The End is Beautiful || Crowl...

By Noyasthighs

24.9K 759 178

"The end of a story is the start of a new one" *EDITING OF THE STORY BEGINS 1/5/23!* *finished 5/6/23* More

Prologue: My Story
A Vampire
End & Beginning
Different Plans
The Past
A Month
Long Ago
Last Night
The Shelter
Heartbeats & Life
Into The Morning
Early Winter Chill
In Hot Water
Back To Sleep
SEASON 2: Eusford (A/N)
SEASON 2: Accepting
SEASON 2 : Different
Season 2: This Life (10K!)
SEASON 2: Promise
Season 2: Along For The Ride
SEASON 2: Osaka Bay
SEASON 2: For The Time Being
SEASON 2: The Opulent Mansion
SEASON 2: His Blood
SEASON 2: To the First Time
SEASON 2: Morohoshi
SEASON 2: To Crowley & Leila
Season 2: To Leila

Your Eyes, My Smile

418 10 7
By Noyasthighs

A Week Later

The tiny house was quiet. Leila wasn't around, making me wonder where they've run off to.

I gently crack open the door to a quiet morning and the world covered in a blanket of moist fog. I was quick to notice her back faced to me. From where I stood, I watched as she remained still, basking in the moments of peace.

I sigh quietly, feeling a small smile curve my lips.

As if she heard me, Leila turned to face me. A smile that mirrors my own covered the stunning woman's features.

In her arms, she hugged the little red haired girl close to her chest.

As soon as the little girl noticed me, a bright grin covered her face. One that copies her father's in every way possible. From across the yard, I could hear her begin to babble, reaching out for me.

I quickly step off the porch and made my way towards them. I was brisk enough that I made it to where they stood in a flash.

"Good morning, my love" She whispers as I took the child from her arms.

"Good morning" I say. I quickly peck the woman on the lips before I turn to look at the one in my arms.

"Why good morning, butthead" I mumble, making the child laugh a genuine giggle. She babbles once more, forcing a reaction of a laugh to escape my lips.

"Crowley" A quiet, anxious whisper invaded the dark room's silence. It was Leila's. I quickly turn away from my view through the window and my imaginative thoughts to find Leila sitting up, her pale hand over her stomach.

"I think it's coming" She admits with her anxiety comingoff it in wave. I feel my breath hitch.

"You're sure?" I ask, quickly rounding the bed to her side. She pulled aside the covers where a large pool of a damp fluid gathered around her legs. I release my held breath, watching as her beautiful blood crimson red eyes meet mine.

"Yeah. I think I'm sure" She says with a tone of sarcasm in her shaking voice.

A quiet chuckle escapes my lips. "Okay" I say. I turn to walk out, attempting to get Chess and Horn to come assist us.

Her hand quickly grabbed mine, forcing my body to halt and spin towards her. A nervous smile covered the hybrid's mouth.

She didn't have to say how she was feeling, her face said millions.

I return an encouraging smile. "Itll be okay Leila. I'll be right by you through it all okay?" I whisper, taking her hand into mine and giving it a quick squeeze. Her lips purse and tears lined her eyes. My body leaned forward on its own, pressing a firm kiss to her head. "Give me a quick second. Just breathe okay?" I whisper. She nodded.

My hand slid from Leila's as I quickly turn to leave the room. I quickly retrieve the aides and assign them to obtain boiling water, towels and antiseptic before I return to the bedroom.

"How are you feeling?" I ask as I walk into the room again, shedding my gloves and cape, throwing them on the back of the sofa across the room. She took a deep breath.

"I admit I've been better. How are you?" She asks. I feel my lips crack a smile again.

"Ready to meet my kid" I admit, making her laugh.

She sighs as I help her to lay down on her back. "I hate that you're so calm right now." She admits as I notice a tear fall down her cheek.

"What? Do you want me to be freaking out?" I ask, reaching over to wipe it away.

"No. I'm just jealous" She says, obviously trying to keep her mind off her countless anxieties that are running through her head right now.

I took a knee by the bedside, getting level with Leila's faces. I took her warm hand into my own freezing one and gave it a tight squeeze.

"I love you Leila. I promise we're gonna get through it together okay?" I whisper. She nodded. "Okay" I mumble as I press a firm kiss, one like earlier, to the back of her hand.  "Are you ready to have this baby?" I ask.

She looked away from me for a quick second before meeting my gaze again. "Hell yeah" She says.

I feel a smile cover my lips again as I press another kiss to her hand. "Hell yeah" I repeat, making a weak smile cover the nervous hybrid's face.


"Its a girl" Horn says, walking over to Leila and I with a swaddled blanket in her arms. She gently handed it off to me and I feel my body stiffen with genuine excitement.

I quickly looked from the baby to Leila and then back to the baby. A smile gently crossed my lips as I look down at the baby.

She had a full head of bright red hair that resembles my own. Her skin was pale with a natural red blush covering her cheeks.

"Hello beautiful" I whisper as my body naturally began to rock the newborn baby.

A small smile covered her lips. A smile that mirrors my own perfectly. Her eyes slowly peeked open, revealing a set of mesmerizing, beautiful crimson eyes that definitely came from  Leila. 

"Hmm. Your eyes. Your nose. Pretty," I quietly say to Leila.

I gently put my lips against the top of the baby's head and closed my eyes. After a moment, I opened my eyes, never looking away from her.

"Kind of incredible. She is you, she is your mother, your father. She's the both of us." I kissed her head and leaned down to whisper in Leila's ear. "She is our future."

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