π‘Ίπ’˜π’π’“π’… 𝑨𝒓𝒕 π‘Άπ’π’π’Šπ’οΏ½...

By Guardian_Angel-21

113K 3K 932

In the year 2022, the VRMMO game "Sword Art Online" trapped 10,000 players in a death game. This is the story... More

Chapter 1: Disappointment
Chapter 2: Hidden Log Out
Chapter 3: God of War
Chapter 4: The Way of the Sword
Chapter 5: Swordswoman
Chapter 6: First Dungeon
Chapter 7: Party of 3
Chapter 8: Beater
Chapter 9: BlackSmith
Chapter 10: Act of Kindness
Chapter 11: Night Terrors
Chapter 12: The Fall and Rise of Guilds
Chapter 13: Black Cats
Chapter 14: No Place Like...
Chapter 15: The Trap Room
Chapter 16: Best Gift
Chapter 17: Christmas Renegade
Chapter 18: War and Lightning
Chapter 19: Murder in the Safe Zone
Chapter 20: Illusionary Avenger
Chapter 21: PinkSmith
Chapter 22: Mission Failed
Chapter 23: Sword Dance of Slayer and Knight
Chapter 25: Duel and Broken Souls
Chapter 26: Love Conquers All
Chapter 27: I Love You [πŸ‹]
Chapter 28: My Heart is Yours
Chapter 29: Edge of Hell's Abyss
Chapter 30: The End of the World
Chapter 31: Another Lifetime
Chapter 32: ALfheim Online
Chapter 33: Goblin Slayer
Chapter 34: Monsters
Chapter 35: Prison Break
Chapter 36: Slay Them All
Chapter 37: Worthy
Chapter 38: A Warrior's Heart
Chapter 39: Memory Lane
Chapter 40: Reunion
Chapter 41: Peace
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 0
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 1
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 2

Chapter 24: Giant Goblin

2.3K 74 6
By Guardian_Angel-21

(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it.

3rd Person POV



-October 18, 2024 - 74th Floor - Dungeon -

The party members pant as they reach the safe zone inside the dungeon. The chestnut-haired swordswoman leaned on the wall and slid down until she sat on the floor. The armored beater took a seat next to her and his breathing slowed down faster than hers.

Asuna: That one's gonna be tough.

Ares:......Yeah... I only saw the big club, but it will most likely have special attacks.

Asuna: We'll have to put tanks in the front row and keep switching.

Ares: ....Around ten shield users would be enough.

Asuna:  Yeah... Anyway, it's later than I'd hoped, but let's eat.

She says as she opens her menu and takes out a picnic basket with wrapped lunches.

Asuna: You better take your gloves off first.

He nods and does as told, she hands him the wrapped lunch.

Asuna: Here you go!

Ares: ...Thank you.

He begins to remove the chin piece that reveals his mouth and jaw. He takes a bite and chews the delicious food made by the swordswoman.

Ares:...How long have you studied for?

Asuna: A year of training and study. Aincrad has around one hundred seasonings. To make it, I calculated all the parameters the flavor-recreation engine uses. This uses grogua seed, shugra leaf, and calim water.

She takes a bottle from the basket and pours a little onto the swordsman's hands. He sips the liquid and looks surprised.

Ares:....I almost forgot what mayonnaise tasted like.

Asuna: This uses abilba seed, sag leaves, and ulafish bone.

She again pours the liquid onto his cupped hand and he sips it.

Ares: ...Soy sauce?

Asuna: I made the sauce for the sandwich with these.

Ares:....You really are amazing.

Asuna: *Giggle* So how long ago did you stop cooking?

Ares:.... About a month or two ago...I accidentally blew up a cake once.

Asuna: *Giggle* Guess I should be the one to stick to cooking, huh?

Ares:.....Maybe, you much better at it than me...

The girl looks at him and could see something weighing him down. Could it be about what happened 3 months ago? At the Laughing Coffin raid?

Asuna:....Hey, Ares-

Ares: Someone is coming.

They both get up and put their hands on their weapons. Walking through the barrier into the safe zone, the Fuurinkazan and Moonlit Black cats walked in with a tired aura around them. The guild leader of the samurai guild looked up and saw the two clearers.

