoy car,  listening in through recorded audio surveillance.

The night hung cold and still. The moon covered by the clouds casting off very little light to go by is a slight downside to the plan. I can't use tools unless I want to risk getting caught. We barely made it into this gated community!  I wore dark colors and a black skii mask,  which is customary uniform for criminals. "On the Meialo's property. Modelboy out and over. " I cut off my earpiece and inched further onto the property. The mansion cast a dark, cold shadow ahead of me,  and I know that I am on the left wing of the mansion. It's quite big,  but one of our wings are the size of the entire Meialo mansion itself. I slowly advance towards the wall and teleport through. Commander Elf links me unexpectedly.

Careful. I sense danger and a strong presence that is only getting closer. Well make sure to hint me when the exact moment comes,  I reply.

I teleport across the large backyard and eventually onto the patio. Through the double glass sliding doors all seems quiet and still. Desmond and Ricky haven't shown up yet... good. I teleport into the kitchen to carefully disarm  all alarms and security devices set up around the house.

"Okay I'm in,  security deactivated. I repeat security deactivated. " I whisper after clicking on my earpiece.  "Over comma out. Great now find those financial banking records you spoke of. Sexy businessman out. " Vargus replies. Oh I'll find them alright.

Upstairs , on the third floor of the mansion, I approach the bedrooms of the Meialo sons;  Andreas,  Anthony,  Benedict,  Tobias,  and Theo, the  middle step brother. I knew that they'd all be gone at the wedding -except Tobias. He is the financial banking records. He and his Father arranged the Swiss account. Toby is too smart to write down such valuable information on a scrap piece of paper. It's all in his head,  through memorization.  And only I can obtain such information by simply reading his mind. Although my Father is expecting me to hand him accurate bank statements,  so I'll have Walsh print out some exact copies. I quietly enter Toby's large room and find him on his computer with Beats headphones in his ears,  his back turned.  I tapped into his thoughts and obtained just the information that I need.  Quickly, I teleport out of the room and into the hall.  You're changed into the older version of yourself, Nikolass. I wince holding my back in pain. Yeah,  I kinda got that when I threw my hip out, but thanks Great,  now my powers aren't going to function as well as they should.

Down the hall  where I stood,  a few shadows appeared and muffled Voice's few louder.  Somebody's coming this way.  Get out of there immediately! I attempt to teleport,  but fail miserably. Instead, I try my best to scoot and shuffle down the dimly lit hallway. I freeze when I hear,  " HEY!  Who the hell are you! " from behind me.  Oh shit!  Quickly,  do something!" I pick up the pace as I hear the group of men chasing after me.  I turn a corner and duck inside of a closet. This should help Surrounded in darkness,  I feel myself change back and I instantly teleport back outside.  A few of our guys rush past me,  but stop.  "Hey Nik, " My cousin Castro says.  "You seen a strange old man run this way?  Desmond and Ricky saw him inside,  but lost em'. " "What?  That's ridiculous. I haven't seen him. " I lie with a sly grin. Castro shrugs and runs to catch with his brothers. That was close.  You're telling me. 

I click back on my earpiece.  "Got the information. Modelboy out. " I click it off and phone Walsh about making those copies.  "As soon as they are made,  drive them over to my Father's estate. I want you to get there before I do. " "But young master,  you can teleport. " "I know. " I grin and hang up.  The area is clear,  everybody left. Desmond and Ricky received only a few strange documents from the Meialo twins. Head over to you father's estate quickly.


Everything held out smoothly,  the Meialo's can expect to be shutdown within 24 hours and we are now 58.4 million dollars richer. Father  even has lawyers bribed and posted as well and now hopefully I can just rest because I'm tired of this shady business.

I turned to leave the parlor after my father rejoiced our sucesss. "Ah Nikolass may I have a word? " I turn on my heels and attempt to hide my tired expression. He chuckles,  "You know you hide your expression on your sleeve as if don't try. " He looks around and sees that we are alone.  His entire demeanor changes ,  his smile fades,  he sits up straighter, he's serious. He leans in and whispers,  "Now, I don't know if Vargus has told you, but beware of the suspicious activity between your older cousins Desmond and Richard. I heard that they keep in close contact with the Meialo twins and a few others that should go nameless. And whatever it is that goes on between them,  somehow you are mentioned quite a lot.  So I ask you now,  are you in any trouble?" His eyes scan me up and down,  reading me carefully.  "No,  not at all. " He stares at me before deciding that I am telling the truth.  "Very well then,  beware son. And I thank you for your generous participation. I shall see soon. " He waves me off and I leave feeling rather drained and tired.  It's only one in the morning.

