Boy Next Door - Dabi x Reader


1.3M 39.6K 82.7K

Your senior year is around the corner a new boy moves in next to you. You promise to stay away from him since... More

new guy
at the beach
golden boy
preppy neighbor
club by the beach
a cry for help
check up
hopeless case
a gift?
lets try this
short dress
lights off
its really you
a visit
an extra burger
don't be a stranger
wattpad issue
model for me
first date
just for tonight
sounds like a plan
say it
no biggie
square one
the movie
ice cream
hide and seek
shut up
hair dye
cat fight
i love you
old habits
an end to this

a jog

11.6K 375 1K

You stared into the small ziploc bag labelled "pain killers" while parked in your car. School was awaiting for you and you couldn't keep pretending you weren't a high school student. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, you watched everyone walk in and back to the drugs your dealer sold you. I don't even know where to start.. You grab your phone and dialed Overhaul.


"It's me, (Y/n)"

"My favorate client, how can I be of service"

"Yeah, you sold me a bunch of shit and I don't even know where to start.."

"Relax.. you anxious?"


"You see some pink ones? Those are Xans, molly is labeled, some general painkillers, I don't how tough your body is but just take it easy, oh and I left you a little surprise, for being such a good customer"

"Yeah.. I saw" You mumbled, analyzing everything he was saying and landing your eyes on another small bag, sealing white powder. "Cocaine? That's a little too much for me" You clicked your tongue and heard him laugh. "It was a token of my gratitude, but it does make you feel pretty amazing" He emphasizes and you nod, stuffing it away in the pits of your purse.

"Thanks Chisaki, I'll let you know how it goes" You tell him before hanging up. Gulping your worries away, you swallow a xanax and drink water. You dreaded going to school, not after the whole mess, and you were starting to be comfortable with Dabi again. Now you had to face the challenge of going alone, because you were too afraid of texting him. You just assumed he had better things to do. Nevertheless, his car wasn't anywhere to be seen.

You get out of the car, sweat gathering at the top of your forehead as you made your way through the hallways. Did you get stares? Plenty, but you can't blame them, you should've been more careful.

The day went by weirdly well— it was that or you were too drugged to process anything. The substance made you unable to feel pretty much anything, not to mention it made you insanely tired.

After lunch, you walked through the empty corridors, eventually bumping into someone. Normally you would apologize and continue with your life, but this was different.

It was Keigo.

"Look who finally showed face"

You looked at him, anger wanting to crawl out but the drugs forbade you from doing anything irrational. You simply stood there, watching your shitty ex talk to you, "I bet you were waiting all week to tell me that". "You're not worth thinking about for that long, cheater" He spat at you, and you couldn't believe how rude he'd become. It wasn't like him at all, but then again, he did throw you under the bus.

"Said the guy that took advantage of me, and took photos of me, you creep" You crossed your arms, trying to stand firmly on your two feet. "It's what you deserved" The blonde boy replied and you rolled your eyes, "what the hell happened to you?".

"The fuck does that mean?"

"(Y/n), you were always so calm and collected, always following orders and being the perfect girl, what happened?"

"What happened? I was sick of that lifestyle, it was so fake and toxic, all of you are really, I don't regret anything"

"But look at you! Now you always look sleep deprived and sick! Is it really worth it throwing away your good life for some boy that just moved in?"

And that's when you were speechless, you didn't know what to say or do. Hawks was confronting you, confused and frustrated as to why you would throw it all away from Dabi, even if  he just brought you trouble.

"Honestly.. yeah, like I said I don't regret anything. I've been able to live and have fun my own way"

"I can't believe you"

"But it won't matter anyways, because we're all going to college and I won't see any of you"

"You'll probably get rejected anyways, I know you've been failing your classes"

He looked at you, upset, with his yellow eyes. All he ever wanted was a perfect life with you, but it was the first time in his life that he didn't get something he wanted, and he hated the feeling. And instead of responding him, you left him, walked into you car, and stayed in there until school was over.