Klein: Oh, hey! Ares!

The party of two release their guard and release a sigh.

Ares: Klein...I'm surprised to see you still alive.

Klein: Hey, come on man!

Kirito: The one's that should be surprised is us. You know, you being a solo player on the frontlines.

Said the black swordsman who walked alongside the red-haired samurai. They both notice the chestnut-haired swordswoman standing next to the beater.

Klein: Woah, hey. How you doing Asuna, it's been a while.

Asuna: Nice to see you two again. It does seem like forever since we last spoke.

Kirito: What you two doing up here? Especially together?

Klein: That's what I was thinking. Didn't you two split ways on floor 60?

Asuna: We did...But we are temporarily partying together.

Kirito: ....Cool. Good to know this helmet head won't get himself killed by playing solo.

Ares:...Like you're one to talk.

Kirito: H-Hey! What's that supposed to mean-

Before the conversation could continue, the sound of armored feet walking towards them was heard. They look back and see an exhausted army walking into the safe zone.

Ares: The Aincrad Liberation Army.

Klein: Yeah, that's the big guild that runs the first floor.

Kirito: What are they doing up here?

Ares: They took heavy damage clearing the 25th floor, so they've been focused on strengthening their guild rather than clearing levels.

Asuna: They stopped showing up on the front lines.

Corvatz: At ease!

Said the leader of the group, while the soldiers behind him fall to the group in tiredness. The leader walks towards the group of players ahead and introduces himself.

Corvatz: I am Lieutenant Colonel Corvatz of the Aincrad Liberation Army.

Ares:....Ares, solo player.

Corvatz: Have you cleared the area up ahead?

Ares:...Yes, we have a map up to the boss room.

Corvatz: Then I'd like you to give us that map data.

Klein: For free? Do know how much of a pain in the ass mapping is?

Corvatz: We share information and resources equally with civilian players! And we maintain order in battle to liberate all players from this game as quickly as possible! Thus, you have a duty to help us!

Asuna: Listen...

Klein: You bastard..

The armored beater raises his hand in a stopping movement to calm the people behind him.

Ares: Halt.....I planned on sharing the data with everyone when I returned to town. I don't mind sharing it earlier than planned.

Klein: Come on, you're being way too nice to them, dude.

Ares:.......I don't care about making money off of map data. The safety of shared knowledge is more important.

He says as he opens his menu and sends the map information to the Lieutenant Colonel.

Corvatz: Thank you for your cooperation.

The armored guild player began to walk in the direction that leads to the boss room.

Ares:....If you plan to pick a fight with the boss, I'd recommend against it.

Corvatz: That is my decision to make.

Ares:.....We took a look inside and I guarantee you that none of your men will survive. They already are half dead... Go inside and their blood will be on your hands.

Corvatz: My men aren't so weak as to give in this easily! Stand up, men!

The soldiers groan as they get up and begin to follow their leader as they exit the safe zone. The party and two guilds watch as the army gets farther and farther away.

Klein: Are they gonna be okay?

Asuna: I don't think they'd be foolish enough to rush the boss.

Ares:.....We should follow....Just in case.

The beater began to walk as the guilds follow him, ready to battle. Meanwhile the samurai, black swordsman, and lightning flash stay behind, watching as he walks away.

Klein: Sometimes that guy seems like the main protagonist of an anime...He's so cool.

Kirito: Yeah......Take care of him Asuna, we both know what he is capable of but, at one point...It might not be enough.

Asuna:......Don't worry, I will.


The lizard mob exploded into crystals as the samurai finished his attack with a pose.

Klien: I think that's the last of them.

Sachi: The only thing left is the boss room.

Kirito: Maybe they used an item to go back?

Before anyone could respond, a scream could be heard from the boss room's direction.

Ares: Asuna!

She nodded and they both dashed towards the boss room, before the others could join, more mobs began to spawn. The party members kept running and could hear the screams from inside the boss room. They could see the open doors of the boss room and the players fighting inside.

Asuna: Idiots!

