fire & water (TanjiroxReader)

By 2spoons_ofpepper

208K 7.2K 6.5K

You've been alone your entire life,even as a demon slayer, until... Just another normal mission al... More

Quick authors note
Chapter 1:flames
Chapter 2:Butterfly mansion
Chapter 3:Nezuko
Chapter 4:Squad
Chapter 5:Snow demon
Chapter 6:Zenitsu
Chapter 7:Underground
Chapter 8:tunnels
Chapter 9:Dragon Breathing
Chapter 10:Pond
Chapter 11:Shinobu
Chapter 12: Training
Chapter 13:Aoi
Chapter 14:Yakitori
A/N quick announcement
Chapter 15:ribbons
Chapter 16:Cave
Chapter 17:Shelter
Chapter 18:Futon
Chapter 19:Sanemi
Chapter 20:Fog
Chapter 21:Lake
Chapter 22:Aid kit
Chapter 23:Rengoku
Chapter 24:Boar head
Chapter 25:Darts
Chapter 26:Love pillar
Chapter 27:Miso Soup
Chapter 28:Pillars
Chapter 29:Haori
Chapter 30:Shrine
Chapter 31:Tengen
Chapter 32:Scroll
Chapter 33:Family
Chapter 34:Sunset
Chapter 35:Flirt
Chapter 36:Iguro
Chapter 37:Roof
Chapter 38:Trial
Chapter 39:Sorry
Chapter 40:Tears
Chapter 41:Ubuyashiki
Chapter 42:Father
Chapter 43:Tea
Chapter 44:kiss
Chapter 45:Blossom
Chapter 46:Sakura
Chapter 48:Crescent
Chapter 49:Broken shield
Chapter 50:Death
Chapter 51:Assistant
Chapter 52:Forest
Chapter 53:Mind voice
Chapter 54:Concussion
Chapter 55:Journal
Chapter 56:Hidden Beauty
Chapter 57:Propechy
Chapter 58:Siblings
Chapter 59:Entrance
Chapter 60:Candle
Chapter 61:Bush
Chapter 62:Electricity
Chapter 63: The green blade
Chapter 64:Marechi Blood
Chapter 65:Grey
Chapter 66: Red clouds
Chapter 67: Tattoos
Chapter 68:Scythe
Bad A/N
Chapter 69:Pink Hair
Returning A/N
Chapter 70:Tomioka
Chapter 71:Last words
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Chapter 73:Bloody hands
Chapter 74:Himejima
Chapter 75:Comfrey
Chapter 76:Fireworks
Returning A/N (again)
Chapter 77:Flowerbeds
Chapter 78:Acorns
Chapter 79:Crow
Chapter 80:Muichiro
Chapter 81:Duty calls
A/N small announcement
Chapter 82:Burn
Chapter 83:Bento
Chapter 84:New Season
Another A/N? You're getting it regardless
Chapter 85:Fire & Water
~Closing words, special mentions~
{Coldhearted} Preview

Chapter 47:Wallet

1.8K 52 41
By 2spoons_ofpepper

(y,n)'s POV
Tanjiro and I continued to watch the bright fireworks go off in the air as we talked about one random subject after the next, by now, the sun has finalized its cycle for the day and parted, leaving the moon to accompany the night atmosphere.

It's too bad we haven't gotten much done today, I can only hope that Zenitsu and Inosuke have been blessed with a more promising streak of luck when snooping out information.

I glanced to the left when the faint sound of a latch unlocking met my ears, and I perked up from happiness while seeing the Kamado sister peak her head out past the rim of the opening to her mahogany box.

"Ah, Nezuko! How'd you sleep?" Tanjiro bent down next to the box after noticing his sibling has awoken, and he greeted her as she flashed him a joyous thumbs-up. Releasing a satisfactory hum, she climbed out of her safe-haven, growing to her normal size while she shook away her tiredness. I'm grateful there aren't many people are left out here, otherwise, we'd surely be the center of attention after that inhuman stunt.

I smirked deviously as I recalled her mood yesterday, and I caught Nezuko's attention with my teasing look. "Hey, remember what I told you last night, about the festival?" I questioned her while gesturing my shoulder towards the fireworks being shot off in the air, wearing an elated grin. She turned her gaze to where I directed her focus, and the instant she finally got a good look of the festivities she's surrounded by, all I can say is; Nezuko completely outshone the fireworks as she burst into a frenzied sense of joy!! I don't think I've ever seen her so happy!

She pulled my hands into hers and started to jump up and down, I guess this is her way of thanking me!! "Do you want to go back into the town to look at the festivities?"

"Mhmm!!!" She rushed over to her brother when giving a quick response to his suggestion, taking ahold of his hand and practically dragging him behind her as she ran towards the path that leads into the Blossom village. I chuckled quietly at how quickly they left me behind, and I soon started to follow in the wake of the Kamado siblings.


