The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

By cosmic_1221

49K 1.3K 531

In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... More



756 23 13
By cosmic_1221

⚠️ Warning! ⚠️
This chapter WILL get explicitly steamy, read at your own risk!


"Aries? Can you hear me?" Phil asked Aries for the third time, surprisingly still patient. Again, the only response was a slow blink, his dark eyes faded and distant.

Libra, wanting to do anything she could to help, stayed on the side.

It was the next day, and the entire Zodiac was waiting for Philander's diagnosis on Aries. Hecate had called him last night, begging him to come. Libra had remembered her exact words, "Please... I can't do this without you... they like you better." Libra was just glad Phil accepted the offer.

Phil sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Nobody moved, and no one even asked a question. "Well, I know what's wrong with him."

"What is it?!" Sag asked desperately.

"From the physical signs at least, I'm pretty sure someone gave him a soul rupture."

"A... what?"

"A soul rupture," Phil explained simply. "It's like his soul was twisted down to a little speck. It isn't permanent... I don't think."

"Why don't you know?" Aquarius pressed his father from the door frame.

"Because... Most of the time, a soul rupture results in death. You guys are lucky you aren't mortals anymore, or Aries would be in a lot worse shape. Now, anyone wants to explain to me how this even happened?"

A reluctant silence followed. Phil didn't push or pry but his look said it all. He sighed, sitting up straight on the bed. "Okay, everyone," He started again, much slower this time. "I know all of these sudden changes must be confusing and scary. But I'm here to help you guys. Hecate is too, and believe me, I know she's a bit stiff."

"A bit?" Aqua mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah, a bit." Phil challenged. "You know, she doesn't have to be here with you all. She could have reported you to the God King weeks ago. She's going against her entire realm's hierarchy to keep you all safe... in the only way she was taught."

"So Hypnos was telling the truth..." Pisces softly spoke, mostly to herself.

For once, Phil was taken aback. "Pisces, how do you know Hypnos?"

"He came to me in a dream."

"Really..." He looked off for a second, and Libra almost thought he was scowling. "It's been a while since I've seen him."

"You've met him? But he's-"

"A god, I know. More specifically, he's a Titan, like Hecate. They grew up together in Tartarus, but that's not my story to tell."

Leo, ever beside his girlfriend, hummed as his tail idly swished. Libra was proud that he was behaving today; he hadn't made a single crude remark or gesture toward Scorpio and vise versa. "How do you know about this?" He asked Phil, making the man chuckle.

"I've lived an... exciting life." He expertly answered, a mischievous smirk playing at his features. "Said life has given me lots of connections. Speaking of which, I need to make a call."

"To who?"

"Hephaestus, an old friend of mine. I just call him Phee though." Before anyone asked anything else, he raised a hand and said, "Yes the Olympian god, he and I go way back. Once he gives me access to the Universal Library, I can figure out a way how to fix Aries faster, and the sooner, the better. All of you are vulnerable when one of you is."

"Thank you, Phil." Libra felt the need to say. Like his son, Phil was elusive and strange, but he was at least making an effort to make the Signs comfortable after everything. "You don't have to do this."

"You're right," Phil responded. "Even if I didn't have... personal involvement with the Zodiac," At that, he quickly glanced at Aquarius. "I wouldn't let you guys just submit yourselves to the God King. He'd reset this timeline on the spot."

"But why?" Virgo asked, her bitter tone showing more than Libra would have expected. "Why is he so horrible? He kicked Mom out of the Divine Realm when she had me, and probably much more!"

"No, definitely much more." Phil corrected with a finger point. "Once I get the Universal Library, you guys can read for yourselves. If I ask Phee in an hour, he might get it tomorrow... he may be an Olympian, but he's probably the only one you all should trust. Stay away from everyone else. You'll learn why. But!" Phil raised his hands. "That's not important now. You guys had quite the scare yesterday, so Hecate isn't forcing any of you to practice today. She still wants the psychics."

Gemini groaned, but complied, teleporting out of the room. Libra had expected Virgo to simply leave, but she looked shaky and tired, just like the day before. She didn't leave in a flashy way like Gem, holding her arms as she stalked out the door. Libra hadn't seen Capricorn, so Aqua was the last one in the room. He leaned against the door frame, not budging.

Phil sighed. "Aqua," He groaned as if he's had this conversation with his son a thousand times over. Libra was sure he had. "Please, let's not be difficult today. Just because I'm staying with you guys now doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want."

"But she's horrible!" Aqua protested, filterless now that Virgo wasn't around. Though, Aquarius wasn't a man who danced around the bush, regardless if someone got hurt in the process. "You could probably show us our powers better than she could."

"I can't." Phil shrugged. "I don't have psychic powers, and I don't know nearly as much as she does. I know Hecate isn't the easiest goddess to work with, but at the same time, she's the only option you have. She's doing her best..."

"There have to be others-"

"Trust me, there isn't." Phil finally snapped, his voice coldly edging over. The sudden change made even Aqua shrink a bit. "There are only five Divine psychics. Two are tied down by the God King, and the other two are batshit insane. So unless you either want to fall down the crazy hole or have the entire timeline reset, I suggest you head on downstairs."

Aqua waited for a second, his jaw clenched tight. Phil only raised an eyebrow at his rebellious son before focusing on Aries again, who had barely even blinked during the entire conversation. "Do what you want," Phil warned, his lax tone naturally returning. "I'm only telling you the truth."

Another tense moment passed, before Aqua relented, grunting slews of curse words as he teleported, hopefully to where Hecate was. Phil only smiled, looking into Aries's mouth. "He's stubborn... but he gets it from me. Anyone else wants to train today? You don't have to."

"Can I stay here?" Pisces quietly asked, her hand on Simon, Taurus's turtle. Phil had brought him, among many other random essentials the Signs had left behind for their new, fantastical lives. Everyone was particularly happy seeing the turtle again, ignoring the confusion that came when both Leo and Cancer could understand him, too.

"I don't see why not." Phil agreed with a finger to his chin. "It is a good thing that all of you are concerned for Aries. You literally need each other to survive. Plus, I'd love to catch up on what's been happening."

That seemed to ease the tension a bit. Sag was the first to chime in, falling into exaggerated stories with all of her theatrics, even acting out her shooting Scorpio with her Sacred Weapon. Others joined in, but Libra couldn't help but notice that Leo stayed oddly silent. His eyes never left Aries, who was laying down now.

Eventually, he stood when there was a lull in the conversation. When Taurus asked if he was alright, Leo simply nodded, naturally swaying out of the room with his feline movements. Libra, and probably the rest of the Signs, weren't convinced, resulting in her following him down the steps.

"Leo," She called, meeting him at the bottom of the stairs. He immediately embraced her, purring gently. She held his strong arm, rubbing his back with another hand. "Tell me what's wrong, and don't lie to me."

Leo opened his mouth, showing off his cute fangs before he looked off. He made some distance before holding himself, his tail oddly limp behind him. "I..." He started, before taking a breath. "Aries... I just... he looks so messed up..."

Libra silently embraced him again when his eyes grew glossy. Leo whined, sniffed, whimpered, anything but cry. Libra never knew him to be a crier, as emotional and dramatic as he was. When she felt her shoulder get moist, Libra combed through his curls. Immediately, his purrs returned, along with soft nuzzles. "I want to help him..." He mumbled against her neck. "But what can I do?"

Libra held his angled cheeks, making him meet her eyes. There was no effort in lying; they, and everyone else was well aware of their powerlessness. "Nothing," She told him, shaking his head with hers. "And that's okay. We can't fix and control everything. Aries will get better. You are doing enough by being strong for him."

He broke into a smile that was contagious in an instant. The giggles together, simply enjoying the other's energy. "Thank you, angel." He muttered with a smile. Libra's heart would have swelled if something inside of her brain didn't go off.

Angel. Leo's called her that several times over, even before she grew wings. So why is it so strange now? It's just a pet name. But now... it made sense. She was an angel, a strong, beautiful, benevolent-

Libra gasped, distancing herself from Leo. He called her name, obviously concerned, but she couldn't understand it. Libra wasn't her name - her real name.

She blinked, looking directly into Leo's eyes, and with full certainty, she spoke her title. "I am The Benevolent Seventh."

That was all it took. Her body burned, just like her hands did when she first reawakened. There was no pain, only enlightenment as her soul remembered what she truly was.


The Orange Star shines brightly through my window, waking me up. It's another day in the Lost Realm, and I'm already eager for my instructions.

