Falling (H.S. X L.T.)

By PeterPan095

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Harry is a freshmen in highschool, Louis is a senior. Since it's Harry's first year, he's obviously a nervous... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thiry-One

Chapter Nineteen

668 15 83
By PeterPan095

Louis' Pov.
We weren't even halfway through the movie when Harry was hiding behind his hands, scrunched up against my side.

"C'mon it's just a movie Harry, it can't hurt you." I laughed, trying to pry his arms away from his face.

"Well does the movie know that, huh?" He replied, it was cute watching him squirm- oh god that sounded bad. Well I'm sure he looks great in that context too-

"LOUIS WHAT IS THAT!?" I heard Harry yell from beside me, pointing at the screen with one hand and covering his face with the other. I busted into a fit of laughter.

"Harry calm down, it's just some evil haunted nun, she's not even real-"

"I'm not watching the rest of this movie." Harry stated, pausing the movie. "I'm not having that evil nun haunt my dreams."

"Ok, well what do you want to do then?" I asked. I closed his laptop and put it on his side table, crossing my legs and turning to face him. He joined me in sitting indian style and faced me.

"Hm, how about..... Truth or dare?" Harry asked. I liked this idea. Before i could agree, Harry spoke again.

"I could call the rest of the lads too, we can all get drunk and play, as long as you're okay with it?" Harry asked, it was sweet he cared what I wanted.

"That's fine with me, go ahead and call them, I'm going to use the bathroom." Harry got his phone out and started dialling. I got up and headed into the connected bathroom, shutting the door behind me. After taking care of my business and splashing some water on my face I walked back into Harry's room.

"The said they are cool to hangout, Zayn's bringing tequila. Said they will be here soon." Harry informed.

"Cool beans."
We were all wasted, sitting in a circle playing truth or dare. It was Niall's turn to ask me.

"Truth, or dare?" He slurred, bouncing around on the floor.

"Hm, Dare." I challenged. Zayn whistled and Liam and Harry clapped.

"Harry's not going to like this dare," Niall paused, "But I dare you to go kiss Gemma." Niall dared. Oh fuck. I am not doing that.

"Fuck you Neil." Harry groaned, taking a swig from the tequila bottle. Damn.

"Yeah, I'm definitely not doing that." I confirmed, shifting uncomfortably in my place. I took my shirt off, did I mention we had to remove a piece of clothing everytime we didn't do something? Well we do.

"Pussyyy!" Zayn sang out, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Yeah yeah, who's next?" I asked. I soon got my answer when Liam turned to Zayn.

"Truth or dare?" Liam interrogated.

"Uh- dare." Zayn sounded slightly nervous. Liam laughed darkly then spoke up.

"I dare you to give me a lap dance." He slurred, he grabbed the bottle from Harry, taking a drink. We all gasped at the dare, looking at Zayn.

"Liam!" Zayn hissed under his breath, Liam smirked in return and patted his lap expectantly. With a sigh, Zayn straddled his waist and started moving on top of him. He grinded down on him and dragged his hands down Liam's chest. Liam seemed to be in pure bliss but after about 20 seconds Zayn got off of him and sat back in his place. We all whistled at a flustered Zayn and Liam.

Zayn turned to look at Harry.

"Truth or dare?" He asked. Harry thought about it for a moment.

"Do you like anyone?" Zayn questioned.

"What is this first grade?" Harry chuckled. He was swaying in his spot, obviously drunk.

"Answer the question Hazza or take off some clothes, pick one." Niall let out in a sing-song voice. Harry groaned.

"Uh.. Nah fuck it." Harry sighed, slowly removing his socks and shoes, how intense. Note the sarcasm. 

We went around a few more times and eventually we were back to Niall giving me a truth or dare. And we were all way more drunk now.

"I- I dare you and Harrry- I dare you and Harry to make out!" Niall cheered, hiccuping in the middle of his sentence. My eyes widened and I looked over at Harry to see his reaction. He was blushing madly.

"Alright." I shrugged. I crawled over to where Harry was and sat in front of him, the rest of the lads were watching with wide-eyes. I guess they were surprised I was actually going to do it.

"Is this okay?" I whispered, putting my hands om the back of his neck. He looked up at me through his lashes.

"Yes.." He breathed. That's all it took.

I pulled Harry forward by his neck and our lips brushed together. Next thing I knew Harry was pressing his lips to mine harshly. I responded with just as much enthusiasm, gripping the back of his neck tighter and pulling him into me. Harry let out a soft moan when I let my tongue slip into his mouth, he put his hand on my shoulders and rubbed them sensually. I pulled back after about 10 seconds, licking my lips. Harry wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked up at me shyly. I gave him a small smile.

I turned to see all the lads with shocked looks on their faces. I smirked at that.

"What? You gave me a dare, I did it." I shrugged. I crawled back over to my spot on the floor.

"Well I think that's enough truth or dare for tonight." Zayn sighed. He was he only sober one, he said it was because he had to drive them home. Harry agreed and so did Liam and Niall. I nodded along with them.

"Well I guess we will be going, you need a ride Louis?" Zayn asked me. Before I could answer Harry spoke up.

"You can stay here tonight, since you're drunk and all." Harry's words were so slurred I almost didn't understand him.

"You heard the man, I'll stay here." I told Zayn, smiling at them all as they left. Me and Harry both stood up, standing face to face making intense eye contact. We stared into each others eyes for a few moments before we both coughed awkwardly. Harry stumbled to one side of the bed and climbed under the covers, I got in beside him, laying down. Our sides were brushing together and it was driving me insane. I wouldn't be able to sleep if this didn't change. Without even thinking about it I reached my hand down to hold his. He let me do it, intertwining our fingers together, and giggled. He was so drunk. I smiled to myself at the fact he was letting me hold his hand.

I really liked this boy..

Harry's Pov. (Sorry for switching in the middle)
I woke up with a hammer in my head. It was pounding at the walls and I felt like death. I saw that the curtains by my window were closed, that was a relief. Light would probably kill me right now. There was no way I could go to school with a hangover like this. Then again I didn't really have a choice, my mom would be mad if she figured out I didn't go, and if she knew the reason it would be worse.

I sat up and tried to remember the events of last night. I remembered inviting Louis over and watching a movie, I remember calling the rest of the lads and playing truth or dare. I also remember.... Me and Louis made-out! The thought made a blush appear on my face. I can't believe we actually made-out! Louis spent the night, but he wasn't in bed beside me, so I'm assuming he's probably in the kitchen or living room. I checked the time on my phone, Louis and I needed to leave for school in about 30 minutes. That thought in mind I got up and took a shower. The hot water relaxed my muscles and took my mind off the pounding headache and nausea I was feeling.

When I got out of the shower Louis was in my room, all i had was a towel wrapped around my waist, I wasn't dressed yet.

Louis' eyes racked over my body, he was, dare I say......checking me out? I blushed and looked down.

"Oh- uh sorry.." Louis fumbled, he turned his back to me and let me get dressed. I put on black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, on top I put a zip up hoodie and left it unzipped.

"You can look now." Louis turned and looked at me, giving me a smile. He was probably feeling just as bad as me, he was drunk last night too. There was no doubt that there was a lot of tension in the air. I just didn't know what kind of tension...

"So uh... We should head to school, yeah?" I stuttered, it was like I suddenly didn't know how to talk to him.

"Yeah, let's do that." Louis was acting just as awkward as I was. This car ride would be something.

Me and Louis didn't talk at all during the car ride. It was the most awkward experience of my life and I think I actually wanted to die. We got to the school and mumbled awkward 'goodbyes' to each other before heading separate ways.

I groaned in frustration when I reached my locker. Zayn, Niall, and Liam weren't here yet, so it scared me when I heard someone speak to me. It was a voice I would never forget.

"What's got you all frustrated darling?"

I froze, my whole body tensed at the sound of his voice.

I turned around to face Nick.

"What do you want." I wanted to sound mad, or at least intimidating but it came out as more of a whisper. Nick stepped a little closer to me, causing me to shrink back into the lockers. I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"No hello? Nothing? Shame.." Nick tsked his teeth, he was only about 6 inches away from my face and I was scared shitless, but i stayed silent.

"We had fun at that party didn't we?" Nick continued speaking. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I looked away from him and saw Ed looking at us from across the hall. He had a smirk on his face. He probably planned this. I looked back towards Nick. I got a sudden burst of confidence and with everything I had I shoved him away from me. I surprised myself with how far he stumbled, and I think he was surprised too. He looked at me with widened eyes.

"Stay the fuck away from me." I spat, he seemed to get angry at this. He started walking closer but in a flash Liam came out of nowhere and was between us.

"Get the fuck away from him." Liam growled, Zayn was standing beside him, glaring at Nick.

Nick rolled his eyes and walked away.

Liam and Zayn both turned to me.

"You okay mate?" I turned to look Liam in the eyes and nodded my head. I was freaked out, but ok.

They both nodded their heads and turned to their own lockers, grabbing their stuff.

"Where's Niall?" I asked Zayn.

"He said he's not coming today, he has a massive hangover."

I nodded in understanding and said my goodbyes before walking to first period.

I sat in the same seat I always do and waited for class to start, the teacher walked in and started talking.

"Ok, today we have a test, if you were paying attention yesterday, you would have known to study, so I hope you all did because this is an advanced test."

Fuck, I didn't study, I'm already failing this class. I groaned, along with a few other students and waited for my test to be given to me.
Thirty minutes later, the teacher had gotten all the tests back and graded them. He was now passing them all back out. He got to my desk and gave me a pointed look, that couldn't be good.

He flipped the test over and onto my desk. I turned it over to see a big F circled on the front. It said I got 4 questions right out of 15. I bit my lips in frustration. There was note written at the bottom of the paper, it read 'see me after class'. I sighed in defeat and put the test into my notebook, laying my head down for the rest of class.

After class ended I sighed and walked over to the teachers desk.

"We need to discuss your grades, Harry." My teacher announced after everyone left the classroom.

"I know." I bit my lips and looked at the ground.

"Is there anything going on at home that could be affecting them in a negative way?" The teacher was tryin grip hard to sound friendly, it wasn't working.

"No, home life is fine. I just suck at math." I explained. He seemed frustrated at this statement.

"Well I'm going to assign you a tutor, it will probably be a senior, is there a specific person you would prefer to be tutored b-"

"Louis!" I blushed at my outburst. "Uh- Louis Tomlinson please, if he's okay with it." I shifted on my feet awkwardly when the teacher gave me an odd look.

"Alright, I'll find him an talk to him about it. See you tomorrow Harry." I walked out of the room after nodding at him. I felt lile shit today, I was still hungover, I'm sure Louis was too. Now that I thought about it, I might've been a bad idea to have him tutor me. Things were weird between us now and that might annoy him.. I would really like him to be the ons to tutor me though, it would be way better than someone I've never met and plus it means I could spend more time with him.

I sighed and made my way towards my second class of the day.
So you guys got a Larry kiss scene! Sorry it was just a dare but lol we know im a cock blocker :P

Love to all of my lovelies <33

"Hearing your heels click on the floor sounds like power.."

~literally every women ever

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