Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

LaineWeasley tarafından

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Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... Daha Fazla

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19. Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

94. Too Many Goodbyes

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LaineWeasley tarafından

It's now been a month since the war ended and we lost a lot of people; the next three weeks we have a lot of funerals to attend. Fred and I said we would attend as many as we could having three kids, to look after as we are helping Andromeda out looking after Teddy on the weekends and visiting Sirius in hospital.

The funerals that I said I would definitely attend was Percy's, Remus and Tonks, Jacks's, Alicia's, Catherine and Micheal's and finally Colin Creevey.

The first funeral being held was Remus and Tonks' and I knew how difficult the day was going to be, I had my speech ready just like Andromeda asked me too and I agreed.

"You ready?" Fred asks, poking his head through the door as I go over my speech.

"Not really, but it's something that needs to be done." I tell him tearing up again, and Fred pulls me into a hug.

"I'm right here whenever you need me." Fred says and we walk down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was dressed in black apart from Thea and Lyra who had yellow dresses on .

"I suppose we should leave." Arthur says, as Fred and I pick up the girls and we all walk outside to apparate.

We apparate outside of a graveyard that was made for the casualty's of the war and we walk down where Andromeda is holding Teddy and greeting people. I pull Andromeda into a hug carefully watching Teddy as his hair changes to the colour of my hair.

"I think he wants a cuddle." Andromeda says, and I pass Thea to Molly and take Teddy as the rest of the Weasleys go and sit down. "You can go and sit down."

"I'll stay with you, it's fine." I say, as guests keep flooding in to say their goodbyes.

One person in particular stood out and that was Narcissa Malfoy, I knew that they were sisters and Narcissa brought Andromeda into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Narcissa says, as I stand there comforting Teddy. "I can't imagine how you are feeling and I'm sorry for everything..."

Nothing else was said but the two of them just stood hugging before we walked in and I sat cuddling Teddy as he slept in my arms. The speeches began and there was only a few people doing them, Andromeda started with a few people like McGonagall and Kingsley talking and now it was my turn.

"Do you want me to take Teddy?" Andromeda says, and I look at the sleeping baby and shake my head waking up to the raised platform looking at the crowd taking a deep breath before I begin talking.

"Remus and Tonks were two amazing people who sacrificed themselves for the greater good and for the safety of Witches and Wizards of all ages including their son Teddy. I first met Tonks when I began Hogwarts, and she was always funny and she was quite clumsy; Tonks was always there if you needed her and made everyone happy and it was the same with my Godfather Remus, he was always there through everything and now he isn't here and it hurts a lot but I made a promise to them both that I would always look after Teddy and that's what I will do and I will always tell him the crazy stories about his mum and dad and one day he'll be old enough to understand why they did what they did." I look down at Teddy, before finishing my speech. "I love you both so much, until we meet again."

I walk back down with tears now streaming down my cheeks as Fred pulls me into his side as the tears keep flowing. Remus and Tonks' graves were next to each other and as the were lowered all that could be heard where sniffles and cries from everyone.

When the funeral ended everyone went straight back home when a grave catches my attention.

In loving memory of,
Sirius Orion Black,
Innocent until the end,
Loving Husband, Father and Grandfather,
3rd November 1959 - 18th June 1996

I cry just that little bit harder knowing he was never buried but at least there was something to remember him by, I use my wand to lay some flowers for him when I hear someone behind me.

"We decided that he should have a grave here as well as the others." I turn around and see Kingsley standing there.

"Thank you, it's appreciated, I now have somewhere to come and talk to him." I say with a small smile.

"Your welcome, I should get going now, have some important meetings to go to." Kingsley says, before walking off.

I see Fred standing at the edge of the graveyard by himself, and he walks over to me as I sit staring at my fathers grave.

"He would be so proud of you and Harry, you are so brave." Fred says, sitting next to me and holding my right hand in his.

"I miss him so much, it's two years in a few weeks and not a day goes by where I don't miss him." I say leaning my head on Fred.

"I know, we should go to the hospital to visit Sirius and we can then go home and see those beautiful girls of ours." Fred says and I nod my head in agreement.

We apparate to the hospital and walk into the room, that Sirius is in and see the Healers in there checking up on him.

"How's he doing?" Fred asks, as we continue to stand.