"Good morning, Benevolent Seventh," My auntie greets me, helping me out of my bed. It's quite big - everything is. Everyone and everything in the Lost Realm is for people that are my aunties' size. There are only three children in the entire Realm. "Are you ready to serve the King today?"

"Yes ma'am!" I reply cheerfully, letting my auntie dress me and do my hair. I smile at myself the entire time. I always love getting ready for the King. Every time he tells me that I look beautiful, it makes my wings flutter.

"Finished." My auntie tells me after one last brush of my hair. Seeing my black waves only fall to my shoulders makes me pout. The King likes long hair... the only one who keeps it short is-

"Great morning, Libras!" Gemini suddenly appeared beside me, stretching in her identical dress. One mortal year ago, she appeared in this realm, explaining that her parents abandoned her and that she was a Zodiac Sign, like the King and I. Our gracious King took her in and became our friend. Ever since then she has been by our side and is the self-proclaimed Lost Jester. "Have any nice dreams?"

My auntie smiles. I smile too, already knowing what she dreamt about. All of my aunties have the same dreams. "I dreamed that the King praised me for his services."

"Again?" Gemini asked, putting her hands on her hips. My dresses swallowed her up, she was so small. "By the Gods, you guys are so boring! What about you, Little Libra?"

That was her name for me. Gemini thought it was confusing that my aunties and I all share the same name, so she decided to call me Little Libra, even though I'm bigger than her. I gave her one too, Gem. I never understood why she wouldn't just use my Title.

I don't have to think about her question to answer it. Smiling, I say, "I dreamed that I spent a sunny day on a picnic with the King! He complimented my hair, too."

Gem put a hand to her chest and clutched it, whining as my auntie ushers us out of my room. We can't delay any longer, we have to see the King and give him our daily greetings. "Aw, nothing about me? I thought you were my best friend!"

"I am," I reply, trying one of her signature smirks. "My King comes before any friendship."

"The King comes before everything..." Gemini pouted as we are escorted down the halls. "He's just a kid, a Sign, just like us! And last time I checked, we're only seven!"

My auntie glares at us, pulling at Gemini's ear. "That is enough, Genius Third!" She hisses. "You will not slander the King's name. He has cared for you and loved you like a sister, and you dare to speak of him this way?"

"Ow, ow, ow!" Gemini yelped, teleporting away. I couldn't help but giggle at her raspberry, even after my auntie glared at me, too. "Hey, watch it! You wouldn't scold Little Libra like that!"

"The Benevolent Seventh respects her King. You do not."

Finally, we arrive at the throne room. Even Gem knows to quiet down now. My other aunties are there, kneeling before the King. My mother, the Chairwoman looks just like my aunties, with long dark hair flowing down her back. She sees me and smiles, and I smile too. I want to look like her when I get older.

I kneel, and Gem follows, albeit much more exaggerated. Oftentimes, I would be envious of Gemini. She is the only one in the Lost Realm who is an outsider. Free of the King, free to do whatever she wanted.

But, every morning, when I see him for the first time, I am reminded of my true reason for existing. Everything I do, everything I am, is for the King. My aunties, my mother, I wouldn't be here if not for his grace and power. And for that, I will serve and protect him as his future bride.

In total unison, the Lost Kingdom greets, "Good morning, O Rejected Eleventh, King Aquarius."


Libra jolted awake, gasping for breath. For a moment, she had thought she was still in her fever dream, and almost screamed. Fortunately, Leo was there, holding her, even as she broke down into tears. She gripped onto him as if he was going to disappear, or rather, she was going to drift back to her painfully realistic memory.

It took a minute for Libra to calm down, and Leo was patient. His purrs helped, coupled with the rhythm of his heart beating. "You don't have to explain what happened." He whispered, running his coarse hands through her hair. "Whatever it was, I'm here now, okay? And I'm not going anywhere."

"I know," Libra mumbled, breathing in his scent. She couldn't remember when was the last time they were this physically close, and she missed it so much. "I need you right now."

Everything I am belongs to the King.

Her sudden thoughts made her flinch, gripping onto her boyfriend tighter. Her life didn't belong to anyone, let alone Aquarius-


The very shock of the negative emotion nearly sent Libra into a frenzy. But even with her alarm, her emotions swirled faster, faster.

I belong to the King. Nothing exists without him. Nothing!!!

"Shut up!" Libra shouted, pulling away from Leo instantly. She immediately eased up, but her stomach rooted itself in sickness. Leo's flinch and flicking ears only cemented it further. "Leo- Leo, I didn't mean-"

There were no words. Just one kiss. Leo held her face, pouring all he had into her. Of course, Libra kissed back, already wanting to be swallowed by him. The more she closed her distance, the less she focused on herself.

Unfortunately, the two had to breathe. "Libra..." Leo panted. He tried to hold it in, but Libra was close enough to his chest to feel his growl. She blinked, and, if anything, she was sure the heat between her legs grew from that alone. "Libra, we can't do this-"

"Why?" She instantly protested, clinging onto him.

"Because we live in a house with 11 other people-"

"Leo," Libra scoffed. As if an audience ever stopped Leo de la Cruz. Libra could recall several upon several times when they did the deed in public and Leo was extra loud just to show off. Every time a memory came, the mind pulsed with images of the King, and Libra forced them out, almost brutally.

It was strange. Ever since they reawakened, Leo had been oddly physically distant. Yes, they still spend time together, and yes, every day, he told her she was his pride and joy and no woman would ever come close to her. But their kiss five minutes ago was the closest thing Libra had gotten to intimacy in nearly a month. She realized it was her turn to console him, cupping his cheek and stroking it. "Be honest with me... what's really wrong?"

His fluffy black ears dropped further with a small, almost missed whine. Libra tried to mask her surprise at all of his new animal noises, but it was difficult, considering they either made her internally giggle or moan. "I..." He started, his tail lightly tapping the bedsheets. "Libra, I'm different now... you should be scared! Terrified, even!"

She watched him scoot away, pointing to himself with his claws. "I act like an animal, Libra. That's not normal. I'm not normal... not anymore. There's something horrible inside of me... and if it ever hurts you..."

Libra understood his own torment, especially now with her head pounding over the damn King. She was also aware of his new house cat tendencies. Her personal favorite was his purring, and his growls came close in second.

One thing she couldn't keep her eyes off, though, was Leo's rather prominent nether region. His leather pants only made his bulge that more obvious. Concealing a smirk, Libra chose to ignore it. For now.

Softly, she got on all fours, each crawl careful and calm. "None of us are normal anymore, Leo. And that's okay." Holding his face, she got a good look at his features. He was still the same for the most part, and Libra even found his cat eyes and fangs to be quite cute. Her smile broke into a giggle, peppering them all over his cheeks.

Her energy was contagious, making Leo giggle, too. He nuzzled into her neck, and his ears tickled her neck. Libra knew Leo to be rather clingy, but it was never this extensive. Libra was far from complaining, relishing in the fact that no one ever saw Leo like this. No one else ever saw her give him a small rub over his crotch while he was distracted, either.

He gasped in surprise, before failing to stifle a whine. Libra held onto him, an easy grip on his shoulder as he visibly shook to restrain this. "It's okay, baby." Libra continued to coo to him, her movements' rhythm not faltering. Even when his whines turned to desperate suckles on her neck. "This was what you wanted all this time, huh?" She asked, struggling to speak from Leo's own ministrations.

Leo couldn't answer, at least not with words. Libra hadn't noticed he had begun to squirm, practically dry humping again her hand. If Libra wasn't so aroused herself, she would have found him to be adorable.

She had to push him to onto his back to give herself some space and get his attention. From the look in his eyes alone, Libra could tell how pent up he truly was. Sure he was also humping the air, but that was like sprinkles to a cupcake.

"Poor kitty," Libra teased, grabbing onto his pants, slowly pulling him down. "So..." Tossing his pants aside onto her floor, she hesitated at his boxers. There were no doubts Libra wanted to have sex with her boyfriend, not a single one. She wanted to completely forget the King - and every thought, emotion, concept that came with him - and focus on the man she truly loved. His boxers left even less to the imagination, and there wasn't much, to begin with. It was already a struggle to take him, he couldn't have possibly gotten-

Thicker. Libra's imagination was getting the best of her, and her legs were getting quite shaky. His boxers flew off to some corner of her room, leaving his bottom half completely bare, his member throbbing from want. "...pent up." Libra finished, only being able to stare at it. Her peripheral caught his small, dazed smirk, and she knew if he wasn't so drunk off of arousal, he would have teased her to no end. Even in this state, Libra wouldn't let him get the best of her.

