The End is Beautiful || Crowl...

By Noyasthighs

24.9K 759 178

"The end of a story is the start of a new one" *EDITING OF THE STORY BEGINS 1/5/23!* *finished 5/6/23* More

Prologue: My Story
A Vampire
End & Beginning
Different Plans
The Past
A Month
Long Ago
Last Night
The Shelter
Heartbeats & Life
Your Eyes, My Smile
Into The Morning
Early Winter Chill
In Hot Water
Back To Sleep
SEASON 2: Eusford (A/N)
SEASON 2: Accepting
SEASON 2 : Different
Season 2: This Life (10K!)
SEASON 2: Promise
Season 2: Along For The Ride
SEASON 2: Osaka Bay
SEASON 2: For The Time Being
SEASON 2: The Opulent Mansion
SEASON 2: His Blood
SEASON 2: To the First Time
SEASON 2: Morohoshi
SEASON 2: To Crowley & Leila
Season 2: To Leila


374 11 5
By Noyasthighs

Leila was still, asleep in the faint light of the orangish bedside lamp light. Her skin was flushed and her dark gray waves kinda stuck to her skin.

The baby lay asleep right next to her, it's tiny hand firmly in Leila's.

I sigh quietly. The baby was tiny. She looked delicate. Fragile. Like I would break her if I simply picked her up.

Her full head of reddish hair stuck out like a sore thumb. She lay, swaddled in a dark gray blanket, taking in small breaths. Through her tiny open mouth, you can already notice a full set of teeth with a pair of fangs identical to the entire vampire race to match.

This tiny thing. This wonderful miracle was mine. Never in my human and vampire life combined would I have believed I would have a child.

I slowly round the bed to Leila's side and gently sat down next to her on the bed, reaching over and slowly tucking her hair behind her ear.

If I'll be honest, I'm glad it's Leila that I got stuck with.

Leila's laugh echoed across the room. A laugh escaped my mouth from the contagious, beautiful sound.

Both of their heartbeats rhythmically beat in my ears, almost in sync. It's euphonious sound made me feel genuinely content.

I lean over her plump stomach and press a gentle kiss to her skin. "Alright. Serious question" She says. I hum, showing her that she has my attention. "Names" She says.

I groan. She chuckled at my reaction before I felt her small, warm hands tangle through my hair. "Its kind of important y'know" She says, making me groan again. She raked her hand through my hair again.

"Let's just name it Sleepy or something" I mumble into her tummy.

"Uh. No" She says immediately. "Something more...i dunno...normal" she says.

"Thats too much work..." I mumble. Her face fell in to a 'be serious' look. " about Emelisse, Adelaide, Annette, Isabel, Lydia, Theodora, Celestina, Avelina, for a girl." I name after some thought.

She laughs before I could continue on to the boy's.

"What?" I ask.

"Its nothing. I just love how they're medieval and catholic names." She admits through quiet laughter.

"Tends to happen when you're born in the middle ages Leila" I chuckle.

"I guess so huh?" She says.

I hum again before silence grew between us.

"Emilesse Annette Eusford. I like that name" She admits.

"Yeah?" I ask. She nodded, showing her signature stunning smile. "Well if you like it, so do I." I say.

Emelisse Annette Eusford.

Hm. Now that I think about it, it does sound a lot like a medieval name. Whatever.

I gently slid my hands under her tiny body and lift it effortlessly, clinging her to my chest.

She lay her head on my chest and relaxed in my arms so quickly. Her heartbeat was quiet and rhythmic. Her breathing was even and slow.  She's everything I've ever wanted and more.

I stood off the bed, careful not to wake Leila before I walk over to my claimed spot by the window.

I sigh, looking at Leila's still body, asleep, silent and relaxed.

"So I see you still havent found a wife?" A voice calls out. It reminds me of the 2nd eldest Eusford Son. My older brother.

I stood and turn to find him approach my porch across the road with his horse in tow. He was dressed in what nobility normally wears with smirk and raised eyebrow decorating his smug face.

"Come on Crowley. I'd expect a handsome bachelor knight such as yourself to have women lining up for miles for your hand in marriage just to bear your-" he says.

"Have you come here to criticize me, brother?" I ask.

"Nope. Just admitting my shock to find you here in the sticks with nothing for a partner to spend the rest of your life with" He explains with his smirk turning into a smile.

"I don't see any need for that right now." I say, dusting off the old creaky chair that sat on my porch before sitting down.

"Mhmm" He states. "You say that now but you'll regret it later"

"No I won't. I just haven't found the right one yet.".

"I've heard that one before" He says.

I admit that it took 800 years, but I finally found her. And I admit, I don't regret waiting either. "I'm glad it was you Leila" I whisper. I felt Emelisse shift in my arms, a soft smile growing on her face. "I've found the right one brother. She gave me Emelisse" I whisper.

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