A Romy story

By livling18

1.3K 22 1

This is a story about Rouge a girl who take in other peoples powers but just the touch of her skin against ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 19

34 1 0
By livling18

Chapter 19:

Numb. Stiff. Weak. All Ah could do was listen. No words could come from mah mahth. No tears would fall from mah ahes. All Ah could do was stand and listen to mah little sister tell me mah dahddy's was now dead.

A car crash. She was in it too. Fahne though. Few cracked ribs. Whiplash. But fahne. Dahddy though...Two crushed legs. Broken ribs. Punctured lung. Fractured skull...Didn't dahe instantly though. Survived the operation to repair his lung. Woke up even. Dahed a day later...
She was there when he went to heaven. Got to say goodbah properly to him...That was a week ago. The funeral's tomorrah. Short notice but Ah don't care. Ah'll be there to say goodbah to mah dahddy, to the first man that cared about mah.

She's run aht'a change. Has to go now. Okay. Bah...Bah...See ya tomorrah?...Yeah, see ya...And then she's gone...And Ah'm alone. The dial tone screams in mah ear but Ah can't move...
Mah name. Next to me...Storm. "Who was on the phone?"
"No one, wrong number." Then Ah'm moving. Reciever replaced, legs moving on their own. Up the stairs, down a corridor. Then another. Another. Another.
Mah room. Alone. Silent. Ah take mah phone aht of mah bag and dial the number Ah know bah heart...
"Ya kay chere?..."
"No...Remy? Can Ah ask you a favour..."

It was a lovely sunny morning. The heat was comfortable and the sky was blue and clear. It was a perfect contrast to Rogue's mood. Rogue saw clouds and shades of grey. Where the bright sun shone, she saw a dull orb's glow faulter. Where flowers loomed with bright colours, she saw them wither to a crinkly brown.

Under the watch of a cheerful sun, Scott's "borrowed" Mercedies pulled up by the gates of a small church in Mississipi. Once it had slowed to a complete stop, the passenger door opened and Rogue stepped out, dressed in black from head to toe. Soon after, the driver's door opened and Remy slid out, his usual brown trench-coat replaced by a sleek black one and a pair of black sunglasses covering his eyes. He thought it was probably for the best not to make it too obvious that he was a mutant in front of a gathering of humans.

It had been a long, and a very hot drive. Rogue had to use her teleportation more than a few times but at least she was there and she had an oppotunity to make peace with her father. Her mother she didn't care about, she just wanted to see her father one last time. Rogue smoothed her hair back and pulled the strap of her bag higher onto her shoulder, more to do something than anything else, as she moved around the car. When she reached Remy's side, she clasped her gloved hand in his.

"Thanks again for comin' with me." She said quietly as they made their way over to the entrance of the church grounds.
"Yo' don' have to t'ank Remy chere. He weren' gon' let yo' go t'rough dhis alone." He replied soothingly.
They fell into an easy silence and carried on slowly to the church. Rogue looked sadly at the other gravestones as they passed them, the whole situation feeling oddly surreal. As more of the church came into view, so did the shiney black cars of her father's family and friends.

Her eyes continued roaming the grounds and she suddenly spotted a solitary bench over on her right. A small figure sat on the bench and Rogue instantly knew it had to be her sister. She and Remy altered their course to head over to the bench and when they were a metre or so away, the lone little girl turned around to look at them.

"Marie!" Evelyn gasped happily, leaping from the bench and running the short distance to Rogue and Remy. Rogue got down on one knee and caught her younger sister in a tight bear-hug. "Ah'm so glad ya came." She gushed, pulling away slightly. She looked Rogue over for a second critically before smiling again. "Ah lahke your hair."
Rogue looked at her little sister and noted the cute navy blue, long sleeved dress she wore with a white lace collar. She also noted that her sister hadn't really changed all that much. She was slightly taller than she was the last time Rogue had seen her but that was about it.

Her hair was still fairly short, styled in a bob with the ends curling just under her jaw line. It was still the same colour, a lighter shade of Rogue's colour which would probably darken to the same as she grew older. Her eyes were young and wide, the green of her irises spattered with hazel flecks.

However, they were neither puffy or bloodshot and Rogue wondered why the young girl showed no signs of having cried recently.
"Hah comes ya aht here all on ya own? Did the service get too much for ya?" Rogue inquired gently.
"No, Ah just wanted to wait for ya to get here. Ah've already said goodbah to Dahddy and Ah don't wanna sit through Mama spoutin' nothing but lies and b.s." Evelyn explained.
"Evelyn!" Rogue gasped in shocked horror.
"Oh c'mon Marie! Ya know as well as Ah do that Mama and Dahddy didn't love each other anymore." The young girl said, her tone a little chiding. "They've been on the brink of divorce for months nah."
"Even if that's true, which Ah'm sure it ain't, ya shouldn't speak abaht Mama lahke that." Rogue scolded.
"Whah? Becahse Ah'm young? Becahse Ah shouldn't be thinkin' abaht that kinda thing at mah age?" Evelyn asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, and also, ya should show ya mama a bit of respect." Rogue told her sternly.
"Whah are ya defending her? She chucked ya aht with nothing because of something ya got no control ova. That woman don't deserve mah respect Marie and she definately don't deserve ya defendin' her."

Rogue could only stare at the small girl in astonishment. Admittedly, she didn't know a lot of six year olds, but she was pretty sure that they weren't meant to be that smart or observant or bitter. Evelyn, apparantly bored with the conversation, looked up and took notice of Remy for the first time.

"Are ya Marie's boyfriend?"
"Oh yeah. Eevee, this is Remy." Rogue introduced, sounding suddenly tired.
"It's nahce to meet ya." Evelyn smiled, holding her hand out to him. Remy smiled down at her and took her hand.
"Enchante petite cherie." He said, bending down and giving her knuckles a quick kiss. Evelyn's cheeks immediately burned a bright red and Rogue held back a laugh.
"Erm, well, Ah..." The young girl stammered as her hand was released and she quickly held it behind her back. "The, er, the service should finish soon. We should start makin' ah way to where Dahddy's grave is." She told them both, her voice returning to normal half-way through the sentance.

"Grave?" Rogue frowned. "Dahddy always said he wanted to be cremated."
"Trah tellin' that to Mama." Evelyn muttered as she took Rogue's gloved hand and began to lead her and Remy in the correct direction. "Ain't nothin' gonna stop her from gettin' her dramatic scene bah the grave. Ya wouldn't believe the fuss she kicked up this mornin' when she heard it was gonna be a nice, sunny day. She was hoping for wind and rain."
Rogue's frown darkened at her sister's revalation. Her mother was just totally disregarding her father's wishes. That wasn't only low it was just plain wrong. What right did she have? She set her mind on giving her mother a firm telling off when she eventually saw her.

That idea was instantly forgotten the second Rogue saw her mother though, because she was following on behind six men in black who carried a coffin on their shoulders...Her father's coffin...She would've stopped dead in her tracks if it wasn't for Evelyn continuing to lead her on.
"Ah don't think Ah can do this." Rogue murmured as her father's open grave came into view.
"Yes ya can. We're raht here with ya." Evelyn told her confidently.
"Oui chere, your sister's righ'. And if yo' walk away now, yo' know yo' gon' regret it later." Remy pointed out, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Rogue let out a small sigh but said nothing more.

They reached the side of the hole in the ground Rogue's father was doomed to just as the coffin and the rest of the guests reached it. Rogue had kept her eyes down so far and when she eventually raised them, she found her mother staring at her. She wasn't scowling. She was too worried about her public image to frown openly at her own daughter. The stare was hard though, cold, almost accusing, silently saying, "you're just here to purposely mess things up aren't you?" Rogue didn't care though. Let her mother think what she wanted, just as long as she didn't start vocalising those thoughts.

The words of the priest were ignored, the handful of dirt was thrown in stifly and her eyes were glued onto the gaping hole at her feet. Evelyn clung to Rogue's arm though was strangely not crying. Remy's arm was around her shoulders, holding her securly to his side. Rogue watched the coffin slowly being covered by more and more dirt with a neutral expression. She wanted to cry, but her tears just wouldn't come out. She didn't know why she couldn't cry because they were there, they stung the backs of her eyes, but that was obviously where they were staying, the backs of her eyes.

Finally, the service ended and people began to leave. Soon, only Rogue, Remy and Evelyn remained. Rogue moved to the grave's headstone and knelt down beside it. After a moment of stillness, she pulled one of her gloves off and ran the now bare hand over the cold stone. She then gently leaned foward and gave the hard granite a soft kiss.
"Ah'll miss ya Dahddy." Rogue whispered heart-brokenly. She remained knelt beside it as she slowly pulled her glove back on. After, she carefully got to her feet and headed back over to Evelyn and Remy, walking straight into Remy's waiting arms.

Remy simply held her silently for a while, Rogue taking comfort in Remy's warmth and scent. "We should really start heading back now." Rogue sighed eventually, pulling away from Remy's embrace.
"What? Already?" Evelyn cried forlornly. "Aren't ya even gonna come to the wake?"
"Ah don't think we'd be too welcomed." Rogue pointed out, noticing their mother watching them a small way off.

Rogue got down on one knee again and pulled her address book and a pen out of her shoulder bag. "Listen, if ya ever need me for anything, Ah want ya to call me raht awahy." Rogue told Evelyn as she wrote her mobile phone number down on one of the pages in the small black book. After, she ripped it out and handed it to her sister.

"That's mah cell number. Don't hesitate to call me."
"Kay." Evelyn agreed solemnly, taking the paper. Rogue gave her a weak smile and pulled the little girl into one last hug. "Don't be a stranger." She whispered sadly.
"Ah won't." Rogue assured. They both released each other and Rogue gave Evelyn's forehead a quick kiss through her fringe. "Catch ya later squirt." She grinned playfully.
"Catch ya later." Evelyn returned, a bright smile coming to her face. Rogue smiled at her for a little longer before standing up straight and, taking Remy's hand, slowly began to walk away.

"She's a mutant, isn' she." Remy more or less stated when they were some distance away.
"Yeah." Rogue confirmed sadly, her eyes staring un-seeing at the ground as they walked.
"And she knows it." He added solemnly.
"Think so..." She sighed. "Do ya think Ah should've brought her with us? Ah mean, do ya think she'll be all raht stayin' here?"
"Remy t'ink if she had wan'ed to come wit' us, she'd have jus' asked." Remy assured thoughtfully. "No doubt she'll come, but only when she's ready."
"Ah just hope she keeps safe and happy 'til then." She murmured as they left the church grounds. Just then, Rogue's phone started to ring from inside her bag. She released Remy's hand and stopped to fish the phone out while Remy continued on over to the car. "Hahllo?" She answered once she had freed the phone and brought it up to her ear.
"Hi Rogue, it's Kitty and Jubes." Kitty's voice replied.
"Hey Kit. What's up?" Rogue asked as she started towards the car again.
"Err, well, we just wanted to ask...Erm...Where are you?" Kitty settled for after a long moments hesitation.
"Oh for goodness sake!" Jubilee's voice came from the background.

There was a few minutes of a muffled argument before sound returned properly. "Rogue?" Jubilee's voice came again, this time clearer meaning she obviously now had the phone. "Who is Remy?"
"What? Ya know who Remy is, ya met him yesterday." Rogue told her friend, her tone confused, as she got into the car. The mention of his name caught Remy's attention and they gave each other a quick look.
"Why didn't you tell us he was a teleporter?" Jubilee demanded.
"Ah dunno. Ah guess Ah just forgot. What's this abaht Jubies?" Rogue asked, starting to get annoyed.
"We think Remy is Gambit." Jubilee told her bluntly.
"Ya what?" Rogue gasped, unsure what to feel; annoyed or panicked.
"You heard me. Is he Gambit?"
"What the Hell makes ya think he is?"
"He's a teleporter, he's Cajun, you've supposedly only known him a week yet you bother looked pretty close when we saw you. You don't even like Kitty or me touching you..." Jubilee began to accuse.

