The Guy On My Computer Screen...

By pixelatedmint

6.5K 230 62

One tweet will turn into a friendship. One friendship will lead to a stupid plan. One stupid plan will lead... More

The Plan
The Encounter
The Reply
The Call
The Start Of A New Lie
The Believability
The Disaster
The Real Feelings
The Question
The Wait
The First Hellos
The Second Day
The Unexpected Guest
The Photographer
The Hunt For G10
Please Read.
The Past
The Meetup
The Argument
The Heartbreak
The "Break"
The Goodbyes

The Party

401 12 2
By pixelatedmint

Lexi's P.O.V

Do you ever get that feeling when you don't understand your own feelings? Because that's how I feel right now. In about an hour Jase is going to pick me up for the party. I'm dressed and everything but I'm pacing around my room because I can't comprehend what happened earlier.

Will admitted that he liked me, ever since he said that I am confused on my own feelings for him. The amount of agony I feel now, is tearing up my insides, it feels like I'm in a big box of confusion.

Knock. Knock.

"Yeah, come in," My mom walks in.

"It's called love, sweetie," Mom says pitifully.

"What? What are you talking about?" I question her.

"Don't act like you don't know! There's a boy, I know," Mom scolds me.

She sits down on my bed and motions for me to sit next to her, I walk over and do so. She wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"How do you know?" I say slowly.

"Oh please! I know you, don't you think I can hear your heels constantly moving around from downstairs?! I know you're stressed. You have tells," Mom makes a smartass remark.

I sigh.

"What's his name?" She asks me.

"Will," I say without hesitation.

"Is he one of your friends from the Internet?" My mom knew about me having internet friends, she knows about PAX, YouTube, almost everything.

"Yes, sadly," I reply.

"Tell me about him," She says. I loved it when my mom talked to me like this, times like this she acted more like a friend than a mother. These are the times I cherish.

"Well, he's 18. He's british, with the cutest accent. He also does YouTube. There's the basic stuff. I'll show you a picture. Oh, did I mention he's going to PAX?" I speed through that, I didn't even have to think. The words just flew out of my mouth.

"Haha, well Lexi, all I have to tell you is that you like Will. Just by the way you talk about him, and the feelings he makes you feel just shows how much you care about him," She shows me a slight smile after making that mini-speech. She stood up.

"I guess I do," I say quietly. Mom turns around and winks.

"You better head downstairs, you're getting picked up in 10 minutes," She warns and exits my room.

I get up, grab my bag, and walk downstairs. My mood changed, I feel better and I'm not feeling so much agony or emotional pain. My mom helped me figure out my feelings. Thanks mom.

Ding dong.

I check myself, I check if anything is wrong with my outfit, and when I'm mentally prepared I open the door.

"Hey!" Jase says, and he smiles.

"Hey," I reply and I start to walk towards his car.

"Be back by 11!" My mom peeks her head out the front door and yells. I laugh and give her a thumbs up.

"Ladies first!" Jase gestures towards the passenger door on the car, and opens it for me.

"Why thank you!" I laugh and I smile.

The drive to the party was pretty chill, we just had basic banter while the radio was playing in the background.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! My friend Alyssa is meeting us there, I'm texting her the address later, I'm sorry if there was no invites, but I don't really go anywhere without her," I tell him.

"Fine with me, the more people the better! This party is going to be kickin' " He emphasizes the word "kickin" and it makes me laugh.

"Who's hosting the party and where is it anyways? I have to text Alyssa," I ask Jase.

"Well, it's being hosted by the Winston twins, Alex and Marcus," He tells me.

"Wait... the Winstons?! Those 2 annoying twins! The rich snobs?!" I panic. They both annoy me, especially Alex Winston, he may be smart but to be completely honest, he gets on my nerves. We were best friends in the 8th grade but shit happened and now we hate the hell out of eachother. Marcus and I don't really know eachother, all I know is that Alyssa used to have a crush on him last year.

"Yeah, it's going to be at their mansion. But if theres shit between you guys, don't worry, they changed. They're great people now," He says. I don't believe him.

"They just don't have to get involved with me and I'm good," I say to Jase and he laughs.

We pull up in the driveway of the Winston manor, almost the whole school is already here.

"Wow, this is crazy!" I say to myself. There's already people drunk as fuck. There are naked girls running around. The party is so wild and it's only like 9.

Jase grabs my wrists and pulls me inside.

"Want a beer?" He says, but I can't really hear him.


"Want a beer?!" He speaks louder and I hear him.

"No, I don't drink," I tell him and he nods.

"I'm gonna go find my friends and grab a beer, and you should wait for Alyssa," Jase leaves me.

It's seems that I'm in the entry room, with the hug spiral staircase, to my right is the living room and to my left is the library. Everyone is drunk, and there is a couple that is having some PDA in the corner of the entry room. This is completely and utterly gross.

Everyone is dancing and it's hard to get past this huge crowd. I need to get outside to find Alyssa.

I see her car and I run towards it, almost tripping.

"Fuck! I hate heels," I scream to myself.