You threw your keys on the kitchen counter and threw yourself on the bed. I have so much work to catch up on... but I don't wanna do it. You felt a bit more now, much more capable of feeling anything. You hadn't heard of Dabi yet, he must be busy. Your dad was also not home, probably caught up in office work, like usual. You were completely alone, all to yourself.

Oh and I left you a little surprise.

You dug into your bag and pulled out the little bag bag holding white powder. I know I shouldn't, but it's not like I'll die. After much debate, you decided fuck it, and poured a small amount on your night stand. According to the many movies you've seen, you grabbed your credit card and started to grind it down further and divide it in lines.

Here goes nothing.

Snorting a line, you cringed and then coughed, this is fucking weird. The first thought that went through you mind was, how can Chisaki use this? It feels so... so agitating. You shook your head, and after a short while felt the energy course through your veins. Holy shit.. this works.

And in a fit of "sugar rush" you pull out all your books and start to work. Like a miracle, you managed to finish all your assignments like it was nothing, but at the same time you felt yourself looking control over your body. You were bursting with adrenaline and you needed some way of releasing it.

"WOO, I'm do-ne" You yelled and closed your books, looking for something to do. What to do what to do what to do. Then, your phone began to rang, Dabi. The truth was that you didn't know whether or not you should pick it up, you weren't in any condition to have a normal conversation. Pick up! No, don't pick it up.

You swore your head was going a thousand miles an hour and couldn't process everything at once. In a fit of adrenaline and stress, you slipped into a sports bra, leggings, and sneakers, and start to run across the neighborhood.

Initially, you intended to go for a walk, but a walk became a run, and running became sprinting. It was like this rush that you couldn't stop, couldn't contain. And while all of this happened, Dabi was still calling, for what reason? You didn't seem to know.

"Hey asshat! You look like a fucking psycho running" You heard a voice speak on your way back to your house. Bakugou had been walking his dog and saw you act like a maniac. "Me? Nah I'm just warming up" You stopped and in your tracks and jogged over to him, your heart beating at an insane pace.

"Are you on fucking drugs?"

Not knowing if he was joking or if he meant it literally, you bursted out laughing. Your cheeks now flushed from all the heat and sweat, you crouched down to pet his dog. "How's your neighbor doing?" He asks, watching you eagerly pet the dog. "Dabi? Oh I haven't seen him around, actually he's been calling me nonstop but I can't answerrr definitely not like this" You explained, almost out of breathe as you stood back up.

"I'd ask if you're okay but I'm pretty sure you're on something right now" He clicked his tongue and you started laughing again, trying to fool him. "See you around Bakubitch" You waved goodbye and jogged back to your house.

Looking at the clock, you notice how its nighttime now. You were running around for two full hours.. You walked to the fridge and chugged down three bottles of water before rushing to the bathroom and showering. You weren't sure if the shower took 2 minutes, or another 2 hours, but nevertheless you walked out and jumped into you pajamas.

"Well, i'm not gonna keep calling her like some idiot" Dabi sighed and finally put his phone down, realizing defeat. He had been in the movie theatre parking lot, with two burgers and a milkshake from your favorite fast food place. He wasn't sure why he would do such a nice gesture, and he felt like he wanted to take you out, like the old days.

He wanted to surprise you. He wanted to impress you. He wanted to show you he..cared.

And now he was left like some loner in a car, with an extra burger and a milkshake that he wasn't sure if he could eat on his own. Since you never called him, he ended up eating alone that night, wishing you had answered his call. He felt like a fool wishing you did, he didn't know what was coming over him.

Just before you could go to sleep, you went through your phone. You body felt sore, so sore that using the bathroom hurt. You scanned through the several calls of Dabi, and decided not to call him back once again.

That's when you received an email.

A status update has been posted on your applicant portal. Log in to see your college decision!

(rushed update I KNOW i rlly feel like this is the worst chapter.. it feels like such a mess, anyways enjoy!)

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