Strong (Louis Tomlinson's Can...

By ts1313

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Louis Tomlinson 1/5 of One Direction has cancer. As the boys say this is just a speed bump but to Louis it is... More

Chapter 1: Where it all started
Chapter 2: Telling the World
Chapter 3: Day one
Chapter 4: Day two and Mackenzie
Chapter 5: Last day
Chapter 6: Got to do whats right
Chapter 7: Always by your side
Chapter 8: Bringing her home
Chapter 9: The Interview
Chapter 10: Back at it again
Chapter 11: Side effects and let downs
Chapter 12: Results
Chapter 13: Rehearsals
Chapter 14: Hospital
Chapter 15: Waking up
Chapter 16: The Concert
Chapter 17: Another day 3 and The Zoo
Chapter 18: Finally some good news!
Chapter 19: Saying goodbye
Chapter 20: Pain demands to be felt
Chapter 21: Reuniting again
Chapter 22: My happy moment
Chapter 23: TS
Chapter 24: Valentines day
Chapter 25: Much love
Chapter 26: The surgery
Chapter 27: Musical Therapy
Chapter 28: New starts
Chapter 29: It's just not the same
Chapter 31: Bad Days
Chapter 32: Out of body experience
Chapter 33: Aftermath
Chapter 34: Just a little bit loopy
Chapter 35: Allison
Chapter 36: Back at it
Chapter 37: I love you
Chapter 38: Faulty Insecurities
Chapter 39: Our little family
Chapter 40: Long hospital day
Chapter 41: Relay for Life
Chapter 42: A turn for the worst...
Chapter 43: Learning to let go
Chapter 44: Making things worse
Chapter 45: The untold wish
Chapter 46: It's okay to not be okay
Chapter 47: The H word
Chapter 48: Good news at bad times
Chapter 49: Cancer takes the best people
Chapter 50: Leaving
Chapter 51: Home like hospital rooms
Chapter 52: Secrets
Chapter 53: Wedding Bells
Chapter 54: The final goodbye
Chapter 54 (Real): The reception
Chapter 55: Back to the tour
Chapter 56: Gone
Chapter 57: Scan day
Chapter 58: The recital
Chapter 59: Shaved heads and lots of love
Chapter 60: Baby Appointment
Chapter 61: Fevers and Hospitals
Chapter 62: Disney World and Mya
Chapter 63: Back to the hospital
Chapter 64: Time heals all
Sequel- Stronger
Watty Awards

Chapter 30: Learning to love the life given

2.3K 48 11
By ts1313

(Louis POV) 

Simon is making us do another interview to update everyone on my condition. We are currently at a random studio because there isn't really a big station here in Georgia.

I am currently sitting in a make-up chair with 5 people around me trying to make me look less sick. No matter how hard I argued to not get make-up nobody was listening to me. I mean the fans already saw me pale and thin yesterday when the paparazzi pictured me at the airport. I sat in the chair for a good 30 minuets until they all finally stepped away and I could see myself in the mirror. I looked completely normal. except for the bald head which also was back to my normal skin color and the scar was looking less red. That is probably the hardest thing I have had to deal with is looking in the mirror and seeing a bald head with a huge scar on it. Apparently we shaved it after my second round of chemo.

 I currently have about 30 beanies in my suitcase and I plan to use every single one of them. I know most people make it seem that loosing your hair is not that bad when you get cancer but let me just tell you this is definitely the worst part. I have never felt so insecure. 

 I went to Lou's room and went over to her. She grabbed my beanie I had and alined it on my head. I then went and sat by Mackenzie on the couch while Lou did everybody else's hair. 

"Louis we need to get out there." Harry said. I grabbed my tablet and followed him. I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't even realized that everybody already had their hair done. 

We got to the couch and the interviewer came behind us. He had no idea about anything right now he just knew we had news. This interview wasn't live it was going to be pre-recorded to show in a few hours.  After this we had to go to a signing/meet and great. After that we were going to the venue where a sign language teacher  was going to come and help us before the concert. I literally just got out of the hospital yesterday and there was completely no breaks but right now this is the kind of craziness I need to keep my mind off things. Such as Mackenzie. I just couldn't remember her and I still can't believe I am an actual father. I feel bad when she gives me a sad/mad look. I hope I can just remember soon. 

"One Direction thank you for being here with me today." The interviewer Sam said. "It's good to be here." Liam said. "And Louis how are you? We heard you had an operation. What was it for?" He asked. I couldn't believe I was going to do this but I took off me beanie and turned my head. Sam showed a face of disgust so I put it back on.

"He had a growing tumor in his head and needed emergency surgery. There were some side effects though that affected him. He has memory loss. He can't remember anything from the last 3 months. His brain also can't remember how to produce sound so he is temporarily mute. They are both things that will come back but we just don't know how long it will be." Liam said. Sam looked shocked. "So what about One Direction? Are the concerts going on. Do you even remember the song lyrics louis? Do you realize what this is doing for the other guys?" Sam asked rudely. I gave the guys the hold on single so I could type.

*Okay first off I am not causing any concerts to get canceled  they are still going on. If you were smart enough you would of figured that out on your own considering we are here and not back in London where I could of taken more time to recover. Also if the album came out 5 months ago do yo really think I forgot the lyrics?* I typed.