"He is doing well, he weighs just under four pounds now, his lungs have matured and he has a strong heart beat and his motor functions are doing well now." The Healer says, and we look into the incubator as see Sirius still covered in wires but not as many. "You can hold him now."

"Really?" I ask, and it puts me in a better mood.

"Yeah, he is stable enough and I think it will do you both the world of good." The Healer says, I sit down on the chair closest to the incubator and Sirius is placed into my arms and a smile takes hold of my face.

"He is so tiny, I mean the girls were this size when they were born but you still had a lot of time left." I say, as Sirius looks up to me with blue eyes which all babies are born with.

"He is adorable." Fred says, looking down and smiling at Sirius before looking up at me.

"He really is, I can't wait until we can take him home." I say, looking between Fred and Sirius.

"I would say you have about another month until you can take him home." The Healer says, writing down notes on the chart that was attached to the incubator.

"I'm already counting down the days." I say with a grin.

"We all are." Fred says with a smile, before the Healer leaves the room.

"I love you all so much, yes I do." I say looking down at the baby in my arms, even with all the wires around him he still looks adorable

"Shall I get the girls so they can see him?" Fred asks, taking my attention from the baby in my arms.

"No - no, I love them but they might climb over everything and it's not worth the trouble." I say, with a slight sad face with a wave of tiredness falling over me.

"You look tired." Fred says, and I nod my head.

"This last month has been a lot to say the least." I say with a yawn.

"Just a little bit ." Fred says, looking at baby Sirius. "I almost forgot the camera."

Fred goes through a pocket and pulls out a camera before taking a picture of Sirius and I.

"Does daddy want a cuddle?" I say, standing up carefully, handing Sirius to Fred gently as he sits down.

"He is so light." Fred says, looking down at our son so lovingly and I smile at the both of them.

"He is but hopefully he'll start growing some more soon." I say, taking a photo of the two of them.

Fred and sit watching Sirius as he sleeps peacefully in the incubator, we say goodnight to him, holding his hands before we head back to the Burrow. When we walk in the mood is a little more cheery than it was this morning as Thea and Lyra are clearly the way of keeping the mood up.

"Mummy! Daddy!" The girls say as we walk in and pull them into hugs and I place kisses all over Thea's face and she giggles at me.

"How's Sirius doing?" Molly asks.

"He is doing well, he is just weighing under four pounds and we got to hold him today." Fred tells Molly and a small smile forms on her face.

"That's great news did they say when he could come home?" Arthur asks.

"About a month if things keep going the way they are." I say, before pressing a kiss to to Lyra's cheek and she giggles at me.

"I suppose dinner won't cook itself." Molly says, going into the kitchen as Fred and I sit down.

With all the funerals work on the shop was going slower than expected which was disappointing but as soon as we can we will re-open.

The evening went by with Fred and I getting the girls to bed before we go to bed ourselves exhausted from al the crying and tomorrow I have Catherine and Micheal's funeral, which I knew was going to be hard. I lay in bed that night, trying not to cry as I snuggle into Fred as he tickles my back.

"You still want to bring Thea and Lyra tomorrow?" Fred asks and I nod my head.

"Th-they would w-want them to b-be there." I say tearfully as the tears spill out. "My life with them wasn't that bad, most of my childhood was good, and I had a roof over my head, good food everything most kids would want. I think I started to become more and more like my actual parents, and it was probably hard to see your niece grow up and look like your sister."

"It's okay, I'll support your through it all, you have me - you always have and you always will." Fred tells me, trying to calm me down.

After I spend some time crying into Fred's shoulder leaving his skin soaked with my tears, he eventually calms me down helping me fall asleep. When I wake up in the morning I remember what the day was and have a shower and get into another black dress, making myself look presentable.

"You ready to go?" Fred asks and I nod my head.

"I said I would be there, so I will be." I tell him, and we walk down the stairs where everyone else is staying at the Burrow as they only met Catherine and Micheal a few times.

"We will see you all later, I suppose you two will be off to see Sirius?" Molly asks, and I nod my head.

Everyone pulls us into hugs before we leave and apparate outside the graveyard and we walk in and I see quite a lot of people standing there. I see Austin and Penelope with their baby Micheal or Mickey as he was called, Lucinda was standing with Draco.

"Thank you for coming." Austin says, and I bring him into a hug.

"I wouldn't of missed this, I needed to say goodbye." I tell him, as we pull away from the hug and I pull Lucinda into a hug before some tears trickle down my cheeks again.

