Astro | β†’ π–Œπ–Šπ–“π–˜π–π–Žπ–“ π–Žπ–’...

By enkuxin

321K 12.6K 19K

[✧] 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨- /ˈastrō/ relating to the stars, celestial objects, or outer space. ──── ᡃ˒ᡗʳᡒ ──── ✩ You are... More

origin log β€’ 1/3
origin log β€’ 2/3
origin log β€’ 3/3
[ Christmas Special ]
c h e c k p o i n t
[ epilogue. ]


17.8K 663 602
By enkuxin


A petite figure gently strummed the lyre in his hand, smiling softly at the beautiful melody it let out. The bard was standing in front of the large tree in Windrise, the tree that represents his old friend.

I wonder how you're doing, [Name]. He sighed. Eventually, the song came to a stop and the boy looked up at the starry sky.

Enough moping around, Venti! Venti puffed his cheeks out, shaking his head. He hadn't drank a single bottle yet, knowing that the day the person he's waiting for is coming closer now.

How long he yearned to hug [Pronoun] and to hold hands with [Pronoun] again. He misses those times where he would just lay on the grass with his friend and stargaze.

Venti sucked in a deep breath. It's about time he heads back to Mondstadt, the city of freedom. He held his lyre closely, walking towards the city and quietly pass the silent hilichurl camps.

The Wind Archon had a bitter smile on his face. Tonight wasn't it. He will need to wait a couple of more days until the one he longs for awakens again.

Venti couldn't wait to tell [Pronoun] all about the people he's befriended and met throughout the time he's been waiting.

If only he was stronger back then. Maybe his friends wouldn't have left him alone wandering. Perhaps he could meet them all again if reincarnation really was real?

Venti chuckled. No way would he be able to see some of them again.

Before he knew it, the bard was already in the bright lit city. Although not a lot of citizens were awake, a few were still bustling around either finally going home, out drinking, or whatever they're doing.

Venti made his way over the inn he was staying in. The landlord was an old man who forgot about the room Venti took. So the bard took the opportunity to take the room as his own.

Venti quickly changed out of his dirty clothes into something more comfortable to sleep in. He fell back onto his bed, arms out to form a 'T.' Hopefully tomorrow will be the day or night [Pronoun] will come back. Rolling to his side, he stared out the window to stare at the crescent moon.

I miss you, [(Nick)name]. Venti pulled the blankets over his body, shifting around until it almost covered his eyes. After a while of staring at the moon, Venti slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.


A figure with white hair stalked towards the direction of Mondstadt, his head covered by a custom made head ornament that swayed with the wind. In his arms was a dirtied book with a faded purple color, matching the purple on his garbs.

Traveling from the desert sand to grassy fields on foot, Cyno could feel the dryness from the sole of his foot begin to slowly vanish from the wet grounds.

It had rained in Liyue last night, leaving behind water droplets on the grass. The grass was a cool contrast to the dry sand Cyno usually walks on.

With a huff, he continues to march towards Mondstadt. He has been walking non-stop after finding the book in his hands inside a ruin.

He had read it beforehand, thinking it was some sort of diary from an ancient being. Then realized, it only talked about [Divine Name], the Astro God(dess) that had disappeared for a thousand years. The descriptions in the book were odd. A bit stalker-ish, like the writer had been watching the Celestial being for centuries.

If he wasn't weirded out, he could have make a pun out of 'Astro' and 'Celestial.'

After reading the book, Cyno decided to bring it to someone he knew who would be able to use the knowledge to find out more. Lisa, his senior.

He remembered Lisa being invested in the stories of the Astro God(dess), even going far as interrogating the teachers at the Akademiya and their teachings. Only to end up reprimanded by the teachers for trying to dig into confidential knowledge.

Cyno thought Lisa probably had a crush on the God(dess) just from the stories she read. They were only mere fairytale stories that she had fallen in love with. And in the end, Lisa couldn't find anything other than the sprinkle of depictions of what the God(dess) looked like.


After days of walking, Cyno reached the city of Mondstadt. (Of course, he took breaks, he isn't a superhuman who can survive without food and water.) Unfortunately for him, it was midnight when he arrived and after tiredly answering the guards questions on his visit, he was finally able to get a room at an inn.

He took a quick shower, rinsing off the dirt and grim on his skin. Also carefully washing his garb and headpiece and slipping on a black ragged cloak he had on before during his first visit when he had to take in Collei.

Cyno walked over towards the bed, slowly sitting down and laying against the wall. His polearm laying besides his right. He slowly fell into slumber, listening to the small noises around him.

Lisa hummed a melody, looking over the large book displayed on the desk that consists of names and the books the person has checked out. She was checking which books were due, green eyes flickering over the due dates printed next to the titles.

Smiling with happiness, she shut the book before walking around her desk to the other side to pour herself a cup of tea. Lisa sat down in her seat, raising the cup of tea to her lips and smelling the sweet aroma.

As she was about to take a sip, the doors opened. She watched a familiar man walk in, her smile widening as she recognized him.

"Cyno! To what do I owe the pleasure?" She greeted, setting her teacup down on the small plate/coaster. She strides towards the shorter male, noticing the faded book in his hand.

"Lisa," Cyno nodded his head, greeting her back. He held out the old book with two hands to Lisa, allowing her to see the fading cover. "I found this book in a ruins I was in. It's about the Astro God(dess)."

Cyno watched as twinkles in Lisa's eyes shimmered. She carefully took the book, opening it with care and skimming through. The two didn't talk as she quickly read a few words before closing the book.

"This is amazing." She looked at Cyno with delight filled in her eyes. "Do you mind if I keep it for a while? I'd like to study more on what this book has to offer."

Cyno nodded. "Of course, I don't mind. I'll be heading back now. I have matters to attend to. Please let me know of anything you find as well." The two exchanged their goodbyes before Cyno swiftly left. What a busy man. Lisa stared after the retreating figure.

He had came to drop off a book and quickly left like he was just a food delivery boy. How funny. Lisa thought.

The librarian decided to gather others she knew who could help her study. It would be easier with more people after all. She found Amber walking around the halls, calling to her and asking if she could find the others for a small meeting.

The outrider beamed at her with excitement, throwing questions at the electro user before being shut down and sent off to find the traveling duo and Kaeya.

Lisa quickly made her way over towards Jean's office, holding the book close to her. She felt a small childlike excitement rise in her chest.


Aether watched Paimon wolf down plates of food, grimacing at his slimming wallet with each clean plate. The two had woken up a few hours ago and decided to take go to Good Hunter's to eat. Paimon decided to order way more than usual, sucking up almost all the mora the Traveler saved up.

He sighs, resting his cheek against his hand as he watches Paimon clean another plate. The fairy hummed in delight.

"This is delicious! Paimon loves Sara's cooking!" She cheered, inhaling a Sweet Madame.

Aether opened his mouth, about to retort when Amber came over with sweat dropping at the side of her cheek.

"Hello, Amber." Aether smiled awkwardly at the brown haired girl, sitting up and placing his hand down onto the table.

"Traveler! Paimon! Lisa wants us to meet her at Jean's office.." Amber took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart beat.

The male nodded, "we should get going then. C'mon, Paimon, hurry and finish your food." His floating companion whined before shoving the remaining food into her mouth like a hamster.

Before Paimon swallowed, a green bard appeared and scared the living daylights out of the girl. She shrieked before choking on the food. Aether quickly handed her a cup of water which Paimon took gratefully and chugged.

She fumed, turning to the smirking Venti. "YOU STUPID TONE-DEAF BARD! PAIMON COULD'VE DIED!" She flailed her arms, stomping her foot in the air. Venti laughed, waving his hand in dismissal.

"Now, now, I didn't mean any harm." Venti shot her a smug grin and turned towards Aether who shook his head at the interaction. "What are you guys up to? I'm free today so I hope you guys don't mind me joining." Venti grinned.

"We were going to head to Jean's office. You can come along if you want." Amber gave the bard a small smile. She isn't that well acquainted with the bard, but she has heard of how he helped Aether and Jean with the Stormterror incident.

"Lovely!" Venti threw his arm around Aether's shoulders. "Let's go then!~"

I couldn't even say anything once again.. Aether sighed, leading the group towards the Knights of Favonius headquarters.

"I'm telling you this is the perfect chance to understand what happened back then! This book can help us figure out unsolved stories that the elderly told us about." A woman with beautiful green eyes with a purple witch's hat said. In her hands held a dusty and old book, the cover's title seemed to be faded.