The closer her mouth came to his shaft, the more desperate the two Signs became. One graze of her tongue over his head was all she needed to fall into a trance. It had been so long - so, so long - since she's tasted him, and even now with him barely being able to fit in her mouth, Libra was hooked all over again.

Once Libra found her rhythm, she took his entire length in one sloppy go. Of course, Leo helped, fueling her with his groans and forcing more of his girth down her throat with either his hand on the back of her head or his hips thrusting. Every time Libra gagged, Leo grew more aggressive, his claws digging into her scalp. Sure, there was mild pain, but nothing could stop Libra from sucking her boyfriend off at that moment, not even the King.

Unfortunately, Libra had to come up for air at some point. She popped off of his cock audibly, panting and blinking and barely aware of her surroundings. Her mind was tunneling, honing in on Leo and how good he was about to make her feel.

Leo was obviously eager too, pulling Libra on top of him and attacking her lips again. This time, there wasn't an attempt to hide a growl, shooting it straight down to Libra's core. He was acting so out of character; by now, he would have normally complimented either (or both) of them at least twice. Now, there were only animalistic sounds, sounds Libra definitely wasn't complaining about.

Her curiosity to see more of the wild side of her boyfriend drove her hips to move over his shaft. "Come on, big boy," she edged him with a smirk. "Fuck me as much as you want."

Even in times of intimacy, Leo was always gentle with Libra. He doted her like a princess, and as much as Libra enjoyed the affection, she couldn't help the explosion of arousal when Leo tore her underwear to shreds underneath her nightgown. There was hardly any time to process a condom - or any sense of control - before he forced most of his girth inside of her in one go. He was definitely bigger.

"Fuck, Leo..." Libra whined from the forceful thrusts, but she knew that was a small price she had to pay in exchange for each burst of pleasure. It was the polar opposite of what she and her body were used to, and she doubted Leo would let her adjust. His groans made it clear he was far too deep, but, if anything, it filled Libra with a sense of pride. No one - no one at all - would ever be fucked this way by Leo de la Cruz. No one but her.

A sudden drag of pain on her back made Libra gasp, dropping her back to reality. Leo had pressed her body against him, digging his nails into her back, ruining her nightgown. In a successful attempt to distract her, he sucked on her neck. At least one thing was consistent; Leo always gloated about leaving marks and hickeys.

"Leo..." Libra did what she could to control her voice, but the closer Leo got to cumming, the harder that became for the both of them. More pain seared her back, but Libra chose to ignore it, relishing in what Leo was telling her with his body. "Leo... let's cum together, yeah? Let me help you...!"

So close, so close! She held onto his shoulders, putting everything she had in her final few thrusts into his own before getting smashed with an explosive orgasm. Not even a second after, she felt the familiar warm fullness she craved as Leo came, too. His brusque bark Except now, Leo's semen was so hot, it was almost burning. Neither seemed to care, as it only slowed them down. Libra could tell that he wanted, needed more. So Libra delivered.

He pleased her again and again, long after her womanhood throbbed from soreness. Libra lost track of both the number of times she hit her high and even time itself. That didn't matter, not when Leo was so close, so needy. Her only mission then was to make him grunt, whine, growl, moan with ecstasy, over and over, until he gave out completely.

The sky was bright orange when Leo finally spent the last of his energy. Panting and sweaty, he finally pulled out of her full cunt, whining, "Mine," every once in a while. Libra had long since been used up, but she was glad Leo was at least somewhat back to normal. Sure, her nightgown was nothing but ribbons, and her back burned from scratches, but Libra was willing - more than willing - to bypass all of that, for the man she loved.

She didn't love the King. She loved Leo.

The King meant nothing.

Nothing at all.




What a chapter, huh? This was supposed to come out about two weeks ago, sorry for the delay!

Also, I'm still super new to writing smut, so any pointers/advice would be gratefully appreciated. But now that smut has officially been introduced, there will definitely be more in the future. Of course, there are still going to be warnings at the beginning but this is just a heads up!

Anyway, thanks so much for the love, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Stay Starry! 💫

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