Life as a Single Parent (BTS...

By Idkwidn

85.8K 1.2K 714

Life as a Single Parent (Re-Uploaded) Yoongi- a loving father to his two sons Jimin, and Jungkook. After the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Part 1/2
Chapter 10 Part 2/2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1/2
Chapter 15 Part 2/2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Part 1/2
Chapter 17 Part 2/2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 26

1.1K 15 24
By Idkwidn

Requested by  Mazash123

Jimin 9

Jungkook 7

Yoongi POV:

Today was the day we all dreaded. Oh yes, today was the yearly checkup at the hospital. I already knew it was going to be a disaster because it's been a disaster every year. It was nothing special, just a normal checkup and most likely a couple shots and then we'd be in and out in 20 minutes. That's what I always hoped. But no, it was never only 20 minutes long, it was more like 3 hours long.

"Jungkook, what is in your mouth? Jimin where are you going? Come here!" I said as we were loading up the car. Both of them were not happy and could spill tears in any second. "Let's go you guys! I promise, it will be short!" The boys didn't budge.

"Can we get ice cream after?" Jimin asked. Jungkook now dropping whatever was in his mouth and ran to his brother.

"Only if you are good, we can get ice cream." I said. They took it as a yes and hopped in the car. Hopefully that will come true today. I quickly drove to the hospital as we were running a little late. I parked the car and headed inside holding both hands.

"Hello! How can I help you?" The nurse at the front desk was kind.

"Yes, we just have a checkup for Min Jimin and Min Jungkook." I told her my name as well. She typed quickly and confirmed our appointment.

"Perfect we will call you when we are ready." I thanked her and sat down with the two boys already rummaging through the toy box. They threw toys everywhere, even almost hitting another kid with it. I pulled my younger one aside.

"Min Jungkook, be gentle!" I warned but he gave me a nod and went right back. It was another 5 minutes until we got called in and were in a room with the doctor in front of us.

"Hello! I'm Dr. Kim Seokjin! Nice to meet you. Who are we starting with today?" He said as he shook my hand. I sat Jimin down in the patient's seat and Jungkook in mine as he went through my bag. We checked his weight, height, as well as his blood pressure. Jungkook was obnoxious the whole time, telling me to read a book to him or unlock my phone.

"Jungkook, now is not the time." I whispered but he stuck his tongue out at me. My eyes went wide at the sudden attitude.

"So, I'm not very concerned, however he is on the lower side with height and weight. Does he usually finish his plate?" Dr. Kim asked. I shook my head.

"No, he's a picky eater and barely finishes. Is there anything I can do to help that?" I asked while looking at Jimin.

"Again, I'm not very concerned but you can increase his physical activities. When the body moves more, you need more energy to sustain that, so, you will naturally become hungrier and less picky about what you're eating. Any other concerns?" He explained. I asked him a couple more but it was cut short due to Jungkook's impatience. "While you're here, why don't we get some general immunization shots for the both of them?" I nodded my head in agreeance.

"No, I don't want to get shots." Jimin puffed his bottom lip out.

"I know but I promise it will be quick!" Doctor said with big, animated expressions. I turned to Jungkook and he froze.

"I don't want shots! No, no, no!" Jungkook slammed the bag down. I was getting angry.

"Here, let's switch spots and I won't give you any shots yet!" He said and Jungkook hesitated but ended up listening. We went through the same process as Jimin's but he was grumpy the whole time. He mentioned that Jungkook's asthma was getting a lot better and that he might not even need an inhaler anymore. He refused to let anyone touch him and I was fed up. Dr. Kim left the room for a minute to grab the shots and this was my opportunity to make them behave.

"This is not okay Jungkook! You need to smarten up, you are being very disrespectful!" I was close to his face so I didn't raise my voice. He stared directly into my eyes and it was only broken with the sound of the door opening. I sat Jungkook down in mine and put Jimin up first, thinking that would be a smart idea.

It wasn't.

As soon as Jimin saw the needle, he started to freak out and was screaming and crying. I hugged him so that his arms were in place but he kept hitting my stomach rather aggressively.

"Jimin calm down, you're going to be okay." I said but right before the needle was going to be placed, he freed himself and started punching me.

"I don't want it! I don't want it!" He screamed as he repeatedly punched me in the arm. I grabbed him again and when he was a little bit calmer, the needle was pushed in and out in a matter of seconds. He cried but immediately stopped when the doctor offered him a small lollipop. He traded placed with his brother and I didn't know what to expect.

