When Darkness Meets The Light...

By Leviathan_Atlantis

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Hikari Khonsu is a Samurai Warrior after his father, Bounty Hunter, and unexpectedly a protector for Hololive... More

Chapter 1: Fubuki Comes Over!
Chapter 2: New Member? Wait...WAIT!
Chapter 3: Dusk Moves In
Chapter 4: Dinner was Shocking.....Literally
Chapter 5: Dusk and Ayame's Bonding Time
Chapter 6: Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 7: A Long Night's Work
Chapter 8: Welcome Back Aloe!
Chapter 9: Fighting in a Mall, Normal Right?
Chapter 10: A Meal and A Unexpected Request
Chapter 11: SAIDO CHESTO!
Chapter 12: Dusk is a Equivalent to a Soccer Mom
Wow, an announcement? No way!
Chapter 13: Please Let This be a Normal Ride...
Chapter 14: Spending Some More Time With Ayame
Chapter 15: Dusk is an Apex Legend
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 18: A Little Talk
Chapter 19: Two New Roommates?
Chapter 20: A Mall Trip! Again...
Chapter 21: Spending Some Time At the Production Building and a Violent Surprise
Quick Announcement!
Chapter 22: An Eventful Day
Sad Announcements
Chapter 23: 10k Special!!! Flashback and Memories
Chapter 24: To the Arcade We Go!
Chapter 25: Conflicts
Announcements That You Should Know
Chapter 26: Feeling a Disturbance

Chapter 17: A Date and a Attempt of Assassination

706 12 2
By Leviathan_Atlantis

Note: Well I am just great at being on track of updating, aren't I? I hope you guys don't mind me publishing chapters late :( I will probably update my Chivalry of a Failed Knight book next time I update. Enjoy!

Fubuki's POV

I just finished a stream and I was currently running to my apartment as fast as I could. Tears were streaming down my face, I was in no mood to call a taxi. So I ran and ran and ran. I reached my apartment with sore legs, I unlocked the door and went inside. My onesan was currently sitting at the couch, scrolling through her phone, and eating some pockys. When she saw me she immediately stood up, went over to me, and hugged me tightly. "Fubuki! Where were you last night?! I was worried sick, you didn't even answer my calls! And why are you crying?" She scolded me and then asked me, I just cried into her shoulder. "G-g-gomen Kuro-chan." I finally said, "Tell me what's wrong." She ordered. "M-M-Mio rejected my date offer..." I sadly said while wiping my tears away.

"N-nani?! Why would she do that? You guys are so close to each other!" She said, "Well...She has a boyfriend..." I sadly answered, "Nani?! She would choose a guy over you?!" My onesan said, shocked. "S-sou-" I said as my phone rang, I pulled it out and saw it was Mio. "Why are you calling me? You have a boyfriend to spend time with, don't you?" I said angrily to the phone without picking up. "Maybe she changed her mind and dumped her boyfriend." Kuro-chan shrugged, "No way, they are way too close to each other." I pouted, "Just pick up and see what she says." Kuro-chan suggested. "H-hai..." I finally agreed, I reluctantly answered. "M-Mio? What do you want?" I sniffed, "Fubuki! Gomenasai that I made you sad! Change of plans, I can go out with you tonight!" Mio said, 'Is she doing this just to make me happy?' I thought angrily, 'But why would she sound happy though?' I thought again. "W-why the sudden change?" I asked, "Because I said so, Fubuki you know why..." Dusk's voice came through the phone, I then remembered the little talk me and Dusk had.

"Dusk, already?!" I said, "What do you guys mean "already"?" Mio asked, I then heard some shuffling. "No, not yet. But you know, you guys love each other so much I can't just interfere now, can I?" Dusk teased through the phone, I blushed but then pouted. "H-hai, fine. You better apologize though." I said, "Oh great Shirakami, please forgive me for my rudeness." Dusk said, sarcastically. "Hmph, good enough." I said, "Well then, I will give you girls a ride to your date so get ready around 8" Was all Dusk said, "Hai!" I said and I hung up. "So it looks like that went well." Kuro-chan said as she had a really confused look on.

"Yeah! We are going on a date now!" I said childishly, "Haha, so Fubuki..." She laughed, but then gave me a serious look. "S-sou?" I asked, "What does this Dusk guy look like?" She asked, her eyes looked like it shone brightly with evil intentions. "W-w-what are you going to do to him?" I asked, a little scared. "Oh, nothing, I just want to meet him and just talk to him." She said with a serious look on her face. "Umm, I don't have a picture but he lives with Mio, so you can go there and talk to him." I lied, "I am going to my room now to see what to wear for tonight!" I quickly said and went to my room.

Kurokami's POV

"Hmm, okay." I said as I went over to my room and pulled out my favorite balisong. I then gave it a few flicks and spins, "Don't worry Fubuki~ I will help you with your relationship. I will help you, white one." I said as I went to my room with my balisong and packed my gear for tonight. All I am going to bring is a paper clip to lockpick the door, my knife, and some cloth if things get...bloody. I never really killed someone, but I was pretty well trained in combat. "Don't worry white one, onesan will help you..." I said.

Dusk's (Khonsu) POV

We were currently playing some games to kill time. "Hey Ayame." Mio said suddenly as she moved her chess piece. "Yeah?" Ayame said as she moved her pawn in front of Mio's pawn. "Do you want to move in with us?" She asked and since I was just spectating, I looked at Mio. "Are you sure?!" Ayame asked happily, "Sou!" Mio smiled. "You hang with us all the time, you can move in." Mio said. "Yatta! I would love to!" Ayame said happily, "You can sleep with me." Mio said, "What about my setup?" Ayame asked. "You can move to my room..." I said and Ayame blushed, "Nani? I-It's not right though!" Ayame said, her face is as red as her eyes. "Nani? No, I mean I will move out of my room and you can take my room." I facepalmed.

"Then where will you go?" Ayame asked me, "Mio, don't you have a basement?" I asked. "S-sou, I don't usually go down there so it looks like no one has been down there for years." She said, "Why? Are you scared?" I teased. "N-n-no! Definitely not!" She stuttered, "Hmm, okay." I said. "So, do you want to show me the basement?" I asked, "S-sure!" Mio said as she stood up and we went to the kitchen. There was a door to the right and Mio opened it, Ayame was behind me. Mio then switched on the stair lights and we went down the stairs. We then reached the bottom and Mio was right, it was really dusty down here and there were boxes full of stuff, but otherwise, it looks pretty cozy down here. There were two rooms here and I had a great idea. "Okay, so I would totally live down here, but we are going to do a lot of cleaning." I said and then I turned around and saw that Mio and Ayame all left when they heard the word "cleaning". I then sighed, "I guess I will have to do this by myself." I said to myself as I made my way up.

"Well Ayame, you can move in tomorrow. I will help you." I said and when I went up I saw that Mio and Ayame resumed their game of chess like nothing happened. I sighed, "Hai!" Ayame said happily. I then chuckled and I got some cleaning supplies and went downstairs and just started so I could get some done first. I decided to vacuum the carpet first, I vacuumed the two rooms that were down here. There were boxes full of decorations so I just moved them all to a corner. I decided that I would make one room my bedroom and the other my recording room so I can record at home too. Then the space out here can be where my pc setup.

There was also a bathroom which needed a lot of cleaning, I sighed and I vacuumed the stairs as I went up. I then stopped by the trash and dumped out all of the stuff in the vacuum and there was a huge puff of it. "Bleh..." I said, Mio and Ayame were still in their intense game of chess, but Mio seems to be winning. Ayame then moved her rock to the wrong place and got taken out by Mio's knight. I saw that since Mio moved her knight, she exposed her king. I then saw the only pieces that Ayame had left was a bishop, a few pawns, a queen, and her king.

I then went over to Ayame, "Use you bishop, you got a perfect angle." I whispered and her eyes lit up. "Hai! Checkmate!" She said as she dramatically moved her bishop and knocked Mio's king over. "Nani!?" Mio said with a shocked face. I then chuckled and I high fived Ayame. "Yatta!" Ayame cheered. "No fair! You helped her, why didn't you help me?" Mio pouted. "Well Ayame was losing. You gotta let the younger one win you know? I know you are so good at the game that just had to help Ayame." I said as I patted her head and Mio seemed happier.

"Fine, but next time you have to help me." She said, holding up her fist. "Deal." I said as I fistbumped her. I then went into the closet full of cleaning supplies. I then pulled out a mop and a bucket. I then also pulled out some cleaning gloves, which was sadly bright pink, a towel, and a window disinfector. I then carried all of the supplies down, I filled the bucket full of water and added some soap disinfectant in it before I went down, I then made my way to the bathroom and prepared myself for a long, hard work that I would be doing ahead.

Ayame's POV

We watched as Dusk brought down a lot of cleaning supplies, "Should we help him?" I asked. "Eh, it's about time that men cleans stuff." Mio giggled and I just laughed. "But Dusk is different, he actually cleans stuff though. Like the dishes." I said, "True, true, true." Mio said, "But I am sure he is fine, I mean be honest with me, do you really want to help him clean?" Mio smirked at me, "I-I...You got me." I giggled, "Exactly." Mio said simply. I then checked the ime and it was an hour away from Mio's date with Fubuki. "Do you want to get ready?" I asked Mio, "Hmm, how about you help me to choose what to wear." She said, "Sure." I said and we stood up and went to her room. "Hmm, what if you just wear your casual wear? Fubuki likes it." I suggested, "True! Arigatou Ayame!" She said as she pulled out her hoodie and shorts. "Etto..." She said while looking at me, "Oh! Sou, I will go out." I said as I walked outside and closed the door.

I then just stood there, waiting for Mio to finish changing. I then pulled out my phone and checked what other members were streaming. There were a lot of Apex streams going on, wondering if they would ever give us some attention. I then heard the door open and I turned around to see Mio in her casual outfit. She did a little kawaii pose which I giggled at. I then looked at it and then nodded, I gave her a thumbs up and a smile. Mio then giggled and patted my head, "Now we should do some simple makeup, nothing too much." I suggested, "Hai, that's what I was thinking." Mio replied. I then went into Mio's room and went to her table with a mirror. She then pulled out some makeup kit and opened it.

I helped her do some simple touches here and there. After we did that, I added the faintness lipstick on Mio's lip to top it all off. I then sighed and smiled, "Perfection!" I said. Mio then giggled and nodded, "Should we see if Dusk will like it?" Mio asked. "There is no way Dusk wouldn't like this." I said and Mio laughed. We then stood up and walked over to the staircase that led to the basement. "Dusk! Can you come up for a second?" Mio shouted. "Hai! Be up there in a sec!" Dusk said as we heard footsteps make its way to the stairs. We waited at the dining table and when we saw Dusk come up we stifled our laughter.

He had bright pink gloves, hair was a little messy, his ears had some dust on them, dust on his face, and overall just a very depressed look. "So, what did you girls need?" He asked, "Well, what do you notice about Mio?" I asked, he then tilted his head and looked at Mio. His eyes then widened a bit and then he smirked. "Well, I don't see Mio anywhere. I just see a majestic and beautiful tenshi sitting in front of me." He smirked and Mio just blushed. I then gave Mio a "told you so" look and she just blushed even more and slapped me jokingly. "Well looks like you are all dressed up. I can get you guys together now so you guys can spend more time together." He said, "Oh! S-s-sure! I will ask Fubuki!" Mio stuttered and went to her room to call Fubuki.

"Well, at least you like Mio's outfit." I said, Dusk then chuckled. "Mio looks beautiful in almost anything." He said, I then nodded. "Mama is naturally beautiful." I laughed and Dusk chuckled, "Sou, you're not wrong." He said as he took off the glove and dusted off his ears and just ran his hand through his hair. I then just stared into his red eyes, they were beautiful for sure. I always thought they kind of looked like mine. He then stared into my eyes and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I then looked away and blushed, "Well, enjoying my eyes?" He teased.

"N-nn." I simply said, "So, do you still have my hoodie? I need it when I go out, but if you still want it, I can go grab another one." He said softly, "Etto, y-y-you can have it back." I said, "Arigatou." He said as he took it and put it on. He then sniffed it after he put it on and had a confused look on his face, I then blushed furiously. "W-w-whats w-w-wrong?" I asked him, "You haven't even worn this for a day and it already smells like you, what do you put on everyday?" He asked, I heard shock and surprise in his voice. I then just sat there, blushing furiously because I never really had a guy ask me that. I couldn't say anything. He then chuckled, "Gomen that I am making you embarrassed. I am just saying you smell nice. You don't have to answer that." He said as he sat next to me and leaned back. "I-I-It's just the shampoo I use..." I said quietly, "Hai, well you use strong shampoo then." He said as he pulled his hoodie up.

"Y-y-you smell nice too, y-y-you know?" I said quietly, Dusk then looked at me. 'Oh Ayame! You did it now! Now he will think you are a creep!' My mind screamed, "Arigatou, it's the shampoo." He smirked at me and I pulled off a small smile. We then heard Mio come out of her room and walk over to us, "Fubuki said yes, she sounded really excited that we were leaving early. So Dusk, can you do your part?" Mio asked, "Sure thing, my lady." He said as he stood up. "Ayame, you want to tag along? Or do you want to wait for me at home?" Dusk asked, "Etto, I will tag along." I said, "Hai." He said simply as he put on his black combat boots.

We then all got onto the tour bus and Dusk got ready to drive us to Fubuki's apartment. Me and Mio sat next to each other while Dusk silently drove. "So, what are you guys planning to do?" I asked Mio, "Well I was thinking that we could hang out at a park and then go get some ice cream and then go shopping and then we can have dinner and-" Mio said until I cut her off, "Hai, I think that's enough for me." I said and we laughed. Dusk then slowed down the tour bus and we looked out the window and we saw that Fubuki was standing alone, waiting for us. She was wearing her iconic, futuristic looking jacket. Dusk then opened the doors and Fubuki climbed aboard. Dusk nodded and Fubuki waved.

Fubuki then saw us and waved at us too, we waved back and Mio patted the seat next to her. "Miooo!~" Fubuki said as she sat down next to her. "Hey Fubuki!" Mio said happily as they hugged each other. I then giggled quietly as I watched, "Mio, did you plan anything?" Fubuki asked, Mio then told her the same thing she told me. "That sounds so fun!" Fubuki said happily, "Really?" Mio asked, "Sou!" Fubuki replied. "Great! I am glad you like the things that I planned even though you were the one that asked me on this date." Mio teased, "Hey! You know I am not good at planning things." Fubuki pouted jokingly and we all laughed.

Dusk's (Khonsu) POV

I was driving in silence as I just listened to what the girls were talking about, I then looked in the side mirrors and I saw that there was a police car right next to me. I then stressed and gripped the steering wheel tighter. I then moved down a lane and made a right to get away from the police car. I can't risk them seeing me even though they can't even see my face well. "Dusk? This isn't the way to the park." I heard Mio calling out, "I know, this should be a faster route." I lied, "Oh, hai." She said.

I then looked at the attached gps and looked at the routes. I noticed that I was taking a longer route around to the park. 'Shoot, I have to try to make this work' I thought as I took some turns. I then got on a route that should get us to the park in like five minutes and I relaxed. I didn't realize that I was still gripping the steering wheel tightly so I relaxed my hands. We then arrived at the park and I parked the tour bus and sighed as I opened the doors. "Oh, we are here." Mio said, "Hai!" Fubuki said as they got up and were about to get off. "Arigatou Dusk!" Fubuki said and got off, Mio was close behind her until I stopped her.

"Nani?" Mio asked me as I stopped her, I then pulled out some cash and gave it to her. "Dusk! I have money you know?" She said, "I know, but here. Just take it and you and Fubuki can go on a shopping spree with no limits and worries." I gave her a small smile. She stared at me like I was crazy, she then hugged me. "You baka..." She said, I chuckled. When she let go I looked at her seriously, "Remember Mio, if anything is wrong. Call me immediately." I said. "Hai, I understand." She said as she got off and waved at me. I waved back and closed the door.

"Has Mio told you that you are too nice?" Ayame suddenly was by my side. "So I have heard." I said as I turned around and looked at her. "You have been spending a lot of money." Ayame said, "Well at least they are happy then I am fine with it." I replied. Ayame then looked at me, "You have to make yourself happy too, you know?" Ayame said as she punched my shoulder gently." She said, "Hai, hai. I know. You girls keep me happy." I said as I pulled away from the curb and drove slowly out towards the lane. Ayame blushed and held one of the poles near the door so she didn't go tumbling away.

"Well we are going to head home unless you want to go somewhere." I said, "No, I think we should head home." She said, "Hai, good choice." I said and she giggled. The rest of the way was quiet and we didn't talk. We then got home and we both got off and walked in. I then took off my combat boots and went over to the couch. I then took a seat, "You head right to the couch?" Ayame giggled as she walked over and sat next to me. "You know, I need to take a little break whenever I can." I chuckled and Ayame laughed.

"Well what do you want to do? Games? Talk?" I asked her, she then shrugged. "Talk?" She said, "Sure." I said simply and laid back. "Are you ever going to join the Hololive community?" She asked, "Hitting off big, I see." I said and she nodded. "Not really...But maybe in the future." I said, "That's better than no!" Ayame said happily. I was looking out the window near the dining table and I saw something black dash across. My ears then flicked in alert, but it was probably nothing. "Something wrong?" Ayame asked, "No, I think I am just seeing things." I said.

"Hai..." Ayame said, sounding a little suspicious of me. "Well back to me asking you questions, how did Yagoo find you? Me and the girls always wonder about that." Ayame asked, "Yagoo was looking for bodyguard or a protector. He then somehow reached out to me and now I am here." I answered, "Ohh, that's interesting." Ayame said, "Of course it's interesting to you." I joked and Ayame pouted jokingly. "Just kidding." I laughed and brought her close. We then decided to watch some streams to kill time from the other Hololive members.

~Short Timeskip~

Kurokami's POV

It was getting a little darker and I watched through the window secretly as I saw that there was a guy with one of Mio and Fubuki's friend, Ayame. I couldn't really see him clearly, but he seemed to not be so tough. I then saw that Ayame said something to Mio's "boyfriend" and she got up and walked away and I saw him get up and I ducked back down. 'This is my time to strike!' I thought as I silently lock-picked the door and opened it slowly and quietly. I then reached into my bag and reached for my balisong. I then did some flicks and I snuck up to Mio's "boyfriend", who had his back turned on me. Once I got closer his ears flicked in alert and I noticed that I was going to notice soon so I hurried up and went for the stab. He then quickly turned around and blocked my balisong with a pan nearby. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't process it. I got disarmed and shoved up against a wall. I grunted as I hit the wall and I felt something cold against my throat.

I then opened my eyes and stared into a pair of cold, bright, red eyes. He had my balisong against my neck. His eyes had a very defensive look in them and for some reason after a while of looking at me, his eyes got soft and released me. I was wrong a few minutes ago, this guy was very tough. He then flicked my balisong around and closed it. "Who are you?" He asked me, "Kurokami Fubuki..." I said quietly, "Fubuki?" He said and I immediately knew he was thinking of white one. "Sou! The girl that you stole her girlfriend from!" I said angrily, "Hold on now-" He started, but I cut him off as I threw a punch at him. He then caught my hands and grasped it, "Come on now, let's not do this the hard way." He said softly but I heard the power behind it and for some reason I felt calmer and I retracted my hand.

"Take a seat and let's talk about this." He said and I looked at him more closely, he had amazing red eyes, very similar to mine. He had black ears and a black tail, this was literally a male version of me. I immediately liked him, but then I shook off the feeling and gave him a growl. 'I can't like this person, he is trying to steal Mio from white one' I thought furiously. "Why are you in my home, trying to kill me? Are you one of the bounties that are trying to hunt me down?" He asked me, 'Wait, bounty? Hunting him down? I heard in the news that the police are hunting down the mysterious samurai and I saw the video at the mall...Wait, this is him! This is the samurai!" I put the pieces together and my eyes widened, 'I tried to kill the samurai! The samurai is Mio's boyfriend!' I thought both at the same time.

He was still staring at me and I remembered that he asked me a question, "Etto! No! I am not one of the bounty hunters!" I said, "Dusk! What is going on out there?" I heard Ayame call out from a room. "We got an intruder...Someone named Kurokami Fubuki." He said, "Nani?! What is she doing here?" I heard her ask as she came out of the bathroom. "Well you don't sound happy that I am here." I said, "W-well I am just surprised you are here." She said, she then looked down at the balisong that Dusk set on the living room table. "Dusk! When did you get that!?" Ayame shouted, "This girl here tried to kill me." He said. "Kuro-chan!" Ayame said in disbelief. I then sighed, I knew I am going to be here for a while.

Note: Well! Did you expect Kuro-chan to be in here? Do you guys like her or do you even know her? Just curious. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I forgot to mention in the last chapter that some of the ideas in the last chapter came from a fellow reader! The reader said no credit needed, but I felt like there has to be credits. I am not going to mention who, but you know who you are, arigatou! Where I am trying to get to is that if you have ideas that you want to see happen, I will try to make it work. I may modify it like I did with the last one. So DM me if you have any ideas! (4425 Words)

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