Bucket Head

By Amgeek

81.6K 3.3K 672

Book 1!! Riley Davis short tempered red head who tends not to take no for an answer. Her power of super spee... More

Chapter 1: Moving out
Chapter 2: Midtown nightmare
Chapter 3: Lunch
Chapter 4: Detention
Chapter 5: Helicarrier
Chapter 6: Rain
Chapter 7: Comics
Chapter 8: Ruined
Chapter 9: Heights
Chapter 10: Notes
Chapter 11: Cheerleading
Chapter 12: Juggernaught
Chapter 13: New Name
Chapter 14: The Dress
Chapter 15: Captain America
Chapter 16: Locker
Chapter 17: Dance
Chapter 18: Goblin
Chapter 19: Ship going down
Chapter 21: Alex
Chapter 22: Hawkeye
Chapter 23: No Bus
Chapter 24: The Rhino
Chapter 25: Electro
Chapter 26: Big Mouth
Chapter 27: Wild Cat
Chapter 28: Kraven the Hunter
Chapter 29: Sick
Chapter 30: Reprieve
Chapter 31: The Lizard
Chapter 32: Pictures
Chapter 33: Identity
Chapter 34: Chicago
Chapter 35: Itsy Bitsy Spiderman
Chapter 36: Unlucky Birthday
Chapter 37: Tiny bit of Luck
Chapter 38: The Real Chat
Chapter 39: Party
Chapter 40: Black Nova
Chapter 41: Colena
Chapter 42: Christopher
Chapter 43: Dreams
Chapter 44: Christan
Chapter 45: Guardians of the Galaxy
Chapter 46: Runaway Hero
Chapter 47: My insecurity and My ego
Chapter 48: Mesmorizer

Chapter 20: The Ignorant

1.4K 66 8
By Amgeek

I drag my feet down the stairs. Sleeping is usually easy for me but last night was super rough. Riley you're up early" Ms. Parker smiled tying her laces.

"Oh it's nothing my parents and I used to wake up and run just like you" I smile a bit.

"Would you like to run with me?" I rushed back up stairs to change my clothes and ran back downstairs "Ready."

I close the door behind me and we went jogging. "You know Mrs. Parker it's really nice of you to take us in, not knowing who you're dealing with"

"Please, call me May, and you guys are Peters's friend, and any friend of Peter is a friend of mine"

I push my hair out of my face. "I better turn back I still have to prepare for school" I swiveled my feet.

May turned back also. I opened the door for her and came in with the house quiet and dark

"It's 7:30 they should be up" May said

I quietly checked their sleeping bags but none of them were there "They left with out me" I grumbled.

"What was that?" She stretched her neck out of the kitchen.

"Oh nothing they'll be there at school don't worry"

I ran upstairs to take a long shower and reflect on my life. I hopped into the shower and hopped back out "c-c-c-cold" I whine, Luke must have used out all the hot water, again.

I suffered my way through it and dried my face and hair. "Ugh cold, too cold" I whine again and changed and put on my suit under my actually clothes and slid out the house avoiding May's detection

"No running in the house Riley" She called I stopped on the front porch.

"Sorry" I winced and walked carefully towards school. Then up from behind me music began to play and tires screeching.

"Hey Riley, how was the dance?" It was those guys I met in detention.

"Perfect" I grumbled.

"Why are you so sad cutie, no sister of mine should be sad"

I look at them with a confused face "sister?" I turn "I have no family" I turned away

"You are apart of our crew now, you're the only sophomore in the club" He smiled parking his car. He reached his arm out to lock mine.

I smirked "If you protect me from Flash?" I clapped him hand "Then I'll think about it"

He smiled "A smart one ain't she" The second on smiled

"By the way I'm Jason" He nudged the second boy.

"I'm Trent" he grumbled.

The first bell rang and I ran after the million students into the door. "Today is going to be longer than expected" People next to me groaned

I was about to question them but I saw our Homeroom teacher collecting flyers "permission slip?" He said to each student. Oh shit I forgot my slip, must be at my empty, lonley, abandoned, house. I put my head down and tried to forget the thought. I miss my mom bothering me about this type of stuff, I miss my dad obsessing over my good grades.

"Riley you ok?" Luke asked.

I sat up and wiped my eyes " Yeah" I lied..

I raised my hand "I need to go to the principals office" I shout. I need to talk to Coleson

"No the bell has rung" the teacher growled.

"You can't keep me here. I have a right to talk to the principal don't I?" I got up and snatched the pass

The teacher shut the door before I could leave. "You sit your butt down young lady"

I rolled my eyes "I'll sit my ass in the principals office" a lot of Oooohs from the class

"I'll call your parents. Try me" in the corner of my eye I saw Luke slide down in his seat.

"Call them I dare you, I would LOVE to see them answer!" I opened the door and slammed it behind me and stormed through the hall way, and ready to explode.

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