Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

290K 5.7K 7.2K

Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19.οΏΌ Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight

1.1K 29 20
By LaineWeasley

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all shout, with slight bangs going on throughout the room, before I pull Fred in for a kiss.

"This year is going to be good, I can feel it." Fred tells me.

"I'm glad you feel that way." I say with a small smile, as Arthur came round with glasses of Firewhisky. "No thank you, Arthur, it's already late and I've got to wake up with Thea and Lyra in the morning."

"More for the rest of us then." Arthur says, with a half drunken smile on his face.

"That's the spirit!" I say, cheering him on, as he goes up to Bill and Fleur asking if they would like some Firewhisky; I turn back to Fred and yawn. "I need sleep, I'm going to go up now."

"Do you want me to come up with you?" Fred says, with a drunken smirk on his face.

"No thank you, I'm tired enough as it is with this being the first trimester." I say quietly.

"Okay my love, I shouldn't be too long." Fred says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Sorry to cut this short everyone, but I am off to bed; I'm very tired and have to very energetic babies to wake up with in the morning." I say, going around giving everyone quick hugs before heading to bed.

As I head to bed, I check on Thea and Lyra who were fast asleep. I get ready for bed before settling in under the sheets, rubbing my stomach even though it hasn't began growing yet. As I begin to fall asleep, the bedroom door opens with Fred swaying in.

"Y/n, are you asleep?" Fred asks me, and I was half tempted not to answer him.

"No but, I was trying to." I say, rolling over to look at him.

"Did I disturb you?" Fred asks, taking off his clothes.

"No, but I'm glad you did." I say admiring his body.

"Cheeky." Fred says, as he begins to climb in bed with me.

"You love it." I say to him, sending him a wink.

"Oh I do." Fred says, pulling me into a kiss, we keep kissing for a couple of minutes until we both pull away. "Do you want to?"

"Do what? I ask him, and he raises his eyebrows at me. "Oh, that; yeah."


Fred pulls me in for another kiss, then trailing the kiss down my neck as he gets on top of me. He begins taking my clothes off the using the silencing spell.

Moving down my body, he leaves kisses down my breasts and stomach leaving me moaning already.

"Moaning already?" Fred asks, before making his way up to my lips again and kissing me again.

He then puts his fingers in me, which makes me moan even more, and he picks up the pace.

"Fred." I moan, and he begins kissing my neck again. "Freddie, I want you."

Before anything else could be said, Fred then took his pants off before giving me a look.

"I'm sure." I tell him.

"Good." He replies with a smirk.

He enters me, and we both groan with pleasure before he begins pacing up. The room is filled with our moans as he stays at a steady pace, beginning to rub my clit, making my legs shake.

"Enjoying that?" Fred asks cockily as he notices my legs shaking and just moan in response.

Fred quickens up his pace and the room fills with louder moans as we finish. We then lay in bed together, with my head on Fred's chest.


"I would say that we went into the new year with a bang." Fred says, and I laugh at his stupid comment.

"You are something else Fred." I say, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I know, we should get some sleep." Fred says and I nod my head in agreement, I was tired before but now I feel like I'm going to pass out asleep.

"Goodnight Freddie, I love you." I say to him.

"Goodnight my Angel, I love you too." He replies, and I shut my eyes.

Angel? He hasn't called me that I'm ages.

Fred and I get woken up with the baby monitor in the morning and we both groan from being so tired.

"I wish I didn't drink all of that Firewhisky last night." Fred groans as we get dressed to get Thea and Lyra sorted.

"I bet you did, I'm still feeling tired but first trimester is like that." I say to him, before we walk out of the door and down the hall.

We comfort the girls, before given them their own of two bottles a day with the other one being their bedtime one. We get them dressed, and ready for the day ahead, before we go down the stairs and see Molly and Arthur in normal condition.

"You look rough this morning, Fred." Arthur says, as we sit the girls in their high-chairs.

"He feels it too." I say, as I strap Thea into her chair.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy." Thea says, and I laugh at her.

"That is my name." I tell her as I go and help Molly cook breakfast even though she tells me not to.

"Molly, go and sit down and relax; I don't mind cooking." I tell her, and she goes and sits down and talks to the family.

I finish cooking eggs, bacon, sausages, toast and waffles take it to the table and Fred and I cut up food for Thea and Lyra, eating some ourselves.

"We have an order meeting tonight over radio." Arthur says, and Fred and I nod whilst helping the girls feed themselves.

"What time is it again?" Molly asks, as Ginny walks into the kitchen.

"Starting around six thirty." Arthur tells us as Ginny takes a sit on the other side of me.

"It's probably going to interfere with putting the girls to bed." Fred says, with a slight sigh.

"It is going to, we get them bathed at six thirty and in their pyjamas." I say tiredly.

"Well, we can write down anything important." Molly says.

"Thanks mum." Fred says.

"How's your head this morning?" I whisper to Ginny as I gave her some Firewhisky, I say some it was quite a bit.

"Fine thank you." She replies as she eats some breakfast.

"Well that's good." I say with a smile.

"Wonder when George and Angelina will wake up, their breakfast is going to be cold." Molly says, Fred and I share a glance knowing that they won't be up for a while.

"Hopefully soon." Fred says, as we watch the girls try and eat their breakfasts.

"I hope." Molly says.

We all eat breakfast with me going upstairs to have a shower and get myself ready for the day ahead. I'm halfway through my shower and I feel the sudden urge to be sick, I jump out of the shower and have my head hovering over the toilet, trying to wrap a towel round myself. Everything that I ate at breakfast came up.

"Fucking fabulous." I mutter to myself, cleaning up the mess and hoping in the shower to finish off, then brushing my teeth.

After getting dressed I walk back into the living room to see Fred and Ginny playing with Thea and Lyra as I go and then get myself a glass of water.

"Everything okay love?" Fred asks me.

"Not really." I say, and he looks at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asks, pulling me into a hug.

"Morning sickness." I whisper, and he rubs my back comfortingly. "Threw up everything I ate for breakfast."

"Do you need to go and lay down or are you okay?" Fred asks me.

"I'm okay, I just need to drink some more water and a day spent with my babies and husband." I tell him.

"Only if you are sure." Fred tells me, and we walk back into the living room.

"Granny!" Lyra says, crawling over to Molly clearly for a cuddle.

"That is the cutest thing." Ginny says.

"It really is, they adore mum." Fred says, pulling me into a side hug.

"Who doesn't?" I ask Fred. "Molly is an amazing women."

"See someone appreciates me." Molly says from across the room.

"We all appreciate you, but I suppose that y/n and Harry appreciate you and dad more as they are apart of the dead dad club." Ginny says, and my eyes widen slightly before laughing slightly.

"Okay, maybe and to be fair y/n did think that her parents were pure-blood supremacists the majority of her life and then all the other stuff happened." Fred says, as Thea sits on Ginny's lap.

"Can we talk about something more cheery than about how depressing my life was?" I say, and no one answers. "Thank you."

"Lets not dwell on the past." Arthur says, and I slightly cheer in agreement.

We hear the stairs creek and see a very tired and hungover George grace us with his presence.

"You missed breakfast." Molly says sternly, even though all but one of her children were adults they were still scared of her and I was also slightly scared but she has always been easier on me than the others.

"I know, I consumed so much Firewhisky and now I feel like I might die." George says, and Molly shakes her head knowing no matter how much she tells him he will not listen.

"What time did you stay up till?" Arthur asks.

"I don't even want to think about it." George replies, drinking some sort of potion and then some water before grabbing another pain potion and glass of water which was assumed it was for Angelina. "I'm heading back off to bed."

"Well, we finally know what happened to Georgie boy." Fred says, as I lean on him.

"Yeah, I can't wait till we can go out and socialise again." I say, feeling incredibly bored and isolated.

"Me too, hopefully it is sooner rather than later." Fred says in agreement.

"I fancy making some brownies, does anyone want to help?" I ask the group, and Ginny passes Thea to Fred.

"I will." Ginny says, and we walk into the kitchen gathering the ingredients, and I see her eyeing me up.

"What's up?" I ask Ginny, and she has a slight smile on her face.