They reach the entrance but don't enter. Inside they could see the small army fighting against the giant goblin. Most of the players were on the floor, injured and with their health bar in red. One of the boss's 4 health bar was depleted, but that didn't stop the beast to continue attacking.

Ares: Warp out! Now!

???: We can't... The c-crystals won't work!

Asuna: There hasn't been a boss room with a trap like this before.

The giant beast continues to slash against the players who only back up to dodge, its club and fast reflexes make it hard to land a hit.

Corvatz: The Liberation Army never retreats! Fight! Fight!

Ares: Those fools...

Klein: Hey what's going on!

Kirito: Why aren't they warping out!

Ares: It's a trap, just like the room on floor 27th floor.

Asuna: If we go in, we might be able to get them out, but...

Klein: Can't we do anything?

Memories of the room that trapped the beater began to flood back into his head. The nonstop fighting, the endless amounts of enemies, all those feelings began to enrage him.

Corvatz: Charge!

Asuna: Don't do it!

The men did as ordered and charged the beast, only for its club to strike them and send them flying. One player was thrown towards the exit, Corvatz landed hard against the ground. His helmet exploded into crystals, revealing the tears in his eyes.

Corvatz: Impossible.

His body exploded into crystals, signifying his death. The players looked in horror, as another life was taken by this game.

Asuna: *Whisper* No...

A scream grabbed the player's attention and saw another player about to be attacked by the green giant.

Asuna: No... I can't... I can't let them die...

The beast raised its weapon and the swordswoman grabbed the handle of her blade.

Asuna: No!

She dashed into the room and jumped into the air, striking the beast multiple times in the back, causing it to stop its attack on the player.

Ares: Asuna!

He ran into the room while pulling out his blade. The other two guild leaders look at each other and shrug before they enter the room as well. The beast turned around while the second in command was still in the air, he swung his club at her making her spin. After that, he punched her making her crash to the ground.

She looked up and saw the beast swinging his club down at her. Suddenly, the beater pushed the club mid-air with his shield causing it to crash beside the girl.

Ares: Get out of here!

She quickly got up and jumped away from the beast. Meanwhile, the black swordsman and samurai were helping drag the bodies of the soldiers out of the room. The beast was about to attack them when a slash on the back got its attention. It turned around to tower over the armored player.

Ares:.....Let's finish this already, you filthy creature.

Beast roared loud enough to shake the walls. The player took this opportunity to dash between its legs and slash the achilles heel, causing it to stumble backward. Once getting its footing, the beast swung backward only to miss the dodging player who threw his throwing knife like a boomerang. Before it could realize where he went, the flying object stabbing its left eye.

The player dodged a blind swing from the green goblin and saw the black swordsman enter the battle from behind. The swordsman pulled out a blue blade that materialized behind him and slashed the beast's back.

Ares: *Thoughts* Duel wielding.....

Receiving the attacks from the raven-haired player, its health bar reach 2/4. The goblin swung its club onto the floor and caused an earthquake, making the swordsman lose his balance. Then a colossal hand swung the black swordsman into a wall, knocking him out. There were still players on the battlefield, the armored player sighed as he opened his menu.

The beast turned to the beater who led his sword directly at the boss with his shield. They both stared at one another, waiting for the first move to be made.

The beast roared as it raised its weapon and swung it downwards, the player jumped to the left and barely dodged the attack. Mid-air, the player's sword glowed black and he swung his blade diagonally to the right. A black slash flew out of his blade in a blink of an eye, slicing the boss in half.

The goblin's body lands on the ground and explodes into crystals as a <<Congratulations!>> icon appears. The beater lands from his dodge and feels a numbness run through his body. He looks at his health bar and sees that is drained down to red. During the battle, he must have not been seeing his health bar. His legs give out and he begins to fall forward, he waited to hit the floor only to be caught by a pair of gentle arms.

He was put so he was sitting down but leaning onto the person's body. With barely enough strength he looks to see the face that belongs to the arms. He looked up to see a crying Asuna who hugged him from his side.

Ares: Asuna...

Asuna: Thank God.... You're still here....

