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It's been a couple days since George made his little announcement and to be honest George and Angelina were never together anymore. If there was a party then they would come together but separate durning it. In a couple hours we would be on the train going back for a week. And great Harry and I are spending it with the Weasleys. Don't get me wrong I love them but George invited Angelina.

This week is going to be fun.

7:06 am
Cameron's POV:

I woke up today really excited to go see Sirius and Remus. I haven't seen them since I was in the hospital wing. I've been doing better actually, and Cedrics been helping me. Cedric and I have been spending way more time together and I wasn't complaining. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend but I'm sure it's coming soon.

I got dressed and headed down to the common room.

I got dressed and headed down to the common room

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"Cedric!" I yelled as I ran towards him. "Hey Cam." He said as he swung me around a bit before putting me down.

"What are you doing here. I thought we were meeting in the great hall like every morning." "Well I wanted to surprise you. And let me just tell you that you look amazing." "Why thank you." I said as my face turned bright red.

Cedric and I sat down on the couch cause I was waiting for Harry and the rest of the lot. I heard someone come down the stairs and as I looked up it was Fred and George Weasley.


"Hey guys." I said as I got up and gave them hugs. "Hey Cameron, hey Cedric." Fred said. "Hey Cameron can I talk to you real quick?" George asked me. "Um sure-" I said as he pulled me up the stairs into his room. He locked the door. "What's up George." I said as I sat on his bed. "You look really pretty today." He said as he sat with me. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." "Cameron I need you to know that I'm only dating Angelina to get you off my mind but that hasn't been working." George said as he held my hands. "George I'm sorry but you broke your promis-" I stopped talking when George out his lips with mine.

I couldn't help but kiss him back, I've been waiting to feel him again. I pulled back. "Wait you have a girlfriend George." "Oh fuck Angelina I want you understand that please." He said as laid me down on the bed as he hovered over me. "George." "Yes my love?" I tried to talk but George was kissing and biting my neck. I sat up, "Ok look George I'll forgive you but we really have to get back. There going to be wondering where we went off to." "I got up and looked in the mirror. "Shit."

"George you left a hickey on my neck you idiot!" I said as I went into my purse and pulled out my foundation. I applied some on the hickey. "Okay come on." We went back stairs to see everyone there. "Hey guys let's go." I said as I held Cedrics hand and walked out of the common room.

"Where'd you go?" Cedric whispered to me. "Oh George just wanted to apologize to me for the other day. Don't worry though." I said as I laid my head on his arm as we got to the great hall.

I know I shouldn't kiss George and tell Cedric we only talked but how was I supposed to know he was going to kiss me?!"

I sat down in between Fred and George like we did before. Hermione next to Ron and Harry and Ginny next to Harry. Cedric sat with the rest of the hufflepuffs which I didn't mind at all. I was eating when I felt someone hands on me. I looked up and saw George with a smirk. His hand kept going higher and higher.

I cleared my throat as I pushed his hand away. "Ok guys the train leaves in 45 minutes. I'll be right back okay? Finish up so we can get a spot on the train." I walked over to the hufflepuff table and put my hands over Cedrics eyes. "Hey lovely" he said as he took my hands off. "Hey, imma miss you." I said as I hugged him.

"Me too. But before you leave I need to ask you a very important question."

Is he going to ask me out?!

"Cameron Black I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I said as I hugged him. "Great, I've been wanting to tell you but just didn't know how." "Trust me I've been waiting for you to ask me." I giggled. "Well I got to go and say bye to Draco but I'll see you in a week" I smiled. I started to walk away when, "Cameron wait." Cedric yelled. "Yeah?" I was soon cut off when Cedric kissed me.

I was shocked but kissed him back, his hands around my waist pulling me in. I pulled back. "Mmmm" I said as I hugged him one last time and walked off.

I walked over to Draco and sat with him. Hey Blaise hey Pansy. "Hey" they said together. "Diggory huh?" Draco asked. "Maybe." I smirked "oh please the whole hall just was you snogging him." His chuckled. I gave him a sarcastic smile. "Well I got to go but I'll see you in a week." I said as I hugged the 3. I made my way back to the lot. "Alrighty let's go on the train, where's George and Fred?" I asked as I looked around for them. "Fred and Katie aren't on good terms right now and George is telling Angelina she can't come anymore." Ginny said as she patted down her clothes.

A week without Angelina? What but why was George telling his girlfriend she can't come no more? Doesn't matter I didn't care.

The twins came back but I didn't want to ask. "That's it, I no longer have a girlfriend." Fred said as he slid his hands on his face.

"What happened?" Ron asked. "She was just distant so I broke up with her."
"Oh nice story but we really have to get on the train." I said as I motioned my hands out the door.

With that George came back, I pulled him aside. "You okay George?" "Yeah I just can't have her around me it just stresses me out so I told her she can't come no more." I tried not to look or sound excited. "Oh. Come on we can talk about what we get on the train." We all got on the train, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry were in a separate compartment and Fred, George and I were in another.

"So mate, you still taken or you single?" George asked Fred. "I'm single, Katie bell doesn't want anything to do with me." Fred sighed. "What about you George?" Fred now asked. "I'll be back." I said as I stood up but hid around the corner making sure I can listen but not be seen.

"My girlfriends always bitching cause I always sleep in, she's always screaming when she's talking with her friends." George finished. "Cameron's hotter though."Fred said. "Yeah shes hotter though." I couldn't help but smirk.

I walked back in as if I didn't hear anything. I pulled out my book and began reading as I avoided eye contact with the others. Fred shut the door and pulled down the blinds. George sat by my right and Fred on my left. I looked up, "hey guys can I help you?" "Actually Cameron instead of reading why don't we play some truth or dare but with some veritaserum." Fred said with a smirk as he held up the potion.

"I don't really wanna play." "Oh come on Cameron, it's not like Cedric with hear or anything." George whispered in my ear. "Fine but what we say stays here and is not to be mentioned." I said as I crossed my arms. "Yay!" The Twins shouted as they took a drink of the potion. I took a sip and had the sudden urge to say everything. And I mean everything.

Best Friends With Benefits( G.W )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt