The 5th Ackermann

By Fluffy_Sword

892K 32.9K 33.5K

(AOT/SNK boys x reader) Y/n Ackermann. A young girl who lives in the deadly underground with nothing but a... More

Author's Note not required but encouraged
1-The Underground
2- Converse
3- Recuperation
4- What Are Handles?
5- The Newcomer's Test
7-The Promises of Birds
8- Silly, Kid
9-Arms, Prizes, and Memories
11- Another Promise and La~
12- An Offer for Freedom
13- That Egoistical Squad Leader
14-Pursuit and Getting Captured!
15- Cake
16-The First Day
17- Proof
18- Live
20- Depart!
23- A New Sound Wave and Downpour
24- Splitting Up and the Result
26- Jaeger!
27- The Fall
28- Caught
29- The Operation to Retake Wall Maria
30- Meeting Some Brats
31- Checkup
32- The Emerged Soldier
33- More Brats?
34- ODM Assessment
35- A...Cook-off?
36- Annie's Techinique
37- A Camp!
38- Another Wall Down!
39- Being Grounded (not a oneshot, actual chapter)
40- The Hearing
41- Existence of an Insider
42- Bite
43- Detection of the Two
44- Losers
45- The Female Titan's Identity
46- Hole in the Wall
47- The Secret Vessel
48- Abducted!
49- The Two
50- Redemption
51- Titan
52- An Unlikely Alliance
53- Homicide
54- Battle
55- Frenetic Frenzy
56- Crowned
57- The Latest Hope
58- Pre-Battle
59- Foray in Shiganshina
60- Offer All
62- The World
63- Dreams End
64- 852-853
65- Undercover
66- Warriors
67- Vain
68- Front Lines
69- In Her Stead
70- How Much More?
71- "Filthy" Diversity
72- Competition
73- Jamboree!
74- Incursion
75- Comeuppance
76- Consternation
77- Negligence
78- Tit for Tat
79- Chew the Fat
80- The Big Kick Off
81- Cataclysm
82- Recrudesce
83- Tense Rapprochement
84- Jolly Reminiscence!
85- Nightmare
86- Construction
87- Ambition
88- Let's Just Talk
Quick Important Note, My Readers
89- Finale
Tea of Dreams Open for Business!
Armin Ending!
Jean Ending!
Reiner Ending!
Bertholdt Ending!
Zeke Ending!
Moblit Ending!
Eren Ending!

61- The Grave Choice

5.3K 229 494
By Fluffy_Sword

Written: 3/12-14/21

Published: 4/29/21

(I didn't know editing the whole chapter got rid of all the comments. 😔 I'm sorry. I've probably deleted 100+ comments.)

(Also, y'all know where I can read the AOT manga? I can't find it anywhere...)

      "Hey." A voice called out. It called to a young, blond. The boy had just faced the punishment of having a dream for freedom inside the walls. The bullies were walking away, proud of their latest beating job. "Why don't you ever fight back?"

     The blond looked up, tear-stricken face. There was a boy his age with brown hair and teal eyes. A red scarf was comfortably wrapped around his neck. He was peeking from around a corner, looking quite shady. "Huh?"

      "That's why they treat you like that." The boy added. "Do you want to keep losing forever?" He waited for the blond to respond. He lazily yet carefully eyed the blond.

     The blond looked away. "I... I'm not losing..." He told. The brunette raised his brow and made noises of disagreement and question. "Because... I'm not running away."

      The brunette came out from behind the corner. "Hey... What's your name?"


      Eren was in shock. HIs long-time best friend was to his side, laying on his back. The body burned badly. Eren hesitantly looked at Armin's face. There was no hair and no skin left that wasn't charred. His teeth were shown, no lips left to cover them. Eren kneeled down beside him.

     "I should've know this would happen..." He shakily muttered. "But... All I could do was depend on you... It's all thanks to you that we were able to capture him... Armin... Why don't you ever... run away?" Tears threatened to fall down his cheeks.


     Eren whipped his head to see where the crash came from. Climbing up the side of a far away house was the quadruped carrying two figures tied to boxes. One had blond hair and the other...

     "Y/n!?" Eren exclaimed. "And a titan?!" The cart titan jumped off the building, breaking the roof. It started making its way to him. "Crap!" He dove towards Bertholdt and grabbed him. He put his blade to the male's neck by the time the cart titan got to him. "Don't even think about taking another step! If it means keeping him out of your hands... I'll kill him... Give Y/n back!"

     "Are you..." The curly blond spoke. "Eren Jaeger?"

