Black and White Hero (My Hero...

By Gale4Lifes

253K 5.2K 2.6K

(Y/N) (L/N). Someone that like to help peoples but don't like to be helped. He have friend but never hang out... More

Entrance Exam
Hero Training
Class Rep
Sports Festival
I can't
Mid Term Test
(Y/N)'s Information
School Trip
Test of Courage
Another Attack
Special Moves
License II
Fallen Angel
Unexpected Guest
Special Day
The End of Labyrinth
I'll never die... Until I've been forgotten
True Identity
Hero Too
Phone Call
The Strongest Jujutsu Student
Problem Solved
New Work
All The Cards Are in Place
Special Chapter (Q&A Chapter)
The Battle Between Son & Father
Flawless Victory


5.3K 141 55
By Gale4Lifes

Festival Day
Class 1-A waiting room
Deku POV

Iida: Everyone, are your preparation ready!? We're set to entet in no time!!

Kirishima: We have one missing person...

All: Where the hell is (Y/N)?!!

Kaminari: That guy always late.

Kyoka: I think he think we don't stand a chance against him so he didn't come so there is chance for us.

Bakugou:*scary face* Huh!? Did you just said I don't stand a chance against him?!

Kyoka: Nothing!

Todoroki: Midoriya.

Me:*look at Todoroki* What is it Todoroki...?

Todorki: On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in all terms of practical strength.

Me: Wha...? Uh... Yeah...

Todoroki: You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you, right? I feel no need to pry for that but... I'm going to beat you.

Kaminari: Oho!? What is this? Declaration of war from the second strongest kid in the class!!?

Kirishima:*put hand on Todoroki shoulder* What is with the belligerence all of a sudden!? Don't spring this on him right before-

Todoroki: I'm not here to play nice and make friends, but whatever.

Me: I have no idea what do you want from me... Telling me all that... You're definitely stronger than me... I think only (Y/N) who can defeat you... Looking at it objectively....

Kirishima: C'mon Midoriya, don't be so negative....

Me: Even so...!! Everyone even from other departments are aiming for the top with all their might! So not even I can just let myself lag behind the rest! So I'm going to go for it! With all my might, too!

Todoroki: Ooh.

Suddenly the door of the room open. We look at the door and see (Y/N) wearing P.E clothes like all of us and there is headphone around his neck.

(Y/N):*yawn* Sorry, I'm late.

All: Where the hell did you go in the time like this?!

(Y/N): Hmm? This is festival, right? Of course I enjoy the festival first before come here.

All: You go shopping?!!

(Y/N): Yeah, why?

Kaminari: Did he really doesn't feel nervous?

Me: I don't think he know what is the meaning of nervous.

(Y/N): Yeah, whatever. They will call us shortly. Hope you guys are ready to defeat me.

Kaminari: He really understimate us.


Deku:*nervous face* Wh-Whoa... So many people. How do you supposed to go all out if everyone in the arena is watching you?

Me:*take off the headphone* Not just in arena, but the whole country.

I said while looking around the arena. There is lot of audience just like I expect.

Kirishima: Woah! I already feel nervous right now! How about you, Bakugou?

Bakugou: Nervous? Are you a coward or what?

We stop walking in front of a platform in the middle of arena. Midnight is standing on the platform.

Midnight: Now, now, fair play!!

Me:*yawn* Her costume is not suitable to be shown in public.

Half of all students: Agree.

The other half: Not agree!

Midnight: Silence! My tenure here is perfectly on the level!! Now, player rep!! (Y/N) (L/N) of 1-A!!

I start to walk to the platform without saying anything.

Deku POV

Me: (Y/N) is our represantative?!

Kirishima: He placed first in the entrance exam, remember?

Girl from other class: Yeah, the heroics entrance exam.

Me:*look at (Y/N)* But when I think back, (Y/N) is suitable to give speech or something.

All of us then look at (Y/N) who is already standing in front of the microphone.

(Y/N):*look at the sky* The sun is shining brightly today.

All: WHAT THE HELL?!!?!!

All Might POV

Me:*chuckle* Your son really know how to give speech, Akari.

Akari:*chuckle* He just lazy. If he's in the mood, his speech will be incredible.

Nezu:*smile* He really don't like to talk. His personality is really different than you.

Akari: I don't know where did he got that personality.


Iida: At least say something that related to this festival!!

All: He's right!!

Me: Hmm? What I said just now is really related to the festival.

All: What the hell?!

Me: When I said "the sun is shining brightly", it means today is the day that we have a chance to shine. Not everyday we can show our true perfomance, but today, in this festival, all of us have chance to show our true perfomance and shine. Don't let your nervousness disturb you to shine. It's now or never. Don't waste your chance.

After I done, I start to walk down from the stage. Everyone in the arena start to cheer for me.

Iida: You got us there.

Me: It's basic of giving speech.

??? POV

???: Nice speech he got there.

???: So that is our target, huh? He looks like average guy to me. Why boss wants him badly?

???: He's not average guy. He defeated Nomu alone.

???: Hmm... Interesting.

All Might POV

Me: Now that is what we call incredible speech!!

Nezu:*chuckle* I really suprised he can give speech like that.

Akari: (Y/N) is full of miracle.

Snipe: But he's still dangerous if he lost control.

Me: Don't be like that, Snipe. Me and Aizawa will make sure he didn't lost control.


Midnight: We have heard wonderful speech from our player rep, now we can move directly to the main event! This year's first round of destiny is....

The screen behind her show the first event. It's obstacle race.

