The Force Unleashed (RWBY Sta...

By BillMclaughlinJr

5.8K 76 23

When Blake Belladonna is taken in by Darth Vader, she is trained in the ways of the Dark Side by the Sith Lor... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Chapter XXII

117 2 2
By BillMclaughlinJr

At an ancient monastery on Corellia, Senators Riyo Chuchi and Lux Bonteri along with Corellian Senator Garm Bel Iblis an other anti-Imperial leaders to discuss the formation of a rebel alliance. Also in attendance was Blake and Ilia. As the meeting began, Riyo addressed her fellow delegates. 

Chuchi: We agree that the time for diplomacy and politics has passed. It is now time for action. Blake Belladonna, if you are willing to lead us, then we shall join your alliance. 

???: Count us in.

Cal and Cere enter monastary. Blake smiles as the two shake hands. 

Blake: Where's the Nightsister? 

Cal: Meditating back on the Mantis. Greez is fixing up the ship. 

Lux: It is settled then. We have contacted Senator Bail Organa and made all the necessary arrangements. As of now, the Rebel Alliance is born. Therefore let this be an official declaration of rebellion! Today, we all vow to change the galaxy, and one day the galaxy will indeed be free!

Suddenly, explosions were heard. Parts of the monastery's roof collapsed. Blake looked up in shock and horror to see an Imperial fleet attacking. 

Blake: No....

Before anyone could react, the doors to the monastery is blown open as Darth Vader leads a squadron of Stormtroopers inside with Adam Taurus be his side. 

Darth Vader: Take them alive. The Emperor wants to execute them personally. 

Adam gestures to the Stormtroopers to round up the Rebel Leaders. Cal ignites his Lightsaber and lunges at Darth Vader, but the Sith Lord easily incapacitated him with a Force Grip and tosses him aside. Darth Vader then glances over to a shocked Blake. 

Darth Vader: You have done well, my apprentice. 

As Vader said this, the Rebel leaders were shocked speechless. Blake reaches for her Lightsaber and lunges at Darth Vader, but the Sith Lord uses the Force to slam a stone table onto Blake. This hurled Blake out of the meeting room onto the snow-covered cliff ledge surrounding the site. As she attempted to regain his feet, Darth Vader approaches her. 

Blake: You agreed to stay away!

Darth Vader: I lied, as I have from the very beginning. 

Blake: never planned to destroy the Emperor. 

Darth Vader: Not with you, no. 

Darth Vader then grips Blake with the Force and hurled her over the cliff, though Blake managed to grab hold of the edge. As Blake held on, Darth Vader approached the edge with his crimson Lightsaber ignited. 

Blake: Without me, you'll never be free.

Darth Vader then raised his hand to strike Blake down, but was suddenly attacked from behind by Ilia. Darth Vader was easily able to counter her attack.

Ilia: You will not hurt Blake, Sith!

Darth Vader: So my apprentice took you in?

Ilia: My name is Ilia Amitola! I am the apprentice of Cin Drallig! I am the apprentice of Blake Belladonna! I will strike you down!

Darth Vader: You would defend the one responsible for the death of your master?

As Darth Vader revealed this, Ilia was initially shocked. However, Ilia maintained her stance. 

Ilia: Blake might've killed my master, but it was you who gave the order. I will avenge my master!

Darth Vader said nothing as he turned his attention to Ilia. Gripping her Lightsaber tightly, Ilia charged at Darth Vader. Blake watched on helplessly as Ilia clashed against Darth Vader. During the brief duel, Darth Vader broke through Ilia's defenses and fatally impaled her with his Lightsaber. Ilia drops to her knees as she glances over to Blake. 

Ilia: Blake....

A horrified Blake watches helplessly as Ilia's lifeless body slumped to the ground. During this, Blake lost her grip and fell. By the time Darth Vader reached the ledge, Blake was nowhere to be seen. As Darth Vader left to regroup with his troops, the White Fang discretely makes it's way to where Blake was. Yang exits the White Fang to help the unconscious Blake. Blake soon wakes up in the White Fang's infirmary. 


Yang: Easy there, Blake. You took a nasty fall back there. 

Blake: Where's Adam? 

Yang: I don't know. He disappeared when Vader came.

Suddenly, the White Fang's intercom began beeping. Blake and Yang answered it as the holoprojection of Adam appeared. 

Adam(Holoprojection): My lord. 

Blake: What's going on? 

Adam(Holoprojection): It pains me to do this, but I must act on my loyalty to the Empire. I regret that our paths must diverge. 

Blake was shocked to hear this from Adam. She clenched her fists in anger. 

Blake: How long, Adam? How long were you Vader's spy? 

Adam(Holoprojection): I didn't want to do this, my lord. But your growing companionship with the Rebels forced my hand and I must remain loyal to the Empire. 

Adam's betrayal broke Blake's heart. He had always been a loyal ally to her. To see this betrayal saddened Blake as well as anger her. 

Blake: You don't want to do this, Adam. 

Adam(Holoprojection): I'm afraid I must. Lord Vader has given me specific orders to ensure of your destruction. Goodbye, my lord. 

As Adam's holoprojection faded, Blake sensed a disturbance in the Force. Sensing immediate danger, Blake turns to Yang. 

Blake: Out of the ship! Now!

Blake and Yang rushed out of the ship just as an explosive device detonated in the White Fang, completely destroying it. The force of the explosion knocked Blake and Yang to the snow. As the White Fang exploded, the Stinger Mantis arrived to pick them up. However, this would be no friendly encounter. 

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