      Y/n spotted the charred body. Who is that?

     Eren clenched his grip on the blade tighter. He dug the blade further into Bertholdt's neck, blood spurting out.

     "You don't look anything like your father."

     Eren froze. "What..?"

     "You have to believe me. I know what you're going through. We're both victims of your father. He's brainwashed you."

     "M-My father..?!" Eren asked. What is he talking about?

     Suddenly, a figure appeared on the wall. Y/n looked up from her sitting position. Earlier, they had stopped and she was tied to the barrel along with Zeke. He looked up as well. They had tons of blood on their face and steam from behind the wall erupted into the sky behind the figure. Y/n smiled relievedly.

      "What?!" Zeke yelled. "There's no way! He chased us all the way here..? What a monster..."

Y/n whipped her head at the curly haired blond. "This is my big bro!" She yelled. "Don't underestimate him!"

     Levi took a step off the wall. He began falling to the ground, a house away from them.

     "Fine, I get it, Levi." Zeke said. "We're both too injured. You want your sister. How about we call this a draw. You live and we het your sister. He turned to Bertholdt. "I'm sorry, Bertholdt.... But it looks like this is the end for you. Eren. Someday... I'll come save you."

      The cart titan began to turn away to flee again. However, Y/n stabbed her sword into one of the eyes of the cart titan. It roared and moved roughly around. Y/n shook her ropes loose and was shaken off. She fell onto Eren who let out a surprised grunt.

     "Wait, Y/n!" Zeke called. The cart titan began to run away. "Wait, Pieck! We still have to get Y/n!"

      "We failed in the side mission. We must accept our loss."

      With that, the two enemies were gone. Y/n felt an elbow in her back. She grunted. Eren breathed rapidly. "I'M SORRY! Captain Y/n! Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"

      Y/n rubbed her shoulders. They had been tightly in the jaws the whole time. They had gotten sore. "Yeah." She replied. She stood up with the assistance of Eren. The fight with Zeke had exhausted her probably past her limit. Adding to the fact that she had her moment and expended lots of energy, she huffed. But she kept going because this was a crucial battle ending. Letting it end like this would be unacceptable. She pointed to the incinerated body. "Who is that?"

     Suddenly, Levi landed on the roof. He was a mess. Almost every inch of him was stained with blood and dirt. His breathing was rapid and unsteady. His blades were dulled down almost to the ODM device. He was shaking from nervousness and or exhaustion.

      "Captain!" Eren yelped in surprise.

      "Big Bro!"

       "Y/n!" Levi exclaimed. He rushed to her and held her face. He turned it in several different directions. She was a bit wet from the saliva. "Are you alright?!" He questioned. "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. I'm so relived you're here!" He hugged Y/n tightly. Y/n gasped for breath. "I thought I almost lost you!"

      "You almost did, but I took care of it." Y/n choked. "Just as I had planned." I got here quicker than you. Also, I conserved gas.

      "Indescribably glad to hear it." Levi said. "I just used all my gas. We're going after him." Y/n nodded. "Eren, give me all your gas and your blades." He held his hand out.

     "...Right!!" Eren replied, reaching for his spare blades.

      "Hurry!" Levi ordered impatiently.


      Eren froze his actions. He slowly looked behind him. The body was somehow, amazingly... still clinging to life. It was holding on by the thinnest thread in the world. Mikasa landed next to Y/n. She saw the awful sight before her.

     Y/n and Levi were beside her, watching Eren scream at the body below him. He had his hands on both sides of their head. His tears fell on to the wheezing body.

     "YES!!!" Eren screamed. "C'MON, ARMIN!! HE'S BREATHING AGAIN!!"

     Y/n froze. T-That's... She looked at the brown, crispy body. Armin? What even...


      Mikasa grabbed her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "Armin?" She murmured.

     Y/n was frozen solid. The young blond she had known for a few years was before her. Laying on his back, grasping at any remaining life force he could. Wheezing and desperately gasping for any air available. Does he feel ant pain? Could he survive? Wait... The serum. Y/n took a deep breath.