I hugged him like Jimin but he was more aggressive. He was thrashing everywhere and felt out of control and tears were flowing down his face. The needle went in when we thought he was tired but he was far from it. He screamed and bit Dr. Kim's arm and did not let go. I thought I was handling a dog than my child.

"Min Jungkook!" I shouted and he finally released. The doctor's arm was red with the small teeth marks in a circle. He rubbed it off with some alcohol and gauze. Thank god the skin didn't break. "I-I am so sorry." I was in shock. I didn't know what to do. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He gave me a smile.

"I'm fine, it's more common than you think. It's not the first, nor the last time this happens." He spoke nonchalantly. Guilt and fire were both burning up inside of me but there was nothing I could do in that situation. We exchanged a couple of words before I carried both boys out.

I angrily walked to the car and buckled them up before starting it.

"Ice cream?" Jungkook asked, tears all dried. I was fuming.

"YOU BIT THE DOCTOR!" I shouted back.

" ice cream?" Jimin said.

"NO!" I shouted again. I got a collective, sad "aww" and a sniffle from someone.

"But you said-!"

"I said if you were good, I will buy you ice cream. You two were NOT good today!" Nothing more was said on the drive home and it was probably for the best of all of us. We arrived and I unbuckled their seatbelts. "Sit on the couch in the living room!" My tone was unfriendly. They both looked at me with tears lining their eyes. After a minute, they gingerly walked into the house and sat on the couch with their feet dangling.

I grabbed the bag as well as lock the door before I walked in. They looked anxious and uncomfortable. I put the bag on the table and walked up to them.

"Every year, we go to the hospital, and every year, I always pray that it will go smoothly, but every year, it ends up like this. Why?" I was being harsh. The tears immediately started pouring out but I didn't have the patience. "No, stop crying. I want an explanation."

"Daddy we are scared of them!" Jimin sniffled.

"It's okay to be scared, but you can't hit or BITE people!" I said running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"But he was giving us needles!" Jungkook cried.

"YOU CANNOT BITE SOMEONE!" I shouted before I realized that I was being a little too harsh. I took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter that he gave you shots, you can't bite people, or hit people!"

"Sorry." The both sniffled, too afraid to look at me. I sighed.

"Okay Jimin, on your knees, arms in the air. Jungkook, over my lap." I instructed and they did it fairly quickly. Once he got on, I didn't waste any time and started. He wiggled around trying to avoid the spanking.

"Ow Daddy it hurts!" He said after the 7th one.

"I bet the doctor was hurt when you bit him, huh?" I said moving to his sit spot.

"Ow, he was hurt because of me and that's not good and Kookie was being bad! But Kookie was just scared!" He cried. I just wanted to stop and hug him.

"How about when you were being disrespectful when the doctor was trying to talk to Daddy and Jimin hyung?" I asked as he laid there crying. I stopped.

"Daddy! I'm sorry, I won't be rude and talk over you!" Tears were soaking my pant leg and I decided that this was the time to stop.

"Okay, come here." I said as I picked the boy up and hugged him.

"Don't do that again okay?" I said and he nodded his head. Tears ran down his rosy cheeks as I patted his back. Within minutes, his body loosen up and started to go limp. I eyed Jimin, who was still in his position struggling to keep his arms up. "You can put them down and go sit on the couch, I'll be right back." He nodded his head and I went to Jungkook's room and carefully put him down on his bed. I tucked him in and quietly shut the door.

I walked back and saw Jimin fidgeting with his fingers before he saw me sitting down next to him.

"I'm not going to spank you because I knew you weren't talking over me or your brother. But I need you to know that you can't start throwing hands just because you're scared okay?" I explained. He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry I hit you. I didn't want to get shots." His bottom lip stuck out. I opened my arms and he crawled his way into them. I hugged him tight before I heard soft snores coming from the boy.

A/n: Hello! Thank you for your requests, I love all of them!!!!! What do you prefer: Individual punishments or together? (meaning a chapter focused on just Jimin/Jungkook or have both of them get punished) Thank you for your votes, follows, comments!! Be kind to yourself and others! Love you guys!

Next: 911 prank call

Requests are closed  

2021 A/n: Lol Jungkook bit the doctor and asked for ice cream as if he was being a good boy. Also who knew in the future I would write a chapter about them going to the dentist and Jimin biting the doctor there... was this a spoiler? idk :) Be kind to yourself and others. Love you guys 

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