I find Walsh out front. "Hello young master, " Walsh tips his hat.  "Are you going to you know ..? "He whispers.  "No,  I feel achey and tired. Perhaps you could drive me? " "Absolutely. " When I arrive,  in my bedroom I find a steaming rose petal and lavender bubble bath waiting for me and my favorite pajamas neatly folded at the end of my bed. Stella is dressed in pajama shorts and a cami. She hadn't seen me as she had her head buried in a textbook .  "Baby,  you didn't have to do this for me. " I smile. She looks up at me and smiles. "I did,  I know you've been tired lately,  so I thought this would help. " She smiles pecking me on me lips.  I wrap my arms around her waist,  "I know I say this a lot,  but I am so in love with you. " I grin and sink my fingers into her sides,  catching her by surprise by tickling her. She falls onto the bed laughing.  "Oliver.. Help me Oliver! " She yells. I pin her to the bed,  my weight preventing her from getting up.  "Sorry babe,  Oliver can't save you now. " I laugh and continue to tickle her. 

After about ten minutes of us goofing around,  I reheat my bubblebath and relax. When I'm clean,  I wrap my towel around my waist and slick back my hair. I walked out and found Stella  in my mirror styling her hair. I really hoped she'd just look at me.  I walk up to her, wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder. "Ah baby,  you're soaking wet. " She cringes. "I know. " I say in a seductive tone. "Turn around,  you'll like what you see. " I grin running my fingers through my hair.  She turns around and bits her lip.  "You're so right, " Stella smiles shyly pushing me lightly toward the bed.  I fall onto the bed holding up my towel.  I've never seen Stella act so..  seductive.  I like it, it's sexy. She climbs on top of me and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she leans in closer.  "But you wanna know what I wanna do more than anything right now baby?" She's so close that our noses were almost touching. 

"Ww-what's that? " I stammer and lick my lips.  I felt excitement and passion surge through my body.  Stella reaches over and picks up... a textbook.  "Study. " She kisses me and gets up with a smile on her face. I frown playfully in disappoint. I get up and change into my pajamas.  "You had me there baby,  you really did." I sigh climbing into bed.  I kiss her neck  and play with her hair. She doesn't take her eyes away from her textbook.  "Babe,  listen to me please. " Stella grins and places her textbook aside.  "Tell me,  you have my undivided attention. " She brushes my long hair off of my forehead.  I sit up, hold both of her hands and look into her eyes.  "I know you love me and I most definitely love you,  so I wish to take our relationship to the next level. Sometimes I have these feelings , these urges. After all I am a man ...with needs. I want to have an intimate relationship. With you only, of course."

Her expression is blank and she bites her lip. She looks down and twirls the purity ring on her second necklace chain.  I can tell she's thinking hard. "Baby I completely understand, but.. I only thought we weren't being intimate because you wanted us to.  I know my parents gave me this ring,  but I really don't care what they think.  If you're ready,  then so am I. " She says lowering her head.  I lift her chin and look into her eyes.  "No,  of course not. What made you think that?  I also don't want to pressure you if you're not ready. " Stella smiles and gives me a kiss.  "Babe,  we need to communicate more. " I bring her closer to my body.  "Okay,  but just let know when you're ready." I whisper in her ear.  "Plus,  I do need a heir to carry on my duties when I retire . " I nibble on her ear.  Stella giggles.  "I love you  Santa Clause." Stella whispers clicking off the lamp. "Forever? " I grin. "Maybe." She says with a laugh. I give her one last kiss before snuggling under the covers and drifting off into a deep slumber.

                                                             Author's Note

Aigoo!  It feels like forever and I am so sorry!  Spring Break (for me)  is over and the school year is wrapping up,  so I hope that I have a lot more time to finish up this story. BTW lately I've been fangirling a bit  over Magcon and Vine. 

Hope you liked it,  I deleted and rewrote this part so many times and I'm just anxious to update because I feel like it's a bit too long since I last updated ,  well compared to my usual updating  interval periods.

This chapters cover is of Tobias and Anthony and Andreas can be only the most handsome YouTube twins none other than Jacks gap Finn and Jack - bear with me cause I honestly don't know how to add a cast to my story.

Please make sure you Comment,  Vote and Share!  Christmas is coming up soon (in the story of course)  so there will be more to look forward to.

          As always,  Keep reading and thanks a bunch for  your support

                       XOXOXOXO,  Jynnie_Nevaeh 

P.S I will need to edit a few errors that this chapter may contain!

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