A Romy story

By livling18

2.4K 22 1

This is a story about Rouge a girl who take in other peoples powers but just the touch of her skin against ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 5

84 1 0
By livling18

Chapter 5:

Remy A Few Minutes Before:

Never in a million years would Remy have seen dis comin'. He was jus' walking down the street, keepin' an eye open for anyt'ing and he does de usual t'ing of 'borrowing' a femme's purse. Next t'ing he know dough, said femme has suddenly appeared in front of Remy from no where. Den, she gasp his name. How'd she know Remy's name? He'd remember a pretty fille like her. But she does fit de description his friend Joe give to him of de femme who right-hooked Juli. She start tellin' him stuff, sayin' that she knows Remy 'cause he be in her head. Remy start to t'ink that maybe she jus' an over excited admire, but den she start to tell him ot'er stuff. Stuff dat no one else but Remy knows and he realise, he gotta start believein' her. Dis belle fille got part of Remy inside her head...

After Rouge & Remy meet:

"So you're de fille ever'body been tellin' Remy 'bout." The real Remy mused as he and Rogue slowly headed towards Joe's.

Rogue had managed to explain the majority of what she knew after recovering from the shock of actually seeing Remy in the flesh. Remy, naturally, had been skeptical of her claims at first, but when Rogue began to tell him things that only he knew, he had been forced to accept the fact that a part of him was inside her head. He was the one who had suggested going to Joe's together, partly because he was intrigued by the whole situation, but also because Rogue was, after all, a very pretty girl.
"All dese people tellin' Remy 'bout de young fille who managed to hold her own agains' a group of t'ieves. And Remy t'inking dat he don' know a fille like dat, who could go up against Juli and de ot'ers wit'out ending up seriously hur'." He explained, glancing down at her. "Bu' he see dat you didn' come ou' totally unscathed chere." He noted a little sadly at seeing the plaster above her eye.
"If ya gettin' into a faht, ya gotta expect to get a few bumps. It's just a cut. Ain't that bad." Rogue shrugged, trying to sound realistic and mature to impress him.
"Just like de 'bump' you go' from dat stool?" He grinned at her knowingly.
"Ah take it you've been talkin' to Joe then." She said shyly, a faint blush tinging her cheeks.
"He mentioned it, oui." Remy confirmed, still grinning. "Said it looked pretty painful."
"If ya play your cards raht, Ah'll show ya mah bruise sometime." She teased in reply, knowing she was blatantly flirting but not really caring.
"Well, it be a good t'ing that Remy be very handy wit' a deck of cards den." He teased back.
A comfortable silence fell over them then and remained until they reached the cafe. Remy held the door open for Rogue and then followed her in once she entered shyly, letting the door swing to a close behind them. Upon entering, the pair got a mixed response from those already in there. Some nudged those they sat next to and stared at Rogue in surprise or just neutraly. Some stared while whispering amongst each other. Those who sat and lurked in the shaded sides and corners glared at herself and Remy and she figured that they were somehow connected with Juli. The only response which was openly vocalised and the least bit reassuring was that of Joe's.
"There you are!" He called happily from behind the counter, waving a hand to beckon them over. Rogue smiled weakly at the enthustiastic response and felt Remy's hand on her back, gently ushering her forward. She took the hint and moved forward, doing her best to ignore the several pairs of eyes which seemed glued to her and Remy, her in particular though. "I wondered if I'd ever see you again after what happened yesterday an' all." He told her cheerfully as she and Remy sat on a couple of stools.
"Ah've had worse than yesterday." Rogue assured quietly, with a shy smile. It wasn't a total lie. Even if she hadn't been in them herself, she had a lot of experiance of that kinda fight. She had a lot of truckers and Logan in her head after all.
"Why so quiet?" Joe frowned in concern when he noticed that she wasn't as up beat or outgoing as she had been yesterday. Rogue threw a discreet glance at a group of customers to the side who were still staring at her. Joe then realised that almost everyone in the place was still staring at her. "You all got a problem?" He bellowed in an intimidating voice which made Rogue wince a little. Everyone immediately looked away and began talking again as though nothing had happened. "So, did it take you long to find her?" Joe inquired to Remy casually, suddenly changing back to the calm and friendly Joe that Rogue was familiar with.