      So you... Have gone to the outside world...Seen things most in the walls have never even dreamt about. And you're also known as Humanities Strongest. What's it like out there? Eh? Are you sure you should be moving, Y/n? I saw you took a big fall onto the refugee boat. Not to mention the injuries you had before that. Y/n here got us more because of her reputation! Well we should obviously respect her feelings and privacy. So keep out of her stuff. I wonder what she made... Eh? I think I heard something in the bedroom. See? I can do it. Y/n, we're serious. I can't allow that. You're special to... humanity. Humanity can't afford to lose someone with your skill. So... Are you close with Captain Levi? Yeah. My parents died when I was young. They were actually killed because they tried to explore the outside world... A hot air balloon I think it was called? Well, hot air rises, so fire lifts the extremely light and heat resistant nylon into the air. S-Sorry, Captain Y/n! G-Give me whatever punishment you see f-fit! Eat bark..? That's not true, Captain Y/n. No, I'm fine. Y/n... Did this happen to you, too? Ah... Sorry, Captain Y/n. Y/n...Have you heard of the ocean? It's the second most beautiful things in the world!It has a wonderful shade of blue. It's salty. So salty that merchants can't get all of it in their whole lifetime. The water rises and falls as it approaches the tan shore. It is! One of the reasons I joined the corps... was to see it! I hope you'll be with me when we see it! N-Nothing... I'll tell you... maybe in a few years. Also... We have to take Y/n there. I want her to see the sea! I want her to see the most beautiful thing I know of outside the walls! Maybe convince her to get in... heh... Heh... I hope not.

      "CAPTAIN!" Eren cried. "Hurry, give me the injection!"

      The brunette stared at Levi and Y/n. They were both looking at the ground, pondering their choices hesitantly. Of course, they both wanted to revive Armin to his former self. However, there was still a different possibility lurking at the back of their minds. Someone on the other side of the wall could still be alive. What if? Someone.... Him.

      "We need to turn Armin into a titan... and have him eat Bertholdt!!" Eren reminded. "Quick, give me the injection!"

      Levi took the small container from his pocket. "All right." He said. He stared at it in his hands before turning towards Y/n and handing it to her. She looked at her brother who just looked away. Mikasa gasped quietly as if she remembered something. She raised her arm in the air, flare gun in hand. She shot a red flare into the sky.

     What if Erwin was still alive out there? What if anyone was? Maybe... In all that death... He could be alive. He could be just barely alive and be needing our help... Y/n slowly outstretched the container towards the brunette.

      "Captain... Levi and Y/n." A voice called. Levi and Y/n turned their gazes to the voice. It was Floch. "I finally caught up to you..." He was a mess. He looked exhausted, horrified, and desperate. He was hauling someone he tied to his back... Y/n's breath hitched when she realized the identity of the person. "Commander Erwin is badly injured. He was hit in the belly... A few of his organs spilled out... The bleeding is extremely heavy... I thought the injection might be able to help... what do you think?" Y/n's eyes were wide as her breath hitched.

    No need for hostilities. We were just impressed by you and your boyfriend's stunt awhile back. Don't worry. He does this to everyone he meets. Oh. Pardon my misunderstanding. If you don't mind, let's be friends. Excuse us. No, stay down. What are you doing out here all alone? You're subordinates aren't with you? I see. What do you think so far? Gotten used to the corps, yet? Well of course. The survey corps appeals to and is made up of those kinds of people. You did really well in today's fight. You even managed to take down an abnormal in your first battle. Your teammates can rest easier knowing that they have someone as talented as you around. Do you need me to..? Where did you learn to do this? You four... Must have been close. Ah, sorry. You probably would like to get set up for the night. Levi is probably killing our comrades trying to find you. Please take this seriously, Y/n. Yes, and that made it worse. You can pick who you want to ride with. Y/n! I'm glad I caught you before we leave. Haha. Yes, ma'am. I'll be repaying the favor today, Y/n. Y/n, wait! We will handle this, Y/n. True. Let's hope they don't. Very good work, everyone. It's gotten late, head to bed. Y/n? It would seem so... Y/n, take my gear. I am replaceable. You need to focus on getting yourself and Eren out of here! As fast as you can! Rank does not always mean everything and death is part of the scout regiment. To prevent death of all humanity, we need to retrieve Eren and get back! Now take my gear! That's an order! What is it, Levi? Y/n? I don't care. Use me as bait. The chain command will remain. If I can't lead, Hanji will. If Hanji can't, the next in line will. I admit this operation will be difficult, but it will also be the most important in human history. I've put everything I have into it. This is my plan. Without me, it's less likely to succeed. That just wouldn't do... Of course, you're right... It's better for a wounded soldier to stay off the front lines... but you see... I must be there. At the moment we learn the truth about this world. Yes. Yes. Y/n? Stand up and look forward. We are people who push forward and look to the future. Of course. Was that your first kiss? Y/n... I... I wanted to marry you. I doubt that'll happen now, though... I wanted to see that basement with you. If you say yes, of course... Take you outside the walls. Take you to a free world. A world where we can live happily and in peace after all this hardship. To the universe, is that too much to ask for? But... Ackermanns... Can you see them? All of our comrades? Good luck.