"Okay well what about Mackenzie? Did you think about how you effected her. I bet you didn't know that only a week before your surgery her school had a shooting and she was 1 of 5 survivors. She was attached to your hip and now we get pictures of her walking with one of the other guys with a sad face." He said. "Dude was that really necessary! Some stuff didn't need to be said right now!" Niall said getting mad. 

I couldn't believe what he just said. Mackenzie was involved in a shooting and I forgot all about her in the time span of 1 week. I turned around and saw Mackenzie off stage watching us on Pauls hip. She had tears streaming down her face. I got off that couch and went over to her as fast as I could. When she saw me coming towards her she threw her arms my way and I grabbed her holding her tight into my chest. I felt her tears stream through my shirt as I ran through the hall trying to get to our dressing room. 

I finally found our door and went in. I sat down on the couch and kept Mackenzie close to me. *I'm so sorry I did this to you! You probably hate me so much and I am so sorry!* I typed. "I just missed you so much and I miss being able to be with you like we used to." she cried. I rubbed her back and tried to sooth her for a good 5 minunets.

*I know i'm not completely the same but that doesn't mean we can't start over for now. I won't ignore you anymore if you don't hate me anymore okay?* I typed. She nodded in my chest. 

The guys walked in after a few minuets when Mackenzie fell asleep. 'Sorry' I signed. "It's okay we got out of there a little bit after you did we were just giving you guys some time." Zayn said. "We need to go though. Our signing is in an hour" Harry said. I nodded and got up with Mackenzie still in my arms. I grabbed my tablet and followed them out to the van. I placed Mackenzie in her booster seat and buckled her in. I got in next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.  

When we got to the building I grabbed Mackenzie who was still sleeping and went over to the room. I sat on a chair with her on my lap and the guys sat on the chairs next to me.

Liam gave me a backpack with a tube sticking out. "This is what they gave us a couple of months ago to make it easier to administer your nutrients to your Gtube." he said. I nodded. I put it on and connected it to the tube under my shirt the way Niall did yesterday. I set my shirt back down and Mackenzie got comfortable again. 

Today we were signing our book that came out a while back. Nick came in and explained that we would be be here for about 2 hours signing and meeting fans. We all hung out for a while till the first fan came inside. The first book was passed down the table and we all signed it. I waved to everyone that passed by and I think that is what caused Mackenzie to wake up. I smiled at her. "Where are we?" She asked. "We are at a signing Kenz we are going to the venue in a couple of hours." Niall, who was next to me, said. 

She turned around on my lap and faced the table. "Can I have a marker?" She asked. I bent down and grabbed an extra one from the basket below us. She opened it and began to draw on the paper on the table. They put it there because we always end up drawing on every table we have a signing on.

"Can I sign the book too?" She asked looking up at me. I looked at the fan in front for confirmation and she said yes. I motioned for her to sign and she scribbled on a little corner of the page. She did that for every book that went by after she woke up. 


We got to the venue for the concert and went straight to the dressing room for our sign language lesson. We spent 3 hours at the signing just to get all the fans in so we were running late. We walked in the room and a middle age guy was there sitting in a chair. 

"Sorry we are late" Liam said. "It's fine I was told to be here 30 minuets ago anyway." He said. We all sat on the couch and he started talking again. He also signed while he talked to help us learn faster. "Okay my name is Kyle and I will be helping you guys learn the art of sign language. You will be able to get rid of that tablet in the time span of about a week." He said. I nodded. "Okay lets get st..."

"Sorry guys are we late?" I turned around and looked at the door to see a whole bunch of people that are on the road with us. Our security, band, stylist, Lou, Paul and even the kitchen staff. "No we were just about to start. What are you all doing here?" Niall asked. "We want to be able to understand Louis too." Lou said. I smiled. *Thank you* I typed in the tablet. They all found places to sit then we started. 


After an hour everybody had to go get ready for the concert. I stayed with Mackenzie in the dressing room. I turned around to see her with her feet on the head of the couch and her arms on the bottom with her watching something on the tablet. *What are you doing?* I typed giving her a questioning look. She plopped herself down and sat back up. "I'm bored!" She said.

*How about you start that homework Liam said you had* I typed. "Do I have to?" she whined. I nodded.

She pulled out a folder from her backpack and started writing on her paper. *What grade are you in?* I asked. "1st because I'm 6 years old. "Can you help me?" She asked. I nodded. "I don't know how to do number 5. It wants me to multiply 3 times 8 then add 4." She said. I grabbed a blank sheet of paper and worked out each step with her making sure she understood what she was doing before I moved on to the next step. I managed to do it without grabbing my tablet across the couch. I watched as she finished off her paper and put it back up.

"can we go watch the concert since I finished?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. I picked her up and took her out to the side of the stage. The guys had just started because they were just walking on stage. This is my first time seeing this concert and I was completely amazed by the technical stuff going on and the fans reactions. I was watching in awe when some girls above us noticed us. 

"Louis!!!!!" I looked up and saw a couple of girls waving. I waved back. "We love you!!!!" They screamed. I smiled and signed 'I love you too' back even though they probably didn't know what it meant. They obviously knew I was mute since the interview came out about 4 hours ago. They practically fainted and I chuckled turning back around.

Mackenzie was dancing on my hip moving her arms around. I had to hold her tighter making sure she didn't flip out of my grip. I looked up on the stage and noticed the guys singing Girl Almighty. They had my parts playing on a recording and the fans would sing extra loud at that part. I don't care that I am not on that stage. My life may be hard right now but I feel like I am the happiest person in the World.

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