"Actually, chere was de one who found Remy." Remy answered with a grin as he draped an arm over Rogue's shoulders. A huge blush covered Rogue's cheeks and her breath caught in her throat at the sudden close proximity to Remy. Joe glanced at the both of them before his confused gaze stayed on Rogue.
"I thought you said it wasn't like that between you and Remy?" Joe asked Rogue. Rogue struggled to find her voice, what with her attack of nerves and the fact her mind kept wandering back to the fact that Remy was really warm and it felt so right to have his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
"T'ink 'bout how you answer dat one chere." Head Remy advised, bringing her back to reality. "Remy loves de femmes who show confidence and play hard to get." Rogue gave a mental nod and bearing the advice in mind, prepared herself to give her reply.
"It ain't. He just lahkes to dream." She smirked, casually pushing Remy's arm off of her shoulders. She immediately missed the warmth of it but the reaction for the Remy's and Joe more than made up for it. Head Remy and Joe burst out laughing while actual Remy looked a little stunned for a moment before a knowing smile graced his lips and amused glint sparkled in his eyes.
Rogue was beaming and she didn't care if either Remy or Joe saw. She was glad that Joe had laughed and she was exstatic that Remy was amused as well and got what she was doing. She was half afraid as she was saying it that he would take it seriously and think she wasn't interested...Woah!...Wait...Where did that come from? Since when had she been into Remy? The guy she had known as a voice for the past day and known as a person for the past hour. It did feel like she had known him longer than that though, most probably because he was in her head and everything about him was at her disposal. Also, now, here he was, in person, and it made him seem so much more real. He was no longer just a voice in her head. He was a person and a very handsome person at that. She had, had a basic idea of what he looked like but what he actually looked like was so much better than what she picked up from head Remy.
"By the way." Rogue heard Joe say as she started to pay attention to her surroundings again. "I believe these belong to you my girl." He smiled as he reached under the counter and brought out Rogue's shopping bags from yesterday.
"Aww, thank you Joe." Rogue beamed, gladly taking the bags from him. "Ah thought these were gonna be long gone."
"You're very welcome. Oh, and don't worry about what you owe me. It's on the house. Call it an apology for what happened." He told her with the same cheerful smile still on his face.
"That isn't really necessary Joe..." Rogue began to say, sounding like she was going to turn the offer down. "But it's very much appreciated." She ended with a grin.
"Remy hate to break up de conversation between the two good friends, one of which don' actually know de ot'ers name, but wha' does a homme have to do to get some coffee?" Remy suddenly interupted in a mock annoyed tone.
"Ugh, that's right! I still don't know your name do I?" Joe exclaimed, ignoring Remy's request to be provided with coffee. Remy gave an indignant gasp at being ignored and let his shoulders slump in neglect. Rogue grinned at his reaction before turning her attention to Joe again.
"It's Rogue." She told him with a smile. Joe raised a questioning eyebrow at her.
"Inventive parents ya got then." He commented.
"Okay, now you jus' doin' it on purpose." Remy accused. Joe shook his head at the immature behaviour.
"Same as always then Remy?" Joe inquired, earning a "oui" in response. "And for you Rogue?"
"Same as yesterday. Just a cup of decafe." She requested. The three of them continued to chat about little things as Joe made their order. They continued to chat once they had their drinks but Joe was eventually called away by other customers. At that point, Rogue and Remy went and sat at another table.
"How come you never told Joe your real name?" Remy asked in a hushed voice as they settled down at a table a row in from the wall. They were half in the shadows and half in the lit area, concealing Remy but lighting up Rogue.
"Ah only give mah real name to people Ah know really well of Ah feel comfortable with. You and Logan are the only people Ah've ever told it to." She revealed before taking a sip of her coffee.
