My Hybrid Troubles

By IvyBuse

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*This is Purely fantasy* I'm Rose. I am 50% witch, about 25% vampire and about 25% she-wolf (Werewolf). My fa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chaper 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 79

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By IvyBuse

————————Ivy's POV————————

(Three Months Pass)

It's crazy that just over 3 months ago I gave birth to Lyath. The past two weeks have been wonderful but I'm not used to how calm it is... There is almost nothing good that accompanies a calm like this. I feel that there is no better time to define right now as being 'the calm before the storm'...

I still find it crazy that Lyath has such good control of his powers. I sure as hell didn't and from the few stories I remember my grandfather told me before he joined our ancestors, my father didn't either. To be realistic, I doubt very many, if any, members of my extended family had very good control over their powers...

Sasha sighs and I look at her smiling while tickling Lyath relentlessly. She smiles back and shakes her head laughing. I stop tickling Lyath, gently setting him on the floor after checking that all the hazards are blocked. Then I cuddle into Sasha, wishing this moment could last forever... Obviously, it gets ruined when Reiya huffs, stomping down the stairs. Both Sasha and I glance at her sharing the same thought, she's 100% pregnant...

"Uh... Reiya..? How about you bring us Mia and uhm, make a quick stop at the convenience store..." She glares at me, stomps back upstairs then practically shoves Mia into my arms.

"Yea... Sweetie, you need to go buy something special..." Reiya looks at Sasha confused, "Sweets, you need to go buy a pregnancy test. I have a feeling you'll test positive..."

Reiya takes a deep threatening breath and glares at both Sasha and I then storms off (hopefully to get a test...).

I set down Mia then Lyath runs over clumsily, and the two of them start chasing each other around the room. They trip many times but it just seems to make them laugh more. Also, I've recently been wondering if Lyath's wolf has emerged as a part of him. If he has, I wonder what coat colour it'll end up being... It's not like I'd find out for another fifteen and 3/4 years...

————————Reiya's POV————————

They really just said that, seriously?! Jeez! They need to calm their tits... I'm not fucking pregnant already..! Well... I guess it is possible, and actually... quite probable... may or may not have been a little unsafe lately...

Forcing out a breath I march into the store and grab the best pregnancy test I can find. Before heading to the cashier tho... I go find some mint chip ice cream. What..? Can't a possibly pregnant woman indulge a little!? Finally deciding to stop procrastinating I approach the cash and toss the test on the counter, hesitantly followed by my ice cream which I gently pat first.

"It's going to cost $20.00, how will you be paying today..?" The cashier rolls his eyes as I hand him a $20.00 bill then snatch my purchases up. "... Uh... have a good day, miss..."

As I walk off, I allow my eyes to turn cat-like then turn to him and hiss, warning him to watch his attitude. Let's just say I will go to necessary precautions to make sure he learns his lesson. Heading home quickly, a deep nervous sensation filled my gut.

Soon making it back I rush to the kitchen tucking away my pride and joy ice cream into a hiding spot hidden pretty well if I don't say so myself! Then ignoring Ivy and Sashas eyes on me, I rushed up to the washroom, taking the test and waiting was the most stressful and nervous thing ever... Waiting as it soon was processing I looked over when the minutes were up on my timer.....

Fuck they were right...

I am...


--------------Oak's POV--------------

Just under a half-hour has passed since I sensed my Ray was very annoyed. Being respectful of her privacy, I had not poked around trying to figure out what put her in that mood. Currently, though I can feel that she is dealing with a few intense emotions that I can't make much sense of. I know she doesn't feel like she's going to get hurt and she does have quite a large amount of excitement about something. Grabbing my phone I decide to poke around a little because she seems to believe she shouldn't tell people about something right away.

(Text Conversation)

"You seem to be brimming with excitement... Care to share some with me? What's been going on today cus I haven't really heard from you Ray. Hope you respond and visit soon!"


"Hey Oak! Of course, I'll explain why I'm so excited but you're gonna have to wait until I can tell you in person! 😋 Is your schedule open right now?"


"Pfff, is my schedule open? Ha! Ray, you should know by now that I can make room for you at any time, anywhere 😉"


"🤦🏻‍♀️Calm it down lmao. I'll be over soon but, maybe you need to take a cold shower first... 😆"


"Ohoho... We both know you'd love to help me and I can wait the few minutes it takes for you to get here 😏"


(Text Conversation Over)

...She left me on read... damn

Does she really want to play that game? 'Cus it takes two to tango... and we both know we've got the moves...

(10 minutes pass)

I glance out my window getting worried, Reiya's never late without a reason. She should be here by now and I felt her in distress just a minute ago... Fucking hell, I should have gone to check on her as soon as she started feeling uneasy! Where is she..? Is she going to be okay?

Pacing my room, I reach out with my mind trying to find her consciousness. What if somebody drugged her? Or knocked her out? Or both? Ugh... I guess I now know how Ivy felt when Sasha went missing. But, is she actually missing or just running strangely late..?

-----------Delua's POV------------

(20 minutes earlier)

I'm just waiting for my target, the mefwa by the name of Reiya, to exit the house. To be honest, I'm not sure how she couldn't tell that she was pregnant... I mean can she not smell the difference? Shouldn't she have an even better sense of smell than me..? Pfff, whatever, she's walking down the driveway. While maintaining a good distance, I follow behind her. Hopefully, there's a good opportunity to snag her before she gets to vampy's place.

Still gotta admit tho, vampy is hot as hell... gah! Why must I be so unfocused!?

Looking up ahead I see the Coven house entering my sight and know my time to complete this bounty could be wearing thin. Guess I'm going to have to wing it, or at least wing this abduction... Exhaling, I reach into my deepest hidden pocket and pull out a syringe. Here goes nothing! Quickly I eliminate the space between me and my target, swiftly injecting the anesthetic and mind fogging drug. Glancing around I smirk, there are no witnesses, awesome...

Now I need to get her to the pick-up location, preferably unharmed... if I remember correctly... Here I come pay-day! This went surprisingly well! Slinging the mefwa over my shoulder, I check my phone for the location and begin the short walk. Once I get there I shrug her off, only assuring her abdomen is completely unharmed and start dialling the number from the bounty.

After making a few attempts at getting someone to pick up the phone, I decide to leave a brief message. The message I leave isn't too shady sounding so I don't call again. Gotta stay here until she's picked up... Who woulda guessed that Reiya, the murdering Mefwa, could be caught so easily!

Reiya doesn't even twitch as I slide down the building's wall, taking a seat beside her unconscious figure...

Or so I thought...

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