She parks and she gets out. She's wearing white 5 inch pumps, black skinny jeans, a white peplum top, layered gold necklaces, and she's wearing a lot of makeup and she curled her hair. Alyssa is not the type to dress like this, but a party is her excuse of acting like a girl.

"Are you going for the sexy sophisticated 20 year old? because you don't look your age," I tell her. She was also extra tall, she's naturally 5' 5 but her heels make super tall.

"How'd you know?" She laughs.

"You're really tall! You're taller than me! I'm supposed to be taller!" I scream.

"How's it looking down there shorty? You're originally 5' 6 right?" I nod.

"Dang, Lexi! Your heels make you like 5' 10!" I laugh.

"Atleast I don't look like a damn giant! Unlike you! You better enjoy these hours because you're not going to be this tall forever," she laughs and we walk inside the mansion.

Once I walk in Alyssa pulls me to the dance floor. Some trap song is playing and everyone is partying, and I swear I think Alyssa and I are the only sober ones here. We don't drink. I see Marcus Winston in the distance, he's with Jase, they are both glaring at me. Marcus pushes Jase and Jase starts to stride towards me.

"Hey, come with me," Jase says, I can smell the alcohol in his breath, but he seems sober enough to talk. He pulls me towards a hallway and it's pretty empty.

"What are we doi--" I get stopped. He pinned me against the wall and is making out with me.

I turn my head so I avoid it.

"Come on babe, you know you want me, and I honestly want you," Jase says sexually, he kisses my neck. I try to escape his grip I just can't, he's too strong.

"Stop it!" I scream, "You're drunk Jase!" No one can hear me through all this music.

I can see the Winstons coming down the hallway.

"Jase, is this your bitch tonight?" Alex Winston asks Jase. Jase licks his lips and nods.

"I'm not a bitch! Nor your fucking sex slave!" I try to kick Jase.

"Oh Jase, you chose a feisty bitch today, Grab her guys!" Marcus says. They all grab me and throw me into the bathroom with Jase.

I run to the back of the room. Jase removes his t-shirt and walks towards me. I'm scared and I'm almost in tears.

"Stop... please," I say, with tears falling down my cheek.

He kissed me again and forces his tongue. This is so gross. Jase attempts to remove my shirt but I kick him in that 'area'.

Next thing I know Alyssa storms in.

"Get off my best friend! You man-whore!" Alyssa yells and she is mad. She throws a soap pump because it was the closest thing to her. She kicks Jase, which gives me time to go.

Alyssa and I run to her car, no speaking. She turns on the engine and drives away as fast as she can. She stops at the closest Taco Bell and parks in the parking lot.

"Are you okay?" She grabs a tissue and wipes my tears, she grabs a makeup remover from her bag and removes all my makeup because by now it's ruined by all the tears.

"No I'm not! I almost got sexually fucking raped!" I bawl.

"You're sleeping over at my house tonight. We don't say a word to your mom or dad. We're going to say that you decided to sleepover because it was late and the party was closer to my house," Alyssa informs me. I nod and agree.

She then continues to drive to her house. It's about 12 AM.

"That was by far the scariest fucking shit that has ever happened in my whole damn life," I say.

Once we get to Alyssa's house I take off my heels and she pulls me upstairs. She throws me a pair of leggings, and a crew neck sweater.

"Go take a shower, take a bath bomb, play some music, and take a nice 30 minute bath to calm yourself down," Alyssa tells me.

And I do so.

Will's P.O.V

Honestly I wasn't able to sleep last night. It's about 8:10 AM. It's not like me to be up this early, I tried to sleep last night but I just couldn't. I hear my phone vibrate I go check it.

I got a DM on Twitter from Alyssa.
Give me your number, its important, I only have 30 Min.

I really hope it's important. I reply back with my number.

In less than 2 minutes a number from Seattle, Washington facetimes me. I assume it's Alyssa. Who else would Facetime me from Seattle? Can't be Lexi or Jordan, they both are contacts on my phone. I answer the call.

"Will, a lot happened," Alyssa says quietly and I am deeply worried.

"What happened? Is Lexi there? Is she hurt?!" I say, I'm really concerned.

"Well, let's say this. Lexi almost got fucking sexually raped at the party. Now she's fucking crying. I made her take a fucking bath so I had time to fucking Facetime you, now I need you to fucking fix this, and fix your friendship while your at it, will ya?" Alyssa informs me.

"Okay okay. I got it. By the way you said "fucking" a lot," I pause "Wait.. She doesn't want to talk to me, she knows I like her," I explain.

"Wait, you like her?!" Alyssa exclaims.

"Oh uhm yea," I say nervously.

"Okay uhm. Well this is weird, just try to go along with the plan, please?" Alyssa asks and I agree.

I hear a door open coming from Alyssa on the FaceTime call.

I can hear Alyssa talking to Lexi, but Lexi's voice is very faint.

Alyssa gets up out of her seat and approaches Lexi. She hands her the phone.

Lexi is staring at the screen with a straight face.

"Will?" She asks.

Author's Note:

Teaser: Lexi and Will attempt to fix their issue and plan for the future. Afraid of what's going to happen around PAX.

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