Snowfall - A Fairytail Fanfic

By PokePrism14

178K 3.9K 703

Gajeel is assigned to spy on Raventail for Master Makarov when he finds Ivan's little secret. Ivan's daughter... More

Chapter 1- Ready... Set... Crocus!
Chapter 2- Shadow Within the Games
Chapter 3- Ivan's Little Secret
Chapter 4- Fairytail's Resurrection
Chapter 5- The Hope of a Lightning Strike
Chapter 6- Maylene Dreyar
Chapter 7- New Start, New Guild
Chapter 8- A Little Outing
Chapter 9- The Slayer of the Ice Dragon
Chapter 10- Frost Bite
Chapter 11- A New Home
Chapter 12- A Misconception
Chapter 13- Advice
Chapter 14- One Step at a Time
Chapter 15- Give Him a Chance
Chapter 16- Coming into the Light
Chapter 16.5- Christmas Special
Chapter 17- Missions and Nicknames
Chapter 18- The Rules of Fairytail
Chapter 19-A Little Bit of Friendly Mischief
Chapter 20- To Trust your Instincts
Chapter 21- Play Date
Chapter 23- The Big Brother She Needs You to Be
Chapter 24- Show Him What your Made of
Chapter 25- Memories of Old
Chapter 26 - Flaws
Chapter 27 - Past Scars
Chapter 28 - Remedy
Chapter 29 - Recovery
Chapter 30 - Happy Days
Chapter 31 - Life of a Friend
Chapter 32 - Family History
Chapter 33 - Control
Chapter 34 - Reflection and Mystery
Chapter 35 - Enough
Chapter 36 - Training in the Mountains
Chapter 37 - Glacia
Chapter 38 - Ice Iris
Chapter 39 - Tangles and Coats
Chapter 40 - War
Chapter 41 - Winter Eclipse
Chapter 42 - New Evil
Chapter 43 - Questions and Answers
Chapter 44 - Rage
Chapter 45 - Captured
Chapter 46 - Dragon's Fury
Chapter 47 - Ice Age
Chapter 48 - Where My Power Lies
Chapter 49 - Ice Empress
Epilogue - Snowfall
Author's Note

Chapter 22- An Unexpected Adventure

3.1K 83 36
By PokePrism14

A/N: And I'm back! I hope your ready for more!! Also, I am now selling merch of my artwork on Redbubble under PokePrism144!! So go check it out and enjoy the chapter!!!

***May's p.o.v***

"Oof. Humph. Oh!" I squeaked out as I very difficultly exited the train car with the large package in my hand. I sighed in relief upon safely exiting that terrible abomination before turning to face the town of Aspen.

I exited the train station and started walking through the streets of Aspen town. Master Bob had asked me if I could deliver this package to the guild here. I was so excited to get out of the guildhall that I left without telling the Thunder Legion where I was going by accident.

I headed down the streets of Aspen town as I looked up at the sky in thought.

It's been half a year since Fairytail had disbanded. I never would've thought the mission I took with Laxus and the others after my sleepover with Wendy would be my last with Fairytail. I never would have expected Tartaros to attack us, no one did really, but I didn't really expect us to lose or be so badly poisoned from it either. I'm just glad Freed got us all back to the guild. Even then, it's thanks to Laxus that we were able to get an antidote to the poison. I heard that Gajeel and the others finally found their dragons, only to lose them. I felt so helpless, and when I heard that the guild was disbanding, I felt even worse. I wanted to at least say goodbye to everyone, but by the time we were awake, they were already gone. I felt so lonely it hurt. Laxus told me I was coming with him and the others, which made me feel a little better, but I still missed the others. They told me not to worry too much about it though, because they believed the guild will come back again someday, so that gave me a little hope. We decided to join Blue Pegasus so we can get some work until the guild comes back. I thought that would help me take my mind off of missing everybody, but it only got worse.

Ever since we joined Blue Pegasus, Laxus has been rarely at the guildhall. He's always out training, and when he comes back, he just leaves again the next day. I really miss him. It's so lonely without him. I at least have the Thunder Legion, but it's not the same. I wish Laxus was around more. I miss my brother. I stopped wandering and glanced around.

"Uh-oh," I muttered now worried.

"I think I'm lost," I said to myself.

Master Bob had told me only that their guild hall looks like a castle, but the surrounding buildings were too tall for me to see past.

"What do I do now?" I questioned to myself.

I continued down a few more streets and alleyways, wandering around to try and find this guildhall I was looking for.

Walking down another alleyway, I noticed a small cat in a pink frog suit, looking around as if it was lost too.

I walked over to it and bent down to its level asking, "Hello, are you lost?"

The pink frog cat looked at me with teary eyes saying, "Yes, Fro is lost."

"Well, my names May, and I'm lost too. You wanna come with me? That way we can at least be lost together," I suggested.

"Fro thinks so too," the frog cat smiled in agreement.

"Hop on," I beckoned as the frog cat climbed on.

As we started walking, I asked, "So what's your name?"

"I'm Frosch!" Frosch answered.

"Oh ok. Frosch, how did you end up getting lost?" I questioned.

"Fro got distracted," Frosch answered sadly.

"What about you?" Frosch asked.

"Well, I'm supposed to deliver this package to the Sabertooth guild that resides here, but I think I took a wrong turn, or two," I muttered sadly.

"Fro is a part of Sabertooth and Fro is sure Rouge is looking for Fro," Frosch reassured.

"That's good, maybe someone will find us," I smiled.


"Um Frosch? Do you recognize any of these places?" I asked the cat.

"Fro doesn't think so," Frosch muttered sadly.

I bit my lip.

'What do we do now? We may never find the guildhall at this rate, and it's getting late. I never should have left without telling the Thunder Legion where I was going. Maybe one of them could've gone with me and we wouldn't have been in this mess,' I thought upset.

"I'm sorry Frosch," I croaked.

"I don't know what to do," I teared up.

Frosch patted my cheek. "Don't cry May, Fro is sure we'll think of something," Frosch reassured.

I smiled, wiping my tears, "Thanks Frosch."

"Frosch!" Someone called.

I turned at the voice to see a man with a red coat and a big feathered hat heading towards us.

"Rufus!" Frosch exclaimed in relief.

"There you are, we've been looking all over for you," Rufus said to Frosch.

Noticing me he asked, "And who might you be?"

"This is May, Fro's friend. She got lost just like Fro. She's looking for Sabertooth too," Frosch answered.

"Well, I'd be happy to escort you to our guildhall. Especially after finding Frosch, we can't thank you enough," Rufus answered.

"That would be much appreciated, thank you," I bowed gratefully.

"Follow me," Rufus said as we headed towards their guildhall.




A man, who I assumed was Rouge, came over and hugged Frosch tightly, who gratefully hugged back as the two had a happy reunion.

I smiled.

"You found Frosch!" A white-haired girl exclaimed happily walking over to us.

"Well, glad that's all been taken care of. Good job Rufus," a blond man said in relief walking over to us.

Rufus shook his head. "It wasn't me, she's the one who found Frosch," Rufus said gesturing to me.

"Oh! Well thanks! Who are you?" The blonde guy asked me.

"I don't think I should deserve the credit since I was lost too, but my names May. Master Bob sent me to deliver this to you guys," I said handing them the package.

"Oh! Sweet! We've been wondering what happened. Master Bob told us we were getting this delivered to us today," a red cat answered.

"Sorry, I got lost," I sweat dropped, bowing my head in shame.

"It's ok, it's no problem. Oh! Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sting, the master of the Sabertooth guild," Sting greeted.

"The names Lector. I'm Sting's partner. It's nice to meet you kid," Lector introduced.

"My names Rouge. Thank you for finding Frosch," Rouge said to me.

"Hello, I'm Yukino," Yukino smiled.

"Say, weren't you at the Grand Magic Games? You look familiar," Yukino asked.

"Now that you mention it, weren't you with Gajeel at the Grand Banquet?" Rouge asked.

"Yeah, and actually aren't you a dragon slayer? You smell like one," Sting said sniffing me.

Suddenly a woman with black hair came over and whacked him in the head, stopping him. "Don't be rude. Sorry about him. I'm Minerva, by the way," Minerva said kindly to me.

A green haired guy laughed from behind her.

"Yeah, our masters still got a lot to learn about manners. The names Orga. Nice to meet you kid," Orga said to me.

I nodded responding, "It's ok. They were all valid questions. Yes, I was at the Grand Magic Games and I was also with Gajeel at the Grand Banquet. Yes, I'm a dragon slayer. I'm an Ice Dragon Slayer to be more precise," I answered.

"Cool! I'm always happy to meet another dragon slayer!" Sting exclaimed with a grin.

"If I may ask, what generation?" Rouge asked politely.

"Second generation," I answered.

Rouge nodded.

"So your just like that Oración guy and Laxus from Fairytail," Sting commented.

I nodded. "Yeah, Laxus is my big brother. Speaking of which, it was nice meeting you all, but I do need to get back before they start to worry," I said.

"Hold on, May was it?" Minerva asked.

I nodded.

"It's getting pretty late, and I think you just missed the last train. I think it would be better if you headed back tomorrow," Minerva suggested.

"I agree, besides didn't you say you got lost on the way over here?" Orga questioned.

I nodded timidly.

"Then it would probably be best for you to stay here for the night," Orga finished.

"But-" I argued.

"I agree and tomorrow we can escort you back, so you don't get lost on the way back home," Sting agreed.

"Then it's settled then," Minerva clapped.

"But what about the others? Won't they get worried?" I questioned.

"We can call them on the lacrima and tell them what's going on. I'm sure they'll understand," Rouge reassured.

I nodded sadly.

"Come with me. We'll call them now," Rouge said as he beckoned me over.

I nodded.

"Hey May," Yukino called.

I turned to her.

"When you're done come and find me, you can stay with me for the night," Yukino said to me.

I nodded before I caught up to Rouge just as the lacrima was answered.

"Hello, this is Blue Pegasus," Master Bob answered.

"Hello Master Bob, this is Rouge," Rouge answered.

"Oh dear, did May not make it yet?" Master Bob assumed.

Rouge shook his head. "No, she's right here," Rouge said gesturing to me as I waved.

"But I'm afraid it's late since she got a bit lost. So we're going to have her stay here for the night before we escort her back tomorrow, just so she doesn't get lost on her way back. We thought we'd let you know," Rouge explained.

"Well, that's sounds good to me. Are you alright deary?" Master Bob asked me.

I nodded, "Yes, I'm ok. I just got a bit lost that's all."

"Well, that's good to hear. I'm glad you're alright. The others would like to talk to you, so I'll hand it over to them," Master Bob said handing the lacrima over to the very worried Thunder Legion.

"May! May are you okay?" The Thunder Legion all questioned at once in worry.

"Yeah, I'm ok," I responded.

They all sighed in relief at that.

"May, why didn't you tell us where you were going?" Freed asked in a scolding tone.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," I responded sadly.

"May you need to tell us where you're going. You have no idea how scared we were when we couldn't find you. Master Bob had to be the one to tell us where you went," Freed explained.

"I'm sorry," I muttered upset.

"It's alright May, are you at least safe?" Bickslow asked.

I nodded.

"That's good at least," Evergreen sighed in relief.

"We're going to have May stay here with us for the night before we escort her back tomorrow. Just to make sure she doesn't get lost this time," Rouge explained.

I lowered my head in shame.

"Thank you Rouge," Freed said before turning to me.

"May, are you sure you'll be alright? We can come and get you tonight if we need to," Freed offered.

I shook my head, "No, it's ok. I'll be alright."

"Alright," Freed smiled.

"Be careful May," Evergreen exclaimed.

"Yeah, Laxus won't forgive us if anything happens to you," Bickslow added.

I nodded, "I'll be careful. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight May," they said.

"Night," I waved before we hung up.

Rouge patted my shoulder, "Come on, let's get some sleep."

I nodded as I followed him over to Yukino.


I skipped happily into Castle Château behind Yukino as we entered the Sabertooth guildhall.

"Morning May! Ready to go?" Master Sting asked.

I nodded happily.

"Then let's head out!" Sting cheered.

"We better hurry if we're going to get her back by morning," Lector agreed.

"Sting, Lector, Frosch, Yukino, and I are going to escort you back," Rouge explained.

I nodded in understanding as I followed them out the guilddoors.


"Mister Sting-" I started.

"Just call me Sting, May," Sting corrected.

"Oh ok," I muttered as I followed behind them as we trudged down a beaten path back towards the Blue Pegasus guild.

We had to walk back since the trains were apparently out of commission, not that half of us minded though. Trains are terrible.

"Well, um Sting, I was wondering what you eat to power up. Natsu eats fire since he's a fire dragon slayer, Wendy eats air, Gajeel eats iron, and my big brother Laxus eats lightning. I assume Rouge eats shadows since he's a shadow dragon slayer, but what about you?" I questioned curiously.

"I eat white things," Sting answered plainly.

"White things?" I questioned tilting my head.

"Yeah, I can eat anything that is white. Like the fluff on your jacket."

I moved away at his statement.

"Not that I would, but I can," Sting corrected, allowing me to relax.

I smiled.

"What about you May? Do you just eat ice?" Sting asked.

"Yeah, I can eat crystals too, but they don't give me as much of a boost as ice though. Oh! I can eat the frost in the air. That can be just as good as ice," I answered.

"That's pretty impressive," Rouge complimented.

"Are you kidding? That's super cool!" Sting grinned.

"Fro thinks so too!" Frosch cheered.

I blushed.

"So if it's cold out you could eat the air?" Yukino questioned.

I nodded, "The colder it is the more power boost I get. It has to be below freezing though, it doesn't work if it's warm out or if I made the air cold."

"That's still pretty cool," Lector complimented.

I smiled with a blush.

Suddenly I froze.

So did Sting and Rouge.

"Get down!" Sting shouted.

Sting protected Yukino, and Rouge dove in front of me to protect me from the blast.

When the dust cleared, there was a crevice where we were previously standing and there was a large group of mages standing not too far from us.

We all stood up ready for a fight with Sting and Rogue glaring in the enemy's direction.

One goon stepped up front. "Are you Sabertooth's master?" He asked.

"Yeah, who's asking?" Sting questions.

The goon smirks, "Perfect. Kill them."

The goons sped towards us.

Sting and Rogue punched them back while shouting, "Lector, get May out of here!"

"Frosch, you go to!"

Before I could argue against them, Lector and Frosch grabbed the back of my jacket and lifted me into the air as we flew away from the fight.

***Sting's p.o.v***

"White Dragon; Iron Fist!"

"Shadow Dragon; Talon!" I heard Rouge yell.

"Open: Gate of the Two Fish, Pisces!" Yukino yelled as the two giant fish appeared, plowing through our opponents.

We bashed through a couple more goons before we were suddenly forced to the ground.

'Gravity magic,' I noted, but I wasn't worried.

"Open: Gate of the Balance, Libra!" Yukino yelled as she closed Pisces gate and opened Libra's.


"Right!" Libra said as she fixed the gravity around us.

I smirked, "Thanks Yukino! White Dragon's Claw!"

I plowed through a bunch more goons with Rouge right behind me.

Unfortunately though, we ran right into their trap. As we plowed through more goons, it revealed one goon smirking as he pointed a large cannon at us.

Widening our eyes, Rouge and I dove out of the way as he fired.

"Yukino!" Libra yelled as she pushes Yukino out of the way of the blast.

Our eyes widened in shock as she disappeared in a shimmer of light. Before we could do anything, Yukino was grabbed and restrained.

Rouge and I bolted in her direction to help her.

"Not so fast boys," the same goon from earlier said as he placed a blade to her throat.

We stopped.

"I'd be pretty careful. Don't want my hand to slip now do we?" He chuckled.

Yukino tried to reach for her keys, but another goon grabbed them away from her.

"Sorry dear, but we can't have you doing that, now can we?" He said in her ear huskily.

Yukino shivered.

"Let her go!" I raged.

The goon, who I now assume is the guildmaster, pressed the blade closer to her throat.

I froze.

"I thought I made it quite clear for you to stay put, but if I wasn't-" he spoke as he moved to press the blade further.

"No!" I yelled.

"What do you want?" Rouge questioned.

The dark guildmaster laughed, "I want your guild. If I kill you, I become the new ruler of Sabertooth."

"That's not how it works," I growled.

"If you think anyone in our guild would follow you then you're mistaken," Rogue agreed.

"That's not how it works? Isn't that how you became guildmaster? Only the strongest rules Sabertooth," he chuckled.

"That may have been the case back then, but that isn't who we are now!" I yelled.

He shrugged. "Oh well, then at least I can enjoy killing you," he said as he moved.

"No!" We yelled.

"Ice Dragon Claw!" Someone yelled.

Ice slashed across the dark guildmaster's backside, setting Yukino free.

May stood in front of us as her ice claws dissipated.

"May?" We questioned, surprised.

She turned to us. "It doesn't matter if it's your fight or not. I'm going to help. Besides, I don't need protecting. I can take care of myself," May said to us.

I smiled, "Thanks a lot May."

She smiled back.

"Let's kick some butt!" Lector shouted.

"Here you go Yukino," Frosch said handing Yukino her keys.

"Thanks Frosch," Yukino smiled.

"You guys ready?" Rogue smirked as the goons closed in.

May nodded.

"Alright time to kick some tail," Sting grinned wickedly.

"Ice, White, Shadow Dragon- ROAR!" We shouted.

***Timeskip***          ***Third-person p.o.v***

"We made it!" Sting shouted, entering the Blue Pegasus guildhall.

All heads turned towards the doors at the outburst, but the sight made three members run over in concern.

May, Sting, Rouge and Yukino had all walked into the guildhall covered in dirt and minor wounds from their most recent fight.

"May! What in the world happened?" Ever asked.

"Are you okay?" Freed questioned.

"Are you hurt?" Bickslow asked.

"I'm great!" May beamed, surprising them.

"I had so much fun! I had fun spending the night with Yukino! We played with our hair and I got to meet her spirits! They were so nice! Oh, and I got to talk to Sting and Rogue about dragon slayer magic and on the way back we beat up some bad guys! It was so much fun!" May beamed.

The Thunder Legion smiled warmly.

"We're glad you had fun May," Freed smiled.

Sting and the others sighed in relief, worried they were going to get in trouble for bringing back a scuffed-up May.

"You guys are lucky Laxus ain't here and May's cute, otherwise you would've been dead," Bickslow whispered to them.

Sting and the others sweat dropped at that statement.

"Why don't you guys rest a bit here before you head back. You guys look exhausted," Ever suggested.

"Yeah, we would like that," Sting agreed as everyone smiled warmly at May's contagious smile as she talked about her little adventure.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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