The Two Rangers (Mighty Morph...

By redwolf220

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Scarlett Monroe a normal teen that grew up with Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, and Z... More

Chapter 1: About the Sisters
Chapter 2: Backstory
Chapter 3: Welcome to the Family! (Season 1 Start)
Chapter 4: High Fives?
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: A Pressing Engagement
Chapter 7: Different Drum
Chapter 8: Food Fight
Chapter 9: Big Sisters
Chapter 10: I, Eye Guy
Chapter 11: Cave of Doom
Chapter 12: For whom the Bell Trolls
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Zack!
Chapter 14: No Clowning Around
Chapter 15: Power Ranger Punks
Chapter 16: The Scarlett Scream
Chapter 17: Peace, Love, & Woe
Chapter 18: Foul Play in the Sky
Chapter 19: The Dark Warrior
Chapter 20: Switching Places
Chapter 21: Green with Evil Pt. 1
Chapter 22: Green with Evil Pt. 2
Chapter 23: Green with Evil Pt. 3
Chapter 24: Green with Evil Pt. 4
Chapter 25: Green with Evil Pt. 5
Chapter 26: The Trouble with Shellshock
Chapter 27: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Chapter 28: The Splitflower
Chapter 29: Life's a Masquearade
Chapter 30: Gung Ho!
Chapter 31: The Taken Voice
Chapter 32: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 33: Island of Illusions Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Island of Illusions Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The Rockstar
Chapter 36: Clamity Kimberly
Chapter 37: A Star is Born
Chapter 38: The Yolk's on You
Chapter 39: The Green Candle Pt. 1
Chapter 40: The Green Candle Pt. 2
Chapter 41: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 42: Clean-Up Club
Chapter 43: A Bad Reflection on You
Chapter 44: Doomsday Pt. 1
Chapter 45: Doomsday Pt. 2
Chapter 46: Rita's Seed of Evil
Chapter 47: A Pig Surprise
Chapter 48: Something Fishy
Chapter 49: Lions and Blizzards
Chapter 50: Crystal of Nightmares
Chapter 51: To Flea or Not to Flee
Chapter 52: Reign of the Jellyfish
Chapter 53: Plague of the Mantis
Chapter 54: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 1
Chapter 55: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Grumble Bee
Chapter 57: Two Heads are Better than One
Chapter 58: Fowl Play
Chapter 59: Treak or Treat
Chapter 60: Second Chance
Chapter 61: On Fins and Needles
Chapter 62: Enter the Lizzinator
Chapter 63: Football Season
Chapter 64: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
Chapter 65: An Oyster Stew (Season 1 End)
Chapter 66: The Mutiny Pt. 1 (Season 2 Start)
Chapter 67: The Mutiny Pt. 2
Chapter 68: The Mutiny Pt. 3
Chapter 69: The Flower Disease
Chapter 70: The Wannabe Ranger
Chapter 71: Putty on the Brain
Chapter 72: Bloom of Doom
Chapter 73: The Green Dream
Chapter 74: The Power Stealer
Chapter 75: The Beetle Invasion
Chapter 76: Welcome to Venus Island
Chapter 77: The Song of Guitardo
Chapter 78: They Take Purple! Pt. 1
Chapter 79: They Take Purple! Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Green No More Pt. 1
Chapter 81: Green No More Pt. 2
Chapter 83: Orchestral Movements in the Park
Chapter 84: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 85: White Light Pt. 1
Chapter 86: White Light Pt. 2
Chapter 87: Two for One
Chapter 88: Opposites Attract
Chapter 89: Zedd's Monster Mash
Chapter 90: Ninja Encounter Pt. 1
Chapter 91: Ninja Encounter Pt. 2
Chapter 92: Ninja Encounter Pt. 3
Chapter 93: A Monster of Global Proportions
Chapter 94: Zedd Waves
Chapter 95: The Power Transfer: Pt. 1
Chapter 96: The Power Transfer: Pt. 2
Chapter 97: Goldar's Vice Versa
Chapter 98: Mirror of Regret
Chapter 99: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
Chapter 100: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
Chapter 101: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 102: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire
Chapter 103: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 104: The Great Bookala Escape
Chapter 105: Forever Friends
Chapter 106: A Reel Fish Story
Chapter 107: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 1
Chapter 108: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 2
Chapter 109: The Wedding Pt. 1
Chapter 110: The Wedding Pt. 2
Chapter 111: The Wedding: Pt. 3
Chapter 112: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 1
Chapter 113: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 2
Chapter 114: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 3
Chapter 115: Best Man for the Job
Chapter 116: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 117: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 118: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 119: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 120: Blue Ranger Gone Bad (Season 2 End)
Chapter 121: A Friend in Need: Pt. 1 (Season 3 Start)
Chapter 122: A Friend in Need: Pt. 2
Chapter 123: A Friend in Need: Pt. 3
Chapter 124: Ninja Quest: Pt. 1
Chapter 125: Ninja Quest: Pt. 2
Chapter 126: Ninja Quest: Pt. 3
Chapter 127: Ninja Quest: Pt. 4
Chapter 128: A Brush with Destiny
Chapter 129: Passing the Lantern
Chapter 130: Wizard for a Day
Chapter 131: Fourth Down and Long
Chapter 132: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 1
Chapter 133: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 2
Chapter 134: Final Face - Off
Chapter 135: The Potion Notion
Chapter 136: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Chapter 82: Missing Green