     Y/n, Levi, Mikasa, and Eren stared at Floch and the commander. Indeed, the blond leader was a mess. He was barely breathing it seemed. What he was able to breath was shallow wheezes. He was limp on the brownish red haired rookie.

     "What?" Eren murmured. Y/n's lips shook as she brought the titan case closer to her chest. Hesitation for Armin's life flooded her. Eren's hand was still outstretched as he looked at her in shock, confusion, and desperation. "Captain?" He asked. Y/n glanced into the brunette's teal eyes. Her brows were lowered and mouth slightly agape. Eren could see her hesitance. Y/n retracted the case closer to herself.

    Erwin's here... He seems to be alive... I can do it. I have the power of life for the time being. But Armin. He hasn't lived much of his life. But nor has Erwin..! Agh... How can I give one life and not the other? The other will surely die.

     Floch moved closer to them and untied Erwin from him. Levi put his hand under his nose. "He's still breathing."

     "So he's still alive..." Y/n muttered. We have a chance. Eren and Mikasa were frozen. The new appearance of the commander may be the death of their dear friend. Processing this heavy information...

     Y/n looked at the two. They were both dearly close to her. Erwin was a dear friend of a few years. But so was Armin. They both had their own dreams. Both cared for her more than she could even know. Why couldn't they have two enemy titan shifters in front of her and two injections? No, stop that! Never ask why. It never matters, just push through right now... She looked at Bertholdt's unconscious face. She felt tears threaten to fall down. The lives of three boys she dearly loved were on the line. Although, it looks like Bertholdt won't survive at this point. Even if she didn't want to, no one would agree to keep him alive. I wish I got to know him more.

     Y/n slowly stood up, clinging onto the injection box as tight as she could in her fingers. Her strength and energy was quickly fading. She swallowed. "We're giving this injection to Erwin." She announced. Levi nodded.

      In an instant, Eren was on his feet, centimeters away from her face. Levi and Y/n glared at him. He glared back at Y/n. A tear fell down his cheek. "You just said you'd use it on Armin..."

     "We're choosing to keep the man who will save humanity alive." Levi told. "Now get out of her way."

      Floch stared in confusion. "Huh..?! Wha..?!" He looked from side to side and flinched.

     Y/n heard a footstep behind her. She glanced and saw Mikasa looking heartbroken. Her gr(a/e)y, horrified eyes staring into Y/n's daring e/c ones. Just you try it. Y/n scowled. Mikasa had her blades in her hands tight. Here they were, then. A fight may go down. The two may even die before they can save one. Or maybe one of the non-injured will be close to death and then they'll be forced to pick between three vital scouts. But...

     "Do you two..." Levi spoke. "Have any idea... what you're doing?" He questioned.

     "Mikasa, Eren." Y/n said, voice shaky. "This is Erwin Smith. The Commander of the Survey Corps. You're telling me to sit here and watch him die?" The two flinched at her harsh description. That wasn't what they wanted, but those were the circumstances it seemed. "There's no time right now. Get out of my way. Right now."

      Eren forcibly placed his grimy fingers on the injection case. The female captain and titan boy's fingers were touching. In normal circumstances, Eren would've pulled back. No. Get over those feelings and fight for his life! Eren screamed at himself.

      "Eren." Levi ordered. "Look past your own feelings and let her do it."

      "My feelings?" Eren asked. "Y/n... What are you doing right now with Erwin? Pushing back feelings? .....Why did you hesitate before handing the injection?"

     "I was thinking that Erwin might've still been alive." Y/n admitted. I can say I'm not including feelings. Because Erwin is the commander. But... I know I am involving them. Erwin is just lucky he's important and the commander.

     "I don't see how you could ever have predicted..." Eren said. "...That Floch would bring the dying Commander here."

     "Yeah... I'm unfortunately not psychic." Y/n said. "But since he is actually is here and now, we're using it on him."

      Eren breath shook. Sweat was dripping down his face. He tugged on the case. Y/n, overtaken by impatience and grief, took his shirt and threw him to the side. He fell on the edge of the roof with a crash, unmoving. Mikasa gasped as she quickly moved forward, blade ready. Levi foresaw her actions and stopped her. Mikasa, who hadn't fought dozens of pure titans AND the Beast Titan, still had plenty of strength to overcome him. Mikasa had her blade at his neck. Y/n gasped as she ran up and tackled the girl, getting her off of her brother. Mikasa was surprised, but quickly pushed her down as well. The female captain's head slammed onto the hard shingle remains. Levi and Y/n were far beyond exhausted to fight against the stubborn girl right now. The siblings were side by side, pinned by Mikasa's blade and legs. Mikasa gripped onto Y/n's forearm extremely tight. Y/n winced and grunted. Levi growled. Floch gaped at the situation before him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

      They're both getting weak?! Mikasa realized. Levi and Y/n were glaring daggers up at her. I could take it from them by force...

     "You must know it too." Levi grunted out. "Humanity can never defeat the titans without Erwin's strength."

    "He's vital to everyone." Y/n said.

     "...He's right, Mikasa." Floch intervened. "You need to stop acting crazy." Mikasa turned her head and glared at him. "Erk!"

      "With... Without Armin..." A weak voice spoke. "We can't..."

     "Eren!!" Mikasa cried.

      Eren slowly and painfully recovered onto the roof. "If we don't have Armin... We can't win... Hasn't that... always been true? We used that boulder to block Trost District and save it... We figured out Annie's true identity and came up with a plan to advance through titan territory during the night... All thanks to Armin. Armin exposed Reiner when he was trying to stay hidden... and he's the only reason we defeated Bertholdt... It was all because of Armin!"

     The four listened to his pleas and reminders. They all knew that was true. Armin was extremely adept in strategy. He was a kind and generous person. They didn't even need Eren to tell them that.

      Eren coughed up blood onto the roof. "IT'S NOT ME OR THE COMMANDER WHO'S GOING TO SAVE HUMANITY!!" He screamed. "IT'S ARMIN!! ISN'T THAT RIGHT, MIKASA?! Y/N?! PLEASE!"

     Mikasa grunted as she released Y/n's forearm to grab the case. "Captain Y/n. Please give it to me."

     Y/n growled at her. I'm not ready to let go of Erwin that easily, Mikasa... I'm sorry. The blade dug deeper towards Levi and Y/n's necks.

     "The one who'll save humanity... is Commander Erwin!" Floch frustratedly argued.

      Mikasa dug farther into Y/n and Levi. The two grunted. Blood began to show. "Be quiet." She snarled.

     Floch was taken aback by her attitude. "You think I'm going to stay quiet..? You're not the only ones suffering here. Look at Captain Y/n. She desperately loves both! You think she has no problem with allowing Armin to die? For goodness sake, she loves him as much as you do! Here she is, being forced to pick between the two of them! Open your eyes! If you can't see the torn and brokenness is Y/n's face... How can you call yourselves her friends?" Mikasa and Eren flinched at the verbal attack.

    Y/n inwardly let out a relieved sigh. Floch somewhat defused the situation...

     He pointed at the top of the wall. "You don't know it yet... But there's not a single living soldier left on the other side of that wall... The Beast Titan killed them all... He threw crushed rocks through them. They were all... Smashed to a pulp. Every one of us thought we were goners... But Commander Erwin was the one exception. He figured out a plan that would let him get his teeth into that monster's neck and carried it out. He used the lives of every one of us recruits as bait. All so that Captain Levi and Y/n could ambush the Beast. So, according to plan, we all ended up in pieces. Gordon. Sandra. Marlo... None of them died thinking how noble their sacrifices would be... I'm sure all they felt the end... was fear."

      Y/n felt another wave of depression through her. Please answer me! Who gets those things? What happened to those two titans? We have civilian casualties! Even some deaths!Why are those titans here and why are they fighting? Who will take responsibility for this?! Captains... I don't think that what you're doing is wrong. Then let me help you! I guess I did join only because the timing seemed right. I was acting excited, just like them. So you didn't even have meat in the survey corps? How sad. Captain Y/n... Are you sending us to our deaths?

    Even them? Now I definitely can't let the commander die. He will bring meaning to their deaths.

      "When I found Commander Erwin still breathing..." Floch continued. "I was going to put him out of his misery." The four looked at him in shock. Who had the nerve to kill the commander? "But then... I decided I was treating him too gently. That's when I realized. The only one who can destroy all the titans... is the devil himself! My mission... is to bring the devil back to life!!" Y/n felt Levi freeze beside her. "That's why, when all the others died bravely... like a coward, I lived!! SO!!" He began running towards Mikasa, Levi, and Y/n. "Get out of my way!!"

      Mikasa pulled the blade up in defense, ready to strike him down. "STOP IT!!" Levi and Y/n yelled. Their hands were up in a flash, about to grab Mikasa's arm. The girl's wrist was about to move and end Floch.

     Suddenly, the arm moved into proximity. Mikasa let out a noise of surprise. Y/n craned her neck to see what happened, but she couldn't from where she was. Arms came up around Mikasa's arms. Y/n was really confused now.

     "Hanji!" Levi exclaimed. Y/n formed an o  with her mouth. Hanji pulled Mikasa off of the two Ackermann siblings. Mikasa and Hanji fell away from the siblings with a grunt. Levi turned to his sister. "You okay?"

     Y/n nodded. "Yeah, you?" He nodded.

     Y/n heard more weight on the roof. She turned to see who came. It was Moblit, Jean, Connie, and Sasha. Connie was holding an unconscious and wounded Sasha. Jean had a bandage around his shoulder and chest. Moblit had a sling for an injury to his elbow. It looked like he had been stabbed.

      "Wait..." Jean muttered. "No way... How could this..."

     Connie's eyes widened in horror at the sight before them. "That's..."

      Hanji finally got the chance to carefully observe at the situation. One injection, two lives. "Wha..."

      Moblit stepped beside Y/n. He leaned into her ear. "Y/n, are you alright? You have blood all over your face!"

      Y/n nodded. "It's the Beast and Cart Titan's blood. I'm just exhausted..." She whispered to him. Moblit reassuringly patted her shoulder.

     Y/n held up the case. She took the top part and unfolded it, revealing the barrel, bottle of titan fluid, and two needles. Twisting the barrel and connecting it to the rest of the item, she slipped her fingers through the barrel's plunger tip circles. At the sight of Y/n's actions, Mikasa began yelling, squirming, and crying.

     "Mikasa!" Hanji exclaimed, trying to keep her restrained. "We still need Erwin! The survey corps has nearly been wiped out! If the Commander dies, too..! Humanity will lose its symbol! We can't allow the flames of hope to be extinguished within the walls!"

      Mikasa turned her head towards the scientist. "But... Armin could do that too!"

     "Yes, Armin is an incredible talent..." Hanji replied. "But our battle is nowhere near over yet! We still need Erwin's experience and leadership to-" She was interrupted by Mikasa suddenly grabbing her hand and squeezing like there was no tomorrow. Hanji grunted in pain. "I have people... I wish I could bring back, too. Hundreds of them... Today, I had to say goodbye to almost everyone in the corps.."

      Y/n waited. She knew that. But still. All those lives who wanted to live and fulfill their dreams. None of them can accomplish them now. All they can do now is just decompose into the earth. Their remains forever part of the stuffy walls.

     "Ever since I joined the survey corps..." Hanji whispered softly. "...every day has brought a new farewell. But... You understand, don't you? Everyone you meet will be parted from you one day. I know it's difficult to accept. It's hard to stay sane, living like that. It's so painful. So painful. I know that. But even so, we need to move forward."

     Mikasa's grip on Hanji's wrist loosened. Her wet tears streamed down her cheeks as she relaxed. She deeply struggled with the thought of letting Armin go. Y/n had taken the bottle and the syringe and put the liquid inside the barrel. Mikasa recalled back to the days where Eren would lead them to wherever he desired. Mikasa of course would be right behind him. Going ahead of Eren would make him feel inferior so she kept her small distance. Armin would be trying to catch up with them desperately, but always have a smile on his face. That nice, adventurous, determined smile. She closed her eyes and let her arms drop to the ground. It was time to let Armin go.

       Y/n kneeled at Erwin's head. She was on the ridge where the roof divided into two different directions. (Sorry if that didn't make sense.) She felt a weak grip on her ankle. She almost didn't feel it through the leather and the meek grip. She turned and looked down with a stoic face. There was a poor, injured, sorrowful brown-haired boy.

     "Captain..." Eren croaked. "You've heard of the ocean... I know you have." I overheard your conversation with Armin on our way to Shadis... "It's... like a gigantic lake... that stretches far beyond the horizon. Not only that... apparently... it's all made out of salt water. That's what Armin said."

      Y/n sighed as she looked at Eren in sadness. It's the second most beautiful thing in the world! It has a wonderful shade of blue. It's salty. So salty that merchants can't get all of it in their whole lifetime. The water rises and falls as it approaches the tan shore. She frowned in remembrance of the young blond's dream-filled words.

       "Hey! Let go of her!" Floch said frustratedly. He grabbed Eren and made him let go of Y/n's ankle. "Stop it already!" He said as he pulled Eren up and away.

      "He said we'd someday go and see..." Eren continued as he sobbed. "...The ocean, on the other side of the walls. All four of us! You, me, Mikasa, and him! But that... was a dream we had as little kids. I'd forgotten it a long time ago.... All I had left inside me was hate... Revenge for my mom... Wiping out the titans..." He turned his head towards Armin. "But Armin's different. Fighting isn't all he has. He has dreams!!"

      Y/n looked down. Why am I hesitating? I decided Erwin already... Oh. It's because... Well. It's no matter now. He's the right choice... I have to trade Bertholdt AND his life............. for him.

      Y/n stood up. "Everyone clear the area." She ordered. "Erwin will turn into a titan and eat... Bertholdt."

      "Let's go, Mikasa." Hanji said as she pulled Mikasa onto her feet.

      Jean let out a string of curses as he moved away. Connie turned away from the sight, Sasha still on his back. "See ya... Armin..." A tear fell down his cheek as he jumped away.

     Floch took Eren by the chest and took him away. Eren reached out for his last time towards Armin. He groaned in mental pain and anguish. His last sight of his best friend, charred and limp on a roof. His last goodbye to his friend.

     Levi stood up and grabbed Bertholdt's shirt. He walked with his sister, side by side, dragging the unconscious male behind them. The two walked together on the roof as they had done in the Underground for years. However, instead of them striving to survive, they were holding life itself in their own hands.

     Salt water that stretches all the way to the horizon! There are even species of fish you can only find there! You still don't believe me, do you?! I swear it's there! Just you wait!

     Oh, fine.

     What happens if those dream of yours... comes true?

     Well, I don't know. I won't until it does. I just want to go... to that basement.

     "Fools." Levi whispered. "All of them." Y/n wiped a tear from her eye. "Like little kids... The way they scream and flail."

"Still better than us..." Y/n mentioned.

"Yeah... We scream and flail with swords..."

     They couldn't keep going...unless they were drunk on something.

     Y/n and Levi inwardly sighed. They kneeled down beside their long-time friend. Levi pulled up the sleeve of his only arm. Y/n held the underside of it as she had the needle pointed at him, millimeters away. Y/n and Levi looked at Armin one last time.

     They were all... slaves to something... Even him...

     Erwin's arm suddenly slapped Y/n and went straight up. Well, diagonal since he was laying diagonally. Y/n and Levi stared at him in shock.

     "Erwin..?" Y/n asked.

     "Teacher..." The man croaked out weakly. "How'd you... find out that they... don't exist?"

     "Erwin?!" The two siblings synchronized. They leaned in closer to him in hope he would open his eyes. He was wheezing. His eyes were dully open, staring blankly at the sky.

     Give up on your dreams and die for us. Lead the recruits straight to Hell. We'll take out the Beast Titan.

     Levi, Y/n... Thank you.

     The two stared at him in sadness. Y/n lowered the needle. She put her head on Erwin's chest. She listened for a heartbeat. It was actually pretty fair. Given the proper treatment... Y/n brought some medical supplies... Levi's arms relaxed. Y/n stood up. Levi looked up at her.

      "I can save Erwin." Y/n told. Levi looked at her with wide eyes. "No, I will!"


     She nodded. "I left my supplies on the wall."

     "But... How?"

     "Mother taught me, remember?" Y/n smiled. Levi was taken aback. He nodded. "I can do it."

     "Shouldn't we let him rest..? Finally? We asked him to do so much... Bringing him back to this misery."

     Y/n flinched as she bit her lip. "He still has two dreams. Things he wanted to accomplish more than anything. Although I don't know if I can oblige to the second one."

     Levi nodded. "Give me the serum."

     Y/n handed the syringe to him. She then kneeled down and slipped her hands under Erwin's neck and legs. She stood up with him in her arms. ODM devices in her hands, she pulled the top trigger, sending her wires onto the top of the wall. She reeled herself in, and placed the commander on the wall. Fortunately, she only had to run a dozen or two meters to get her supplies. As she ran back, she unscrewed lids and dabbed her fingers in the contents. She pulled up his shirt slightly and examined the damage.

     "Tch." Y/n groaned. "Floch... You made his blood loss worse by dragging him here on your back..."

     Nonetheless, she cleaned, anointed, and wrapped Erwin. She leaned in and looked down on him. His breathing had slowed and he wasn't wheezing or groaning anymore. She smiled in relief and happiness.

    Erwin's eyes flickered. They peeked open. Y/n met his blue eyes. She smiled down at him. "Y/n..." He groaned.

     Y/n shook her head. "Don't speak. The anointments are doing their job. Just rest."

     Erwin's eyes drooped as he fell into a deep sleep. The female captain chuckled as she walked over to the wall. He's cute. She then dropped down, using ODM to the roof where Levi was. He had Armin's arm up, needle at it.

     "Big Bro, you're slow. I tended to him and all you've done was go over to him." Y/n teased.

     "'Ease off...'" Levi replied. "'I'm tired. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. Don't you have some pity for me?'"

     "'Well, you are pitiful.'" Y/n replied.

    The two looked at each other before laughing lightly. (I'm amazed how that conversation worked in this situation, too.) Y/n bowed down before Bertholdt. She leaned in to his ear.

     "I'm sorry."

     Bertholdt's eyes slowly fluttered open. He looked at her. "Y/n..." He muttered. When he saw Y/n look away and nod, a pang of nervousness shot through his system.. My arms and legs are gone... Shoot! Bertholdt looked up at Y/n with pleading eyes. "No, Y/n!" He cried. "I don't want to die!"

     Y/n gasped.

     A flash of bright light shone and a booming noise. Y/n covered her ears. She felt a force around her. She didn't have to look to know it was Levi. He took her away on a roof where everyone else was perched. Bertholdt's cries hit Y/n hard.

     A blond titan was tearing at the wood of the roof he was on. It was desperately reaching for the titan shifter. He tried to wiggle away, but it was in vain. The blond titan had its hand on him and lifted him in the air.

    "Y/N, HELP ME!"

     Y/n, who had her protecting instincts kick in, got up and ran towards the edge of the roof. "Y/N!" Levi yelled. He tackled her to the roof. "Get your mind back in place!"

     "BERTHOLDT!" She yelled. She squeezed her arm out, hand outstretched.

     The male was about to be in the jaws of the pure titan. He turned to everyone. "Hey!" He cried. "All of you!! Save meeee!!!!!" He yelped. Tears were in his eyes. He gasped as he realized no one would or could help him now. He screamed as he was placed in between the teeth. "ANNIE!!! REINERRRRRR!! Y/NNN!!!!"

     Bertholdt let a tear fall onto the roof. Y/n... I wish... I dearly wish I could have lived on with you and everyone else. I understand your wishes and reasons for this ending. But my biggest wish... was to be born in Paradis. Be born and live as, well, a bad Eldian. Of course I would. Because I met you. Because I knew someone as amazing and caring as you. Ha... Y/n Hoover doesn't sound so awfu-


     The titan began chewing the male to bits. Y/n's eyes widened. Y/n shut her eyes tight and tried to ignore the retched sounds. The sound of a human being eaten rigorously.

     Levi got off of her. She held her head. She put her head on the roof and clenched her fists. "I'm sorry... I'm probably unfit to be a captain if I still care for them..."

    "It is a hassle to keep you controlled when we're fighting them..." Levi admitted. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

     Y/n looked at him in surprise. "Heh?"

      "It means a lot to us." Jean said.

     "Huh?" Y/n gaped at him.

     "It's something that makes you, you." Moblit grinned.

     "I'm glad you care so much for every single one of us." Connie added.

     "Thank you." Mikasa chimed in as well. "For all you've done."

    "Thank you, Y/n." Eren said.

     The blond, pure titan roared as it crashed to the ground. Steam erupted from it, flying high in the air. Connie set Sasha down as he and the other 104th rushed across the roofs. Y/n remained by Levi, watching them go. The four helped the newly emerged blond out of the carcass.

     Once they dragged him out and got Sasha, they went to the roof where Hanji, Floch, Levi, and Y/n were. Eren and Mikasa looked down, ashamed. "We apologize for our actions." Eren told.

     "Oh, don't worry." Levi said. "You'll pay for it sometime. But for now, take him and Sasha up on the wall. We'll be looking for any survivors in the meantime."

     "Yes, sir."

      The scout regiment. Set out to repair Wall Maria to recover 1/3 of humanity's lost territory. Burnt and crushed to bits, the survey corps was dealt heavy losses. They managed to steal the Colossal Titan from the enemy forces and the wall, but the losses were still overwhelming. In addition, three dangerous enemies escaped from their grasps. Of the one hundred and more soldiers, only twelve remained, three heavily injured. But... They were still alive.

(I'll make an alternate ending for those who wanted Bertholdt.)

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