"We should go and sit down Luc." Draco says, as Fred and I follow them to the front row.

The ceremony begins, and I lean my head on Fred, feeling more tears fall down my face I watch as Austin and Lucinda do their speeches and they both then look at me when they ask if someone else would like to do one and I stand up handing Lyra to Fred.

"You never really think that the last time you say bye to someone would be the last time, when growing up Catherine and Micheal gave me the best life possible even though I liked to rebel a bit." I say with a small smile as I look directly at Fred. "I once had a chat with Catherine about how much she missed my mum and that I embodied her so much, from her looks to her rebellious behaviour and she said that was the one thing that made her sad was how much I was like her. I will miss you both a lot and thank you both for raising me into the women I am today."

I sit down next to Fred before the bodies are lowered into the ground and my heart breaks even more, every time I see a person buried my heart breaks even more. I don't even know how much of my heart I have left to break.

Tomorrow was going to be the worst day for the Weasley family, for all of us. The rest of the day went like the day before with us seeing Sirius and getting to cuddle him again.

As predicted the Wednesday was the worst day, before the funeral began the whole house was crying every single one of us apart from Thea and Lyra. We made our reappearance at the graveyard with all of the Weasley's taking up the entire front row, with the five remaining boys and Arthur carrying the coffin in as Ginny comforts Molly and I look after Thea and Lyra.

Once the ceremony began each Weasley began telling a story about Percy, and we all sat there with tears down our faces and let Molly and Arthur say their last goodbyes to their son.

We all went to the hospital to see Sirius, well as many of us as we could. Molly clearly needed it the most, the pain on her face was so indescribable it hurt to watch. The day went rather quickly, between Fred and I we cooked dinner for everyone even though we weren't all particularly hungry at that moment in time.

A few days went by where we didn't have a funeral until the Saturday reached and we had Jack's funeral which was going to be another day filled with tears. Fred and I spent the two says equally between the Burrow and the hospital with Fred also helping out with the shop which just needed a lot of stock in again.

"He finally reached four pounds." I say looking happily at the baby in my arms, before looking up at Fred as he smiles down at us as the twins sit on the chair opposite trying to ask questions.

"See baby Sirius is getting bigger now." Fred says to the girls. "My girls and my boy."

"I love you all so much." I say looking at my family, and knowing this is what I've always wanted a whole family.

"I love you too." Fred says placing a kiss on my lips, before placing kisses on the girls foreheads and holding one of Sirius' little hands.

The evening passes us by rather quickly, and then the thought of tomorrow was making me feel extremely sad. Melody reached out to the rest of our group and wanted us all to say something along side her and Anna. Melody said she told Anna about her being pregnant and it was so bittersweet as she never got to tell Jack that he was going to be a dad.

"I never thought we would be saying goodbye to our friends yet, it's never going to be the same without Jack and Alicia is it?" I say to Fred as we lay in bed.

"No, it's not, but they would want us to still be a group together and have fun without them and to pursue all of our dreams and Jack would want Melody well cared for and Alicia the same with Katie." Fred says to me, as we hold hands, as I sniffle.

"I can't wait for there to be a day when I don't cry." I say, laughing over the tears.

"You're telling me? I never cry and yet for the last month I've cried lots." Fred says, and I look up to him and try to give him a reassuring smile.

"We've lost lots of people and gone through things we never thought would ever happen, like having a baby born at just under twenty-four weeks old or loosing family when they still had life to live." I say to Fred, holding his hand tightly.

"I know, I feel stupid for crying you've lost most of your family including both your parents and who you thought were your parents, godparents and close friends and you still will have somewhat of a smile on your face." Fred says, and I shake my head at him.

"It doesn't matter about how many people we loose, it will always hurt and one persons death can mean just as much as six peoples. You still lost close friends and family." I say looking into those dreamy brown eyes, wishing we were younger again and dancing in the sunset together, and we didn't need to worry about kids, war or death.

"Enough emotional talk, we should both get some sleep before tomorrow Melody is going to need a lot of emotional support and I know you want to be there for her." Fred says, and I nod my head.

"Goodnight Freddie, I love you always." I say, turning around so he can cuddle me from behind.

"Goodnight my love, sleep well I love you so much." Fred says, kissing my cheek before cuddling me from behind.

Waking up today was another day filled with sadness, another day that filled the Burrow with silence and, another day where I wish we were back in last year.

"You two got your speeches ready?" Angelina asks, and I nod as I pick Lyra up and cuddle her to me closely.

"Is everyone ready?" Molly asks, with sadness filling her voice.

"Yeah." A few of us mumble, before we make our way out of the Burrow.

We apparate to the graveyard again, Anna and Melody were greeting people as the walked in both in tears. They said that all of the group will be sitting on the front row with Melody and Anna, we sit down together all tearfully as we see Lee as well. As the ceremony begins the front row was just complete sobs from all of us, with Anna then Melody doing their speeches and I swear to Godric Gryffindor it hurt so much.

"Today, I say goodbye to the love of my life even though it isn't really goodbye it's just goodnight. When I met Jack when we began Hogwarts I didn't think that he would be the love of my life, and change my life like he has. Jack will always live on in memories, in our hearts and most importantly... mine and Jack's baby, which I never got to tell him about and that hurts even more. Jack always knew how to make people laugh and cared about so many people, and I will always think back on the memories we made together and with the rest of our group." Melody takes a shaky breath before continuing her speech. "I will always love you Jack, nothing could ever stop me from loving you and I will always miss you, hopefully we will see each other again one day."

Melody sits back in her seat crying her eyes out as I pull her into a hug, tight and comforting. Everyone else does their speeches talking about when we used to get into all sorts at Hogwarts, and how the group didn't feel the same without him and that was the truth it really didn't feel the same without him and Alicia. I step up to the platform to begin my speech, trying not to cry until I finished the speech.

"Jack has always been the cheerful one of the group and made mostly inappropriate jokes like him and Mels did for mine and Fred's Christmas presents in sixth year, I won't go into details about what they got us but Jack loved to do little things like that to see people's reactions and the two of them agreed it was the first time I was left speechless. Things will never be the same without Jack, he was always there to help and will be truly missed so much and I just wanted to say thank you for everything you helped any of us with, especially being godfather to Thea and Lyra. Rest easy Jack, we will never forget you." I finish off my speech before going back to hug Melody who is laughing at me through the tears.

"I remember those Christmas presents wasn't that when..." Melody begins saying, and I just nod my head. "That was funny, and leaving you speechless was even more amusing."

"It was wasn't it?" I say with a small smile on my face as I continue to hug Melody.

Jack's coffin is lowered into the ground, I didn't want to believe that Jack was dead but he really was. Melody and Anna stand hugging each other as Fred and I hold the girls before we say bye to the group as we left to go to the hospital and we brought the girls with us today.

"Baby." Thea and Lyra say as we walk into the room.

"Yes, that's your baby brother isn't it?" Fred says and they nod their heads, as I admire the small baby in the incubator.

"He is looking bigger now, isn't he?" I say to Fred, as we sit the girls down on a chair.

"He really is, the shop is almost ready to be re-opened now, I have looked at a few houses but maybe until the kids are bigger we can stay at the flat, Sirius can stay in with us for a while and I have slowly started taking stuff back and brought him some clothes and all of his own things." Fred says, as I lean into him, looking between Sirius and Thea and Lyra who sat cuddling each other sleepily.

"That's great, I don't know what I would do without you most of the time." I say, looking up to Fred, before looking back at Thea and Lyra who were now practically asleep. "Look at those two."

"This last week has been extremely tiring, that's how I feel." Fred says, as we look at the now sleeping twins.

"Me too, between all these funerals, seeing Sirius and worrying about Godric knows what I feel permanently exhausted." I reply, letting Sirius hold my index finger and I smile down at him, realising that he looks like a mini Fred. "He looks like you."

"Do you think?" Fred questions.

"Yes I do, although it looks like he has got mummy's hair colour this time." I say, placing a kiss on Fred's cheek.

"Yeah it does, look at our little family. Talking of family I'll go and get Teddy from Andromeda's." Fred says, placing a kiss on forehead.

"Okay, come back here so we can spend much time with all of them as we can." I say to Fred before he walks out of the room.

"Of course, love." Fred says, and I lean my head up and he places on my lips. "See you in a bit."

"See you in a bit." I reply before, I summon a chair with my wand, sitting down and still holding Sirius' hand with my finger, turning my head so I see the girls, sleeping on the chair and leaning on each other.

I didn't realise how tired I was or that I had fell asleep until I open my eyes and hear Fred telling a story to the four children, about our second year at Hogwarts when we played a prank on Filch using the Marauder's map which helped us with our escape.

"That was a funny evening, never got caught for that one either." I say a sleepy voice, as I lift my head up and see Fred cuddling Teddy and the girls sitting opposite him.

"It was wasn't it? And nice nap?" Fred asks,
As the girls babble to each other quietly.

"Yes it was actually, clearly needed." I say with a small yawn. "Have the children been good?"

"Yes, they have, mostly been napping, it is pretty adorable." Fred says. "And mummy snores doesn't she?"

"Yeah." Thea and Lyra say, both laughing at me.

"It's pretty cute though." Fred tells me, as he continues to cuddle Teddy, as his hair changes colour to the same as mine. "I think someone wants a cuddle with you."

Fred hands me Teddy and he settles in my arms, and I smile down at him.

"Your best friend Sirius is in there, hopefully he will be able to come home soon." I say rocking Teddy gently. "And we can spend weekends playing in the gardens, with you can go and see your god father Harry as well."

"Yes, we will have such a good time." Fred says as the girls climb onto him for a cuddle.

"I suppose we should take these three back for dinner in a minute." I say looking up at the clock.

"Yes we should, and I'll come back later and sit with him for a bit, until I almost get kicked out." Fred says, with a smile.

"Please don't do that, but the kids shouldn't be too hard to settle down and if worst comes to worst someone can always help me." I say with a smile.

Me and the girls say goodnight to Sirius before we go to the Burrow for dinner. With the whole family there including partners, it was a very full house to the point we were sitting outside for dinner.

"Yeah, she was snoring and everything." Fred says, to the table.

"Yeah mummy snore." Thea says, and her and Lyra start laughing.

"I don't get how me snoring is amusing but that's kids for you." I say as I eat some of my dinner as Teddy is cuddled up with Ginny, before he is handed to Harry and he cuddles him, in a fatherly way.

"You do have quite and adorable snore, I did have to listen to it for the most part of seven years." Angelina says, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"She really does." George answers. "So are you lot going back to Hogwarts next year?"

"I'm going back, not sure about these two." Hermione says, gesturing to Ron and Harry.

Ron and Harry both shrug their shoulders at Hermione's comment.

"Well at least I'll have Hermione." Ginny says, before having some of her dinner.

"So how's the Healing training going Angelina?" Charlie asks, taking Angelina into a different conversation.

"How is Sirius doing?" Bill asks, looking at Fred and I.

"He is doing really well, we can't wait to bring him home now." Fred says with a smile, as he pulls me into a cuddle.

"So where is home?" Fleur asks.

"Well we will move back to the shop and then look for a place, but we are going to have a shop up in Hogsmeade as well so maybe we will look up around that way." Fred answers, as I wasn't one hundred percent sure what was going to happen.

"Still going to do the whole quidditch thing?" Bill asks me.

"Yes, the Holyhead Harpies have some try outs at the end of August; I'll need to get some practice in but I know I can play interchangeable positions but chasing is what I'm best at, and then beating and keeping with seeking last." I tell him.

"I'm still not keen on the idea of it." Fred says, and I just roll my eyes.

"I've never been keen on you trying all those bloody products on yourself, but you still do." I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"Well someone needs to try them and you've never done it." Fred says, and I just ignore him,  looking at Thea and Lyra who were sitting with Ron and Hermione.

"They would make such good parents." I say looking at Fred and he just shakes his head at me.

"They will be one day, now I'm going back to the hospital, I love you." He says placing a kiss on my forehead before saying bye to everyone.

"I best be getting these kids off to bed otherwise they will be grumpy tomorrow, and then I'll get Teddy settled down." I say, picking up Thea and Lyra.

I give them a quick bath, before getting them into their pyjamas and giving them their bedtime bottles with a quick bedtime story and they fell asleep. I went to get Teddy settled down, but found that Harry was already getting him settled down, I stand in the door way as he places Teddy into the cot and he sees me standing at the door.

"Thank you." I mouth, as we both silently walk out of the room.

"It's alright, I wanted to spend some time with him." Harry begins saying. "I saw that a grave was put in for Sirius, I was thinking that we could go there on the date of his anniversary and have a drink and lay some flowers?"

"Sounds good, I'll be taking the girls up in the morning with Fred but we can spend the afternoon there together." I tell Harry as we walk down the stairs.

"Yeah, I miss him so much." Harry says, as we walk into the living room.

"Me too." I say, sitting down on the sofa.

Bill and Fleur along with George and Angelina have gone back to their homes, leaving Charlie, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Molly and Arthur here at the moment. I sit reading as everyone else talks when Fred walks through the door, looking very happy.

"I got some cuddles today." Fred says, sitting down next to me. "And good news is, he is no longer in the incubator."

"Really?" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

"Yes, really, and he is now being bottle fed as well." Fred adds on.

"This is the best news we've had for a while." Molly says, cheerfully.

"It really is." Fred and I say in unison.

"Well when he gets out of hospital we can have a celebration." Molly says, and I didn't want to upset her as we just wanted to spend time with all three kids.

"Of course, just the family and a few close friends yeah?" I ask her.

"Of course." Molly replies.

We all sit in conversation until we all go to bed, knowing that we still had a few days until the next funeral. Alicia's funeral was on Tuesday and Colin's was going to be on Thursday, with others in between and some the week after. With Tuesday coming along quicker than it should of, sadness filled me again as we were saying goodbye to another close friend of ours.

As we arrived at the funeral, Alicia's parents and Katie were sobbing their hearts out as I cried as well along with Melody and Angelina. We all gave speeches again, talking about the good times we had, I kept mine short and sweet but it was another heart breaking day for us all.

"Look at my gorgeous boy," I say as I cuddle Sirius. "Yes you are my handsome baby boy."

"What about me?" Fred says, and I look up and his pouting at me.

"You are my handsome husband, not my baby boy." I say, laughing lightly and shaking my head.

"We all know that you like to be the little spoon Fred, but you didn't need to make it public knowledge." George says, and I laugh at him.

"Whatever." Fred says, as he cuddles Lyra and Thea sits in George's lap.

"Not denying it." Angelina says, and we all laugh lightly.

"So have you had a scan yet?" I ask Melody.

"Yeah, Anna came with me as it was just after Alicia's funeral and I'm twelve weeks gone now and I'm glad I'll always have a piece of him with me." Melody says, rubbing her small baby bump.

"Are you going to find out the gender?" Angelina asks her, as Lee walks into the room with some drinks in his hands.

"I'm still fifty - fifty on it, but I have a few weeks left till I need to make the decision." Melody replies, as I look down at Sirius in my arms who whimpers lightly and I get the bottle from the side and begin feeding him again.

"Whatever you want to do, we are right behind you." I tell her, as Sirius struggles taking the bottle at first before he finally latches on.

"Thank you." Melody says giving me a small smile. "He looks like he is feeding well."

"Yeah - well kind of sometimes he latched on quickly and has a good feed and then others he doesn't but for the first month of his life he was fed through tubes." I say, as Sirius drinks the milk slowly.

"It's a work in progress love, he is going to take a bit longer than the girls to get used to things." Fred says, and I am slightly frustrated that he is repeats everything that we have been told by the Healers.

"I know, I know." I reply, before turning my attention back to the baby in my arms.

We spend the majority of the afternoon in the hospital before heading back to the shop, all the stuff had been moved back in and it felt good to sleep in mine and Fred's bed again.

"I love the burrow, but I have missed our space and our bed." I say, laying across the bed.

"Me too, personal space is finally back!" Fred says, as I wave my wand to get the place tidy.

As we unpacked our clothes and by the time Thursday reached, Fred, George, Angelina, Lee and myself where exhausted from getting the flat back to the way it was and putting stock back on the shelf's as we lay on of the youngest victims of the war to rest, Colin Creevey.

This funeral was more emotional than the others, he wasn't even of age and shouldn't of been fighting; but we all knew that Colin believed in the greater good and his poor parents. It was a very hard funeral with Harry doing a speech and giving a piece of parchment to his parents of his signature as it was something Colin always wanted.

Now we had said goodbye to our fallen, it was time we tried to continue our lives as best as we could and where this next adventure would take us who would know?

- - - -

A/n: this chapter made me cry many times, how sad I know and it's not just because it's an emotional chapter but because we are close to the end of the book and it makes me sad :( I will do more chapters for Pinky Promise after the last couple of chapters of before I go.

I hope you have all had a good day or are having a good day :)

Okumaya devam et

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