Walking down a dirt path surrounded by Sakura trees with my two other squad-mates, I observed in amusement as Nezuko tinkered with the delicate contraptions on the pink lantern Tanjiro bought for her just a while ago. I gently shooed away some of the sakura petals that are floating through the air, and my eyes sparkled lightly as the moonlight hit their tiny pink bodies at just the right time to make them seem like they're stars falling from the sky.

I've always liked this part of the festival, when everyone else is gone, and you have a chance to really see the beauty of this town at it's peak wonder. Missing this experience over the years really has done a number on my heart, and it's only making me more happy to be here with my friends.

"Hey, (y,n)..." I looked at Tanjiro as he tapped my shoulder, gifting him a soft smile as he glanced over at his sister.

"Thankyou... for giving Nezuko this chance to experience all this. It's not often when she gets to act like she's still human, even if this isn't much... I'm to see that she's had a good time!" The boy said wistfully while draping an arm around my shoulder, and his action caused a shy tint of red to mix into the colors of my cheeks.

"It's been a while since I've shown her some of the things she used to enjoy... and I'm grateful to know that this festival has let her relax for once. So, I thank you for this! Not only for Nezuko, but for me too! Truth be told, I have been... envying the thought of a break from demon slaying!" Tanjiro trailed off with a guilty laugh whisking out from his lips, and I joined along in his chuckle as when he admitted that his basic CONSTANT commitment to demon slaying has faulted for once. Only the people that actually know Tanjiro are aware of the absolute workaholic he is, and gosh, he sure does work his ass off!!

If we didn't have the luck of getting a mission at this town during the same timespan of its yearly festival, shoot, I probably would've made him take a break at some point out of fear that he'll overwork himself! And that's saying something for someone as busy as me!!!

Crossing my arms, I tried to brush away his loving show of gratitude with a nonchalant smile. "It's not a problem, I'm just glad to help! I thought this would be just the perfect thing for Nezuko!!" I chirped. Yeah, I know that things are always somewhat stagnant, but for someone as young as Nezuko, she needs to have just a LITTLE fun sometimes. There's so much of the world she has yet to experience, and how will she ever see the sweeter things in life if no one will take it upon themselves to show her?

I peered back to the girl when she ran over to us, pulling on his sleeve to urge him along. "Oh! I think Nezuko wants me to follow her! Will you be fine on your own if we leave for a bit?"

"Me? I'll be just fine!" I chimed simply as my male comrade questioned me curiously, nodding his head to my statement as Nezuko tugged him down one of the other directions of the path. I'm sure a few minutes alone won't hurt, plus, I know how to protect myself if a situation may arise.

"You two have fun!" I waved to them just as they disappeared past a corner of trees, leaving me alone in the area flourishing full with the floating sakura petals. I giggled lightly at the girl's persistence for Tanjiro to come with her, I can't help but be reminded of how excited I first was to discover this town.

Turning my head to calmly look around, my eyes observed the rest of the path behind me that's waiting to be used, and after just a glimpse, I became confused when seeing a tall cloaked figure at the end of the walkway. They're walking in my direction. At this point, the village streets are empty of any other villagers, with the acceptance of this person.

...That's weird, no one should be out at this time. It's way too late for any night-time walking, have the disappearances done nothing to defer citizens from putting themselves in danger like this??

Shrugging my shoulders, I turned my gaze away from the stranger, careful not to attract their attention. I might be getting a bad feeling about this, but I can't just jump to conclusions all because there happens to be one individual out at the same time as me. Hell, maybe I should warn them about the dangers of being out tonight-!

Oh, just drop it (y,n).

I stole a look at the person as they passed me by while walking, but I didn't get a good glimpse at their features since the cloak they're wearing is hiding their face entirely. Strange.

Just when I got the thought of shifting my focus to something else, an object on the ground steered my sight downward. It's a heavy leather synch wallet, but honestly, it looks less leather than it actually is due to its poor condition. I mean... Can it even be considered a wallet anymore?? The exterior has the same appearance as a dirtied handkerchief!

I picked up the wallet, weighing it in my hand as I confusedly stared at its peeling surface. How did this thing even get here? This wasn't here before that stranger passed me! ... Wait...

"Oh! You dropped this, Mrs.-... S-sir-... either or...?" I pivoted on my heel and called out to the figure once realizing where the wallet has come from. I trailed off in befuddlement as I struggled to figure out what pronouns I should use, but I ultimately failed since their concealing clothing is leaving me to drown in a testy guessing game. Goddamnit. This is awkward.

I waited for the stranger to give notice to my clear signal, but... they haven't stopped their walking at all. How odd, they should know I'm talking to them, we're literally the only people in this area.

"Excuse m-me, you dropped your wallet!" I took another shot at catching their attention, furrowing my brows at the person's questionable behavior. Ok... this situation got just a tad more menacing. After my second try, they abruptly stopped in their place, and slowly... but eerily, they tilted their head to the right, but not enough for me to see their face.

Take a guess if you will, but I think they've realized I'm talking to them. I could care less about getting them to focus on me anymore. Right now, I'm highly on edge, and that's something to be weary of when you're a demon slayer. This person's lack of response and considerable concerning way of doing things is sending my nerves into a whirlwind of alert, and my dominant hand is itching to reach for my blade's hilt in fear that I might have to use my weapon.

This isn't good-

"Ugh, I really thought I'd be able to stay undetected in this village. What's a demon slayer like you even doing here? I thought there wouldn't be any of you pests around..." ... I beg your pardon? My heart skipped a rock in its beat when a gust of wind blew off the hood portion of the cloak, revealing the individual beneath its black-cloth curtain. The very first thing that caught my attention... was the person's eyes.

An ink well may very well be considered the long lost relative of these hateful orbs, with no irises, and scleras that are pitch black, these eyes are perfectly reflecting everything in their sight.

The owner of these dark eyes is a man with grey skin, and long black hair styled into a high ponytail. He has pearl white fangs, so clean and luster that their sharp tips look like pure diamonds, almost totally untouched.

Signs of being human; negative. That's a certified demon. ...So he's... he's the person that all the disappearances must lead back to!!!

"You might want to get that blade of yours out... You're gonna need it, kid." The grey-skinned man pulled his arm up above his head whilst snarling sarcastically, pointing two sharp-clawed fingers at me. The instant he slashed his limb down, a sharp wave of shadowy-purple matter shot into the ground in front of me. The impact sent silt billowing into the air, and I hastily fanned away the dirt before it could get into my exposed eyes.

"Crap!!" I cursed as the demon took my short distraction as an opportunity to run in the opposite direction, sprinting down the dirt path as he got further away.

Playing my cards of decision with an intuitive spark, instead of immediately following after my newly targeted foe, I sharply turned the corner that Tanjiro and Nezuko previously made not too long ago.

Under the branches of a short sakura tree adorned with lanterns similar to Nezuko's, the siblings are busy hanging up the girl's lantern to be joined up with the party of other paper decorations.

"Tanjiro, Nezuko, you two go search for the others, I found a demon!!" I yelled speedily when stopping for a second, causing them to pause what they're doing and turn their heads to me. I can't just randomly chase after a demon without informing them of the news, us slayers do work better in bigger numbers. I'll be able to handle the demon on my own for now, and as soon as the rest if my squad joins the battle, the odds will lean into our favor!

"Alright! Nezuko, let's go!" The red-eyed warrior nodded his head in understanding with a serious face, running in another direction with his younger sister following in toe. I shifted my focus back to the demon and bounded down the path, using this opportunity to unsheathe my weapon. I hope that my opponent's tracks haven't gone cold with the time I didn't use to follow after him.

Luckily, the black-haired man hasn't gotten too far away, and with one strong leap onto a rooftop, I sped up my pace to match his, observing each of his movements carefully. I brought my sword up for defense when the demon sent a back-handed attack at me, blocking the shadowy force by using the blunt end of my blade.

"Koi flame, 2nd configuration, twin blaze!" I called out and drew my sword to the left, prepared to make an attack to slow down my target. The moment I jumped off the roof to get to the demon's level, and two bright koi fish formed around me, he made a clean-slated shield out of dark matter, saving himself from my attack. The barrier deflected my flames entirely as I slammed my blade down to slice through it, sending the koi ricocheting right back at me.

How is this shield so difficult to break, it's as hard as steel! I don't give much reaction when my fiery koi don't affect me in the slightest, still, I'm baffled at how strong the demon's defense is! I'm flabbergasted when thinking of the possibilities allowing the purple-substance to deflect my attack, what's making that even remotely feasible?? Oh well, I'll worry about that later.

I can't lose this man now, if I do, who knows what lives will be lost as a result of a slip-up.

I side-stepped past the dark shield and proceeded with my chase, relentlessly tailing the demon. In no time, the dirt path opened up to an especially large Sakura tree, which is almost the size of two entire houses. The heart of the village. Folk tale says this is one of the oldest trees in the Blossom village.

My target turned to glare at in spite me when he met face-to-face with a dead end. Breathing heavily, he sighed as he unclipped the clasps of his cloak, throwing the article of clothing to the side and revealing the outfit beneath, which consists of black pants, tall brown boots, and a sleeveless purple top that's showing off his grey-toned muscles.

The demon stretched his arms up over his head, grunting after he loosened up his muscles. I stayed silent as he turned his head back to me, standing a ways away from him, I took on a defending position as he spoke out.

"Alright, let's get the real fight started."

(decided to do a quick draw of this ~sMexY~ demon, you'll understand why later on ;D)

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