She buried her face into his neck, he could feel his strength returning to him. He gently patted the top of her head to reassure her. He looked over to see the guilds walking over to him. The black swordsman was being lifted up by his guild members after gaining consciousness.

Ares:......How many did we lose?

Klein:... Corvatz and two others died.

Kirito:....We haven't lost anyone to a boss fight since floor 67.

Klein: Corvatz was a fool, thinking he could take that thing. There's no point if you die.


Klein:....But, hey what was that? What the heck did you two do!

Kirito:..... You want to go first?

Ares: No thanks.

Kirito: *Sigh* An extra skill. Dual-wielding.

Klein: Wh-What's the prerequisite?

Kirito: If I knew, I'd have shared it.

Klein: It isn't on the information broker's skill list. So you're the only one who has it. It's a unique skill? I can't believe you never told me you had a skill like that.

Kirito: I was looking at my skill window about six months ago, and I just found it there. But if people knew I had a skill like this...

Klein: MMO gamers are the jealous type... I'm too good a guy to care, but lots of people would be really envious....What about you dude? I've never seen a slash come off a blade like that.

Ares:.....Kaishingeki, Unlocked by accumulating a total of 10,000 True Critical Hits.

Klein: 10,000 Critical hits!

Ares:....It gives me the ability to send out slashes out of my blade due to the number of critical hits I've earned. I can control the force that comes out....

Klein: What do you mean?

Ares:....Imagine the damage behind one true critical hit...Now imagine the damage of 10,000 critical hits stored up. I can control how much damage a single slash delivers. I can rapid fire slashes or shoot one large slash, but once I reach 10,000 I can't use it for the rest of the day.

Kirito: I see... but I'm guessing it also takes a toll on your body too.

Klein: For a skill like that, the blow-back must be ridiculous.


Klein: Well, suffering builds character, young men. So keep soldiering on dude.


Kirito: We're going to trigger the warp gate. Are you gonna come?

Ares:....I'm going home. I'm exhausted...

Klein: We'll stay safe on your way back.

The guilds left after saying their goodbyes, leaving the two-party members who haven't moved from their position.


Asuna: I was so scared... I didn't know what I'd do if you died.

Ares:.... I knew you trusted me, so there really isn't anything to worry about. Beside, you jumped in first.

Asuna:.....I'm going to take a leave of absence from the guild.

Ares:.. May I ask why?

Asuna: I said I'd party up with you...Did you already forget?

Ares:...... Do whatever you please. I'll always be here.

Her grip on him tightened and this time, he hugged her back.

-TimeSkip- October 19, 2024 - 50th Floor - Algade -

Agil: "A colossal goblin that annihilated a large Army squad. Defeated by a duel-wielder and instant kill slash." They're making a really big deal out of it.

Ares: .....A bunch of swordsmen and info brokers showed up at my door. Now I need to move since they know where I live.... I really like that house.

Kirito: Luckily the base for the Moonlit Black Cats is a secure location, so nobody has bothered me yet.

Lisbeth: Well this is both of your faults. I was willing to keep the duel wielding skill a secret but you had to show it off.

Kirito: Yeah yeah, whatever.

The door to Agil's shop opened and a panting second in command rushed in.

Asuna: *Pant* *Pant* What are we going to do Ares. We've got ourselves into a huge problem!

-TimeSkip- 55th Floor - Granzam -

Heathcliff: It's good to see you again Ares, when's the last time we've spoken face to face?

Ares: If my memory is right, I believe we spoke during the conference on the 67th floor, Commander Heathcliff.

Heathcliff: That was a difficult battle. We almost lost members, as well. Even a top guild never has sufficient members for the front lines. And now, you are taking one of our most important players.

Ares:... If her importance is a high as you state, then choosing her bodyguard must have been a top priority.

Heathcliff: I apologize for the trouble you had with Kuradeel. But we simply cannot allow our second-in-command to leave.....Ares, if you want her, you're going to have use your blade to take her from us. If you can defeat me in combat, you may take Asuna. But if you lose, you will join the Knights of the Blood Oath.

Ares: ...A duel it is.



(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. More chapters coming soon so stay tuned.

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