"Ya know, Ah really ain't in the mood to listen to ya fucking immature bull shit!" Rogue yelled suddenly, totally snapping. "So screw the both of ya and leave me the Hell alone!" Having said that, Rogue used her borrowed magnetism to rip the phone apart and sent in flying out of the open window next to her. She sat there breathing heavily for a minute or so, willing herself to calm down.

When she had relaxed somewhat, she glanced at Remy who was just watching her with a slightly raised eyebrow. "Ah totally over reacted just nah didn't Ah?" She said with a heavy sigh.
"Yeah, jus' a little bit." Remy agreed with a slight smile.
"Great." Rogue groaned, leaning back against her seat and running her hands through her hair. "Those two are gonna lay into me so hard when they next see me..."
"Don' bot'er yourself wit' dhat now chere." Remy advised her gently as he started the car. "Yo' go' more important t'ings goin' on at dhe moment."
"Yeah..." Rogue breathed sadly in reply as she let her head lull to the side. She watched neutrally as the scenery outside began to move and they headed home.

It was late. She wasn't sure how late exactly. It was dark at least. Most people seemed to have already gone to bed and those who were still up were dressed for bed. No one took much notice of her as she walked in through the front doors of the school after she had returned Scott's car to the garage. And why should they have taken any notice? As far as they all knew, nothing out of the ordinary was different.

She made her way purposefully towards the stairs, intent on going to bed and staying there for at least the next twenty-four hours. No one told Tabitha about this intention though, so just as Rogue was coming up to the stairs, Bam Bam intercepted. She walked straight into Rogue's path and then stopped, preventing Rogue from easily going any further. Rogue gave Tabitha a pointed look before shaking her head.

"Not nah." She sighed tiredly as she went to move around the other girl. "Maybe tomorrah."
"Going goth to repel people before they find out you're a freak?" Tabitha asked cooly, catching Rogue's arm and turning her around.
"Seriously, we're gonna do this?" Rogue replied, her tone bored. Tabitha only glared back. "All right then." She conceeded with a sigh. "Firstly, no Ah ain't goin' goth. The reason Ah'm wearin' all black is absolutely none of ya business. Secondly, the only people Ah'd ever want to repel are common little tarts lahke you. And thirdly, if Ah'm a freak then so are you. Ya're a mutant as well."

With that, Rogue went to go again but was once again held back by Tabitha. "Let go." She ordered, her voice now reflecting her slipping patience. Just then, a passing student saw the two girls and beamed in excitement before running off to get others.
"If I'm a freak then you're a super freak." Tabitha shot back bitterly.
"Wow, that's mature." Rogue sneered as several students appeared by the entrance of the sitting room to watch the confrontation.
"It's true though." Tabitha sneered back. "You're a bigger freak than anyone else here."
"Ah have no tahme for this." Rogue grunted before she attempted to pull away. Half the school were now gathered, watching the two girls in nervous anticipation.

"Why don't you just suck me dry then?" Tabitha challenged, roughtly yanking Rogue back into position. "Can't bother you if I'm dead. Or are you to scared?" Rogue scowled darkly at the other girl and jerked her arm out of Tabitha's grip.
"Ah ain't scared." Rogue told her in a deathly low voice. "Ah just don't want a poisonus bitch lahke you insahde mah head." Rogue glared at Tabitha a moment longer before turning and heading up the stairs. As she did, Kitty, Jubilee and Bobby arrived at the scene. Tabitha never noticed though and still had one more ploy up her sleeve.

