Best Friends With Benefits( G...

By george_w_wh0re

17.1K 319 117

Cameron Black is going into her fifth year at Hogwarts with the Weasley twins. She's been best friends with t... More

-Getting Ready-
~Platform 9 and 3/4~
~Good Night Weasley~
~10 sickles~
~Truth or Dare~
~Unfinished Business~
~The Band~
~Dressing Room~
~It Will Only Make It Worse~
~Pretending I Dont Exist~
~The 3 Words I Love To Hear~
~And I Cant Tell You~
~Exam Results~
~I told you~
~Hot Headed~
~Just A Little Something~
~Just Listen~
~Just Friends~
~Pulling Apart~
~ The Final Dance ~
~The Yule Ball~
~The After Pain~
~The start of a mistake~ pt.1
~All Part Of The Plan~


289 7 0
By george_w_wh0re

"Bro what the hell!" I giggled as I pushed Fred and George off me. "Happy birthday love!" George said as he got into bed with me. "Awww thank you Georgie" I said as I kissed him on the lips. "I can't wait for later" George whispered as he kissed my neck. I just bite my lip as his words turned me on.

"Happy birthday shorty" Fred said as he also got into bed with us. "Thanks Freddie" I replied as I kissed his cheek. "Okay up!" George said as he jumped out of bed. "What? It's so early" I whined as Fred pulled the covers off me, good thing I was fully dressed. "I have a present for you" George teased. "I'm up!" I said as I now jumped off my bed. "Give me give me give me" I repeated as George handed me a bag. "Okay I had Ginny and Hermione help me because I don't know anything about this topic" George said as he played with his hands. I put the bag on the bed as I held Georges hands.

"I'm sure I'll love it, and if I don't well you can just give me a better present later" I said as I winked at him causing George to choke on his own spit. "Okay open it already!" George whined. "Okay okay" I giggled.

I opened the bag as I saw another box and some clothes. I pulled out the clothes first. "George I love it" I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Really? Wow I thought you would hate it" he chuckled. I giggled and opened the box up next. I gasped as I quickly closed the box. "George Fabian Weasley!" I yelled as my eyes widen. "Shit mate your in trouble" Fred said as he let out a sharp breath.

"I can't accept these" I said as I gave him the box. "Go return them and get your money" I continued. "No can do. It doesn't matter about the price love so take the shoes and go get dressed" George said as he gave the box back to me. "Fine" I groaned. I felt really bad because these specific shoes cost a lot and the fact that he bought them for me. "I have to go get ready as well so we will meet you at the great hall" George said as he left with Fred.

I got dressed and put on my shoes and did my hair.

I curled my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled as I admired my outfit and shoes. God I loved the shoes.

I went down to the great hall as everyone was telling me happy birthday. "Hey Cameron, happy birthday" Blaise said as he gave me a hug and some flowers.

"Aww Blaise thank you and thank you for the flowers." I said with a smile. "Oh those aren't from me there's a note" he chuckled. "Oh either way thank you" I said once again as I looked at the note as I walked away.

"Happy birthday bub"

Bub, the flowers were from George, he's the only one that calls me Bub. I smiled as I walked into the great hall. I looked down as I kept smelling the flowers and note. I looked up as I got to the gryffindor table. I gasped that I almost dropped the flowers. My eyes started to tear up as I saw the whole gryffindor table with confetti, gifts, cake, and the people I love the most. "I just did my makeup" I said as I wiped some tears off my face.

"Happy birthday!" The lot each said as of them gave me a hug and a gift. I sat next to George as he kissed the top of my head. "I love you guys" I said as they threw some confetti at me. "Okay eat quickly so we can go to hogsmead!" Hermione squealed. "We have classes mione" I sighed. "No we don't, everyone who passed the exam gets one day off of there liking and we are all choosing to lose today" Ron now said as he drank some juice.

"Mcgonnagal made a mistake and actually gave you someone else's exam but you passed with flying colors!" George said as he gave me a side hug. "That bitch" I said as I giggled and frowned.
I opened my gifts that the lot gave me which were some clothes, some stationery, (thanks Hermione lol) some shoes and some pranks that Fred gave me. I finished eating my breakfast and a slice of cake. "I'll be back" I said as I ran to Draco. I jumped up as he hugged me and swung me around a bit. "Happy birthday kiddo" he said as he messed up my hair. "Kiddo?! Bitch were the same age you kiddo me you kiddo yourself" I laughed as he slapped his arm playfully. "Here" Draco said as he gave me a gift. "Thanks Dray. Also have you seen Spencer I wanna see how he's doing with his arm" "oh yeah he's right up there" Draco said as he painted down the table. "Hey birthday girl" Spencer said as he saw me walk over to him. "Hey" I said a si gave him a hug being careful with his arm. "How you doing?" I asked. "Oh as well as a guy with a broken arm can be" he chuckled.

We talked a bit more before him handing me an envelope. "Not much but happy birthday" he said with a smile. I opened the envelope to see what I've been working my ass off for the last couple of days. I screamed causing the whole great hall to look out way. "No fucking way! That son of a hitch of mcgonnagal" I said as I jumped up and down holding me exam that had a little note on it.

I'm sorry I got your exam mixed up with someone else's- mcgonnagal.

"Thank you thank you" I said as I gave Spencer a Reid totally forgetting about his arm. "Ah- ou ouch" he said as he winced. "Oh I'm sorry" I said as I let go of him. I left Spencer as I skipped back to the gryffindor table. "Okay let go!" I said as I held onto Ginnys and Hermiones hand as I pulled them out of the great hall. "You know what to do!" I heard George yell.

"First stop, your going to go get your nails done!" Hermione said jumping up and down.


I got my nails done and went shopping with the girls. It was now getting dark as we left The Three Broomsticks. "What time is it?" Oh shit! Ginny we have to get back in 5 minutes!" Hermione said as she pulled my hand. "Hermione, we can apparate back to school" Ginny said as she stopped to catch her breath. "Right" we apparated from diagon alley to outside the common room. "Wait here, Ginny" Hermione said as Ginny turned me around a covered my ears.

Hermiones POV:

I walk inside the common room to have some confetti thrown as me by Ronald. "Oh wait it's just mione" Ron continued. "Thanks" I said as I walked over to George and Fred. "She's outside, everything okay in here?" I asked the two. "All set just bring her in" George said as he looked at George. I walk back out to see Cameron and Ginny the same way as before. "Okay Ginny keep her eyes covered" I said as I clapped my hands. "I'm scared I feel like imma piss myself" Cameron said with a laugh. "Uhhhh wanna go to the bathroom first?" Ginny asked. "No no no I'll go up there" Cameron squealed. "Okay than" I said as I opened the common room door.

I put my finger on my lips to tell everyone to be quiet. When they were quite Ginny bought Cameron inside the room. "Okay 1,2,3 open!" I yelled.

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