"Nothing, well its something but that's for me to know and you to find out." She says, before beginning to weigh the ingredients out and I look at her confused for a second before the realisation hits me and my eyes widen.

"" I ask her slightly confused.

"So you know what I'm talking about then mama." Ginny says, with slight emphasis on the 'mama'.

"How do you even know, there is only Fred and I who know." I say, with a confused face.

"Well considering you kept palming off any Firewhisky to myself or Fred and then came up with any excuse not to have any, then as I was walking to my room to get something I heard you be sick, then you are more tired than usual oh - and don't forget all those hormones; so when I put all of the pieces together I wanted to see what your reaction was and well... it was as good as I expected." Ginny says, with a Weasley smirk similar to one that all of the Weasley children have.

"You crafty little shit, please don't tell your mum... or anyone for that matter, we are waiting till Arthur's birthday to tell them going to get two cards and then add from bump on the end of the grandad card." I tell Ginny.

"Don't worry I'll be out of your hair and not be able to tell anyone, and I'm not a blabber mouth anyway it would be Ron out of all of us that you would have to be careful for." Ginny begins telling me, before pulling me into a hug as we pull away she begins talking again. "Anyway, you are like a big sister to me - well you are my sister-in law but I swear to Merlin that I will not tell a soul."

"Well lets just hope Merlin and his long white beard will be fine then?" I say with a small laugh as we continue to make the brownies.

We joke around while we make the brownies, with Fred coming in at one point to get some pumpkin juice for Thea and Lyra; and Ginny gives Fred the same loom that she gave me.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Gin?" Fred asks, as I put the juice into two different beakers for the girls.

"She knows." I whisper to him, as like me he looks confused about it at first until the look of realisation hits him.

"How?" He asks.

"I'm a genius and don't worry your little secret is safe with me." Ginny tells him.

We sit eating the brownies and talking when Lyra decides she wants a mummy cuddle then Thea decides she wants a mummy cuddle too.

"Okay, you can both give mummy a cuddle." I tell them, as Thea snuggles in one side of me and Lyra on the other side.

"I feel left out." Fred says, looking at me with a frown on his face.

"You can always go and give your mum a cuddle." I tell Fred.

Of course Fred then went to sit on Molly's lap and give her a hug, even though he was towering over her.

"Always been a mummy's boy." Arthur says, as we all sit there laughing.

"Haven't all of them been a mummy's boys?" I ask.

"Well this is true." Ginny says. "At least you have me dad."

As soon as Ginny finishes that sentence she jumps onto Arthur and hugs him.

"Fred as much as I love giving you hugs you are too heavy for me." Molly says, and Fred gets off, coming to sit next to me and I lean my head on him.

"These two are tired." I say to him, as Molly, Arthur and Ginny begin their own conversations.

"You look tired as well." Fred says, pushing a stray hair from my face.

"Thanks love." I tell him, and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I don't mean like that, just with you - know - and I found that book that I got last time and it was talking about how tired you can get." Fred whispers.

"Your telling me, it's like I can go from one hundred percent to twenty in ten minutes." I say, slightly tired as I say Thea and Lyra falling asleep on me and Fred gently takes Lyra from my arms.

"It will be over in six weeks ish." Fred says, positioning Lyra so she can sleep comfortably.

"And then it starts again at the beginning of the third trimester." I tell him and he gives me a slight sympathetic look.

"It will all be okay, I'm here to look after the four of you." Fred says, and I give him a small smile as my eyes grow heavy. "Through everything."

"What a softy." I say with a small smile, with my eyes feeling heavy.

"You look like you need some sleep as well, let's go up to bed." Fred says, and I nod my head in agreement. "We are taking the girls up for their nap, and y/n is really tired as well."

"Is everything okay, y/n? You've been tired a lot recently." Molly says.

"Yeah, I just keep waking up in the night and struggle to get back to sleep." I lie.

"Okay, well I guess we will see you in a bit then." Molly says and with Fred and I gently carrying Thea and Lyra upstairs.

We lay them in their cots and we make our way to our room, as I snuggle up into Fred's arms, and he places a hand on my stomach.

"I'm glad I get to be here for everything this time." Fred tells me.

"Me too, but for now I would love a nap." I tel him.

"You can have your nap." Fred says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

I quickly fall asleep in Fred's arms, it was always the best way to fall asleep quickly. I then got woken up by the chatter of three gingers.

"Mummy up!" Lyra says as her and Thea climb on me.

"Girls play carefully with mummy." Fred tells them.

"Why?" Thea and Lyra say in unison.

"Because you have to be, okay?" Fred says slightly serious.

"Okay, daddy." Thea says, climbing on to Fred.

"Did you sleep okay, love?" Fred asks me.

"Yeah, and I got to see my three favourite people in the world this afternoon." I say with a big smile at the three of them.

"I would hope we are your favourites." Fred tells me.

"Of course you all are." I say with a smile.

We spend the rest of the afternoon chilling out in bed all together, with Fred setting up the projector for the four of us to watch some films. Within the next week, Ginny returned to Hogwarts again unwilling to say the least the morning sickness was getting worse and everyone began to notice.

"Are you sure it's just a sickness bug?" Molly asks me and I nod my head. "You've not left the house since last week when you and Fred went to the shops."

"It's could of been that." I tell her and she just nods at me.

The house was rather quiet as Angelina and George decided to go and stay at her parents house for a while and Fred was now busy with work stuff but Arthur was also helping him. Fred and I noticed a little bump forming now but luckily enough I always wear baggy clothes.

"Freddie, I honestly cannot wait for this to - " I begin saying as my head hovers over the toilet and I throw up for the fifth time in the day. "Stop."

"I know my love, hopefully it's only for two more weeks." Fred says, tickling my back in an attempt to sooth me.

"I can hope, did Thea and Lyra settle down for their nap okay?" I ask Fred.

"Yes they did, now stop worrying." Fred tells me, as he hands me a glass of water.

"I wish we had some sort of potion to help like last time." I tell him, as I then drink some water.

"I have tried and tried to find some, if there was anything I could do to help you know I would." Fred tells me.

"I know my love, it's your dads birthday next week so we can finally tell them." I say with a smile. "At least that's some weight off of our shoulders."

"I suppose that is true, I suppose we need to get stuff ready; but we won't need an excess of stuff." Fred says, and I nod my head in agreement.

"Having stuff for the girls already has been a big help, and most of the stuff is gender neutral." I say, no longer feeling sick. "I feel okay now."

"Right let's get you out of here." Fred says, as he helps me off of the floor.

"Thank you, love." I say, looking up at him and smiling. "Remember on the seventh I have scan all booked."

"Yeah I know, at least mum and dad will know by then." Fred tells me as we walk out of the bathroom and head down the stairs.

"Everything okay?" Arthur asks us, and we nod as Fred brings me a glass of orange juice over.

"We need to get the girls up soon." I tell Fred.

"Yeah, otherwise they'll not sleep tonight and whatever is happening in the meeting we will miss again." Fred says, and we go upstairs and wake Thea and Lyra up and they did not like that.

"You can't sleep all day, as much as you would like to no." Fred tells them both.

The and Lyra both slightly moan at us as we take them down the stairs were they began playing and all there focus went from being tired to playful as Fred and I watched them.

"They are so adorable." I tell Fred.

"They are, and their hair is getting so long." Fred says and I nod in agreement as Molly calls us in for lunch.

Like most days we done the same things over and over and over again, safe to say that I was done and couldn't wait for all of this shit to end.

The next week was approaching and it was the night before Arthur's birthday and I was writing out the cards, one is from Fred and I and the other is from Thea, Lyra and the baby. Fred was sitting sorting stuff out to do with the joke shop, which is usually for Fred to do. After writing the cards, I wrapped the presents with Fred placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Work all done?" I ask him.

"Yeah - well mostly." He says, sitting next to me on the sofa. "Come on you we should go to bed."

"Yeah lots of cuddles?" I ask him.

"Anything for you." Fred tells me, helping me off the sofa.

"So lots of cuddles it is then." I say with a small smile as we walk up the stairs.

We settle down in bed as we were both already in our pyjamas with Fred resting a hand on my stomach.

"Look at the bump you've already got." Fred says, then placing a kiss on the bump.

"Yeah, we can see how the baby is doing in a few days time." I say with a small smile with Fred then placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you, sleep well."

"I love you too, goodnight." Fred says, he then turns the light off and I soon fall asleep.

I naturally woke up in the morning, with Fred still sound asleep next to me. I decide to get myself showered and ready for the day ahead even putting some make up on, my hair was styled in my favourite way.

"Morning." Fred says sleepily from bed.

"Morning, sleep well?" I ask him.

"Yeah I did... wow look at you all dressed up." Fred says, getting out of bed and wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah, I woke up and I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to get myself ready for the day ahead before - " I was quickly cut off by babies crying. " - the girls woke up."

"I suppose we should go and get them sorted." Fred says and I nod my head and we walk out of the room to get the girls ready.

Once we sorted the girls out, Fred quickly got himself ready. We took Thea and Lyra down the stairs and sat them in their high chairs for breakfast.

"Happy birthday, Arthur." I say as we sit down.

"Happy birthday, dad." Fred says.

"Thank you - thank you." Arthur says, as Molly brings the breakfast to the table. "George, Angelina, Bill and Fleur are coming round in a bit, it will be nice to have more of the family around."

"Yeah, I think we all miss each other a lot." Fred replies as we eat breakfast.

"I do miss having you all running around, like that summer when you two got your OWLs and you went to the Quidditch World Cup." Molly begins saying. "Having all seven kids and Harry, Hermione and you here it was crazy but I loved having you all here."

"It was a fun summer." I say, making sure that Lyra was eating her food.

Molly and Arthur didn't know this but we got Charlie to come home for a few days for Arthur's birthday and he should be arriving soon. We all finished eating breakfast and Fred and I were clearing up when there was a knock on the front door and Molly goes to answer it.

"Charlie!" Molly shouts, and Fred and I share a smile as we see Molly pull Charlie in for a big hug.

"Mum, I can't breath." Charlie jokes as he shuts the door behind him.

"Charlie, it is lovey to see you." Arthur says as they make their way back into the living room.

"I have missed you all and happy birthday dad." Charlie says, as Fred and I finish the clearing up before walking into the living room where Charlie is hugging the girls.

"I know I haven't seen them since the end of August but wow they have grown so much, and I still genuinely cannot believe that they are one already." Charlie says, as he has Thea and Lyra both on his lap.

"They are like mini female versions of Fred and George." I say with a slight panicked smile.

"I bet that's fun." Charlie says, and I nod.

"I think someone is paying me back for the things George and I used to get up too." Fred says, with a small smile as he wraps an arm around me. "So how's Romania been?"

"It's okay - dragons are still as cool as ever and it's practically normal over there." Charlie says. "It's only over here that all of this is going on."

"Maybe we should move to Romania." Fred tells me and I just role my eyes playfully at him.

"I'm fine here thank you." I tell Fred.

We sit catching up with Charlie and it was nice to have someone else in the house with cool stories that we haven't been told yet. As Charlie is halfway through a story there is another knock at the door and I get up to get it and there is Bill and Fleur along with George and Angelina. I was careful when hugging everyone as Fred and I were waiting till everyone about the baby.

"Charlie!" Bill and George shout running over to the other red head.

With the room filling up with happiness and laughter something that hasn't felt like it's been here for a while.

"Time for presents!" Molly announces, as there was a pile of presents for Arthur on the coffee table next to him, Fred and I purposely put our stuff at the bottom.

Arthur sat opening his presents and there was a fair amount of muggle objects as apart of his presents, as Arthur began getting closer to the bottom of the pile I felt nervous and Fred picked up on it.

"Stop panicking." Fred whispers in my ear.

"I'm trying not too, but it is really hard not too." I whisper back.

"I get it, anyway dad is just opening our presents now." Fred says and my attention goes back to Arthur opening the presents we got him and he moved on to open the card and he opened the one from his grandchildren first.

"To grandad, happy birthday lots of love from Thea, Lyra and bump?" Arthur says, looking at Fred and I along with the rest of the room.