"Remy honoured you trust him so much." He said with a genuine smile.
"Yeah, well, Ah know you well enough." Rogue stumbled, a little embarrassed at Remy's sincerity. "Ah got you insahde mah head and all that."
"Since you mentioned dat, Remy been wondering if you got any idea when de absorbin' happened? He don' remember seein' you before chere and he know he would remember seein' such a belle fille as you." He asked, putting in a compliment at the end as Rogue knew he almost always did around a pretty girl.
"We, that is me and head you, we figured it was a few months back at a pro-mutant protest. He said Ah didn't feel it 'cause of a kinda growth spurt in mah powers at that time. Said it dulled the sensations of the absorbing." Rogue answered. Remy began to think back, trying to remember an event like that. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and a look of realisation crossed his features.
"You de reason Remy passed out dat day so suddenly!" He exclaimed through a gasp. "You had Remy worried for quite a while after dat chere. Kept t'inkin' it was gon' happen again."
"Ah'm sahrry." Rogue murmured sadly, bowing her head in shame.
"Don' worry 'bout it cherie." Remy insisted, his tone mirroring Rogue's sadness. "Remy glad of anyt'ing dat would brin' such a belle fille into his life." Rogue blushed deeply at those words and lifted her head a little to smile at him. "So, you got any ot'er tricks beside de absorbin' and de teleportin'?" He inquired, simply to change the topic of conversation.
"Well, there are some other things..." Rogue said before leaning over the table. She reached forward and slipped her hand under Remy's trenchcoat. Just as he was beginning to wonder what exactly it was she was doing, she removed her hand which now held a playing card in between her fingers.
"How did you..."Remy started to ask.
"Know that was one of the many pockets you keep packs of cards in?" She finished for him. "Ah know a lot of stuff." She said with a confident smirk as she pulled a glove off and held the card in her now bare hand. "For example, Ah know how to do this." She continued as the card in between her fingers began to glow. "Ah keep all the powers of the mutants Ah absorb as well as their memories." She explained once she saw the stunned expression on Remy's face. "The teleporting thing ain't mahne. It's from a teacher at school Ah accidently absorbed yesterday. It is possible for me to use the powers of everyone in mah head but Ah don't have enough control yet...And Ah ain't actually that great at this yet." She ended with a small, slightly embarassed laugh. Taking the hint, Remy took hold of the other end of the card and brought the kinetic energy into himself. The card stopped glowing and Rogue let it slide from her fingers so Remy could slip it back into a pocket.
"Remy can teach you how to control dat properly if you wan'." He told her.
"Ah'd lahke that." She agreed, her cheeks once again flushing pink.
"Bet you glad Remy made you buy dat scarf now chere." Head Remy's voice suddenly came.
"Huh?" Rogue replied mentally.
"Well, it provide a safe cover for your skin bu' it be sheer enough so dat certain sensations can still be felt." He explained in a teasing tone. Rogue felt the blush on her cheeks intensify and she dropped her gaze to her mug on the table as a mental image flashed through her mind:
Herself and Remy in a dark alleyway, her back pressed against a cold brick wall and her chest pressed against Remy's warm body. Despite the fact it was an obviously dangerous area, she felt safe; safe pressed so tightly against Remy, safe in his arms. The dark magenta chiffon scarf was lightly draped over her lips and she and Remy were passionately...
"You all right chere?" Real Remy's voice suddenly broke through. Rogue's head shot up, the image in her mind now gone but the bright blush still remained.
"Erm, yeah, Ah'm fahne." She flustered, quickly bringing her mug to her lips to try and hide her face a little. She felt Remy continue to stare at her curiously and she inwardly cringed. She needed to start a conversation about anything but herself. After thinking for all of a few seconds, she remembered something that she still didn't know yet. "Remy? Who is Juli?"
"You don' know?" He asked, obviously surprised.
"Ah haven't had a chance to ask head you and Ah don't feel comfortable with just lookin' without permission." She told him. Remy gave a small sigh and lowered his mug to the table.