Deku: An obstacle race...!!

All my classmates look at me.

Me: Don't worry. I'll not use my light speed. I want to make it fair amd square.

I said and start to walk to the starting line. All the students start to do the same thing.

Me*thought*: 4km course. 11 classes. It will be too crowd for me to use my light speed. Looks like I need to use my own speed.


ll my classmates: (Y/N)!! I'll defeat you!! No matter what!!

Me:*smirk* Lets see if that is true.


I dash forward and leaving a strong shockwave behind. Now I'm in the first. I continue to run and leave all the students behind.

???: We won't let you go away just like that, two sided!!!

I turn around and see all my classmates try to catch up with me.

Me: I should really suck you guys into my black hole.

Suddenly Mineta jump at me and try to use his quirk to stick my leg to the ground.

Mineta: Yo-

I instantly grab his face and throw him back to the large group.

Me:*continue running* I don't like troublemaker.

I look in front and instantly stop aftet see a group of big robots is blocking the way.

Me: Just this?

I jump at one of the robot with a black hole in my right palm.

Me: Dissapear!!

I swing my right palm at the robot's face and the robot's face instantly gone. I land behind the robot and continue running.

Me: Good luck on handling all the robots on your own!

Bakugou: You bastard!!

Little Timeskip

Me: The mine field, huh? Looks like UA really want to kill us.

Todoroki: If you don't want to continue running, I'll be ahead of you.

He said and start to run.

Me: Not so fast.

Suddenly a black hole appear in front of him. He accidentally enter the black hole. I then make a white hole far away from me. After I done, I use my light power to fly across the mine field.

Todoroki POV

Me:*punch the ground* Dammit! I forgot about his black hole! Now I'm falling behind!


After I fly across the mine field, I continue to run. As I'm running, suddenly I heard lot of explosion from behind. I look behind and see Bakugou is using his quirk to catch up with me.

Bakugou: Where do you think you're going, two sided?!

He arrive beside me. I catch his face and throw him back to the mine field.

Bakugou: You bastard!!!

He dash at me again but I catch his face again and throw him to the mine field again.

Bakugou: I'll kill you!!!

He dash at me again and try to attack me.

Me:*dodge the attack while running* The hell are you thinking? This is race.

Suddenly a large explosion occur from behind. Me and Bakugou look behind and see Deku on the midair while holding a sign board. When he close enough to us, he try to swing the sign board to the ground.

Deku: I'm the one that will-

Me: Lose.

I catch his leg and throw him to Bakugou. I then continue to run to the finish line. I then finally arrive at the finish line.

Present Mic: Our unstoppable competitor have arrived at the finish line!!!

Everyone start to cheer at me.

Me: That was easy.

Bakugou and Todoroki then arrived at the finish line.

Bakugou: You bastard!! Can you stop throwing us to the back?!!

Me: I just teleport that two face away. Not throw him.

Bakugou&Todoroki: It's still the same!!!

Deku arrived at the finish line shortly after.

Deku: You throw me to Kacchan!

Me: And you want to use the signboard to make a shockwave and throw me away.

Deku: How do you know that?!

Me: I'm not an idiot.

Deku&Bakugou&Todoroki: You're cheating!! You throw anyone that close to you to the back!!

Me: Cheating? Before the race start, there is no one tell us even one rule. That means, there is no rules in this race. As long as I don't hurt anyone, I'm not cheating.

Bakugou: I'll..... Kill you...!!!

Todoroki:*sigh* I can't believe I still lost although you didn't use your light speed.

Deku: Since you're fast thinker, I'm not suprised you'll figured out my plan.

Me: Don't understimate me.

Little Timeskip

Midnight: So it's over! Looks like our promising newcomer has conquered the first place in the race! The 42 at the top have earned the right to advance!!! I'm sorry for the kids who failed, but take heart! The festival's showstopper is still being prepared! And now for the post preliminaries, the final selection! From here on out, even the press corps will teem in a white heat of excitement, so go all out!! Now then, it's time to reveal the next event!! I already know what will it be, but the suspense is killin-

Me:*yawn* Just show us already.

The screen behind her then reveal the next event.

Me: Human cavalry, huh? Sounds boring.

Asui: But that is not a game that works with players as individuals. How will it work?

Midnight: You can all form 2 to 4 persons teams freely and form a horse back configuration. Basically it's the same rules as a normal human cavalry battle: Swipe enemy riders' headbands and guard your own. Except for one thing... Everyone will receive points based on their perfomance in the last trial.

Me: So the point value of each human war horse will change base on who is in it.

Midnight: Don't say what I was gonna say before I can!!! But, yes. That is right!! And the number of points you're worth will be 5 points if you placed 42nd. 10 if you are 41st, 15 for 40th place, and so on. With the exception of 1st place, whose head is worth 10 million points!!!

Everyone start to look at me.

Me:*yawn* Continue staring at me if you want to blind.

Suddenly my body start to shine brightly.


My body then stop shining.

Me: Midnight-sensei, I have request.

Midnight: Hmm? What is it?

Me: I want to make this event more interesting. Divide my ten million point to 41 students that also passed the first trial. I'll enter the battlefield the last five second before the match end and I'll try to collect my ten million points back.

Everyone in the arena gasped after hearing my suggestion.

Midnight:*smirk* You really like challenge, don't you?

Me: No pain no gain.

Midnight: Alright!! We'll proceed with (Y/N)'s suggestion!!


Me: We'll see who will be on the top for this battle.

To be continue...

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