316 10 2
By redwolf220

(Author/Red: This is what Lily wears in this chapter, but of course without the certain things and she also wears the bracelet Tommy has given her.)

(Author/Red: This is what Scarlett wears in the chapter and she has the wolf necklace that was given to her by Jason, the locket and blue bracelet from her mom, and finally the bracelet from Tommy.)

Scarlett's Point of View

"Alright Jason, place your foot high and concentrate on the midsection." Zack says to him, while I looked up from drawing and watched them. Jason starts doing this move, but couldn't finish it so he stops.

"I just can't concentrate." Jason says.

"Maybe I should go." I said as I started gathering my things and stood up.

"No. Stay." Zack says as he walks over to me and sits me back down.

"You're my motivation, you can't just leave." Jason says.

"Umm... Thanks?" I began to say.

"Try again. Come on man, try again. The tournament's only a few hours away." Zack says to him. Jason was about to charge and kick, but he stops midway.

"I just can't." Jason says as I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's the matter babe?" I asked him.

"Yeah man, what's wrong?" Zack asks.

"I know. It's Tommy, you miss him." Zack says.

"It's more than that." Jason says.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"It's my fault he lost his powers in the first place. If I'd gotten the green candle, he'd still be one of us." Jason says.

"He is still one of us. Always." I said to him.

"Come on Jason, you had no choice. I know, I was there." Zack says to him.

"Exactly. I keep telling him this over and over, he just doesn't listen." I added.

"No. I should have gotten the candle." Jason says as he kicks the green makeshift stand.

"Uh, Jason I have to tell you something. Could you excuse us Zack?" I asked Zack as I took my hand into Jason's.

"I'll go get a smoothie. But I'll be back in a few." Zack says and he leaves us alone.

"What is it Scarlett?" Jason asks me.

"I sort of can't make it later." I say to him as I looked down to avoid meeting eye contact.

"What do you mean? You have to come." Jason says.

"The producers of the show I auditioned for is asking me to come in to film the first episode here in Angel Grove today around that time. They just contacted me before I showed up..." I tell him as I looked up to see his face and he looked a little disappointed.

"And you're just now telling me this?" Jason asks.

"I'm sorry baby. I just didn't know how to tell you." I said to him as Jason sighs.

"It's okay. They're like another family to us anyways, I know you'll do great at the role." Jason says. I smiled at him and then gave him a big hug, while he hugs me back.

"I'll ask if I could come in after the tournament." Jason says.

"You're sweet." I say to him.

"You know they crew likes me anyways." Jason says as I gave him a look.

"Maybe sometime in the future, I could talk to the producers on giving you a role." I said hopefully as he smiles at me.

"As a matter of fact, let me take you there. What time do you have to be there?" Jason asks me.

"In an hour or so." I answered.

"And you're still here? Come on, let's go, so you can do makeup and stuff." Jason says as we made our way out of the cafeteria when Zack stops us.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Zack asks.

"I'm taking Scarlett to the set." Jason says.

"You have to train." Zack says.

"I'll be back later. I promise." Jason says and Zack sighs.

"Fine." He says as we both leave the Youth Center hand in hand while we head to Jason's car. Later we were getting closer to the set of Supernatural before we got there, Jason's communicator beeps.

"Oh no." I whined.

"This is Jason, come in Zordon." Jason says through his communicator.

"You and Scarlett must teleport to the command center immediately." Zordon says.

"We'll be right there." Jason says.

Jason parked the car and we got out making sure no one is around. Then we teleported to the command center. Zordon and Lilly informed us that the other rangers have disappeared which frightened Lily a bit.

"Oh no, this is terrible." I said worried.

"You got that right." Lily says while working with Alpha.

"What do you mean they've disappeared? Where's Goldar taken them?" Jason asks the two.

"It's likely one of Lord Zedd's hidden dimensions." Lily adds with Zordon agreeing with her.

"Alpha and Lily are in the process of conducting a sector scan now." Zordon answers.

"All locations occupied by the power rangers or Lily during the last 24 hours will appear on the viewing globe." Alpha says as I looked at the viewing globe. We see they were in some kind of park area last time.

"We were wanted you to win the Golden Karate pipe trophy. But we knew you were worried about Tommy, the others went to find him, while I was looking for you guys." Lily informed.

"Oh, that's sweet." I said.

"That trophy means nothing without our friends here to share it with. Alpha, Lily, you two have to locate them." Jason says.

"We're trying Jason." Lily says

"We're trying." Alpha repeated. All of a sudden, the alarm goes off.

"Ay yi, yi, yi! What else can go wrong?" Alpha shouts.

"Lord Zedd has sent his new pipe brain monster to attack Angel Grove." Zordon says.

"That looks like the trophy. Figures he would make it into a monster." I said.

"He is swift and powerful. Jason, Scarlett, you two must stop him." Zordon says.

"But Zordon, we'll need our friends." Jason says.

"Don't worry, I have your back. Always." I reassured him and he smiles at me.

"Jason, sis, we finally found them!" Lily says in a bit of relief.

"Where are they you guys?" Jason asks them.

"The other rangers are being held prisoner in Lord Zedd's dimension of doom." Zordon explains.

"Goldar is about to take advantage of the one weakness of the power team." I said as I was looking at the viewing globe.

"As soon as the candles melt, your powers will be gone forever!" I hear Goldar shouting through the viewing globe. I see the othes and they do not look good, not at all.

"Jason, you must control your anger. This is exactly the reaction Lord Zedd wants. You must not allow him to gain the upper hand. Red ranger, come stand before me." I heard as I turned my head and see Jason walking forwards as Lily came by my side.

"Jason, a true leader is always faced with tough decisions, he must control his emotions and act based on who has the greatest need." Zordon says.

"Jason, you made the right decision, when you left Tommy's candle." Alpha says.

"The others need you then. I remember when Scarlett first joined, that she'll sacrifice her relationships with us, but she still made it through." Lily says as I sighed and nodded remembering that.

"As they need you now. You must face another tough decision, like Scarlett has in the past. If you enter Zedd's dimension, your powers could also be lost." Zordon says.

"It's a risk, I'm willing to take to save our friends, Zordon." Jason says.

'I knew he'll say that.' I thought as I smiled.

"You make a fine leader Jase." I said while he nods at me.

"Only by defeating the pipe brain monster will you gain access to the ultra dimension and your fellow rangers. Good luck to the two of you and may the power protect you." Zordon says.

"Ready?" Jason asks me as I nodded at him.

"Always." I said as Lily hugged me and I hugged her back. Once we let of each other, I looked at Jason and nodded.

"It's morphin time!" Jason shouts.



When we arrived, the pipe brain monster throws something at us and it hits us. Then the putties show up...

"Ah-ha! Gotcha! You disappoint me, red and purple rangers! I thought you two would be tougher, finish them putties!" The monster says as we star fighting the putties.

"Watch out!" I yelled at Jason before pushing him away. The tentacles of the monster were going to hit him, but I pushed Jason down to the ground. I fight the putties around me and soon they disappeared after I hit the Z's on their chest. I soon see the monster grow big as I ran over to Jason.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah. But we've got even more bigger problems to deal with." Jason answers.

