~Hot Headed~

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Cameron's POV:

"Hey love are you going to go see me today?" George asked as he put on his quidditch jersey. "Um if I have time" I replied. "What do you mean?" George said as he looked at me. "Well I have to go to the library with Spenc-" I quickly stopped talking. "Spencer?" George asked quiet sternly now crossing his arms. "Is that who you've been going to the library with?" He continued. "He's been helping me with something George" I said rolling my eyes as I put my shoes on. "What's he helping you with?!" George yelled at me. " I can't tell you!" I yelled back. George scoffed and slammed the door shut. Leaving me in my dorm alone. As much as I wanted to tell him I was failing I just couldn't get myself to doing so.

I finished getting ready and headed out to the game. Not to see George but because everyone was there and I would have been the only one who wouldn't. I sat down with the rest of the lot. I saw George fly by me as he smiled at me. I just looked at him and looked away. Then I saw Draco and Spencer as they waved to me so I waved back. I looked back to see George with his fists clenched.

The whistle soon blew as the game started. Around 20 mintiera after the game had started I saw George hit a bludger towards Spencer. "Spencer!" I yelled as I ran down to his body on the floor. The whistle than blew once more. "Game paused!" Madam hooch yelled out as all players came back down on the floor. "Spencer are you okay?" I asked him as I kneeled over him. "Yeah just think I broke my arm" he replied as he winced as he sat up. "What the hell were you thinking?!" I yelled out to George who was coming over to me. "He'll be fine Cameron!" George yelled back. "You care about him to much. If that were me you would have done nothing" he continued. "Your being ridiculous George! You've never gotten hurt before so you don't know what I would have done. And I'm sorry for caring for a friend" I blurted out as I walked with Spencer off the field. "A friend yeah right." He scoffed. "Where the fuck are you going?" I heard him yelled at me. "It's none of your problem" I yelled back.

"You should really go back." Spencer said as he looked at me. "Don't even start with me, he's being dramatic, and immature." I said as I crossed my arms.

6 hours later-

I got back to the common room as I had just finished dropping Spencer off to his dorm after eating some dinner. I sighed as I walked up to my dorm. I open the door to see George laying on my bed. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as I kicked off my shoes and hung up my coat. "Your my girlfriend and I just wanted to see you" George said as he sat up. "After what you pulled?" I scoffed. "That was immature of you Weasley" I continued. "You care about him to much. I'm your boyfriend I should be the one helping you in the library not that son of a bitch!"

"So you did all of this just because I go to the library with Spencer? You know why I go to the library every single night?! Why I come back so fucking late?! Why Spencer goes with me to the library?! Do you really want to know?!" I yelled at him as tears started to run down my face. "Yes I really want to!" He yelled back.

"I'm failing a class, Spencer is tutoring me. I have a couple of days before I retake the exam." I said as I started to cry. "Love-" George said as he walked over to me. "No. What you did was selfish of you George." I said as I opened the door and closed it back up as I went down stairs.

11:56 pm

George's POV:

I lay in Cameron's bed waiting for her while the fight we had just had kept replaying over and over and over again in my head. It was selfish of me to do that to Spencer without knowing what they were doing. And why hasn't she  gone to bed?

I got up as I put on a hoodie as I went downstairs. "Love?" I whispered as I tiptoed down to the sofa and there she was. Laying down on the couch as she cried. "Cameron love what are you doing down here?" I asked her as I moved the pillow and laid her head on my lap as I smoothed her hair.

"We got in a fight so I figured that you wanted some space" she said as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. I lifted her chin up so she was looking at me. "Bub, the last thing I would ever want you to do is not sleep and cuddle with me" I said as I kissed her forehead. "Now come on let's go" I continued as she got up. "I love you, you know that?" I asked her as we walked back to her dorm. "And I love you even more and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you what was going-" she rambled. I quickly kissed her to make her stop talking. "Wow, I love when you shut me up like that" she sighed. "We'll talk later okay?" I continued with a chuckle as we both got into bed.

She laid her head on my chest as she traced small shapes on my bare chest as I put her leg over my legs and rubbed her thigh. We soon fell asleep as we cuddled closer than ever.

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