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Cameron's POV:

I woke up in the hospital wing. "Oh Cameron dear your finally awake." Madam Pomfrey said with he kind voice.

"What- what happened?" I asked as I sat up drinking some water. "Well dear your friends found you on the bathroom floor with a bottle of alcohol and you have had some blood from the cuts you made on yourself." She said as she took my hand in hers. "I'll go tell the boys your awake now." She said with a smile as she strode out.

Soon enough Cedric, Fred, Draco, Harry, Remus and Sirius came running over to me. "Pup, your awake." Sirius said as he kissed my head. "Cam why?" Fred said with tears in his eyes. I ignored the question as everyone got quiet.

I started to cry, "cause I'm getting pretty fucking tired." I said crying. "Come again?" Sirius asked since he didn't know what was going on. "because George chose her after he promised he me he would wait for me." I said as I looked at my hands. "That's why. I couldn't do this anymore." "Pup why didn't you tell us?" Remus now asked. "Because it wasn't a big of a deal." I said.

"That's it, I'm not letting you talk to George if it means your hurting yourself." Draco said as he paced around the room with his hands on his face. "Hey guys I just need some rest. Please." "Of course my love. Remus and I have to get going but promise me you'll tell us what's going on." Sirius said with a stern look. "Promise." I said looking at both at Remus and Sirius. "We'll see you in a couple of days." Remus said as he kissed me on the head and hugged Harry. "I'll see you guys in a bit." I said as I laid back down. "I'll tell Slughorn you won't be coming to class today." Cedric said he he moved some pieces of hair from my face. "Thanks." I smiled back.

"Hey madam pomfrey? Draco asked. "Yes Malfoy?" "Cameron will be having a restriction on George Weasley. Please do not let him come see her. If he tries to please tell me?" Draco said as he held my hand. "Of course." "Thank you. See you later cuz" Draco said as he let go of my hand. I fell back asleep, I was just to tired to keep my eyes open.
I woke up a couple hours later. I looked at the clock. 11:48, I still have time for lunch. I got up and changed into the clothes Fred had bought me.

 I got up and changed into the clothes Fred had bought me

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Cameron's outfit ^

I walked out of the bathroom dressed, thanks to Fred I got to brush my teeth and hair. "Okay madam pomfrey im ready." I said as I got my stuff and gave her a hug. "Thank you" I whispered. "Cameron dear you will always have a special place in my heart." She whispered back.

I walked back to the great hall hoping I was in time for lunch. I stood the the big door way. I smiled when I saw Fred, Draco, Cedric, and Harry get up and run up to me. Draco ran faster (lol) when he got there he picked me up and swung me around. I giggled. "Put me down you git." I said as he put me down. I gave hugs all around. I was so happy they cared for me so much. "Thanks for the clothes." I told Fred as I hugged him. "Your welcome." He said as he smiled at me.

We got to the rest of the gryffindors as Ron, Hermione and Ginny gave me hugs. "Why the fuck would you do that!" Hermione said as she cried into my arms. "Sorry mione." I said as he played with her hair. "You scared the living daylight out of us." Ron said as I hugged him as well. "Yes you sure did." Ginny said. Draco and Cedric sat with the rest of the lot but of course they had me apart from George.

A part of me still wanted to see him but the other part of me didn't. Those two feelings stopped real quick.
George's POV:

I couldn't stand Cedric near her, I decided to take Fred's advice and date Angelina to see if she was the one or not. I stood up and walked over the Angelina who was 2 people down from me. I cleared my throat so only the gryffindor table could hear. Everyone looked up except for Cameron.

"I would like to make a very important announcement, Angelina mind if you stand up?" I asked her and she did. "Angelina Johnson I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" I asked. Now everyone was looking towards us, even Cameron. "Of course Georgie." Angelina she said hugging me.
Cameron's POV:
I stood up when Fred grabbed my wrist. "Don't do anything stupid Cam." He whispered "oh don't worry I won't." I smirked back. "Don't call him Georgie." I told Angelina. "Why not princess?" She asked. "Cause that's what I call him when we fuck." I said with a smile not showing them it affected me. I left Angelina with her mouth wide open. George than stood up. "I don't think about you anymore," "Sure you don't George." I said as I pointed down to his bulge. "Lunch's over. See you guys later." I said as I got up with Cedric and left the great hall like a badass. I looked back and saw everyone laughing while George had his hands on his neck and looked rather embarrassed. On the other hand Angelina looked like she was about to cry.

Did I care? Oh course not.

Was I sad that George was now dating Angelina? Yup.

But it's not like I cared. I think.

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