"You're right." I said as I looked up to see the big pipe brain monster.

"Time to call for our zords." Jason says.

"Velociraptor Phoenix thunderzord power!"

"Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon thunderzord power!"

Our zords soon come in and since it was only the two of us. We linked up to form the Red Dragon Phoenix Megazord. We starts attacking the pipe brain monster as soon as we got inside.

"Oh, you think you're a big shot huh? Well you'll learn I'm the top trophy around here and now I'm going to show you why?" The monster says to us. We start fighting the pipe brain monster, we kicked him down a few seconds later.

"Oy! Got me." He says.

"Is he down?" I asked Jason.

"I don't know. It looks like it, keep your guard up Scarlett." Jason says as I do.

"Just kidding!" The monster says.

"What?" I asked as I see the monster get up from the ground. Then the monster throws his tentacles at us and we struggled to get out of it's grip.

"Take that!" He says as he hits the middle of his tentacles and then some electricity makes its way onto us. Our zords along with us fall down.

"We have to get back up! The others need our help." I yelled at Jason.

"I got you! I got you!" The monster says.

"I got an idea." Jason says as he takes out his staff and then breaks off the tentacles around us.

"Let's try the kick." I tell Jason.

"You got it." Jason says as we spun around the staff and kicked down the monster. Then the staff starts spinning onto Jason's zord hands.

"Hey, stupid. I'm getting dizzy!" The monster shouts at us.

"Goodbye." I said as we moved towards the monster by now was very dizzy. It topples over, looses it's footing and gets destroyed.

"Alright." Jason cheers.

"We make a pretty good team." I tell him.

"Now we have to get the other rangers." Jason says.

"Most definitely. Let's go." I agreed. We teleported to the dimension the other rangers were.

"Think again Goldar." Jason says as soon as we appear while Goldar turns around. He kicks Jason down and I ran to him.

"Now, I'll finish you all!" Goldar shouts at him. Jason was facing Goldar and I made my way over to the cage.

"How do I get you out of here?" I asked as I shake the bars. Suddenly flames around us.

"Scarlett, Jason, the candles. Hurry." Kimberly shouts. Jason hands me the key from the candle stick and hands it over to me as I unlocked the door. They were getting weak.

"Jason, Scarlett. Hurry." Billy says to us. I jiggled around the lock and then it opens the door.

"Quick, give me your power coins!" Jason tells them. They do and Jason hurries back over to the candles where their powers were weakening.

"Hold on you guys." I tell them as I crouched down near Trini and Billy.

"Hurry, take it. Please be quick." Kimberly says.

"Hang on guys, I got an idea!" Jason shouts.

"I can't hold on." Billy says as I rubbed Billy's back

"Hold on much longer, okay? Don't give up yet." I said to them. Then I see 4 colors fly by me and then they entered the others.

"Power up!" Jason yells.

"All right!" The others yelled.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Billy says.

"Here, take your power coins." Jason tells them. He hands them back their power coins before the four of them exit of the dimension with us. I looked at Jason and he nods at me. I then exit the dimension myself. The five of us teleport to the command center, but one of us was missing.

"Where's Jason?" I asked as I looked around in concern. Lily looked concerned as well while she looked around as well.

"What if he didn't make it?" Kimberly asks.

"Please don't say that. He was right behind me." I said with mixed emotions.

"The portal to Zedd's dimension has now closed. In order to insure your safety, Jason took the risk of being trapped." Zordon says.

"T-then that means he..." I began to stutter.

"Hi guys." We heard, I turned around quickly with the others, and I was the first one to hug him before the others joined in.

"Ay, yi, yi, yi, yi! You had me so worried." Alpha says.

"Congratulations Jason. Once again, you have proven yourself to be a formidable leader." Zordon says.

"You were awesome." Zack says.

"What are Lily and I? Chopped liver?" I asked as the others laughed along with Alpha.

"You two were awesome too." Zack adds.

"Thanks for getting us out you two." Kimberly says as she hugs Lily and I.

"Look at the viewing globe. I've located Tommy." Alpha says. We looked at the viewing globe and I see Tommy sitting down on the grass writing what looked to be a letter.

"Look, I was right. He was up at the lake." Kimberly says.