"I'm not surprised you're a bigger freak than anyone else here really. You've just gotta look at where you come from. You're parents were probably brother and sister. Everyone knows you Southerners are all inbred."
The crowd of students would've gasped at such a remark but they didn't have time. No sooner had the insult left Tabith'a evil lips though,than Rogue had leapt from the stairs with a furious scream and tackled Tabitha to the ground. Kitty, Jubilee and Bobby instantly ran over to seperate the two girls, mostly to prevent Rogue from getting herself into trouble, while a couple of the younger kids ran off to find Kurt and Ororo.

Rogue thrashed violently against Kitty and Jubilee as they pulled her off of Tabitha. Bobby concentrated on keeping the seething Tabitha, now sporting a puffy eye and a fat lip, in place.
"Let me go!" Rogue screamed, struggling against the hold of her two friends. "Let me go! Ah'm gonna kill her! Ah'm gonna rip her fucking black heart raht aht of her chest!"
"Rogue, stop this!" Jubilee gasped, finding it hard to keep her hold. "She's not worth it!"
"Jubilee's right! Who cares what she says? We know it isn't true." Kitty pointed out. They were both ignored though and Rogue continued to try and free herself.

"What is going on here!" Ororo demanded as she and Kurt suddenly entered the school's entrance in whisps of black smoke, both looking suitably annoyed.
"That psycho just tried to kill me for no reason!" Tabitha accused, jerking her body to try and free herself from Bobby.
"You lahin' whore!" Rogue shouted, her efforts to free herself suddenly doubling. "Hah dare ya lah lahke that! Hah dare ya talk abaht mah dahddy lahke that!" She demanded, tears starting to fall from her eyes.

Everyone remained completely silent, confused as to why Rogue had specified her father when the insult was really directed to both her parents. "Mah dahddy was a good person! He was a better person than you could ever hope to be!"
"Was?" Ororo repeated quietly.
"That's raht. Was. Past tense, just lahke him, 'cause mah dahddy's dead!" Rogue yelled angrily as she pulled away from Kitty and Jubilee who were too shocked to hold on anymore. "He dahed a week ago and his funeral was today. That's where Ah've been all day! That's whah Ah'm dressed in black! Ah was sayin' goodbah to mah dahddy. And Ah saw mah little sister, only to fahnd aht that she's a mutant as well." She paused and gave a bitter laugh. "Six years old. Six years old and she's already a God damn recognisable mutant! And ya know what else? Ah saw mah mama too. No warm reunion there though. No, just dirty looks for the mutant outcast of the family and...Mah dahddy...Mah poor, poor dahddy..."

The room remained horribly silent as Rogue crumbled to her knees and burst into tears. Heart-wrenching sobs shook her entire body as all the stress of the day escaped hugged herself tightly as she slowly rocked up back and forth. Kitty and Jubilee stared down in slight fear, never having seen their friend so distraut before. They both suddenly felt really guilty for their call to her earlier and their bitching after she had hung up on them. Everyone stayed completely still until Ororo broke it and carefully moved over to the shaking form of Rogue. She knelt down beside the shuddering girl and went to hug her carefully. However, Rogue pulled away harshly and scrambled to her feet.

"Leave me alone!" She sobbed as she dashed up the stairs. When she knew she was out of sight, she teleported, re-entering in her bedroom.
Rogue stood in the middle of the room for several minutes, staring ahead of herself with haunted eyes and badly hyperventilating. Suddenly, she seemed to remember that she could do other things besides just breathing and staring. So, she clutched her head, fell to her knees and let out an anguished scream.

She curled up into a ball and cried fitfully as she brought her hands away from her head and began tearing at her gloves for no real reason other than she wanted to destroy something. As if the whole situation wasn't bad enough, her head suddenly began to pound painfully.
A hoarse cry was the only sound which escaped Rogue this time and, unknown to her, a magnetic field pulsed out from her, locking her door and pushing anything metal away from her. A pathetic sob came from her as another pulse throbbed in her head. When a third one came not a second later, her body could no longer take it. Totally exhausted, she slumped forward, now unconscious.

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