Although, some letters could be made out.

"Lisa, please, we need to wait for the others. I have a feeling there's more to this book than we think." Another woman with a ponytail sighed, her arms resting on her desk.

"Right, no rush." Lisa lets out an impatient sigh. The other woman chuckled softly.

Not long after, the door opened and revealed a man with dark blue hair and wore an eyepatch over his right eye, a shorter one with braided hair, and a floating child. "Jean, Lisa," the taller one greeted with a small smirk.

"Kaeya, Honorary Knight, and Paimon." Jean smiled at the three. "It's been a while since we saw each other, Honorary Knight." The blonde gave the two a wave and short nod.

"We're just waiting for one more person, we think he might know what the book is about." Lisa sets the worn out book gently on top of Jean's desk.

"Ohhh! Paimon wants to see!" Paimon flies over, hovering over to take a closer look. "Aether! Come take a look!" Paimon looks back and waves the boy over. Aether sucks in a breath before walking over to see the book.

Before Aether could start saying anything, the door opens again revealing Venti. Jean looks up and smiles at the bard. "Venti, you're here. We were waiting for you." Jean gets up from her chair, picking up the book and gestures the Anemo Archon to come closer.

"Lisa found this book under some old history textbooks." Jean hands him the book, not noticing the grim expression appearing on the boy's face.

"Where did you get this..?" Venti asks, not looking up at anyone and stared at the book with a dark look. Lisa quickly took the book, feeling as if Venti would damage it from how tight his grip was.

"Give me that!" Venti snatches the book back swiftly, jumping back several steps away. His glare faltered at the shocked faces, but it sharpened when he looked down at the book in his arms. His chest felt heavy with guilt and sadness, but he pushed those feelings away.

"I don't know where you found this, but I'll be taking it back now." Before anyone could even say anything or stop him, Venti ran out of the office with the book in his hands.

The group stared at the door, not knowing what to say.

Kaeya was the first to break the silence. "Hmm, maybe the book was his diary?" He shrugged, then ran after Venti while knowing Lisa is probably freaking out on the inside.

Paimon looked at Aether. "We should go after them too!" Aether nodded, running off to find where Kaeya and Venti ran off to.


Diluc gently scrubbed the glass cup with a smooth towel, making sure to clean off the leftover liquid inside. The young man let out a satisfied hum, placing it down next to the others on the shelf.

Before he could pick up and clean another, a figure he knew too well came barging in with a dirty looking book in hand. Diluc raised an eyebrow, questioning what Venti is doing.

"H-Hey.. Master Diluc.. mind doing me a favor..?" Venti asks, panting. He placed the book down on the counter, giving the redhead a strained smile.

"Burn it for me." Venti points at the book. Diluc sighed, staring at the book, then at the blue hair tipped boy.

"What do I get out of this?" Diluc questions, crossing his arms over his chest. Why would Venti want to get rid of a dusty old book? It doesn't look that important to him, but judging the fact that Venti isn't acting like his usual self.. he's a bit cautious.

"I'll stop coming into your bar to drink for a while," Venti hesitantly grumbles, glaring and pouting slightly. Diluc lets out a satisfied noise. At least most of his wine won't be consumed by a broke god for the time being.

Diluc picked up the book, using his searing hand to burn the book starting by the corner. When the flames were burning midway, Aether and Paimon, mostly Aether, busted down the door with sweat.

The duo gasps in shock when they watched as Diluc burned the book into crisps. The four stared at each other in awkward silence. Venti faced Aether, "I'd rather not talk about it for now.."

Aether's golden eyes widen, he was shocked at what he witnessed. Paimon too, although she was probably more shocked at the fact that Diluc burned the book into ashes.

Aether, Paimon, and Diluc watched as Venti sluggishly leaves the tavern. Diluc huffed and looked down at Aether. "If you were asked to look for it, you should probably go back to report it." Diluc mumbled, going back to cleaning the used wine glasses. He groaned internally when he saw Kaeya entering the tavern, a wide smirk on the captain's face.

Aether gulps and nods, spinning around on his heels and running off to tell the others what happened. He can already hear the raging spirit of Lisa when he tells her the news.. and the voice of Diluc lecturing Kaeya fading into the background.

- .... .

──── ✩
original: 2020/12/21
revised: 2022/10/17

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