Everything I Wanted (Book 2)...

By Afternator97

14.4K 829 63

This is the second book to my first book, Our Happily Ever After. Do not read this book if you haven't alread... More

1. Father Figure
Please Read!!!
2. London
3. Family Dinner
4. Promise Ring
5. The Party
6. The Talk
7. Home At Last
8. Home Early
9. Explanation
10. The Truth
11. Excitement
12. Arrangments and Rings
13. Milkshakes and Old Friends
14. House Warming
16. Baby
17. Heartbreak
18. The Moon
19. The Wedding
20. Everything I Wanted
Bonus Chapter: Yellow Rabbit
New Story

15. August

546 40 6
By Afternator97

Josepine's POV

When I wake up the next morning, Hero is sleeping peacefully next to me. I turn on my side and admire him as he sleeps. I'm glad that he drove home last night because I was so tired. I never thought that being pregnant would take so much out of you. I thought that I was tired because I was working a lot but even yesterday when I didn't go to work, I was still so tired.

I watch him sleep for a little while and I hear my stomach grumble. I sigh and stand up slowly out of bed, making my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and glance at what is there. There are eggs, bacon, strawberrys, blueberrys and then I look over on the counter, seeing a box of pancake mix. I smile a little and grab all of it out of the fridge, along with the milk.

I mix up some pancakes, putting some blueberrys into the mix. I have the bacon frying already, then I scrambled the eggs, waiting to cook them last. I take the bacon out and leave the grease, then I pour the pancakes into another pan, watching them closely as they cook. When the pancakes are done, I cook the eggs, then put them on a plate. I put half of the eggs on a plate for Hero and the rest for me. I put 3 peices of bacon on each plate, then I put 3 pancakes on Hero's plate and 2 on mine. I cut up the strawberrys into small slices, then place some on top of the pancakes. I pour Hero and I some coffee and I put it all on a tray, carrying it up the stairs and into our room.

Hero has rolled over on his back, one of his hands are reaching over my side of the bed and then the other one is hanging off of his side of the bed. I walk over to the bed, placing the tray on the nightstand by his side of the bed. I lean down, kissing his right cheek, then his left. I move up to his forehead, then kiss the bridge and tip of his nose. I finally lean down and kiss his lips softly, but enough to wake him up. I pull back and his eyes flutter open. He smiles at me and I lean down and kiss him again, just for a brief moment, then I pull away.

"Good morning love." He says and I smile at him again. "Good morning baby." I say and stand back up straight. I turn to the food, picking up one of the plates. He sits up quickly, his back up against the head board, and I hand him the plate. "I should be the one cooking for you." He says as he looks down at the food. "Well, you can cook for me tonight." I say and smile at him. He nods a little and picks up his fork, eating his food. I grab a cup of coffee, handing it to him and he smiles, thanking me and taking a small sip.

I grab my plate and sit down on the bed by his feet. We sit in silence as we eat, and when he finishes, he places the plate down on the table along with his half empty cup of coffee. He licks his lips and looks at me while I eat. I eat my last peice of bacon and then place my plate down on the tray along with his. I finish off my coffee then put down my coffee.

"Come here." He says and I nod. I stand up and walk closer to him, looking at him in his eyes but he looks down at my hand. He grabs it and pulls me closer to him and then pulls me onto his lap. He leans up and kisses me softly, then pulls away. "Thank you for breakfast." He says with a sleepish smile. I nod and look down at his bare chest. I place my hands on his chest, then softly drag my fingers along his skin, causing goosebumps to rise on his chest.

"You're welcome." I say while watching my fingers trace along his abs. He stares at me intensely as I keep my eyes down on my hands. He brings his hand up to my chin, tilting it up so that I can look at him. "We need to talk about the wedding." He says and I nod. We do need to talk about this, we haven't really has time to talk about the wedding. Like when we want to have it, or what the venue is going to be, or where we're going on our honeymoon.

"Okay, so lets talk." I say and he sighs, closing his eyes. "I can't focus when you're doing that." He says and grabs my hand to stop my movements. He intertwines our fingers together and he opens his eyes. "So, when do you want to have it?" He asks and I smile. "August 10th." I say and he smiles. "Why on August 10th?" He asks and I smile bigger.

"Because that is 8 days for my birthday and I want to spend my birthday with you on our honeymoon. Well, if we even have one." I say and he nods. "This year or next year?" He asks and I scoff playfully. "This year obviously. I don't want to wait a whole other year to be your wife." I say and he smiles. "Then August 10th it is then. And we will have a honeymoon if you want one." He says and I smile widely. I lean in and connect our lips, kissing him tenderly. I pull back and I hug him, I lay my head on his bare chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

We stay this way for a little while, and when I lift my head, I see Hero staring at me. I lean in a kiss his cheek, whispering an I love you in his ear and pulling away, getting off of his lap. "Where are you going?" He asks and I grab the tray from the nightstand. "Well, I'm gonna take this to the kitchen, and then I'm going to watch tv in the living room." I say with a smile and he nods. He stands up from the bed and walks over to the closet, grabbing a pair of gym shorts and a white shirt, slipping them on and then walking with me out of the bedroom.

"Oh, and don't forget, you have to do something for me." I remind him and his face falls a little. "What is it that I'm going to do?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot." I tell him with a sinister smile on my face as I walk out of our bedroom. After I'm halfway down the stairs, I hear him close the door to our room.

"Come on Jo! Just tell me so that I can get ready." He says and I chuckle. "You don't have to get ready. It's just going to be a calm day with you and me, doing whatever we please. More like, I please." I say and raise my eyebrow. He sighs and he walks over to me. "So, it's going to be a calm day? I don't have to do anything big? You know, like take you to Paris or something?" He asks and I chuckle. "No, you don't have to take me anywhere, but Paris is a good place for a honeymoon." I say and wink at him, giving him a little hint.

"Paris huh?" He asks and comes over to me as I'm standing infront of the sink. He wraps his arms around my waist as I rinse off the dishes before putting them into the dishwasher. "Yes, it's a beautiful city. We could get a hotel that has the view of the Eiffel Tower and we could just look out of the window as we lay in bed." I tell him with a big smile on my face as I picture us cuddleing as we look out on the beautiful city. "Sounds beautiful." He says and kisses my neck. I turn a little, opening the dishwasher and putting the dishes in there. I turn it on and turn back around to see Hero with a small smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "I'm just ready for you to be my wife. I could see you running through the living room, chasing our boy, laughing and when you catch him, he laughs as you tickle him. I'll come down those stairs, with a big smile on my face as I watch the love of my life take care of the boy that we created with our love." He says and I can't help the big smile that has formed on my face.

"I can just see it, it'll be so beautiful. Our life together is going to be so wonderful." He says while staring at me with this big smile on his face. "Yes it will be." I say and he leans into me with his arms wrapped around my waist. He kisses me softly and I hum. "I love you." He says and I smile against his lips.

"And I love you, more than anything."

Author's Note

This chapter was so boring to write, honestly but I love writing this story. A subtle warning for yall, please prepare yourselves for the next few chapters. They are going to be very heartbreaking for everyone, it killed me to write these chapters. Also, this is almost the end of this story, but things will get better by the end. I promise.

Much love, Afternator97

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