"Another grand baby?" Molly says, jumping up and running over to pull us both into a cuddle.

"Yes, another grand baby." Fred says, with the biggest smile. "Look."

As I was wearing a baggy dress which I pulled back to reveal a bump, the room filled with congratulations and Arthur and Molly were very excited to say the least.

"So how many babies to you two intend to have?" Bill asks. "Three within two years, now that's a handful."

"We only want three or four, and then we are done." I say and Fred nods in agreement. "It's not like it's only going to be them they are going to have each other - they will have their little cousins as well."

"So how do Thea and Lyra feel about being big sisters?" Bill asks, as I begin feeling sick.

"They don't really understand it at the moment." Fred tells him, as I leap out of my seat and run up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I throw up anything that I had consumed that day, and I feel some hands rub my back whilst also holding my hair back.

"It's okay love." Fred says as he continues to run my back for me.

"It's not but I do like the fact you are comforting me." I say, before throwing up again.

"Godric, I do feel sorry for you." Fred says, and I turn around for a split second and give him some daggers with my eyes, before throwing up again.

"You done this to me, so you should definitely feel sorry for me." I tell him, flushing the chain and no longer feeling sick.

"How you feeling now?" Fred asks me, as he continues to run my back.

"Better,I don't feel sick anymore so I should be okay to go down the stairs." I say, going to brush my teeth.

We go back down the stairs and I sit down on the chair I was previously sitting on and rest my head on Fred exhaustedly.

"That sounded horrific." George tells me with a look of disgust on his face.

"It is horrific, you are lucky you didn't hear that last time; but then again madam pomfrey gave me some potion to stop it being as bad." I say, as Fleur passes me Lyra.

"It was bad last time, but you could of asked me for something to stop it being this bad." Angelina says as she is at healer school.

"That's true, but then again this is my last pregnancy so I don't need to worry about any more morning sickness." I say, as Lyra cuddles me around the bump and she poked it.

"Mummy got a bump." Lyra says, and she looks at me. "Why mummy got bump?"

"Because there is a baby in there and he or she needs to grow." I tell her and she looks at me with fascination.

"Baby?" Thea asks.

"Oh this convention is gold." Charlie says, as Fred and I are going to need to try and tell our one year old daughters about babies.

"Yeah mummy is growing a baby in her belly." Fred says to her and she looks puzzled.

"Why?" Lyra asks and Fred and I were slightly speechless as we look at each other and I hear George say something from the either side of the table.

"Because mummy and daddy like to have a different kind of fun." George says, with Bill and Charlie snickering at his comment, and Angelina swats his arm as Molly begins telling him off.

"Because there is, in about six months time you'll have a little brother or sister." Fred explains and Thea and Lyra are no longer seem interested in the conversation but end up having their own conversation.

"George do you always need to be inappropriate?" I ask him and he nods his head.

"Molly can I ask how you have raised six boys?" I ask her.

"Sometimes I ask myself that." Molly replies and we all laugh.

We spend the rest of Arthur's birthday laughing and enjoying each other's company with Molly gushing about her new grand baby and George felt like he was being abandoned by his twin and best friends but overall everyone is extremely excited about the new Weasley.

- - - -

A/n: hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I have been writing this for the last couple of days and it would of been longer but I'm tired and wanted to get this chapter out, but now I'm on my Easter holidays so the updates will more frequent.

Hope you have all had a lovely day or are having a lovely day. Anyway I'm ill again my immune system is a joke and I feel really crap but I'm still updating my books!

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"We aren't friends?" Fred's tone was hard to read. "Well, I don't know, would you call us friends?" "Yeah?" I hummed thoughtfully. His face contor...
903K 24.6K 42
Ruth is the youngest of the Ash triplets. Born only three minutes after her sisters, Ruth has always been the odd one out. She's been invisible all...
54.3K 1.1K 50
You're a Slytherin, but your two best friends are none other than Fred and George Weasley from Gryffindor. You've always liked Fred. What if he's alw...
101K 3.1K 35
Y/N starts her 5th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the new Prefect girl. But she's not using her prefect abilities for what the...