"Remy's family be part of de T'ieves Guild. Juli and his family be part of a rival guild called De Rippers." He answered, his voice now sounding tired.
"He said he had a message for ya..." She said, leaving the sentence hanging as a question.
"Oui. Remy be meetin' him tonigh' to find ou' wha' goin' on." He informed.
"On your own?!" Rogue gasped. Remy simply nodded. "Are you insane?!" She hissed out as a whisper, conscious of the other people around them who may over hear. "You're meetin' with him on your own? What if it's a trap?"
"Dat a risk Remy gon' have to take." He said with a shrug as if he wasn't worried, though it was clear to Rogue that he was nervous.
"Well you ain't takin' it on your own. Ah'm comin' with ya." She informed him.
"An' wha' makes you t'ink Remy gon' let you come alon'?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows in amusement at her sudden announcement.
"Last tahme Ah checked it was still a free country. Ah don't really need your permission to just happen to be at the same place as you." Rogue grinned at him.
"Marie, no. It's gon' be too dangerous for you. It's Remy's problem and he won' drag you into it." He told seriously, his playfulness and humour now gone.
"You ain't draggin' me into it, Ah'm bringin'mahself into it. Ah ain't gonna let you do this on your own." She insisted.
"It ain' up for discussion Marie." Remy said again very seriously, intending that to be the end of the conversation. Rogue studied Remy carefully as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Keep tryin'." Head Remy urged.
"He ain't gonna listen." Rogue sighed silently.
"Make a bet wit' him." He advised. Rogue focused back on reality again and took in a hopeful breath.
"Ah bet you that it's gonna be a trap." Rogue said, bringing Remy's attension to her. "Just let me come with you. Ah'll keep aht of the way but Ah'll be able to help if somethang happens. If nothing does happen, you get the satisfaction of knowing you were raht and Ah was wrong."
"Dat no' much of a bet chere." He pointed out, once again amused but Rogue knew the idea intrigued him.
"Offer to do his laundry. Remy hate doin' de laundry." Head Remy told her.
"Fahne, if you're raht, Ah'll do your laundry for a month." Rogue told actual Remy. He actually seemed to think it over before shaking his head gently.
"As temptin' as dat is, Remy gon' have to decline. However, he got anot'er idea. If Remy be right and not'ing unexpected happens tonigh' den he gets to take you ou' to dinner some night." He proposed.
"That ain't much of a win, spendin' your money on me." Rogue preotested though she was flattered and excited at the prospect of being taken out by him.
"De simple fact dat Remy'll be able to see your sweet face all night will more den make up for de price of a dinner for two." He replied, his suave and playful self now obviously completely back.
Rogue thought about the proposal. It was a very tempting one but she couldn't let him know that of course. She had to play hard to get if she wanted him...There she went again! What was with all the wanting and the flirting and the accepting of the flirting? Sure, he was charming and courteous and he wasn't treating her like a nutter or a child who had to be humoured. And yeah, he was gorgeous beyond words with his floppy brown hair with those rebelious few strands that fell over those enchanting black and red, almost demonic...Um, what was her point again? Suddenly seeing Remy watching her expectantly, she remembered she needed to give him conformation.
"All raht then. You've got yaself a bet." She told him, holding out her gloved hand.
"All righ' den." Remy replied, taking her hand. However, instead of shaking it, he kissed the back of it. Rogue blushed for the thousandth time and fought the desire to swoon. "Well, Remy better get you anot'er cup of coffee. You gon' need a pick-me-up if you gon' stay up 'till mid-night." He said as he made a move to get up.
"Mid-naht? We're meetin' him at mid-naht?" Rogue asked nervously.
"Oui. Wha' de mat'er chere? Afraid of de dark?" He teased as he reached her side.
"No. It's just that there's a ten o'clock curfew at onschool nahts." Rogue murmured. She glanced at Remy. "It don't matter though. Ah'm sure no one will notice Ah ain't there."
That seemed to be enough for Remy and with a nod he continued on his way over to Joe. Rogue gave a small sigh, her eyes clouded with worry. At least, she hoped no one would notice she wasn't there.

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