~Exam Results~

303 6 0

SMUT WARNING!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

"Cmon love let's go see how well you did on exams." George squealed as he pulled me off my chair and out the door.George grabbed my hand and pulled me past all the other students as we finally got to transfiguration. "Fingers crossed I passed" I said as I sat down next to George. "I know you did love." George said as he kissed the top of my head. "Good morning class, I hope you are all doing well. First off I will start by handing out exams back. Please read page 56 in your books as I pass them around." Professor mcgonnagal said as she took ahold of a stack of papers. I read and read the page and waited and waited for my paper.

Mcgonnagal finally came to George and I's table but only leaving 1 paper down. I jolted to look who the paper was for and quickly frowned my face. "Professor I believe you forgot my paper." I said as I sat down handing the paper to George since it was his. "Ah yes miss Black I would like for you to come see me after class" mcgonnagal said with a warm smile. I nodded and I knew something was wrong. "As well as you mr Reid" mcgonnagal continued. "Sure thing." Spencer said as he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I just groaned and slammed my head on the desk.
The class was soon over and students began to leave the class. Mcgonnagal called Spencer and I over to her desk. She handed me a paper and I looked at it. Merlins sake I almost fainted as I saw the 56% I had gotten. "I-uh there has to be a mistake." I stuttered.

"I'm afraid there is no mistake Miss black. This is the first exam you have failed since you came to hogwarts. That is why Professor Dumbledore and I have allowed you to retake the test next Friday which gives you a week and 3 days to study. Also mr Reid will be tutoring you as he got the highest grade in the class and in the rest of my classes." Mcgonnagal said giving us both smiles. "Thank you Professor" Spencer said for the both of us as I was lost for words. Spencer lead me out of the class room as I still couldn't feel my legs or talk.

"I- uh. I failed." I stuttered as Spencer put my head on his chest. "It's okay Cam it happens to all of us." Spencer said as he ran his hand on my hair. "It's never happened to me, I have to get to the library and study Cmon." I said as I looked at him a began to run to the library but soon stopped and looked back as I saw Spencer still standing with his arms crossed and chuckling. I walked back to him confused.

"Are you going to tutor me or not?"i huffed. "We'll start tomorrow morning after class." Spencer said as he looked at me. "What?! No. Late at night. Please, no one can know I failed the test Spencer NO ONE!" I said as I pulled him down by his collar. "Um okay than 10:30? Is that fine?" Spencer said as fear filled his eyes a bit. "Okay that's good but you can't tell anyone or I will tutor myself." I said as I let go of his tie and smoothed it back down. "Uh- yes mam" Spencer said a bit shocked. "Okay then buddy see you later" I cooed ask went to lunch. "We start tomorrow" Spencer yelled as I turned my heel to face him. I looked at his straight in the eyes and crossed my arms. "Tomorrow night see you there" Spencer said as a smirk came over my face.

I turned back around as I walked to the great hall. Oh how good it feels to be in control.

"Hey where did you go?" George said as he gave me a side hug as I sat down next to him. "Oh I had to talk to mcgonnagal. Don't worry" I said back as I gave the lot a smile. "So how did you do on your exam?" Hermione asked. "Oh um well mcgonnagal had dropped coffee on my and Spencer's exam so we have to retake it" I said trying to sound like that was the actual problem. "Oh, did she tell you what you got on it?" Hermione continued. "She didn't even get to check it because it was all wet." I chuckled.

"Well got to go." I said as I looked at my wrist and got up from my seat and walked out of the great hall. Why did I look at my wrist?! I don't even have a watch!!! I though to myself as I got to my next class.
It was finally time for the last class of the day. I sat down at the back of the class today at potions because I didn't feel like sitting in front. "Hey love" I said as George sat down with me. "Hey darning" he replied as he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "What's up with you today?" George asked me as he put his hand behind my back and started to rub up and down. "Just a bit stressed." I said as professor Flitwick walked inside the classroom. "Here let me help." George said as he took his hand off my back and onto my thigh.

My breathing got heavy and out of pace. George than moved his hand up higher up to my core. "George not now" I managed to say as George moved my underwear to the side and started to rub my folds. "Shhhh darling you don't want anyone to hear do you?" He said with a smirk. George than began to rub my clit, I rolled my head back a little bit and through my hand over my mouth. "Fuck" I whispered as George pumped in 2 fingers into me. Going at a faster pace I felt a knot form. "Imma cum George" I whispered as I threw my head back a little.

Than I felt that knot disappear. I caught my breath as I looked at George. "Why did you stop George?" I said as I fixed my skirt. "Hm?" He said with a smirk. "George Weasley im going to have you begging for me to fuck you later" I said as I slammed my book shut and got up and left the classroom as professor Flitwick had finished the lesson.

Best Friends With Benefits( G.W )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora