Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

275K 5.5K 6.5K

Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19.οΏΌ Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight

1.3K 31 44
By LaineWeasley

I was wrong it could get worse...

The voice of Voldemort then returned and filled our ears once again. "Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring his body as proof that your hero is gone."

"The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, women or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we will start together."

Silence... complete silence, as everyone began to walk out of the Great Hall, unsure of what has happening. People were still crying, grieving their loved ones and I look around and see Anna and Melody hugging each other as Angelina was looking after Katie, Fred had his hand on the small of my back as I decided I wanted to keep the baby with me. Baby Sirius looked so perfect, and so tiny his head filled with ginger hair and I hold on lightly to one of his tiny hands. We stand in the court yard and look at the massive group of Death Eaters in front of us and I see Hagrid carrying someone.

"No!" The screams from Professor McGonagall could be heard, and none of us have ever heard her scream like that.

With the screams of Ron, Hermione and Ginny them filling the court yard as I lean into Fred and he wraps an arm around me.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort shouted, and silence fell over the court yard. "It is all over! Set him down, Hagrid at my feet where he belongs."

Hagrid lowered Harry to the ground, I wanted to cry but I couldn't cry anymore.

"You see? Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing ever, but a boy who relied on other to sacrifice themselves for him!" Voldemort began shouting at all of us.

With all of the chaos happening, I wasn't really interested in that; I look down at the baby in my arms who for a second I thought moved his little arm as I place a soft kiss to the top of his head before snuggling my head into Fred and I feel Fred look down at the baby and gasp lightly.

"I don't want to panic you but I swear I just saw Sirius move his little fingers." Fred says, and I look down and see the baby's tiny fingers moving around. "I'm so confused."

"Me too." I say, knowing that he was dead, until I feel some message I'm my head.

"Y/n, I sent him back from where he doesn't belong he belongs in your arms and enjoying your love, please look after Melody for me, someone needs to."

Jack's voice rang throughout my head, as I look down at the baby in front of me, knowing that this really was a miracle.

"That was the weirdest thing ever to happen." I say looking at Fred, as I had a slight headache as Jacks voice has still replaying through my head.

Everyone began rushing inside, with Fred making sure we got in quickly and into the Great Hall with his arms wrapped around me and the baby, sheltering the two of us from damage.

A full on fight was happening with the few remaining death eaters and most of the Order members, Bellatrix was fighting Ginny, Luna and Hermione at once she was proving to be too powerful until Molly came along. Molly was filled with anger, sadness and every other emotion a mother needs to push her over the edge.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" Molly shouts and Bellatrix begins laughing evilly.

People where running and out of the room as Melody and I sit together as Fred runs back in to help the rest of the order.

"I'll always be here for you Melody, I hope you know that." I tell her that, as I let her lean on my shoulder.

"I know y/n, thank you for always being my best friend." Melody tells me, and I hold her baby Sirius. "I thought..."

"So did the rest of us, but someone sent him back to us and told me to look after you." I tell her, wrapping her in a hug. "And I will always be here no matter what."

"I know, and I'm sitting here crying you lost pretty much your whole family today." Melody says and I give her a small smile.

"You lost your husband, and a close friend it still hurts it isn't about how many people we loose as it will still always hurt." I tell her, as the screams, shouting and banging keep coming from the Great Hall as Narcissa, Lucius and Draco along with Lucinda come waking out of the hall and I stand up.

"Take care of yourself, and I'll be there for you whatever you need." I tell Lucinda, pulling her into a hug. "And they would be proud of you for doing the right thing, and one of the most important things is us sticking together."

"Thank you, y/n, I'll be writing to you very soon." She says with a small smile, before walking off with the Malfoy family as she holds hands with Draco.

"Your going to let her walk off with them?" Melody asks me.

"I can't control her, but I can see that Draco isn't as bad as he is made out to be and he will look after her." I tell Melody, as we continue to sit together.

We heard cheering through the Great Hall and we both looked in and see that Molly had defeated Bellatrix, and all that was left was the final fight between the boy who lived and he who shall not be named. Fred dragged me and Melody to the side of the Great Hal which was lined with many other Witches and Wizards.

"There are no more Horcruxes. It's just you and me. Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good..." Harry says, standing in the middle of the Great Hall looking Voldemort straight in the eyes.

"One of us?" Voldemort asks Harry, with his eyes staring straight into Harry. "You think it will be you, do you, the boy who has survived by accident, and because Dumbledore was pulling the strings?"

"Accident, was it, when my mother died to save me?" Harry asks Voldemort, with the both of them circling each other and keeping enough distance at the same time as the state each other in the eyes. "Accident, when I decided to fight in the Graveyard? Accident, that I didn't defend myself tonight, and still survive and returned to fight again?"

"Accidents!" Voldemort screams, the whole crowed was paralysed with fear as we watched the exchange. "Accident and chance and the fact that you crouched and snivelled behind the skirts of greater men and women, and permitted me to kill them for you!"

"You won't kill anyone else tonight." Harry tells him, as they continued to circle each other. "You won't be able to kill any of them again. Don't you get it? I was ready to die to stop you from hurting these people - "

"But you did not." Voldemort sneers.

"- I meant to, and that's what I did. I've done what my mother did. They're protected from you. Haven't you noticed none of the spells you put on them are biding? You can't torture them. You can't touch them. You don't learn from your mistakes, Riddle do you?" Harry says as him and Voldemort continue to circle each other.

"You dare?" Voldemort asks.

"Yes, I dare. I know things you don't. Tom Riddle. I know important things that you don't. Want to hear some before you make another big mistake?" Harry asks.

Voldemort didn't mutter a word as the two of them continued to circle each other, the rest of us stand there in anticipation to see what would happen.

"Is it love again?" Voldemort asks. "Dumbledore favourite solution, love, which he claimed conquered death, though live did not stop him from galling from the tower and breaking like an old waxwork? Love, which did not prevent me stamping out your mudblood mother like a crockroach, Potter and nobody seems to love you enough to run forward this and take my curse. So what will stop you dying now when I strike?"

"Just one thing." Harry tells him, with the tension filling up beyond the Great Hall.

"If it is not love that will save you this time, you must believe that you have magic that I do not, or else a weapon more powerful than mine?" Voldemort asks, clearly curious on what Harry had planned.

"I believe both." Harry says, and Voldemort began to laugh at him, as Fred's grip on me tightens with each word Voldemort says.

"You think you know more magic than I do?" Voldemort begins to question Harry. "Than I Lord Voldemort, who has performed magic that Dumbledore himself never dreamed of?"

"Oh he dreamed of it." Harry tells him. "But he knew more than you, knew enough not to do what you've done!"

"You mean he was weak!" Voldemort shouts. "Too weak to dare, too weak to take what might of been his, what will be mine!"

I cradle baby Sirius in my arms knowing that we needed to get him to St Mongos as soon as we possibly could but, he was a fighter.

"No, he was cleverer than you!" Harry shouts at Voldemort. "A better wizard, a better man."

The two began dulling, we all watch in horror as Voldemort shouts "Avada Kadavra!" And Harry shouts "expelliarmus!"

Golden flames erupts between the two wands with a bang, with a green jet following out of Voldemort's wand and red out of Harry's the pairs wands battle until Voldemort falls to the floor, where Harry stands over Voldemort's body. The Great Hall was silent momentarily before cheers erupted from the crowd and we no longer had to live in fear of Voldemort no more.

Everyone was hugging each other, like it was the last time we could hug each other. With the sun shinning through and most people now trying to hug Harry in someway, and the Boy Who Lived killed He Who Must Not Be Named.

Our group sat together, or what was left of us. Lee was hugging Melody as I lean into Fred as Katie was comforted by her other school friends.

"We need to go to Andromeda's, I - I need to tell her about Remus and Tonks." I say sadly standing up.

Before we leave we hug many people goodbye, and Molly says she'll look after baby Sirius as many people needed to go to St Mongos so she'll be off when we leave. Fred and I apparate outside of Andromeda's house and we can hear baby crying on the inside as we knock on the door.

"Come in!" We hear a shout from the inside, and Fred grips my hand tightly and I open the door.

"Where's Nymphadora and Remus?" Andromeda asks, and I begin crying again.

"Oh." Was all Andromeda says before she begins crying, and I go and comfort her whilst Fred looks after the children.

"I'm so sorry." I say, as I let her cry into my arms.

We sat there for a while crying together, as Fred gets the girls and Teddy ready. After Andromeda was as calmed down as she could be, we headed to St Mongos where the badly injured were getting treated and Thea and Lyra got to meet their new baby brother. We walk into the room where Sirius was as Molly and Arthur sat in there with him and they flung their arms around their granddaughters.

"Thea - Lyra meet your baby brother Sirius Arthur Weasley." I say, as he has all sorts of things around him.

"Baby!" They both say in unison and I give a small smile to Fred, before I snuggle into his side.

"We are going to pop home for a bit to get ourselves sorted out, do you want us to take Thea and Lyra as well?" Molly asks, Fred and I.

"We're okay at the moment got a bag of baby stuff, although we are going to have to find somewhere bigger to live." Fred says, as Molly and Arthur begin handing the girls back to us.

"Yeah, we'll get some clothes and other bits for the two of you as well as some baby stuff for our grandson." Arthur says, and we bid them goodbye before sitting on chairs and talking to Thea and Lyra.

"Tiny baby?" Lyra asks, noticing that her new brother was very very small.

"Yeah, he is going to need a little bit of help growing as he was early, very early." I say, before kissing the top of her head.

"Mel and jay-jay?" Thea asks, and I begin tearing up looking at Fred for a response.

"Auntie Mels will be here soon, but uncle Jack isn't here with us anymore." Fred says to the girls, and they don't understand and I wouldn't expect them too.

I tear up at the fact that so many people I was close with died within the last twenty-four hours, and even if I wasn't close with them it still hurt to see so many people lay lifelessly.

We sat talking with the girls, not letting go of them for too long whilst the small baby sleeps in what they call an incubator. Fred and the girls were all asleep and I was practically asleep as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say softly, and Melody and Lee walk in. "Are you to physically okay?"

"Yeah." The reply in unison and Melody held her left hand over her baby bump and smiles and I nod my head.

"So how long is Sirius going to be in here for?" Lee asks me quietly.

"It's hard to tell at the moment but so far they are saying about six weeks, so Fred is going to begin sorting out for somewhere for the five of us to live and we are going to make sure we have enough room if anyone else wants to stay." I tell the pair in front of me.

"I've started funeral plans, apparently a lot of the funerals are going to be very close together in time wise." Melody says, and I nod my head knowing that I'm going to need to buy a black dress that I'll wear for all of them and at the end bury it away somewhere.

"Andromeda is completely heartbroken, she said she will come in at some point with Teddy to have some company." I say sadly. "But she knows that I give her my full support in helping to raise Teddy."

"I get that, do you need sleep or anything?" Lee asks and I shake my head.

"I can't sleep, I'm too filled with panic that something might happen and Molly and Arthur should be back from the Burrow soon with fresh clothes." I tell them.

The three of us end up talking for a while, before Fred begins to wake up and join in the conversation.

"Didn't want to wake me?" Fred asks, as he repositions a sleeping Thea in his arms.

"You looked too peaceful." Lee jokes with the door knocking again and this time George and Angelina poke their heads in.

"You can come in." I tell them and I pull up some chairs for them.

Even when they sat in the room, it still felt empty without Jack and Alicia and I feel like it always will. When Molly and Arthur get back, Fred and I get changed staying as late as we could with Sirius, before Fred had to head home and I was asked to stay for overnight observations and for tests to be conducted in the morning. I fell asleep watching Sirius' little chest raise and fall, looking peaceful as he slept.

I woke up in the morning to a kiss on the forehead from Fred, who had brought me some breakfast and wanted to sit with me for a few hours before looking after Thea and Lyra.

"I can't believe how tiny he is." I say, as I brush my hair.

"I know, George and I are going to get the shop started up again soon and I think we are going to buy that Hogsmeade branch, there's a flat above it and it has room for the five of us." Fred says with a smile, which I soon return.

"I like the idea, and when the kids are at Hogwarts we can see them and smother them with cuddles and kisses." I say, looking at Sirius before the Healers come in to check on me and Sirius.

"He is strong, but he definitely has another six weeks in here at least before the breathing tubes can be removed but we have a plan that we want to follow and hopefully he can work with us and we can get him out as soon as possible." The Healer tells Fred and I. "And
Y/n, we have some potions for you to take to help with infections, sleeping and anxiety. A lot of survivors from the battle who were here last night had trouble sleeping and I can't imagine how you are feeling."

"Thank you." I say with a small smile.

The next week went by quicker than any of us wanted to, I spent a lot of time with Sirius, looking after Thea and Lyra along with taking care for the many grieving people that I know. I mainly spent my time looking after Andromeda, Melody, Anna and Molly with Fred and George getting the shop back up and running and helping the rest of Diagon Alley get back to how it used to be.

I felt exhausted all of the time likely the sleeping and anxiety potions were helping to an extent and Sirius seemed to be improving as his weight is almost at two pounds now, and I haven't been aloud to hold him since we brought him in but he looks safe and he will hold on to fingers.

"He is a strong boy." Katie says, from the edge of the door way.

"He is, you can come in and see him." I say, as I look up at her and she looks tired as she walks through the room. "She would of loved to of met him, I miss her so much."

I open my arms and let Katie's head rest on my shoulder. "I miss her too, and I'm always here for a chat, she was brave until the end a true Gryffindor."

"She was, I don't know how to feel without her being here." Katie says, with a soft sob, as I rub her back gently.

"She may not be here physically but she'll always be in your heart, and one thing she wouldn't want you to do is not go and get on the Holyhead Harpies like you said you always wanted to do." I tell Katie, as Thea and Lyra are walking in with Molly.

"They wanted to see mummy and Sirius." Molly says, as Thea and Lyra hold on to Molly's hands. "I can bring them back in a bit, if you're busy."

"I should get going anyway." Katie sniffles. "Thank you y/n."

"It's okay, anytime you need to talk just owl me." I say to Katie as she walks out of the room.

"Have you two been good for grandma?" I ask Thea and Lyra.

"Yeah." The reply in unison.

"They have been good, have been pestering me for when they are going to see you and 'baby', they were playing with Harry and Ginny earlier as well." Molly says with a small smile.

"Thank you for all of your help Molly, I know everything is difficult at the moment but we appreciate all of the help you have given us." I say to Molly, pulling her into a hug.

"It's okay, how's he doing now?" Molly asks, looking to where Sirius is laying.

"They said he is making progress, but we still have another five weeks to see how he grows first before any other decisions are made." I tell her, as I pull the girls into hugs.

"Bless him, he is a little fighter." Molly says with a small smile.

I can tell everything with Percy was really hard for her, we all only just made up with him so I can see why she was emotional.

"He is, are you going to stay for a bit or head back to the Burrow." I ask Molly, as she watches Sirius in awe.

"I'll stay for a bit, give you some adult company." Molly says, sitting down and Thea goes and sits with her.

"Thank you, Fred said he'll be here at around three he just doesn't want to leave everything to George and Lee and there isn't much to do here anyway." I tell Molly.

"Yeah, I think they are excited to open the shop back up and Fred has been looking at houses as well." Molly says.

We continue to sit there talking, with Thea and Lyra occasionally asking questions about things. Molly eventually leaves, leaving me with Thea and Lyra and we talk well they say some waffle and I talk to them. Just after three Fred walks in the door and the girls get all excited again.

"Daddy!" The girls say in unison, and Fred walks over to us with a massive smile on his face.

"How are my favourite girls?" Fred asks, looking at the girls then looking at me.

"We are good, just been having some very random conversations with these two, which I don't mind and Sirius is making progress and is going down the path that they hoped he would." I tell Fred, as he picks up Lyra and sits in the seat next to me.

"That great news, dinner is for half five mum was telling me, so we can still spend a few more hours with him." Fred says with a small smile, taking my right hand into his left.

"I just want to cuddle him." I say sadly. "I just want to hold my baby."

"Hopefully it will happen soon, we just need him to get stronger." Fred says.

Spending the hours with Sirius goes slowly but quickly at the same time, I'm just excited to take him home, and cuddle him.

"Come on you lot dinner is waiting for us." Fred says, and we all get up and say bye to Sirius before we tell the Healers that we will be back soon.

Flooing to the Burrow, the house it filled up with all of the Weasley's sitting at the table.

"I didn't think you were turning up then." George says, as we put the girls in their highchairs.

"We were just saying bye to Sirius before leaving." Fred says, as I stay quiet.

"How is he doing now?" Fleur asks.

"He is making progress at a steady pace but we have a long wait a head of us." Fred replies, as I give the girls their dinner.

Everyone else sits eating and chatting and I only have a few mouthfuls of my food, before pulling Thea out of her high chair as she began crying.

"I'll take care of her, you need to eat." Fred says and I shake my head.

"I'm heading back to St Mongos, people have to leave at seven so I'll go until then." I say getting up from the table.

I place a kiss on the girls foreheads before placing a kiss on Fred's lips.

"I love you, I'll see you later." I say before I floo back to St Mongos.

- - - -

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you for 50k reads! I have a few more chapters left before I finish the series, which is quite sad but remember I have my other fanfic which is a fredweasleyxreader and is called 'Pinky Promise'.

I hope you all have a good day or are having a good day!

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