"Looks like he's writing a letter." Billy says.

"Dear Jason, I'm writing to let you all know that I'm okay. I know Scarlett and Lily already knows." We hear Tommy start saying.

"I miss you guys a lot. But I need this time to get my head together. Jase, go win that gold pipe trophy for me. I know you can do it, you're a winner. You always have been. Look, I don't blame you for what happened, I never did. Just keep your head together, the others depend on you, so do I. Please watch over Lily for me when I'm not with her, please. Tell her I said hi for me. We'll see each other again soon. Your friend, Tommy." We hear Tommy finish.

"Let's go win that tournament guys." Jason says as he looks at us.

-Time skip-

We made our way out to the Youth Center.

"Aw man, I forgot my car is parked out near Scarlett's work. I was dropping Scarlett off." Jason says.

"You're not coming?" Kimberly asks me as I sighed.

"I can't make it. You see I have a role on a show called Supernatural. I play Arianna Singer; they need me for the pilot episode." I answered.

"Coming to a movie near you. Scarlett, the Supernatural hunter." Zack says as I playfully his shoulder.

"Look, I'll teleport back to the place, and you can get your car later." I told Jason.

"I could get Jason's car." Trini offers.

"Really?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, I'll bring it by." Trini says.

"Thanks Trini. Here are the keys." Jason says as he throws his keys to her.

"Win it for me and Tommy." I tell him.

"Where's my good luck kiss?" Jason asks as I was about to leave. I chuckled at him before we leaned and kissed each other.

"They think this is a hotel room." I hear Lily say jokingly.

"We are outside of the Youth Center now." Zack adds on. After we stopped kissing, I gave the two a playful glare as I made my way over to Trini.

"We are going to die." Lily says a bit scared as they turned to Jason.

"Good luck with that." Zack says. After saying goodbye to Jason, Lily, Billy, Zack, and Kimberly; Trini and I looked around and teleported around the set.

"I'll drive this to the Youth Center. I'm sure he'll be by later on." Trini says as we make our way to Jason's car.

"I guess." I said grabbing my bag from earlier.

"Good luck. Oh, and thanks for getting us out of there." Trini says as I smiled at her.

"Later Trini." I said to her as she gets into the driver's seat of Jason's car. She backs up slightly, then turns the wheels and drives away.

Once I was finally on set, and gotten everything ready to film scenes with Jensen, and Jared.

Soon I was sitting on one of the chairs ready to film the scenes, so while waiting, I was going over lines again. Then the director and everyone else was ready, now...

So was I!

-Time skip-

After J2 was done pranking each other or making me and many others laugh. We finally got the scene done where Jensen and I's character get into the apartment to see Jared's character.

Then one of the assistants tells me that someone was here to see me, I asked who it was, soon it hits me. So, the assistant tells me that he was waiting for me in my trailer, and I quickly looked at Jensen and Jared waving before I left.

Once I got to my trailer, I went inside, and it was Jason!

"There she is!! There's my hunter." He says as I closed the door behind me, then he pulls me to him, and we locked lips. We begin kissing until we heard a knock on the door, then Jason got off of me immediately.

"Scarlett, you are needed on set for more inside scenes, red!" I heard Jared says jokingly as I rolled my eyes. On the way out of my trailer, I have told security and everyone in advance that Jason could watch us act on set.

"Did you win?" I asked him.

"I sure did." Jason replies as he puts an arm around my waist, making sure he didn't mess up my costume.

"That's great. I'm so proud of you." I said to him rather happily.

Soon we see J2 on the way onto set and they were soon joking around with Jason and me. Then I was joking around about Jared's single life, and Jensen's love life.

-Time skip-

Soon J2 was joking around, or someone was messing up, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Jason laughing, smiling, or trying not to laugh at our antics.

(Author/Red: This is the bloopers/ gag reel from Supernatural, season 1. Hope you guys enjoy it and the chapter.

Also this is what Scarlett has to wear for her character in the episode, yet her hair is not dyed.

Wait! Hold the phone! Over 5k reads?!?!

Thank you all so much for reading this! Thank you for the continue support in this story.

I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and... Here's the theme song, I hoped you enjoyed it.

Theme Song: When you're gone by Avril Lavigne

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